Teenage "Love"

how? That seems really really ridiculous.... I have never met a person that changed my life. The only person that can change you, is you. A relationship has never changed my life, The people I have met have never changed my life. Every person? I met a person about an hour ago, and i am still the same person i was an hour and a half ago. :lmao:
Well it may not be in the long run, but everything affects your life. That hour you spent talking to someone, could have led to them owning a company, that they wanted you to apply for a job for, which you got, which could change your life.
Or that hour you spent talking to them, if you weren't talking to them you'd be doing something else, and what if that something else would have led to something really important? That person, has then affected your life, even if you haven't realised it.
how? That seems really really ridiculous.... I have never met a person that changed my life. The only person that can change you, is you. A relationship has never changed my life, The people I have met have never changed my life. Every person? I met a person about an hour ago, and i am still the same person i was an hour and a half ago. :lmao:

Is this some kind of sad pathetic joke Brian?

Are you seriously trying to argue that relationships don't affect people or change their lives? Are you kidding me right now?

Yeah, when you get married, you remain the exact same person. When you have kids you remain exactly the same. Thats exactly how it works Brian, oh yeah.

Christ, I can't believe you're actually trying to argue something so incredibly, astoundingly stupid.
Yeah, when you get married, you remain the exact same person. When you have kids you remain exactly the same. Thats exactly how it works Brian, oh yeah.

I've had the same girlfriend for 3 years....Have I changed? Nope.
I've had the same girlfriend for 3 years....Have I changed? Nope.

Are you kidding me? You haven't changed one bit from how you were 3 years ago? I can't believe I'm arguing this with people. So your daily life is exactly the same as it was 3 years ago before you started this relationship?

I'm not talking about some drastic change in personality, but to say that relationships don't affect people for the long term basis is fucking ridiculious.
Are you kidding me? You haven't changed one bit from how you were 3 years ago?

Meh...Not really. Same ol' Wes. I still wake up, go to work or gym to chill with friends... I am still a prick, i still love football, i love baseball, i like to hunt, fish, drink....Nothing has really changed.

Am I suppose to not do that stuff just for her? Fuck that.

So your daily life is exactly the same as it was 3 years ago before you started this relationship?

No, I'm 19 now. When I was 15 I was an idiot. But she didn't make me change, I did it on my own. Plus back then she lived like 50 miles away.

I'm not talking about some drastic change in personality, but to say that relationships don't affect people for the long term basis is fucking ridiculious.

I agree with you here. They go from making your life better, to making it shit 2 weeks later.
I'm sure the majority of adults here would agree that teenage relationships are generally pointless. Especially guys like Jake, who only ever had brief "meetings" with girls in his teens, and would have seen more value in just 'getting what you want and then never seeing her again'. That's a better situation to have at a young age, from my view anyway.

I married my teen love. FACT.
You get married, you have kids? That isn't affecting your life? Changing you? Of course it is!

Oh no, according to him and Brian getting married, having children, these things don't affect or change your life whatsoever.
Oh no, according to him and Brian getting married, having children, these things don't affect or change your life whatsoever.

Its a 50/50 thing. Some people don't change from these events. Some people give their children up for adoption because they refuse to change in their own life, to raise a child and alter whats always been fun for them.

Therefore, they don't change what they've always done, because a child came into the picture. They get rid of the child, and continue living their exact same lives.

However, in other cases, obviously yes marriage and children change everything. Its an argument that can go either way, depending on how you wish to look at it. Becca and Yourself wish to look at it as if ending up in a relationship for someone be it for an hour or years, that it'll warp and change your life forever. Which in some cases could be true.

On the other end, Wes and Brian are arguing that they aren't changing for anyone. They remain who they are and do all the same things they love to do before entering any type of relationship. The only thing thats changed is having sex with the person, or entering into the agreement that they're no longer "single."

Personally: I agree that entering into most relationships alters and changes your life forever. However I'm not discontinuing the fact that some people simply refuse to accept change and they'll give up a child if it means living their life the same way as it was before. Therefore you can't argue that its changed anything, when to some, it doesn't.
Its a 50/50 thing. Some people don't change from these events. Some people give their children up for adoption because they refuse to change in their own life, to raise a child and alter whats always been fun for them.

Therefore, they don't change what they've always done, because a child came into the picture. They get rid of the child, and continue living their exact same lives.

However, in other cases, obviously yes marriage and children change everything. Its an argument that can go either way, depending on how you wish to look at it. Becca and Yourself wish to look at it as if ending up in a relationship for someone be it for an hour or years, that it'll warp and change your life forever. Which in some cases could be true.

On the other end, Wes and Brian are arguing that they aren't changing for anyone. They remain who they are and do all the same things they love to do before entering any type of relationship. The only thing thats changed is having sex with the person, or entering into the agreement that they're no longer "single."

Personally: I agree that entering into most relationships alters and changes your life forever. However I'm not discontinuing the fact that some people simply refuse to accept change and they'll give up a child if it means living their life the same way as it was before. Therefore you can't argue that its changed anything, when to some, it doesn't.

But giving up a child for adoption isn't a change in lifestyle? Nevermind that 99% of people who give up their kids for adoption are total pieces of shit, but if someone out there could just toss away their own child like it was an object, and then continue living the rest of their life without a single thought or regret toward that child, then I guess you're right. Those people however, are the scum of the Earth, and should probably be shot and hung in public.

I get their argument. It's just wrong. To say that a relationship doesn't alter your life in any shape way or form is simply illogical and well; wrong. It's like they're trying to tell me that 2 + 2 = 72. It doesn't make sense.
But giving up a child for adoption isn't a change in lifestyle? Nevermind that 99% of people who give up their kids for adoption are total pieces of shit, but if someone out there could just toss away their own child like it was an object, and then continue living the rest of their life without a single thought or regret toward that child, then I guess you're right. Those people however, are the scum of the Earth, and should probably be shot and hung in public.

I completely agree. I love my daughter to death, and she is my world. She is the beginning and end to my world. I've wanted a child since I was still in my teens. I love being a Father.. I just wish I could feel as if I was good at it. I have many moments in time when I feel I suck at the "responsibility."

And for the most part, I don't even agree with giving up children for adoption. Although I suppose I understand that some people just aren't prepared in life to have children. Some people give their child up so it can have a better life with a Family thats wanting to have a child.

I'm not sure how a person can have a child, give it up and NOT be effected by that. It would haunt me forever knowing I had a child in this world, but wasn't in their life. However on that same note.. My own half Brother has had many children in his life, and he doesn't Father most of them. Hes neglected responsibility, because he refuses to grow up. Does it effect him? If it does, then he does a great job at not showing it.

He Father's one child. The irony, half the people in my Family don't even think its his.

I get their argument. It's just wrong. To say that a relationship doesn't alter your life in any shape way or form is simply illogical and well; wrong. It's like they're trying to tell me that 2 + 2 = 72. It doesn't make sense.

I understand perfectly what you're saying. I can take the most simpliest of relationships that I've ever had and point out how its changed me at least in some manner. Changed me from how I look at people, how I treat people, or how I generally have came to learn from that relationship.

People take on aspects of life all the time. People learn and grow. And another thing I think Brian was trying to argue, is its not any one person that changes you.. its YOU that allows yourself to be changed. And thats true. No one can force you to be anyone different, you have to do it on your own.
Coalamania inspired me, since Tuesday I've been teaching my daughter jive. That's what kids are for imo.
I'm confused...

That doesn't surprise me. :p And no, I was basically saying that Jake mentioned he was inspired by you, to teach his Daughter jive.

Thereby meaning, something you did was inspirational. :headscratch: Which still confuses me. Anyways, I was meaning that nothing you do is inspirational, in a good way, and he might as well send her out into the world with a pack of condoms.. because it'd be about the equal to assuming anything you do could be good.

Ah fuck it. Ignore all of this.. and just assume you're an idiot. It works for me.

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