"That Guy"

I would guess this applies to anyone who has taken a college course at one time or another.

"That Guy" is the dipshit who cannot shut his mouth during class. He constantly interrupts lecture to grace us with his unwanted opinion on every fucking thing possible. He's the guy who causes you to clinch your fist and roll your eyes everytime his hand goes up. The sound of his voice makes you want to pick up your desk, and smash it over his head.

Please tell me this is common, and I'm not being overly asshole-ish.

EDIT: I suppose "that guy" could be a woman, and this really shouldn't be limited to just college.
I also had someone like that in my Maths class. He got bullied a fair amount. Serves the cunt right. :lmao:
It's a chick in my fucking Creative Writing class. Just something most people take for fun, and to improve as writers, but she is a fucking cunt.
There was a dude in my degree class for Digital Media Design who didn't realise his computer was hooked up to the whiteboard that the lecturer uses from time to time. He also didn't notice that the whiteboard was on and that anything he was doing was being broadcast to the full class.

However, what I did notice was that everyone else seemed to be missing it and took it upon myself to silenty spread the word as this wanker typed in:


Needless to say, he went straight to the porn and not just porn, kiddie porn. As the full class watched in absolute horror, he flicked from page to page, not knowing that we were all watching his every move. Needless to say, he was removed from the course a few weeks later when his appeal for course termination was turned down.

A happy ending, I am sure you will all agree.
Fuck, I hope I'm not this guy. I raise my hand to speak a lot in class, but usually I try to keep personal opinion out of it as much as I can.
I also find that no matter how many of "these guys" I encounter, they all have one common trait; stupidity. None of them know what they're talking about, and hurt the quality of the lecture. Some of us are trying to take notes, and actually learn something. Pretty hard to do when Forrest Gump eats up half the class period with his pointless shit.
There was a dude in my degree class for Digital Media Design who didn't realise his computer was hooked up to the whiteboard that the lecturer uses from time to time. He also didn't notice that the whiteboard was on and that anything he was doing was being broadcast to the full class.

However, what I did notice was that everyone else seemed to be missing it and took it upon myself to silenty spread the word as this wanker typed in:


Needless to say, he went straight to the porn and not just porn, kiddie porn. As the full class watched in absolute horror, he flicked from page to page, not knowing that we were all watching his every move. Needless to say, he was removed from the course a few weeks later when his appeal for course termination was turned down.

A happy ending, I am sure you will all agree.

...now THAT is what I call a bad day at school. What a cunt.
There was a dude in my degree class for Digital Media Design who didn't realise his computer was hooked up to the whiteboard that the lecturer uses from time to time. He also didn't notice that the whiteboard was on and that anything he was doing was being broadcast to the full class.

However, what I did notice was that everyone else seemed to be missing it and took it upon myself to silenty spread the word as this wanker typed in:


Needless to say, he went straight to the porn and not just porn, kiddie porn. As the full class watched in absolute horror, he flicked from page to page, not knowing that we were all watching his every move. Needless to say, he was removed from the course a few weeks later when his appeal for course termination was turned down.

A happy ending, I am sure you will all agree.

At my school, we had a ton of sites blocked, and the teacher caught me bypassing security to get into Facebook. He shut down my computer, and when logged back on he took control of my computer and wrote "Detention for a week, Mr. Smith." in a Word document.

Sly little fucker.
There's tons of kids like that at my high school, and pretty much 100% of them have no idea what they're talking about, and usually what they say makes no sense.

Also, Dave wins this thread.
At my school, we had a ton of sites blocked, and the teacher caught me bypassing security to get into Facebook. He shut down my computer, and when logged back on he took control of my computer and wrote "Detention for a week, Mr. Smith." in a Word document.

Sly little fucker.

That is badass.
Until I found out the Admin's password to the school computers and could do anything I wanted to, then I fucked with teachers all the time.
There's tons of kids like that at my high school, and pretty much 100% of them have no idea what they're talking about, and usually what they say makes no sense.

(Hand goes up) "If you don't mind, I have something I'd like to add..."

Exact sequence of events every-fucking-time the professor finishes a point. You can tell the teacher is getting annoyed as well, but still hasn't had the balls to call the guy out.
Being that I've never even so much as stepped foot in a college class, I've never experienced these people.

However, for me, "That Guy" is the douche that wears the shirt of the band he's going to see in concert. This is why I always wear the EXACT opposite of the band. Going to see Henry Collins? Wear a Sarah McLachlan shirt. Vice versa.
No it's definitely not you, I hate "those guys". It often tends to be people older than the rest of the class because they don't have any peers so they spend all their time trying to learn instead of talking, it ruins the general laidback attitude for me cos if they do well, everyone else gets shit on. I hate the highly opinionated vocal people in general.
It's worrying when there's no "That Guy" and you cry thinking it's you but actually he started today (not yesterday) and is a complete cock.
There is also the sophomores in my high school, who couldn't pass History the first time, and now we're stuck with them. The pot smoking, skinny jean wearing, greasy long hair type of kids. The kids who don't care about detention, and try to piss the teacher off every single day with their comments.

What sucks, is not only do I have to deal with one of these kids, but later in the day, I get a whole group of them in Spanish 1. (They already took a language twice, and are now using Spanish 1 as a blow off). I feel bad for the poor old Spanish teacher, she tries to yell..but it doesn't work.
Holy shit, I remember that kind of crap when I was in college. High school, too. There were times in college when we'd be able to leave class early if the teacher got through the material, but half the time it wouldn't happen because of bastards (and bitches) like that.

And to steal a line from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...

"Don't let me stand in your way, please don't let me stand in your way. The last thing I want to be remembered as is an annoying blabbermouth... You know, nothing grinds my gears worse than some chowderhead that doesn't know when to keep his big trap shut... If you catch me running off with my mouth, just give me a poke in the chops..."
(Hand goes up) "If you don't mind, I have something I'd like to add..."

Exact sequence of events every-fucking-time the professor finishes a point. You can tell the teacher is getting annoyed as well, but still hasn't had the balls to call the guy out.

Phew, I'm not that guy. Saying, "If you don't mind," must be the most obnoxious thing a person can say when giving input on a question. He fucking called on you asshole, of course he doesn't mind.
Not just in college. Also in high school. Told the guy to shut the fuck up. Then ended up in the office.

in like 8 out of 12 classes I have had in high school there is this Girl who is so Freaking annoying,She writes about her Current Celeb crushes on the Class room board (I have little Amount of people in my class),Claps LOUDLY i got so shocked when i first heard her clap and she always skips or shows up late then she doesn't do her work and she complains a lot the only good thing is she used to play her horrible Techno music So loud
And when Talking with her friends she is one of those really loud People that you just wanna Smack

also in history class today we were watching WW1 videos and no one cared they all just chatted Loudly and my friend and I hated it because they were telling us about people that died for our freedom for our rights for us and they show complete disrespect
I could of wrote less but i felt like writing

I am not Trying to be racist but most Black Males in my school would fit as "The Guy"
and they think they are cool

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