Dibiase Admirer

I think its Santino


wut?santino is already in a love angle with tamina so no not santino
i dont see goldust being the guy i think its a she and deibiases "crush'' is for some reason i think is rosa mendes because she needs that to boost her carrier(i no i spelt it rong)and myrese vs rosa mendes sounds like a good match
if its to do with maryse ill just put it out there with vicscera or lately known as big daddy v , the tub of love could come back but still prob wont happen, VERY disapointed if its goldust i really do not like that guy he go with hornswoogle out of wwe and into 'has beens' wrestling or tna

For female id go with a nxt diva or as said before aloisa if she is hired by the wwe still.

Really this story could go anywhere and will probably end up as pointless
I hope its the BIG VALBOWSKI! He was the most under rated superstar from the Attitude Era! I got tired of hearing Jim Ross say "he is a former Intercontinental Champion." Hell, he was VERY Entertaining, and was as decent of a wrestler as Cena. Val Venis deserves a second chance with a push, but its probably way to late. Mcmahon doesn't know what his fans want anymore, I dont have a dream match I want to see anymore. I think wrestling is at its bottom right now. The last decade really sucked!
If the WWE were planning on bringing back Viscera, we'd probably have heard about it by now. I personally have my own theories as to who's behind the notes. In truth, I've narrowed it down to two in my own mind.

R-Truth comes to mind first. If it were him, it would be to mess with their minds as a preparation for some other form of attack. Perhaps Truth himself has his eyes set on the Million Dollar Championship.

The other person who might just be behind this is...The Great Khali. I'm serious about this one. We all remember the rather stupid yet admittedly amusing bits he used to do for the Khali Kiss-Cam and he's still billing himself as the Punjabi playboy. In addition, there was that bit where he flashed that picture of his "girlfriend" and eventually admitted to her being unattractive and he went off with the Bella twins. Could it be, perhaps, that they've encouraged the Khali character to go for the more, shall we say, media-encouraged sort of beauty and who better exemplifies that than Maryse?

That's only if Maryse is the target, however. If it's Debiase, then Goldust would be the most likely of all.

There is one other possibility. Supposing, just supposing, the unknown GM is female. If such is the case, this could be an additional factor to that story line. We'll never know until it's revealed.
what about mike McGillicutty. he came in 2nd place on nxt season 2 and we havent seen him yet. alex riley was in 3rd place and they have been using him. this could be a good feud and both are 2nd generation stars
Its gonna be something really stupid, like John Lovitz. He was already seen in the front row one night yelling at Maryse that 'u'll be mine sweethart'. Where they would go with that afterwards......no clue
let's hope it's a new face to the wwe universe

why would wwe waste more time and money to bring in people like venis or big daddy v..thats just stupid and ricockilous.

it could be goldust but only if wwe wants him to help get dibiase over but wasn't that what leagacy was supposed to do? if orton couldn't get them over enough to where the wwe will give him a push then nobody will.

wwe dropped the ball with dibiase not doing anything worth doing with him coming outta legacy, if they would have done something he and miz could be two young guys who could work main events for years but teddy is just a mid carder now and will prolly be for a long time in wwe.
I think this could be a good way to introduce Dibiase's younger brother who we saw at Summerslam one of the times interfere in the Orton/Cena match. What better way to get him introduced and have Dibiase maybe get some good family-storyline going?
I hope it's Goldust really. I mean Santino's comedy is old now and seriously I loved the shtick the wacky Goldust did, didn't care so much for the debuting homoerotic one.

I prefer comedic angles in wrestling as long as I am laughing at them and not smirking and muttering 'no, just no' (Teddy Long> Hornswoggle)

Goldust always has had an impeccable comedic timing and fantastic gags.

Seriously how can you not appreciate this guy:


When you have The Rock in the same frame and still you steal the scene, yeah you got something then!

We've been riding Ted for not having more expressions and emotions and I think a comedic feud with great in-ring competition can only help him in the long haul
I think Val Venis or Goldust would be awesome.

Sexual Chocolate ;)

Cody Rhodes would be decent, but I doubt since he's more involved with the tag titles right now.

I really hope the 'E doesn't go the cheap way out and make it Khali, Santino, or Hornswoggle. Figure those are probably the worst options, which sadly means they're among the most likely options.

Also, why is everyone so down on DiBiase? Yes, he's being misused, but he's young. Just because he was in Legacy with Orton, doesn't mean he had to be a main eventer out of the gate following it's disbandment. "If Orton couldn't get DiBiase over, no one will"? Seriously?
Hopefully they introduce a new wrestler who knows how to entertain both in the ring and on the mic or a diva who can at least be partially enjoyable.

Whichever way this angle goes, it will eventually destroy the whole Maryse-DiBiase relationship.
This storyline has some potential and I really hope it doesn't get wasted on a debuting diva to feud with Maryse. I'm holding out hope that the secret admirer is Goldust. He is one of the more underrated guys on the roster and a personal favorite of mine. He has done a good job in the past at getting guys over and he could really do a lot for Dibiase. The biggest knock against Ted Jr. is his lack of personality and Goldust has no shortage of that. A quick feud or maybe even a brief tag team for those two could get Dibiase over and give Goldust some deserved TV time.

You called it first. I'm quite happy with the way this has unfolded so far. It fits the "freak" character perfectly. I can't wait to see how it progresses.
Man they said I spammed because I said it was Goldust and didn't explain.Well here's the explanation.... because Goldust has Shattered Dreams productions which is why he uses the titantron and he is known for being weird like that. It's interesting..plus Goldust is great at putting people over.
I was surprised, pleasantly, to see Goldust come out and take the Million Dollar Championship. Goldust has always been a hard worker and it's nice to see him get some tv time on Raw. It's been a long long time since there was a feud over the MDC and Goldust is very good at putting people over. And, aside from that, I'd say there'll be some fun quality matches between DiBiase and Maryse.

I'm thankful it didn't turn out to be some sort of romantic rival thing going on. I was expecting Santina Marella to make a reappearance last night and I'm so glad the WWE went in this direction instead.
Well this certainly caught me off guard. While Goldust had been speculated before, I certainly did not expect it to be for the Million Dollar Championship. I have to admit I don't know where to stand on this. From one perspective it makes perfect sense due to it being, well Goldust, and a gold belt. However, on the other hand it makes very little sense unless Goldust plans on jobbing out to Ted DiBiase. Considering the fact that it has no place to be around Goldusts waist.

I guess it'll be interesting to see this little feud develop. I just hope they don't screw it up now that we're out in the open of it.

Also, the Final Cut finisher looked awesome.
When Goldust came out and started making love to the Million Dollar belt I orginally thought hey, maybe this is the way to give Goldie his last "title run", but it will most likely end up using him to help elevate DiBiase and give the belt a little more meaning than just a prop thrown over his shoulder. Maybe have the feud center around a title vs. valet match. Maryse would make a excellent Marlena, or at least a prettier version of Luna lol.
When Goldust came out and started making love to the Million Dollar belt I orginally thought hey, maybe this is the way to give Goldie his last "title run", but it will most likely end up using him to help elevate DiBiase and give the belt a little more meaning than just a prop thrown over his shoulder. Maybe have the feud center around a title vs. valet match. Maryse would make a excellent Marlena, or at least a prettier version of Luna lol.

That's exactly what I was thinking, Title vs Valet. However, It would be interesting to see if Ted tries to trade Maryse for the MDC. Then Maryse would leave Ted because of it. Also, Goldust should be in the mix on Raw every week, because he always gets a good reaction from the crowd. I can't wait to see how this pans out...
I'm hoping this gives Goldust a run with the Million Dollar Championship and brings it out of retirement. Goldust would work good with Ted Dibiase and hopefully gets him over and at least moves him up to the upper mid-card. Ted hasn't been doing anything and he's recently been playing the Santino roll of Jobbing and playing in funny skits. They can really pull this off if they are given time on RAW each week to further their feud. Their matches would be very interesting aswll. Hopefully this will lead to Maryese leaving Ted Dibiase and going back to singles wrestling. She was a good diva and wasn't half bad in the ring. I can't wait to see what becomes of this storyline.
Well this certainly caught me off guard. While Goldust had been speculated before, I certainly did not expect it to be for the Million Dollar Championship. I have to admit I don't know where to stand on this. From one perspective it makes perfect sense due to it being, well Goldust, and a gold belt. However, on the other hand it makes very little sense unless Goldust plans on jobbing out to Ted DiBiase. Considering the fact that it has no place to be around Goldusts waist.

This is relevant for more then just the fact that the belt is gold. Back in 1990-1991 Goldust's father Dusty Rhodes feuded with Ted Dibiase Jr's dad the Million Dollar Man, and during their feud Dibiase had the Million Dollar Championship around his waist. In late 1990 Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) made his debut against Dibiase Sr. in a ten minute challenge match. At the 1991 Royal Rumble Dustin Rhodes had a match teaming with his father to take on Dibiase and Virgil.

I could easily see them bringing up the past history between both superstars fathers and Goldust's history as a debuting young superstar against Dibiase Sr. Maybe have him say he always wanted the belt 20 years ago but was never able to get the chance. If done right this storyline could be very good and really give Dibiase Jr a nice little push. Remember it was Goldust who really helped Sheamus to first get noticed back in ECW.
Thank goodness Goldust is back on Raw. He has been getting major pops and even a standing ovation last time on Superstars. The crowd still love this guy and respect him as a veteran, and he is still one of the best workers in that ring. He can really put DiBiase over. This feud has the start of an old school feel to it, with the million dollar belt, DiBiase Jr and the Golden One.
Well this certainly caught me off guard. While Goldust had been speculated before, I certainly did not expect it to be for the Million Dollar Championship. I have to admit I don't know where to stand on this. From one perspective it makes perfect sense due to it being, well Goldust, and a gold belt. However, on the other hand it makes very little sense unless Goldust plans on jobbing out to Ted DiBiase. Considering the fact that it has no place to be around Goldusts waist.

I guess it'll be interesting to see this little feud develop. I just hope they don't screw it up now that we're out in the open of it.

I completely agree with this post. I'm not really sure what to think of all this as it was very unexpected. In addition to what Ferbian said, we all know that DiBiase is going over here but I think it can do a lot to get his character interesting. Goldust is a veteran with a great character and a plethora of charisma. It could be the spark that ignites the flame under Ted's ass and gets his career back on track.

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