Ted Dibiase, Maryse and.... Yoshi Tatsu..


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay so Ted and Maryse's relationship has been hanging by a thread.

And the storyline that's played out between them has taken place on NXT. Recently Maryse chose to host NXT rather than be with Dibiase ...

She then kissed Yoshi Tatsu ...

Questions I want you guys to answer.

Is this good for Ted, Maryse and Tatsu ?
Will there be a fued over Maryse
Would you be interested in that fued if it was on one of the two main shows.
I don't mind the idea of a feud, but I'm just not understanding where the whole Dibiase/Maryse thing is going at all!

I had no problem in pairing them together - the rich, spoiled, second-generation star paired with the gold-digging vixen who hangs around for the luxury and the dough.

But where has it gone?

Shouldn't Dibiase's valet be doing more than watching him lose and then scolding him afterwards?

And I would have no problem seeing him in a feud with Tatsu, who has bee exiled since ECW went away.

Here's an idea, scale back on the endless promos and give us say 10-15 minutes with guys not named Miz, Cena, and Orton.

Or is that too much to ask?
I honestly don't know. I do think DiBiase and Maryse should split already. This couple had so much potential, but them together now is like beating a dead horse. When Maryse's ad Yoshi kissed on RAW, I saw nothing of it. Someone will most likely turn from this. Now to your questions:

Is this good for Ted, Maryse and Tatsu ?

It gives them something to do. Albeit, not on a main show, and not a main event caliber feud, but anytime you have something to do, it's good.(OK 97% of the time.)

Will there be a fued over Maryse

More than likely. Even with relationship problems, I don't see DiBiase just losing his woman like that(Have ya seen her?? And I don't even like blondes that much.). This is pro wrestling.

Would you be interested in that fued if it was on one of the two main shows

Yes. With Daniel Bryan being reduced to APPLE and no real midcard feuds, this should do. Both are talented enough, and I don't even think Yoshi's wrestled a match since he went to RAW(That brawl before the Royal Rumble doesn't count). Don't squander their talents on NXT. I stopped watching after season one. I stopped caring when A.J. Lee got eliminated.
hey guys maryse is the reason the story does not work why because she just stands there and looks sexy. why is that because she is dating the miz they wont fire her because the miz is champ and a top star. she is sucking in hopes that they will let her work with miz a rye. a la edge and lita.
I think theyr gunna use this to get DiBiase to turn face possibly. Either that or continue his heel run but more successfully this time. I remember reading an article that said the WWE was high on DiBiase and the only reason he hadn't gotten a push yet was because Maryse was doing an awful job of getting the spotlight on Ted and off of herself. This could be a good thing as DiBiase could be put into many other feuds like with Bryan, a returning superstar like Skip Sheffield or Tarver, Bourne, Morrison, R-Truth (when he loses the WWE title match). He could ever turn face and feud with Sheamus for the US title. Maybe even go to Smackdown and feud with some guys there. The possibilites are endless for any superstar.
I actually have always liked Yoshi Tatsu and have always wanted him to get into a feud. I think it would be absolutely hilarious if him and Maryse ultimately become somthing. I think I would like to see this move to another brand because both guys need the visibility and I feel both guys are quite good. I think if not they need to change Dibiasi's charcter because he is doing nothing and needs to be relevant on the mid card scene.

The real question I have is why hasn't Maryse been used at all as a diva who wrestles? It's been quite some time since she's had a singles match.
Maryse is SMOKIN' HOT! Now, with that off my chest...

I like Yoshi very much, I wouldn't call him a wrestler as much as a mixed martial artist, but I love that lethal sonofabitch.

Maybe Maryse will get him noticed a bit more and be his attractive, watered-down Vicky G?

Ted can't get more boring, so being jealous of Yoshi and attacking him at random might be a good thing?

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