Tell us who should or should not be the ABC Party's candidate

They just need to do something different with Ted. Something that will make him stand out from the others. He gets accused of being generic. That's what happens if you have no gimmick. It is WWE's fault and not Ted's because the only gimmick they gave him was a ripoff of his dad's. They should give him a chance to get over on his own with an actual gimmick. That has yet to happen, therefore I agree that they dropped the ball on him because they never truly gave him a chance.

This is one I came up with (took me a long time to find off my phone), but it's not the only one. Sometimes Dagger has the tendency to churn out a bunch of short reponses and it looks like post count padding. Yeah, he doesn't do it all the time, I won't deny that he can come up with good stuff -- all I'm saying is that his level of activity isn't exactly a great asset.

I know I'm not the only one who thinks this either. Hell, it was brought up in the Bar Room and multiple people agreed that Merk is a better choice.
I have basically been time-consumed up to this point, and haven't had a chance to read all of this, none-the-less post. Just letting you know I hope to be caught up tomorrow, and that my post concerning my campaign status, my goals, views, and ideals, my plans and sections for them, and such and such shall be posted soon, more than likely tomorrow.
This is one I came up with (took me a long time to find off my phone), but it's not the only one. Sometimes Dagger has the tendency to churn out a bunch of short reponses and it looks like post count padding. Yeah, he doesn't do it all the time, I won't deny that he can come up with good stuff -- all I'm saying is that his level of activity isn't exactly a great asset.

I know I'm not the only one who thinks this either. Hell, it was brought up in the Bar Room and multiple people agreed that Merk is a better choice.

I can only assume that this is a divide and conquer tactic, trying to turn guys in the ABC Party against themselves, which is sound strategy, but simply won't work. The fact of the matter is, either Dagger or MTM would make a great mod and you all know it. It's personal preference as to which one you would choose (or you may choose neither, hint, hint) but at the end of the day, these guys won't turn on each other, and the guys in our group will remain a cohesive unit.

To accuse Dagger of post padding is just silly. Is every single solitary one of his posts a Pulitzer prize winner? No, but then again, that applies to each and every one of us. Some of his posts are better than others, but that's likely due to time, interest in the topic, whatever. It's one thing to look through hundreds of someone's posts, find one or two that are not as great as usual, and then suggest post padding. I've never seen any evidence of post padding from Dagger whatsoever.
This is one I came up with (took me a long time to find off my phone), but it's not the only one. Sometimes Dagger has the tendency to churn out a bunch of short reponses and it looks like post count padding. Yeah, he doesn't do it all the time, I won't deny that he can come up with good stuff -- all I'm saying is that his level of activity isn't exactly a great asset.

I know I'm not the only one who thinks this either. Hell, it was brought up in the Bar Room and multiple people agreed that Merk is a better choice.

A couple of things here.

1. I had to laugh at the fact that you went through his posts to try and find one. I was being facetious- Nothing is going to change my mind that Dagger is a good poster. Almost anyone is going to be scrutinized for having a high post count. Hell, I used to hear it, and my post count isn't very high, is it? I failt to get the criticism of someone who, gosh, enjoys posting? Likes posting in a variety of sections, and has interest in a numerous amount of topics? That should be criticized?

2. That was the post you picked? Like Habs said, it doesn't need to be a Golden Keyboard type post in every scenario. In that case, Dagger addressed the topic, gave sound reasoning as to why he believed that way, and reiterated his statement at the end. And it's as simple as that as to why its a good post. Id highly prefer to read that on a shallower topic such as DiBiase then a word fort any day of the week.

3. One of the important things here, and Im emphasizing this to this party as well as to others. Our frontrunners, as I see them, are all long-time posters who have been here for awhile and know the ins and outs of WZ and what it takes to be successful here. They've done everything but moderate on the site, and while it's not an easy thing to step into, it will be far easier for them then a newer poster.

I see the following viable candidates from those who really seem to want it:

Dagger Dias

If Ive missed someone, my apologies, but these seem to be the three that really want it. And they're all experienced, veteran posters who have been nothing but good for this forum. They work on generating discussion everywhere they post, and their opinions are widely respected. Again, it's no slight to the newer posters who desire to be Mods, but these simply have the advantage. As someone with six months experience as a Moderator, I urge our party to rally around a veteran poster. For you newer guys, your time will come. But our best chance as a party to win is with someone who's experienced and has a good knowledge of all the working areas of the fourm, including extensive experience in the forum they want to moderate. Habs, Dagger, and Merkley all do. Ill support any of the three of them through the end of this, and I encourage all of you to do so as well.
Nothing is going to change my mind that Dagger is a good poster.
This is the kind of blind faith that gave us Adolf Hitler.

See? I can do it too!

Almost anyone is going to be scrutinized for having a high post count. Hell, I used to hear it, and my post count isn't very high, is it? I failt to get the criticism of someone who, gosh, enjoys posting? Likes posting in a variety of sections, and has interest in a numerous amount of topics? That should be criticized?
He's not interested in the topics. He just likes feeling important. And you're going to have a hard time convincing me otherwise.

2. That was the post you picked? Like Habs said, it doesn't need to be a Golden Keyboard type post in every scenario. In that case, Dagger addressed the topic, gave sound reasoning as to why he believed that way, and reiterated his statement at the end. And it's as simple as that as to why its a good post. Id highly prefer to read that on a shallower topic such as DiBiase then a word fort any day of the week.
How about not putting finger to keyboard for dime-a-dozen fluff that everyone and their mother is going to say anyway? I like the sound of that. I understand that you're one of them "generate discussion" mods and churning out heartless bullshit like that is your bread and butter, but I'm certainly not going to pat anyone on the back for it -- Not out here, and not when I'm in the Board Room.

3. One of the important things here, and Im emphasizing this to this party as well as to others. Our frontrunners, as I see them, are all long-time posters who have been here for awhile and know the ins and outs of WZ and what it takes to be successful here. They've done everything but moderate on the site, and while it's not an easy thing to step into, it will be far easier for them then a newer poster.

I see the following as those who really seem to want it:

Dagger Dias

If Ive missed someone, my apologies, but these seem to be the three that really want it. And they're all experienced, veteran posters who have been nothing but good for this forum. They work on generating discussion everywhere they post, and their opinions are widely respected. Again, it's no slight to the newer posters who desire to be Mods, but these simply have the advantage.
You forgot to mention moi.
This is the kind of blind faith that gave us Adolf Hitler.

See? I can do it too!

Hardly blind faith. I didn't throw 15 names on a page and say "Any of them would be a good choice." I selected the 3 people I (a). Know Best with regards to what they do on this forum (b)People I feel would do the best job. But nice try though in turning forum elections into a Hitler comparison.

With regards to Dagger, it's not as if I just saw him posting yesterday, he's been a regular for the two years since Ive joined. Id say noticing him for that period of time and seeing what an asset he could be is the opposite of blind faith.

He's not interested in the topics. He just likes feeling important. And you're going to have a hard time convincing me otherwise.

I'm glad that you've expanded your skillset to include psychic so that you're able to read his intentions for why he posts. Nicely done. Or, one could just come to the conclusion that as usual, you're just being presumptous?

How about not putting finger to keyboard for dime-a-dozen fluff that everyone and their mother is going to say anyway? I like the sound of that. I understand that you're one of them "generate discussion" mods and churning out heartless bullshit like that is your bread and butter, but I'm certainly not going to pat anyone on the back for it -- Not out here, and not when I'm in the Board Room.

I do like to generate discussion. I feel like that makes for a better forum when people see things in a different way on a variety of topics. I don't care if that's your cup of tea, and that's where we're different. But Id far rather discuss current issues then play multiple choice about what you had for breakfast or discuss your countdown of the days, hours, and minutes until you can have sex with Wicked Valentine. I like the sound of discussing things that matter in day to day life over the person you've decided to troll this week.

When I need to turn to you about what kind of Mod I should/want to be, Ill quit. Ill make those decisions for myself.

You forgot to mention moi.

For very good reason.
If Coco weren't such a legend, I'd definitely support The Crock. And, if the Crock was infected with genital warts and couldn't make, then Hatehabs would be the way to go. Just saying.
I like how other party members like hanging out in our thread more than they do in their own.
I've already won that battle. Kind of takes the drama out of it.

Hardly blind faith. I didn't throw 15 names on a page and say "Any of them would be a good choice." I selected the 3 people I (a). Know Best with regards to what they do on this forum (b)People I feel would do the best job. But nice try though in turning forum elections into a Hitler comparison.
Your party did it first.

With regards to Dagger, it's not as if I just saw him posting yesterday, he's been a regular for the two years since Ive joined. Id say noticing him for that period of time and seeing what an asset he could be is the opposite of blind faith.
You like Dagger. I'd say that's more a testament to your inability to see what's really going on.

Or your blindness, as it's known in certain circles.

I'm glad that you've expanded your skillset to include psychic so that you're able to read his intentions for why he posts. Nicely done. Or, one could just come to the conclusion that as usual, you're just being presumptous?
Most people call me a troll with no knowledge of my intentions beyond their own psychic abilities. I'm just trying to make myself a little more mainstream. For electability and all that good stuff.

I do like to generate discussion. I feel like that makes for a better forum when people see things in a different way on a variety of topics.
That's nice. When you put down the cookie cutter and start doing things in a different way, be sure to let me know.

I don't care if that's your cup of tea, and that's where we're different. But Id far rather discuss current issues then play multiple choice about what you had for breakfast or discuss your countdown of the days, hours, and minutes until you can have sex with Wicked Valentine. I like the sound of discussing things that matter in day to day life over the person you've decided to troll this week.
Lindsay Lohan's prison sentence and Michael Jackson's doctor have zero impact on my day-to-day life. I mean aside from passing discussions I have about them in my day-to-day life. And now that I think about it, I'd certainly be willing to discuss those discussions on here. It'd certainly be more interesting than ANYTHING I've ever seen you post. Generic discussions that supplement or substitute things I could easily discuss in real life aren't my WZ bag, baby. That's why I won't be applying for the non-spam non-wrestling sections: Because they're kind of shit. I'm here for light wrestling discussion that I can't find in real life and some fun grab-assing with those who I discuss wrestling with. And really, if anyone uses this board for much more than that and does it while taking themselves as seriously as you do, I reckon they've got some issues.

When I need to turn to you about what kind of Mod I should/want to be, Ill quit. Ill make those decisions for myself.
If people knew what was good for them, they'd turn to me for every decision.
Your party did it first.

I worry about what I do/say, not other people. Maybe instead of worrying about what my party did first, you should just worry about yourself and your electibility?

You like Dagger. I'd say that's more a testament to your inability to see what's really going on.

Damn right, i do. I like Crock as well, quite a bit. I've pointed out strengths I see in you in the past, despite my dislike for you. I'm far more impartial and open-eyed then you could ever pretend to be.

Most people call me a troll with no knowledge of my intentions beyond their own psychic abilities. I'm just trying to make myself a little more mainstream. For electability and all that good stuff.

So now you're a conformist? That's awesome, exactly what we need. Someone to change and become more "mainstream" for the sake of election. Great to know.

And people see you being a troll constantly. It's not a reputation you've garnered unwarranted.

That's nice. When you put down the cookie cutter and start doing things in a different way, be sure to let me know.

What I do and how I do it is of and should be of no concern of yours. In case you can't tell, I already have my spot. You don't. Id focus on that more then you do on another back and forth with lil ole cookie cutter me.
Lindsay Lohan's prison sentence and Michael Jackson's doctor have zero impact on my day-to-day life. I mean aside from passing discussions I have about them in my day-to-day life.

And posters you choose to attack on a day-to-day basis affect your day-to-day life how? If that is something that impacts your day-to-day life or something you draw enjoyment from, Id say it's time to give your shrink another call.

And really, if anyone uses this board for much more than that and does it while taking themselves as seriously as you do, I reckon they've got some issues.

And that's the biggest problem with you. Your perception of reality is so skewed that you misinterpret people and who they are. I come here for enjoyment, to discuss wrestling, something I love. I also enjoy discussing current events with a variety of people from around the world. I enjoy the perspectives of others, even if they vary greatly from ine. And that's where you and I differ. If someone doesn't hang off your every word and act as if its the Word of God, you attack them. That's not my thing, never will be. And it's why I'll always think you're an ass, and you'll consider me a self-important dousche.

If people knew what was good for them, they'd turn to me for every decision.

Lead astray like lemmings into the sea....
If people knew what was good for them, they'd turn to me for every decision.

Not really. I want a good poster who can get stuff done and not act like an asshole in the process. More than that, I want somoene who is actually really passionate about being a mod. Guys like Dagger, hatehabs and others. And say what you like about Dagger; whether you like him or hate him, or just don't respect him, he's an excellent poster, as are many of our members and all of our candidates.

Don't get me wrong Coco, I respect you as a poster, and some of your posts are golden, but I do not want you as a mod. ABC have many candidates that I would much prefer. Hell, your own party has other guys I'd prefer.
I'm far more impartial and open-eyed then you could ever pretend to be.
I'm surprised your brain hasn't fallen out.

So now you're a conformist? That's awesome, exactly what we need. Someone to change and become more "mainstream" for the sake of election. Great to know.
It's okay. I'll change back as soon as I win.

I'm good at this politics thing, aren't I?

And people see you being a troll constantly. It's not a reputation you've garnered unwarranted.
People think they see it. Huge difference.

What I do and how I do it is of and should be of no concern of yours. In case you can't tell, I already have my spot. You don't. Id focus on that more then you do on another back and forth with lil ole cookie cutter me.
Comparing myself to those on staff who aren't up to snuff is extremely important. Using dramatic examples of crap mods like you and Jack-Hammer lets everyone know what they're getting when they vote Coco.

And posters you choose to attack on a day-to-day basis affect your day-to-day life how? If that is something that impacts your day-to-day life or something you draw enjoyment from, Id say it's time to give your shrink another call.
They don't affect me. You've missed the point entirely. Trying too hard again, methinks.

And that's the biggest problem with you. Your perception of reality is so skewed that you misinterpret people and who they are. I come here for enjoyment, to discuss wrestling, something I love. I also enjoy discussing current events with a variety of people from around the world. I enjoy the perspectives of others, even if they vary greatly from ine. And that's where you and I differ. If someone doesn't hang off your every word and act as if its the Word of God, you attack them. That's not my thing, never will be. And it's why I'll always think you're an ass, and you'll consider me a self-important dousche.
I don't care what ANYONE thinks of me. Mostly because most of these sorts attacks are knee-jerk reactions to me calling people on their shit. You don't have to hang on my every word for me to hold you in some regard. You just have to be the opposite of shit. That's all.

Not really. I want a good poster who can get stuff done and not act like an asshole in the process.
So you're anti-Slyfox? Wow.

Sounds like all the guys who think my attitude should disqualify me from a leadership position really don't have the best interest of the forum in mind.

More than that, I want somoene who is actually really passionate about being a mod. Guys like Dagger, hatehabs and others. And say what you like about Dagger; whether you like him or hate him, or just don't respect him, he's an excellent poster, as are many of our members and all of our candidates.
If passion made good mods and posters, Milenko and Crock would be our WZ deities. But it doesn't and they aren't.
So you're anti-Slyfox? Wow.

Sounds like all the guys who think my attitude should disqualify me from a leadership position really don't have the best interest of the forum in mind.

If passion made good mods and posters, Milenko and Crock would be our WZ deities. But it doesn't and they aren't.

Slyfox is fantastic at his job. And he can be very rude at times in my opinion. But Sly deserves to be where he is, and to say exactly what he likes on this forum. You haven't. Yet.

And I don't think you should be disqualified at all. I'm not saying you'd make a bad leader or a bad mod. You're not what I'm looking for in a mod. Thats why, when given the choice, I sided with ABC rather than your party. I just believe that there are a LOT of people who would make better mods. I am not saying you'd make a terrible mod. You'd be good, and a credit to the forum, but I'd rather someone like hatehabs or Dagger get it.

And I couldn't agree more with your last statement. I kinda wish those guys went for it, to be honest. Passion might not necessarily mean you're the best, but it means you keep going even when shit gets difficult and you don't give in, and you keep striving to improve, more-so than someone who isn't as passionate about it.
Lord Sidious had passion. He had more of it than I've ever seen on this forum. I'm pretty sure we don't want to hang our hats on it. As for me not having earned the right to say what I like on this forum, there are some people you'd feel are qualified to do just that who would stand up for my right. jmt225, tdigle,JGlass, Dave, Nick, IDR, Gelgarin, Nate, Sam: They've all publicly endorsed me. And I'll go ahead and spoil the suspense for me you: Slyfox, KB, NorCal, xfear, and any number of WZ legends would welcome me into their ranks with open arms. Maybe you should put a little less stock in what you think I'm qualified to do and consider those names. I'm normally not a name-dropper, but let's put this in perspective.
Lord Sidious had passion. He had more of it than I've ever seen on this forum. I'm pretty sure we don't want to hang our hats on it. As for me not having earned the right to say what I like on this forum, there are some people you'd feel are qualified to do just that who would stand up for my right. jmt225, tdigle,JGlass, Dave, Nick, IDR, Gelgarin, Nate, Sam: They've all publicly endorsed me. And I'll go ahead and spoil the suspense for me you: Slyfox, KB, NorCal, xfear, and any number of WZ legends would welcome me into their ranks with open arms. Maybe you should put a little less stock in what you think I'm qualified to do and consider those names. I'm normally not a name-dropper, but let's put this in perspective.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you say, because I don't. I'm sure that they would welcome you, and I'm sure all of those guys have endorsed you. Sid is an extreme example of what can go wrong with a mod, but as passionate as he was, he was an ass. I've read so much about him that the fact that he was disliked beyond belief is abundant. Passion + Power does not equal another Sidious though. If it did, most people would be fucked; there's no-one who mods who doesn't really want to, or didn't want to to begin with.

And yes, that is an impressive list. My point was that whilst I find Sly rude at times, I recognise that he is in the positionto say what he wants because he has shit to back it up. You have shit to back it up, no denying, but nowhere near on the same level, and to me it comes across as incredibly arrogant when you make some of the comments that you do. If Sly says that a poster is shit, I will believe it. If you say he's shit, I'll probably not really register it, because you're just another poster, like me, like all the guys on this forum. Yes, you have a big reputation, and I've no doubt you will become a mod (through some other means, if not through this) but if you were to act like an arrogant prick 90% of the time on here, all I would see is that you've built up a reputation around that as well as being a good poster. To me, I see that you're a good poster, but most of your fanfare comes from your humour, and not always from your quality. Now I'm not saying that's true, but it's all I've personally seen thus far. I'm sure you've probably got a low opinion of me, which is your right to have

Now, once more, I do not doubt that you would make an excellent mod. But so would others, and I'm pretty sure that the list you gave would name others who are worthy of being mod. Would they put you at the top? Some might, yeah. Many might. But some, maybe even many, might put others at the top.

And the stock I put in what I think isn't gonna change; even with your list, its still my opnion. And if you've read it properly, I keep admitting that you would be good as a mod. I cannot stress that enough. I'm stating my own personal preferance. I could say that I think you'd be shit. I could try and fully slander you and your party. I'm not. Because I do respect you. Just not as much as other guys who, I believe, would be better suited to a mod position.
The gist I'm getting is that my word magically becomes more credible when I become a mod.

Well lucky me as that's in my very near future.
The gist I'm getting is that my word magically becomes more credible when I become a mod.

Well lucky me as that's in my very near future.

Actually, I was going along the lines of your word being more credible when you've been a mod for a while and proven to be damn good at it. Your word is credible now, but to a point. Comments like 'Well lucky me as that's in my very near future.' reek of arrogance, and one of the reasons why I'm not supporting you, and one of the reasons why I take most stuff you say with a pretty big pinch of salt.

And yeah, it most likely is. Just not in this contest.
If you'd prefer false-modesty, I can get you some of that. Give me a few minutes to lactate and I'll get right back to you.
If you'd prefer false-modesty, I can get you some of that. Give me a few minutes to lactate and I'll get right back to you.

Well there's a mental image I could do without.

And I'd rather you be yourself. If this is yourself then great, I'm happy for you. But I'm good over here with the ABC, thanks.

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