Thank you Lita!!!!

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Deadman walking

Occasional Pre-Show
A big thank you to the Lovley Lita for costing that punk John Cena the WWE title!!!!

Edge is a great champion!!!

God damn J.r takes wrestling too serously
1) should this be a whole topic? You should of just posted this in the SNME disscion(sp) thread

2)Of course JR takes wrestling seiously, thats his job
... And you created a whole thread saying how Cena sucks and you hate him? How original. Find the other 1,000,000 Cena hate threads and post it there.
F U you SOB Lita is a bitch ho and Cena kicked Edge's ASS so Cena fans even though we dont have the Champ the SOB that is Champ just got is ASS whooped!!!HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!
^Stop riding Cena's dick okay your getting fucking annoying, and this thread it pointless. yes thank god Edge is champion, but you don't have to do the macarena.
Did you see Edge miss the spot? He doesn't deserve to be champion missing shit like that! He could've gotten Cena and himself hurt.

Before you say it was an accident. So what! Owen Hart falling to his death was an accident. DLO dropping Droz on his neck was an accident, Goldberg kicking Bret and ending his career was an accident.

Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!
Did you see Edge miss the spot? He doesn't deserve to be champion missing shit like that! He could've gotten Cena and himself hurt.

Before you say it was an accident. So what! Owen Hart falling to his death was an accident. DLO dropping Droz on his neck was an accident, Goldberg kicking Bret and ending his career was an accident.

Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!
Demolisher said:
^Stop riding Cena's dick okay your getting fucking annoying, and this thread it pointless. yes thank god Edge is champion, but you don't have to do the macarena.

I dont ride Cena's dick and seeing Edge on his back crying for Mercy just brightened my day because my day has been crappy so far
:fu2: :flipa: :2up: :fuckoff:
Wow, Edge selling an FU through a table made him go through so much pain. Your a damm mark, you take it like wrestling real, get a fucking life.
Undertaker said:
Did you see Edge miss the spot? He doesn't deserve to be champion missing shit like that! He could've gotten Cena and himself hurt.

Before you say it was an accident. So what! Owen Hart falling to his death was an accident. DLO dropping Droz on his neck was an accident, Goldberg kicking Bret and ending his career was an accident.

Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!
Yes I agree with you Edge should not be champ he can't even win his own matches for one,two he has to have no rules to win,and three he is unprofessional.
No i didnt say it had to fuckin hurt you F***tard i said seeing Edge in pain is godamn good do you unstannd english fucktard?huh because apparently you dont have a godamn brain F***tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your calling me a fucktard? when you could barely understand that post. Pfft bitch please. And i'm just stating my opinion and i'll stop cause both his and my post in this thread are currently pointless.
F you B%#@a#!% you callin me a god*** b***!? I DONT THINK !@@#@#$$%$%$%%^%^% WRESTLING IS @!@$#@$@#$@$#$@#$#@%$#^%$^%@#@! REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU !@@!$!%$@#%$&^%*&*&^%$^%$@#$#@#%$^%&%$^!!!!!!!!@!#$@%$!@#@!!!!
Edge missed the spot where he and Cena went crashing to the mat.

It wasn't planned. He missed it toally because he missed judged his footing, even Ross said it. How you could miss it, is beyond me!

Edge blew it and missing spots like that will never win a guy like me over, who thinks he is lousy in the ring anyway!
TheKingofKings22 said:
OH I do remember damn I forgot about that.

lol I told you.

He missed the spot totally.

He nearly got Cena and himself hurt, BAD.
I've gotten so fed up with Edge to the point that I actually want Cena to win so I don't havta hear Edge try to blow smoke up everyone's ass about how he's the highest rated champ ever and how's he's so great. Cena is far from the best wrestler...but hell its the lesser of two evils. Plus I think the Edge/Lita thing is just stupid at this point.
I agree Kingofkings...

Edge and Lita should've been split up months ago. Not to mention Edge being the highest rated champ ever? Possibly, but thats because most of the fans thought he'd have to drop it to Matt, which never happened!

WWE got the fans hopes up and then stepped on them like a bully stepping on a flower! They had a gold mine with Mat Hardy and blew it!

I really wish Matt would've gone to TNA!
As much as I can't stand Edge at this point in time, I have to admit he's doing his job... Getting the fan base all worked up in discussion forums is certainly a tangible evidence of drawing heat. Edge is very good at getting people to hate him, both in the ring and as himself (Adam Copeland), so it's no wonder why he makes for such an effective heel. Screwing up spots and dicking over his friends for some poon are just some of the ways this guy manages to get everyone all riled up.
Necropoleon said:
As much as I can't stand Edge at this point in time, I have to admit he's doing his job... Getting the fan base all worked up in discussion forums is certainly a tangible evidence of drawing heat. Edge is very good at getting people to hate him, both in the ring and as himself (Adam Copeland), so it's no wonder why he makes for such an effective heel. Screwing up spots and dicking over his friends for some poon are just some of the ways this guy manages to get everyone all riled up.

Ya he makes people hate him but screwing stuff up endangers you and your opponent.And two badly injured superstars arent very uselful. Find some other way to make people hate you dont endanger you and other people
Undertaker said:
Did you see Edge miss the spot? He doesn't deserve to be champion missing shit like that! He could've gotten Cena and himself hurt.

Before you say it was an accident. So what! Owen Hart falling to his death was an accident. DLO dropping Droz on his neck was an accident, Goldberg kicking Bret and ending his career was an accident.

Doesn't matter if it was an accident. If Edge wants to be a legit HW champion or maineventer, he shouldn't miss key spots in a main event match! All the more reason Edge should not be champion!

i agree and edge sucks monkey balls
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