Thank you Lita!!!!

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Demolisher said:
Wow, Edge selling an FU through a table made him go through so much pain. Your a damm mark, you take it like wrestling real, get a fucking life.

They aren't the ones cuursing about a wrestling show, you are, sounds to me like you are taking all of this a little too seriously. After al what do you care what a mark thinks?

On a side note, I don't hink Edge deserves the belt, heck Edge shouldn't even have a job right now. LEts put it his way, if he were in the NFL and got hurt as much as he does, they would have released/fired him long ago. On top of that, he messes up way too much and for that reason as well he doesn't deserve to be champ. Cena like him or hate him, was a good champion. For one Triple H was impressed with him, and that is saying something. Also Cena may not be the best wrestler, but neither was The Rock and Cena has the ability to pull crowds like the Rock did. Also the only reason Edge is pushed is all the time and money that WWE has put into Edge, they want o see what they can get. It is aparrent too me and a lot of others that with Edge you get a lazy, injury prone wrestler who has poor mic skills and the only thing worse than Edge's mic skills is the fact hat he steals evey single move he uses. Ie the Impaler/Super DDT, Conchairto(stolen from Christian, the sinlge one was used by Christian first), and the Spear which belonged to Rhyno and Goldturd err I mean Goldberg. So I am unimpressed with Edge. His manager isn't anything to look at either. The only difference between Edge and Nitro is the fact that Melina(sp) is hot and Lita is not. Lita looks like a shemale. She has a jaw of a man and I am wiling to bet Lita used to be a man. I have never liked Lita. The only person more injury prone than Edge is Lita, so they are a good fit together.
Undertaker said:
Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!
Yeah... missing spots can never happen... the only reason why Cena doesn't miss spots is because he barely does any, Edge has done them almost his whole career, accidents CAN happen.
That's right- accidents do happen. You can't condemn a guy for just one thing. It shouldn't have happened though. On another not- I like Cena but, Edge deserves that title. He's an amazing wrestler and does not deserve to be a transitional champion yet again.

Flames Out
Alright first of all. I've been an Edge fan since the beggining. Edge has been in the WWE for years now and he's stayed there because of the fact that he is a great wrestler, a great entertainer and wheter you love him or you hate his guts, he still draws your attention and has everyone (specially the Edge haters) talking about him. It is dissapointing to see him win a lot by cheating, either with interference by Lita or cheapshots with weapons, but it doesn't mean (to those who think Edge does those things in real life) that he sux. He is a heel, so of course he is gonna cheat his way to victory, but people are mostly thinking he is unprofessional and stuff because of the "Rated R" Edge of these days. If you see the gimmicks and matches he had before he even started talking about the WWE championship, you can see Edge is just as good of a wrestler and entertainer as John Cena. I don't like John Cena for the fact that he held the title too long and still wants it back like it was his when he came to WWE or something, and the fact that he all around bores me everytime I see him, but I know he can wrestle and he is a preety good athlete, as well as Edge. Edge wins his matches by cheating as well as he looses them fair and square because of his heel gimmick, not because he is unprofessional or anything. He won tonight by luck basically and that's preety entertaining and yet dissapointing at the same time. Edge is a great wrestler, all around entertainer and DESERVES to be champion. But I think he should win matches like a champion and start kicking ass like he used to before. My point is people should stop hating on Edge for being a heel and just realize this is ENTERTAINMENT.

Peace out
BretHartfan82 said:
Yes I agree with you Edge should not be champ he can't even win his own matches for one,two he has to have no rules to win,and three he is unprofessional.

1 he wins by cheating because he is a heel it's part of the act

2 once again part of the act

3 how is he unprofessional

as for him missing a spot waaa it happens
quejodiendaniqueyo said:
Alright first of all. I've been an Edge fan since the beggining. Edge has been in the WWE for years now and he's stayed there because of the fact that he is a great wrestler, a great entertainer and wheter you love him or you hate his guts, he still draws your attention and has everyone (specially the Edge haters) talking about him. It is dissapointing to see him win a lot by cheating, either with interference by Lita or cheapshots with weapons, but it doesn't mean (to those who think Edge does those things in real life) that he sux. He is a heel, so of course he is gonna cheat his way to victory, but people are mostly thinking he is unprofessional and stuff because of the "Rated R" Edge of these days. If you see the gimmicks and matches he had before he even started talking about the WWE championship, you can see Edge is just as good of a wrestler and entertainer as John Cena. I don't like John Cena for the fact that he held the title too long and still wants it back like it was his when he came to WWE or something, and the fact that he all around bores me everytime I see him, but I know he can wrestle and he is a preety good athlete, as well as Edge. Edge wins his matches by cheating as well as he looses them fair and square because of his heel gimmick, not because he is unprofessional or anything. He won tonight by luck basically and that's preety entertaining and yet dissapointing at the same time. Edge is a great wrestler, all around entertainer and DESERVES to be champion. But I think he should win matches like a champion and start kicking ass like he used to before. My point is people should stop hating on Edge for being a heel and just realize this is ENTERTAINMENT.

Peace out

Exactly, I couldn't have said it any better!! He's heel so of course he's going win most matches by cheating. It's to generate heat- and I guess it's working.

Flames Out
Foley_Fan said:
Ya he makes people hate him but screwing stuff up endangers you and your opponent.And two badly injured superstars arent very uselful. Find some other way to make people hate you dont endanger you and other people

Ironic statement, coming from a Foley fan... I'm not saying it's RIGHT to endanger yourself and your opponent, I'm saying it's an easy way to get people to hate you if you're a heel. We'd hardly be having this discussion if Edge made decisions based on "right versus wrong".

Oh, and I'm also not implying that Mick Foley screws up his spots. Rather, he INTENTIONALLY endangered himself many times during his career. And granted, he rarely if ever knowingly endangered his opponents as recklessly as Edge seems to. But the fact remains that reckless endangerment leads to sick spots, and sick spots lead to higher re-watch value. Yeah, I hate to think that wrestlers are intentionally trying to hurt one another, but I also won't deny that if it happens, I'm right on the edge of my seat chanting "Holy sh*t!" with the rest of the crowd.

This by no means excuses Edge in my book, but it does help explain it.
Undertaker said:
Did you see Edge miss the spot? He doesn't deserve to be champion missing shit like that! He could've gotten Cena and himself hurt.

Before you say it was an accident. So what! Owen Hart falling to his death was an accident. DLO dropping Droz on his neck was an accident, Goldberg kicking Bret and ending his career was an accident.

Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!
Everyone is entitled to a mistake(like posting the same thing twice such as yourself).:wwf:
I don't like cheating... that's wrong esspecialy when it's about the WWE Championship...
Undertaker said:
lol I told you.

He missed the spot totally.

He nearly got Cena and himself hurt, BAD.

Edge was gonna try to uperplex Cena but it sturned into a freak DDT flip
Fuck are u people serious....................Edge is awesome and a change from watching john cena come to the ring and talk about his chain Gang(even though he still does) John cenas on screen appearence has been fucked now, They need to get him out of the spotlight for awhile Edge needs a fued with someone else. And to all the edge haters Thankyou for hating him because its u that make him popular
Dude Shut the FUCK up man who the FUCK gives a FUCK about people like you FUCKing complaining about Cena's FUCKing screen time so what the man gets a lot of apperance whats wrong with that we saw JBL for about 15 FUCKing months so why are FUCKing complaining about Cena's? HUH!?
HighflyaTNA said:
Dude Shut the FUCK up man who the FUCK gives a FUCK about people like you FUCKing complaining about Cena's FUCKing screen time so what the man gets a lot of apperance whats wrong with that we saw JBL for about 15 FUCKing months so why are FUCKing complaining about Cena's? HUH!?

Yeah I agree but dude calm down. It's only wrestling.:icon_exclaim:
sorry dude its just people like that get on my nerves i havea overactive temper
Demolisher said:
Wow, Edge selling an FU through a table made him go through so much pain. Your a damm mark, you take it like wrestling real, get a fucking life.
Why would being a Cena hater make you any less of a mark than a guy wanting to see Edge "hurt"? If heat were a determination of who should be champ, then John Cena should be champ FOREVER. Just look at that dude, Fatts' sig. Hwhat?! Hahaha. Also, look at the guys who hacked Cena's myspace. Look at that stupid display from the fans at ONS. Can you feel all of that? It's heat. Edge botched a move. He cheats to win. His valet has more drawing power than him. So what? He has no where near as much heat as Cena. And if you want trumped up stats, chu got it. From what the guys say on wrestlezone, Cena's fans are only fat girls and kids. From not taking a representive sample of the exact WWE demographic, I would wager that that is not a lot of people. So, that means that Cena is hated by all men and all women who are not fat. That's a lot of people. That's a lot of heat. I also sense a lot of marks, and before you start calling me a Cena mark, I'd like to point out that if I'm a mark for anybody in this whole mess, it's Lita. She looks like a shemale? The guy who said that must be gay or 12. Lita is the hottest Diva in the WWE. Trish Stratus?! Don't make me chuckle, and Lita CAN wrestle thank you very much. Sector 6, here I come!
Dude have u seen lita recently she does look like a man lol, Her new hairstyle is god damm fucking ugly plain and simple. That coming from someone who would fuck anything isnt something to be proud of
I have seen Lita lately, and the parts seem to still be in the correct location. Her hairstyle may not be to your liking, but's only hair. One of my "podnas" said the same thing. I say if you wrap a piece of gold in toilet paper, you still have gold.
Smokeydogg said:
1 he wins by cheating because he is a heel it's part of the act

2 once again part of the act

3 how is he unprofessional

as for him missing a spot waaa it happens
it's pretty evident he can't win without cheating doesn't matter if he is a heel or part of an act just look at the match with Matt Hardy,how is he unprofessional just watch the show and you see.
theguppee1234 said:
... And you created a whole thread saying how Cena sucks and you hate him? How original. Find the other 1,000,000 Cena hate threads and post it there.

What a generic statement coming from a generic pissant like yourself. Eat shit kuntmuscle. I'm the only cool thing about this place btw so don't bother complaining about me again just because you're not man enough to be as prolific of a poster as I am. Dick.
Mickey-B said:
Yeah... missing spots can never happen... the only reason why Cena doesn't miss spots is because he barely does any, Edge has done them almost his whole career, accidents CAN happen.

Yeah they CAN happen but with a guy who is supposed to be a main eventer, it shouldn't and doesn't!

Triple H has never made a mistake like that! Neither has HBK, or any other big time guy! Only Edge and then his wanker fans can't admit he blew it, which is why your dumbass is making excuses instead of criticizing him for it.
Ipswichicon said:
Everyone is entitled to a mistake(like posting the same thing twice such as yourself).:wwf:

Yeah...everyone is...but that is how serious injuries happen!

DROZ, BRET, OWEN! I know OWEN died at his own hands and stuff but it was still an accident.

Edge is supposed to be this TOP TIER guy like most of you, his wanker fans say then he shouldn't make mistakes!

Like it or not, you know I am right, so stop making excuses for his ass. This isn't the first spot he's blown in matches!
actually once Triple H went for a pedigree on a table and broke it before he could do it hurting himself and i think steve austin
Has any one else seen that pedigree HHH did early in his career where the guy lands on the top of his head that looks brutal
I agree, Triple H may have done it in the begging of his career.

HOWEVER, in the prime of his career as a MAIN EVENTER and HW CHAMP, he does not botch moves.

Like it or not, you wankers can't admit Edge screwed up. You wankers can not admit he shouldn't be HW Champ because of shit like this!
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