Thank you Lita!!!!

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there were rumors about cena defending the title at a house show that is scheduled before summerslam, so hopefully he'll lose it soon
Eternal Dragon .. good job

u wanna know something guys ? Amy is Amy nothing changed .. shes still that kind lady .. and i read in a site once that she isnt happy with this storyline being heel , she isnt happy bout losing many i mean millions of fans
well i mean i realize that ur a lita fan and all based off of ur s/n but if she's so unhappy about losing fans, then she prbly shouldn't have screwed over matt in real life, and clearly wwe was able to use that as a storyline
thats kinda bs isn't it? "o well sry, i fell in love with sumone else, c ya later" i know i'd b pretty pissed, and even if u would do that, lita obviously handled it differently, god knows how many "sex celebrations" they had prior to matt finding out about it
I'm sure Amy Dumas hasn't changed too much, but she should have thought twice about having that affair. When you're a public figure that appears on TV in front of millions, word gets around. I was at MSG when the story got out, and the crowd was absolutely deafening with the "****!" and "We Want Matt!" chants, even though she was still a face.

The optimistic way of looking at this is that she gets more crowd reaction than any of the other Divas, and her position with the company has to be pretty secure now. Of course, if she is unhappy about current WWE storylines, she could always head over to TNA - they're going to have a real women's division over there eventually.
i can't say that would be a bad idea, i can see her and gail kim putting on sum good matches over there
i guess ur right tna are like the off-brands of wrestling, lita prbly shouldn't be put on a wrestling sideshow like that
WWE is more "famous" than TNA because they have the heritage and the money to promote themselves. TNA is an upstart company that's done pretty well for itself in its four years. It was founded by Jeff and Jerry Jarrett in 2002, so it's not in the same league as WWE in terms of money and popularity. But with everything proportionate to cashflow and visibility, TNA has done a commendable job whereas WWE has to be considered either average or below average. Let's face it, ratings have dropped and the quality of the product has declined due to lack of competition over the years. TNA's growing popularity just might force the company to step up - that said, don't be surprised if certain WWE Superstars become dissatisfied with their current roles and decide to make the jump to TNA.
alright dude clearly tna is composed of a bunch of wrestlers that worked for wwe b4, in my opinion yes ratings have dropped, but things are still working out for wwe at the moment, and my feeling is with benoit, angle, rvd, boogeyman, and others set to return ratings will be fine, the only idiot that decided he wanted to leave the big leagues and go to tna recently is christian, he just wanted a title match he wasn't ready for, in my opinion smackdown! went downhill every since eddie died
Lita is still shit.
Tna is catching wwe no matter what anyone thinks word IS getting out there about tna.
Christian would have owned with the wwe title around his waiste, And i for one was glad he left to a place where they actually let ppl shine not hold them down.
i guess all the stars shine in a promotion like tna, lol maybe he'll get to face sharkboy sumtime soon
Lita was and still is a great wrestler.I do feel sorry for her and the heat she is getting but it ain't entially unjustifide....
I felt Christan was really getting over on RAW then he got drafted (shafted??) over to smackdown and that just about killed him.
RKO #1 said:
alright dude clearly tna is composed of a bunch of wrestlers that worked for wwe b4

That may be true to an extent, but they are free to wrestle the way they want in TNA. In other words, they don't have to stick to Vinnie Mac's strict safety standards of not using piledrivers and high risk top rope maneuvers, and the overuse of "rest holds" like the reverse chinlock. You see, Vinnie doesn't trust his wrestlers to execute these maneuvers because he thinks they will get injured more often than not.

Apparently you have not been introduced to TNA's X Division. Not only does this division not include any "WWE Rejects", but you will see more death-defying maneuvers and a diverse array of finishers that WWE's pitiful excuse for a Cruiserweight division can't even come close to. Check out Petey Williams's Canadian Destroyer, AJ Styles's Styles Clash, Frankie Kazarian's Back To The Future, etc. I guarantee you that you will see tons of moves that Vinnie Mac wouldn't dare let his sports entertainers use in the ring.
while that may be true, i think itz obvious who's doing better to this point, i've seen their x divison and while i love petey william's finisher, the moves that they are allowed to do in tna doesn't really do much for their overall rating, let's face it, they are still second rate to wwe and always will be, in my opinion maybe they should be a little less free about how they wrestle, perhaps if they were then chris candido would still be with us
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