Dibiase Admirer

To be honest, as soon as it started, I instantly thought of Goldust. It seems like the kind of angle he'd be involved in, and it would give him something to do. I've always been a massive Goldust fan, and hope they finally do something decent with him.
Comedy storylines are fine as long as they do not go over the top with the comedy. I think this will not help out Dibiease as this kind of storyline rarely helps out anyone, and knowing WWE's track record they will fuck this storyline up as usual.
He didn`t pop into my head on Monday but reading the posts here, I could actually see them having it be Goldust. Seems like something that would be in keeping with his character. I wouldn`t be shocked if it was him. Now If this had been taking place even a few years ago I could see him going after Maryse or Ted lol, you never know with Goldie. Can`t get away with that now though.
Sweet revenge 20 years later from when Ted Dibase Sr. stole Sapphire away from Dusty Rhodes.

Whoa, I didn't think of that... nor did I even know that to begin with. Wow, I learned something today [/South Park]. I hope that it's Goldust in this storyline, considering he has been performing well enough to hit a second in-ring peak of his career and can be fitted to be either person's admirer due to his character. For Ted to get anywhere above the midcard, he needs some personality and Goldust is the man who can make anything look better in entertainment value, as well as passing off a few tips. He does deserve to be featured on TV more and with his rookie Aksana apparently having "government issues," it frees up his time to take on the role of being the admirer.

For any other possibilities... the build for another diva wouldn't be the best idea as Maryse doesn't need the benefits. She is pretty much helping out DiBiase at the moment... maybe someone from NXT season two that isn't featured on TV as of yet or a person on the roster who isn't featured regularly. The introduction of a new superstar? I don't know, but this angle is going to need someone reliable enough to make this storyline comedic and worth our time watching. This has the potential to fail quite easily... but it's a side act from all this Nexus/RAW GM stuff, so I'm happy to just kick back and view it unfold.
Ted DiBiase Sr. and Brett DiBiase! Ted Sr. pissed off with Ted Jr. for treating him so bad after Wrestlemania and stealing his gimmick, that'll he'll steal Maryse, and of course introduce his other son Brett, who is the new favourite son and will feud with Ted Jr. to keep dad happy. Now I find it unlikely that this would be the case, but just think how it could all play out - Ted Jr. would almost immediately turn face after the admirer being revealed as his dad, he and Brett would feud for a few months, Ted Sr. would of course use Maryse to get into Ted Jr's head, and cost him victories over Brett. But something would happen, and either Brett would turn on the dad or the family would unite, but either way Brett and Ted Jr. would form a tag team (The Fortunate Sons).

I think you could be on to something here... However Brett, I believe, is still recovering from his injury meaning he'll have to go back to FCW and regain his momentum.

However, I wouldn't mind it being Brett as I happen to be a big fan of sibling rivalries... and adding a dime piece like Maryse into the mix would just spice up the classic rivalry...

And if Brett ends up with a salary as well, then that would help cause a rift between the relationship of Maryse and Ted.
Who i Think

Cody Rhodes- Bragging Rights is coming soon, and help build the smackdown vs raw feuds

Ted Dibiase Jr- Ted Dibiase is sending these messages to himself, to get him more heat from the crowds, and to prove how cocky he is of his good looks
this could be good if it was cody like rocky originally said. now i may elaborate on that. cody starts the feud with jr and he holds his own to begin with. then mcintyre comes into play and they dominate him. jr goes to daddy and is talking and mentions needing backup no matter what the price(dollar amount that is) jus when it seems most dire for jr, ted sr introduces brett or the other ted(i do believe he has 2 sons named ted i think). anyway, with a brother at his side, we have a money inc revival and what could really be a damn good feud with "money inc" taking the straps from the dashing one and mcintyre. thus everybody is winners. we get a legit tag team, ted gets the well deserved cred he needs, even that could free up maryse to go back to a weak womens division and maybe even try a face run herself(odds are the e will hire all of nxt3 for heels to begin). and cody and drew can persue the ic and us if not already unified
Michael McGuillicutty Is a good bet, creative are gonna want to get him back onto television soon as he did great in NXT, and feuding with Ted DiBiase would be a very intering way of getting him back into the frame.
that's why i wouldnt mind seeing that, have McGuillicutty come back, change his name, have him feud with Dibiase over Maryse, THEN have them turn on her.

Cody Rhodes is far too busy winning the tag team championships with Drew McIntyre and feuding with the Hart Dynasty now, to be getting involved in any type of feud with Ted DiBiase.
i dont see this happening either, Cody is (sadly) busy with Tag Team Wrestling again.

John Morrison would've been an interesting choice if this was done months ago, but there feud has already been and gone, and it's far too soon to see them dive right back into another one.
i agree, it wont be Morrison.

Goldust, is a possiblity but I hope it's not, I personally have never been a fan of his. I must admit, there are worse people that it could turn out to be, Goldust did help get Sheamus across in ECW, with their brief feud.
sadly, this is my worry. I am not a fan of Dibiase vs. Goldust and not because of Goldust, but Dibiase. a feud with Goldust does nothing for Dibiase.

The Great Khali again wouldn't surprise me and again I hope it's not. Khali is known for being a bit of a "ladies man" with the Khali kiss cam etc. and he's not exactly doing much else these days.
i agree, i wouldnt be surprised if it's him, BUT i do NOT want it to be Khali.

Ted DiBiase Sr. and Brett DiBiase! Ted Sr. pissed off with Ted Jr. for treating him so bad after Wrestlemania and stealing his gimmick, that'll he'll steal Maryse, and of course introduce his other son Brett, who is the new favourite son and will feud with Ted Jr. to keep dad happy. Now I find it unlikely that this would be the case, but just think how it could all play out - Ted Jr. would almost immediately turn face after the admirer being revealed as his dad, he and Brett would feud for a few months, Ted Sr. would of course use Maryse to get into Ted Jr's head, and cost him victories over Brett. But something would happen, and either Brett would turn on the dad or the family would unite, but either way Brett and Ted Jr. would form a tag team (The Fortunate Sons).
i actually like this idea and hope this is planned, have Ted and Brett feud over Maryse AND the Million Dollar title, have Ted Sr. cheer for his younger son, THEN at the end of the storyline, swerve Maryse and have them kick her to the curve and form The Fortuanate Sons, however, i doubt WWE does this for many reasons, one it makes sense and two Brett Dibiase is still hurt if i am right.
Here's a crazy idea. What if it was a new diva to setup a feud with Maryse? Think about it...why would a MALE superstar be pining for the affection of a FEMALE? I say its a diva, maybe an NXT rookie or a new diva coming out of training that was well past having to do NXT. Besides, it was Maryse that found the first love note in the car.

Have the diva be sending love notes and small videos like on Raw, all leading up to a reveal of a new diva. It sets up a new feud and a three-way love triangle. ITS PERFECT!
this could be good if it was cody like rocky originally said. now i may elaborate on that. cody starts the feud with jr and he holds his own to begin with. then mcintyre comes into play and they dominate him. jr goes to daddy and is talking and mentions needing backup no matter what the price(dollar amount that is) jus when it seems most dire for jr, ted sr introduces brett or the other ted(i do believe he has 2 sons named ted i think). anyway, with a brother at his side, we have a money inc revival and what could really be a damn good feud with "money inc" taking the straps from the dashing one and mcintyre. thus everybody is winners. we get a legit tag team, ted gets the well deserved cred he needs, even that could free up maryse to go back to a weak womens division and maybe even try a face run herself(odds are the e will hire all of nxt3 for heels to begin). and cody and drew can persue the ic and us if not already unified
he doesnt have two sons named Ted in WWE i dont think, BUT he does have Brett, however, this idea could work if Ted Dibiase Jr. turned face. having the Dibiase's feud with the Tag Champs and have Maryse turn on Ted and join Cody, THEN have the Dibiase's take the titles.
I hope Ted's admirer is Alberto Del Rio. Here's how it goes:

Del Rio shows up on Raw, and is fascinated by Ted's wealth. While Del Rio is royalty, Ted is just a trust fund baby. Del Rio promises a nasty suprise for Ted, and the buildup continues.

The nasty suprise is that since Del Rio is royalty, he bought out Ted Jr's trust from the Million Dollar Man. After all, The MDM always said "everyone has a price", and Del Rio's offer was enough to make the MDM turn on his own son.

Now we are left with broke Ted Jr, and once he is broke Maryse quickly leaves him. Now broken and destitute, we see Ted Jr determined to become a self made man. Since the majority of America is poor, it would make audiences begin to emphasize with Ted Jr's new character, thus getting him over in the process :)
Hello, that's my first post on this forum.

Maryse was tweaking about Eve costing her the Battle Royal. Ted says she lost them the match last week. They argue, but a knot at the door stops them. No one's there, but a note. She reads it "Next week, you will be mine." She slams it into his gut and walks off.

I noticed a difference between the letter's content and Maryse's translation in French.

Indeed, Maryse's French sentence was "La semaine dernière, tu étais à moi" ("Last week, you were mine"). I.e. she used past whereas the letter referred to future.

Maybe Maryse didn't pay attention to her translation.
ok i looked at a few places and i couldnt see anything on this so i decided to make a thread for this. two weeks ago on raw we saw a message on the titontron saying "you will be mine" or something like that after the ted dibase/maryse vs r-truth/eve match. and last week we saw during a promo between ted and maryse and a letter saying "next week you will be mine" that was in french.

1. who do you think the letter was to
2.who do you think sent the letter
The only other thing I can think of is if they are truly bringing in Ted Dibiase's younger brother, and maybe the brothers will be fighting over Maryse. That's about the only other thing I can think of.
The letter could have been to either one, that part's not obvious at all. Then again, in this storyline, nothing is obvious. I kinda like Lita's theory, but that probably won't happen if/until Brett goes on NXT. Then maybe have Ted be his Pro and start from there. As to who it was REALLY from, I would have to say............... I guess I have no clue.... This is one of the most confusing, secretive storylines that we've had in a couple months (behind the Raw GM and Santamina). I can honestly say I am stumped by this storyline.
anyone remember renee dupree? or his partner sylvan granier? (misspelled i know) i mean really who else would speak in french?....or possibly maybe its maryse sending the letters to the MILLION DOLLAR BELT. or even our golden hero GOLDUST wanting a GOLDEN TITLE... namely the million dollar belt. history repeating itself in the making... ted sr. makes the belt then later forced to defend on regular basis...now ted jr. inherits the belt and guess what??? forced to defend and who better than goldust. its out there i know but still it is wwe so anything is possible.
This whole angle is the type of thing that I could see Goldust being behind. I think that it would be a good move because Goldust is really good at getting people over with the the crowd and DiBiase needs some help in that department. I like Goldust and I would be happy if he is behind it but I don't know why the WWE would do it but I would love to see him be relevant again. But as said above..it could really be anyone at this point.
The first thing I have to say is: The letter this past week was NOT written in French! She just read it in french. You could actually see the top of the letter when Maryse gave the letter to Ted. English my friends

I like the Goldust idea, cuz I think it could help Ted get actual heat by being matched up against Goldie(maybe). But I'll go somewhere else with this:

Did I or did I not read that that huge lady (aloisa?) that got fired from NXT, by Vickie...is back with WWE now? Coulda swore I read that last night somewhere around here. Anyway...thats my guess! The big bitch wants a piece of Teddy. & Teddy ends up using her as a "chyna-like" bodyguard

No matter what happens- Maryse needs to get the hell away from Ted & get back on her own! She was on a rise & has now fell since joining Ted IMO. I know they wanted to use her to get Ted more/(some) heat- but it doesnt seemed to have worked either. Let Maryse go back to being a wrestling Diva goin after the Divas title. Shes proven herself to be more then just arm candy!
The only 3 people I can think of are Goldust, Mark Henry or Val Venis if WWE are bringing him back. Venis & Goldust should be obvious & Henry used to call himself Sexual Chocolate so WWE might be making him go back to the gimmick but it's doubtful.
When I first saw it I thought it was a guy sending him those messages for sure, namely, bear with me, but I thought it was "Rico". Now I don't know his whereabouts or situation, but I think it would be great and hilarious if it did turn out to be him.
I think the letter wuz sent to Maryse obvisouly and the most obvious guess of who sent it is Brett Dibase but I am going on a limb and guessing a possible return from......THE BIG VALBOSKI: VAL VENIS......
anyone remember renee dupree? or his partner sylvan granier? (misspelled i know) i mean really who else would speak in french?....or possibly maybe its maryse sending the letters to the MILLION DOLLAR BELT. or even our golden hero GOLDUST wanting a GOLDEN TITLE... namely the million dollar belt. history repeating itself in the making... ted sr. makes the belt then later forced to defend on regular basis...now ted jr. inherits the belt and guess what??? forced to defend and who better than goldust. its out there i know but still it is wwe so anything is possible.

I like this theory about the letter being to the belt rather than to Ted or Maryse, very interesting. I wonder if Maryse would follow the belt if it changed hands, they are fighting. (Poor acting fighting, but fighting none the less). But it's Gold Dust for sure.
Ok there is already a thread called "DIBIASE ADMIRER" but Ill play along. Like I posted in that, unless WWE wants to go against their PG rules and do a gay angle...this has got to be a female. Look at the video that played a few weeks ago, that has female written all over it.


It is WWE and I can see a swerve coming and have whoever it is go after Maryse. However, I dont see a guy putting together a video package that looked "girly".

I think the we the IWC are taking these speculations to far. "oh the GM is ______" "______ is behind Nexus". We need to chill out with the guessing games because WWE is going to go against it. Ken Kennedy being McMahons son, Christian behind the Jeff Hardy attacks...look how those turned out.
I think they're going to play this as Dibiase's Admirer, and then change it over as Maryse's admirer to give her something to do besides be eye candy. That would be a nice change.

Does anyone remember Big Daddy V/Viscera? He ran an angle similar to this before becoming the "Mastodon" and then fading to obscurity. He tried getting in Lillian Garcia's pants,remember? If they are running a Maryse admirer angle, I say it's him. But Goldust would be awesome too I guess.

You know this is going to turn into a comedy skit, it has everything for a comedy skit; midcard stars with minimal personality, a stalker storyline, and the fact that it's a true mystery for the IWC it's only going to go bad.

Got people talking though, so I give it a thumbs up :)
Ok there is already a thread called "DIBIASE ADMIRER" but Ill play along. Like I posted in that, unless WWE wants to go against their PG rules and do a gay angle...this has got to be a female. Look at the video that played a few weeks ago, that has female written all over it.


It is WWE and I can see a swerve coming and have whoever it is go after Maryse. However, I dont see a guy putting together a video package that looked "girly".

I think the we the IWC are taking these speculations to far. "oh the GM is ______" "______ is behind Nexus". We need to chill out with the guessing games because WWE is going to go against it. Ken Kennedy being McMahons son, Christian behind the Jeff Hardy attacks...look how those turned out.

Actually Kennedy WAS slated to be Vince's son, but the Wellness Policy violation and subsequent suspension killed that storyline. But that's neither here nor there.

This particular angle doesn't interest me in the slightest. It's funny that everyone thought Ted would be the Legacy member to breakout and be successfull, so far Cody's slightly ahead of the game. Hell maybe it IS Cody going after Maryse. Whatever the case, it's most likely not gonna help Ted's character or elevate him in anyway. Perhaps they should try re-creating his dad's character and have like the push up challenge or whatever. Also maybe have Ted stick 100's in the mouth of his beaten opponent.

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