Ted DiBiase Esquire


[This Space for Rent]
So, after tonight's Monday Night Raw, the Million Dollar Man introduced the Newest Raw Superstar, his son, Ted DiBiase Jr.

Jr. made a big splash in his debut, going right after the other Family Generation Superstar, in Cody Rhodes. (and Hardcore Holly) What are everyone's thoughts on Ted DiBiase Jr.'s debut, and what do you think he'll become in the future of the W.W.E.? Where do you feel he'll go, and will he become a big star?

Personally, I was blowing fuses left and right when he was announced. I was excited even more so when I thought of the possibility that Ted DiBiase Esquire would end up teaming with the likes of Chris Harris, or Ron Killings, to form another possibly great Tag Team in the W.W.E.

Overall, I'm thrilled they seemingly gave him his Father's legacy to continue on with. This was the best possible choice for him, and its already working greatly. Hes in one night single-handedly given himself a tag line.

"Everybody's Got A Price, But I'm Priceless!"

Do you have ANY idea how unbelieveable that tag line is? I'm blowing a nut right now, just repeating it, thats how great it is. Share your theories, thoughts, disappointments and excitements over Ted DiBiase Jr.'s debut in here...
This is the best debut I've seen in a long long time. Dibiase Sr, to me is still the greatest natural heel I have ever seen, bar none. Better than Hogan, better than Flair, better than HHH, better than anyone. If his son is half of that, he'll be a main eventer inside of 2 years. That being said, he has one major flaw. He could pass for Randy Orton if the light was somewhat dim. He needs a major look change or he'll flounder, even with his father around. He has good talking skills, a perfect tagline, and from what I've seen of his in ring work, it's not bad at all. Even without his last name, he belongs on the main roster. If he's put into a new heel faction, it could be just what WWE needs.
I, too, think that's quite possibly one of the greatest tag lines in recent memory. I'm really anxious to see what Dibiase is like in the ring.

However, I certainly do not want to see him paired up with Killings or Harris. Killings, for me anyways, could never really cut it as a heel.....and Harris, well, I'm really not a fan of his work. I say pair him with D.H. Smith. Not only do I think that their styles would compliment each other, but it would also give D.H something to do other than job every week (although, I think he should get rid of the "D.H" and use Canadian Bulldog again).

I just hope that he continues to use the Million Dollar Man theme music. God, how I love that.
This guy could benifit huge from a stable, I say put him in a stable with JBL and his Father and then find someone else that's big and mean to be the enforcer of the group and you got the next Evolution, JBL would be the Triple H of the group, DiBiase Sr. the Flair role, DiBiase Jr. would have Orton's role, and then all you need is someone to take the Batista role, and you've got what could be the next big stable for Raw, no matter what I see a bright future for this kid, I Don't see any problem with his look, I really don't see that being a problem for him, the one thing that is for sure about this kid, is that he was one of the three bright spots in tonights Raw, HBK/Jericho, and the beginning of the Kennedy/Burchill feud being the other two
The only problem with your logic is that it's already been done (as you've pointed out). It would be far better if we had something fresh and original. Making Evolution 2.0 would, more than likely, end up going down the same path that Evolution went down.

Also, as much as I'd love to see Sr. on tv more often, I don't think he's in any shape to wrestle.
This guy could benifit huge from a stable, I say put him in a stable with JBL and his Father and then find someone else that's big and mean to be the enforcer of the group and you got the next Evolution, JBL would be the Triple H of the group, DiBiase Sr. the Flair role, DiBiase Jr. would have Orton's role, and then all you need is someone to take the Batista role, and you've got what could be the next big stable for Raw, no matter what I see a bright future for this kid, I Don't see any problem with his look, I really don't see that being a problem for him, the one thing that is for sure about this kid, is that he was one of the three bright spots in tonights Raw, HBK/Jericho, and the beginning of the Kennedy/Burchill feud being the other two

Unless Burchll gets put into a British stable, he could fit in well as the enforcer. He's got the size, the look, the physical style, and the quick and painful finisher. He's not as big and bulking as Batista, but Arn Anderson was teh original enforcer and he was of relatively average size.
However, I certainly do not want to see him paired up with Killings or Harris. Killings, for me anyways, could never really cut it as a heel.....and Harris, well, I'm really not a fan of his work. I say pair him with D.H. Smith. Not only do I think that their styles would compliment each other, but it would also give D.H something to do other than job every week (although, I think he should get rid of the "D.H" and use Canadian Bulldog again).

I just hope that he continues to use the Million Dollar Man theme music. God, how I love that.

While to be perfectly honest, I'd rather not see him end up in a Tag Team at all, the one thing I definately DON'T want to happen, is sticking him with Harry.

No offense to the British Bulldog's son, but Harry just doesn't seem cut out for the W.W.E. at all. Even as a jobber, he just seems out of place. I don't think Harry or D.H. as it were, has the look of someone who could be in the leagues of a Million Dollar Heel team.

While I know a lot of people dispise Chris Harris, and I'm only big on him because of America's Most Wanted, cause lets face it.. his single's run (both times) was complete crap in a handbag.. Harris has the look of someone who could fit in well with a Million Dollar Faction, and I'm fully expecting the return of a Million Dollar Faction, completely with TD2 bringing back the Million Dollar Championship!!

Overall, Tag Team or not.. having DiBiase Jr. bring back the Million Dollar Championship would instantly toss him into greatness.

I know thats a bit much to say for a kid that just debuted, but seriously, hes already cut one great promo better than Cody Rhodes, or D.H. Smith. He is taking up the gimmick his Father left behind, from the looks of it. And even if he isn't taking it up completely, hes adding to it, which is brilliant!

I think this is the kid outta the "next Generation" of Family wrestlers, that'll make it big. Cody will be around because of his work ethic, I'd be shocked if D.H. made it another year, but DiBiase Jr. will be a winner and definate Champion in this business. The ONLY thing I can see screwing him over, is a weak finisher, or a lame storyline that leads nowhere. Thus far, hes already got a great storyline to work off of. So all that remains right now, is solid in-ring skills.
I don't know how well this guy does in the ring, but I'm excited for him. He looks and sounded very natural, so he can fit in well with the rest of the guys most likely.

Also, I'm glad that they decided to keep it slow. Push him to a tag team title instead of having him come out randomly and start squashing people (at least, I hope it doesn't turn into that. Next week versus Super Crazy? Goddamn I don't want to see that lol). Not sure who he could tag with....but it would make sense to give him someone strong.

Tag line, that Will is busting a nut over? I like it. Maybe not THAT much haha, but its a very genuine heel line. It has a much better ring to it than Natalya's "you mess with the best, you go down with the rest", which to me sounds more like "generic motto for any sports team in history" lol.

I agree with The Shua, hopefully he keeps the classic music.

Overall, Tag Team or not.. having DiBiase Jr. bring back the Million Dollar Championship would instantly toss him into greatness.

Definitely has to bring back the Million Dollar Championship. Maybe, after failing to win the tag team titles at Night of Champions (or on Raw, whenever), he decides to make Million Dollar Championships for himself and the tag team partner of his. This would work SO well with Night of Champions, as he can call himself a champion without having won a title too quickly. Cryme Tyme would probably try to steal it, though, on some Raw segment.
This guy could benifit huge from a stable, I say put him in a stable with JBL and his Father and then find someone else that's big and mean to be the enforcer of the group and you got the next Evolution, JBL would be the Triple H of the group, DiBiase Sr. the Flair role, DiBiase Jr. would have Orton's role, and then all you need is someone to take the Batista role, and you've got what could be the next big stable for Raw, no matter what I see a bright future for this kid

Thats the perfect set-up right there. I'm almost shocked I didn't even think of that. John Bradshaw Layfield has been considered the "Million Dollar Man" of this era, because of his gimmick for being "rich & snobby."

Teaming DiBiase Jr. up with J.B.L. and having DiBiase Sr. manage them would be the single greatest thing to happen yet!

While I'm unsure how much they'd wanna do that, because of the behind the scenes effects.. (J.B.L. has been known as a bit of a drinker, and if the young'un gets into that crap, his future could be ended before it began properly) I think its still a tremendous idea, and it brings DiBiase Sr. back into a promising role, as what he always was.. "The Manager of the Million Dollar Corp."

I Don't see any problem with his look, I really don't see that being a problem for him, the one thing that is for sure about this kid, is that he was one of the three bright spots in tonights Raw, HBK/Jericho, and the beginning of the Kennedy/Burchill feud being the other two

I'm happy you enjoyed the Kennedy/Burchill feud, that almost made me smile. Not because of anything specific, other than that was the tied moment of the night for me too.. to see Burchill finally getting his just due and rewarded with a feud against Kennedy.

Burchill/Kennedy is likely only the set-up for Kennedy/Regal, but this could definately be what helps Burchill become something bigger. Now if only he'd get a better finisher. The Curb Stomp is "real life" effective, but "wrestling" shitty.
Oh i watched the raw on monday night yesterday and i saw the dibiasie intorduce his son, teddy dibiase jr and i like him. he got a good welcome to the wwe because he is son of the diabiase father. i think he is gonna be a good guy 0n the wwe rosta because he is the son of the dibiase father. i think he will be the wwe champion soon i hope.

why is his name the same of his faher the dibiase sr.
If the rumors of the new stable with younger, second generation wrestlers is true, then I can see Cody turning on Hardcore Holly.

DiBiase can find a partner (DH Smith?) and Cody can help the other team win the belts and then join the stable. They can explain it by saying DiBiase paid him off, hence the "everybody's got a price" line.

Or, both DiBiases could team together and then Cody would screw over Holly. DiBiase Sr. can't wrestle so he could give the title to Cody. I don't think that's ever been done where someone loses the tag title, then joins the team he lost it to.
Lol Will, I was there with ya man... I marked the fuck out at his debut and awesome tagline. But yeah, his look kinda reminds me of Orton (mainly his ring attire)... he needs a change. Like everyone, I'm really wondering who he'll team up with for the titles. Unlike the majority, I keep thinking Santino... just because he wants the titles bad. But at the moment, he's in a feud with Jimmy's cousin... so, I really don't know what to say about his partner. BUT, DiBiase Jr. does have great mic skills and probably is a good performer... hopefully he just gets over with the crowd soon.
So based one seeing him once all of a sudden he's destined for greatness? It's way to early to tell. Yes he has the look and he seems decent on the mic but we haven't seen him wrestle yet and I think is a little premature to label him the greatest thing since sliced bread after seeing him a grand total of one time. Does he look like he has a potential, definitely but that's the key phrase, looks like.
I really am intrigued by this guy. I marked the hell out when I heard that oh so familiar music. Then I saw him introduce his son and I was taken aback. But he proved me wrong. He handled that mic like a pro and really had me hanging on everyword. Plus the great tagline that everyone else has eluded too was just phenomenal. Simple....yet effective.

I am really looking forward to seeing where this goes. Id also love to see how he performs in the ring. Maybe we will finally get that good heel stable we've all been waiting for.
Hells yea. I was so damn fried up about this. IM sure many of you remember my wildly successfull thread on this in the SD! section. I love the idea of giving him a new generation take on his fathers gimmick. Guy had a good physique, and seemed to know his way around a microphone well. The only issue I had, was can they really make this guy look any more like Orton jr??? I Mean shit, he even had the tirbal print on his tights and everything. For fucks sake would it be so hard to give him the simple black trunks with the doallar sighn, like his father had??
I was talkin' with Monkey a bit about this, and we were discussing how the only thing thats truly left is his in-ring skills and how great he looks doing that.

Well, I was youtubin anything I could on TD2 and I came up with his very first debut match, ever, in Professional Wrestling. Which just so happend to be in Iowa. And I showed Monkey this and he brought up a damn interesting point, that needs to be brought into light.

Ted DiBiase Jr. (w/ his Father) was in his very first wrestling match, with a guy by the name of ohh.. Joe Hennig!! (w/ his Grandfather, Larry the Axe) So we got to talking, Monkey & I, and we thought that how great would it be for TD2 and the Perfect Spawn to become a Tag Team of "Next Generation" Superstars.. to take on Cody Rhodes?

I mean, here you have the saga of DiBiase v. Rhodes, next gen.. now you add in Hennig's son as well, and you have a trio of great next generation athletes that are destined for something big. I think its a good concept to think about.
I was very impressed with Ted DiBiase Jr.'s debut last night. It was cool to see his father on TV once again, and his son seemed very comfortable with the mic. He looks to have potential, and I hope he goes far in the WWE. The only complaint I have about the whole thing is that I think he would've been better suited on SmackDown, where they need more talent. I could see him getting pushed up to US Title contention pretty quickly. But the storyline he has on Raw is interesting enough to keep me content with him on Raw.
I've just watched his debut on RAW this morning and thought it was a very impressive debut. Unlike the likes of Cody Rhodes, DiBiase actually looked confident with his debut, and his delivery of the line was outstanding.

Overall, I think Dibiase will be a very strong addition to the roster. The possibilities presented are intriguing to say the least, with a Million Dollar Corporation, belt etc. The only thing I'd say is that people on here have been speculating a stable for a while and it hasn't happened yet.
Add to that Sr's threat to Holly and Rhodes, and I can see Jr going after the tag gold soon
Ted jnr has looks like he has alot of potential. his debut was the best debut i have ever seen. and its clear that he already is one of the best promo cutters out of the new wrestlers i can see him going far. he has a really good gimmick that has proven well in the past but now he can update it making it even better. i just hope he can wrestle as well as he can talk. and he has already been put into a storyline that could make him huge within a cople of months. i can see why they put people like him and cody rohdes into tagteams to start out, It makes them improve faster and if paired with someone decent it will hide there mistakes to start with. i just really cant see someone who would suit being paired with him. it would have to go with the everyone has a price storyline. Who could it be? i think Mr kennedy would be a good person but he is already in a fued. i can just see him paying a certain tagteam to do his dirty work, You know the team that loves money? cryme tyme. they defanetly have a price.
Well, although i didnt watch wrestling back in the day when Dibiase was around,this kid really impressed me last night. He seems comfortable on the mic, and that tag line was simply excellent. I will hold back on my stance on him until i see him wrestle, but man, i'm excited and hopefully we can finally have a stable, maybe not right now, but in the foreseeable future
I was suprised how good he sounded on the mic. He's got a great look and unlike others I'm glad he didn't come out with a dollar sign on his trunks. That was his Dad's gimmick let his son have his own.
One good thing about having a lot of these younger wrestlers come along is we can now start to build more credibility to the IC title. Get it off of Jericho as soon as you can and get some of the younger guys involved including Ted Jr.

If he has a good finisher and remains as cocky as he is now I see this guy getting over quick and hopefully staying a great heel.
Excellent Debut. Dibiase has a good look, good mic skills, and starting our with a good feud. If you heard right after his promo he already had some heel heat from the crowd. Thats amazing compared to guys like Snitsky and Burchill who the crowd remains relatively dead for.

I think next week it would be awesome if he comes out after a Rhodes/Holly match and drops a briefcase on the top of the ramp doesnt say anything. Rhodes/Holly look perplexed and then you see someone take them out from behind.
I don't think anyone has suggested this yet, so I thought I'd throw this out there. I know that brother tag teams have been beat to death, but, would anyone else care to see him team up with his brother Mike DiBiase Jr.? I googled Mike, and he seems like a well built guy. Maybe he become the enforcer? Since they've already got him on a developmental deal, it could work fairly well.

Plus, if each of them do make it big, who wouldn't want DiBiase vs. DiBiase for the million dollar belt, two good third generation, yes third generation, as their grandmother and grandfather were both wrestlers. Could be a good selling line for a PPV. I think it *could* be a good feud, as long as both of them show some good talent.
Here's what I think could happen...

I honestly think that the million dollar giveaway is the prelude to Ted DiBiase becoming the new GM of Raw. Why else would Ted Jr. be so confident he's getting a World Title shot in his first match? And why hasn't he named a partner yet? Here's why...

Orton's going to be in need of some direction when he loses to HHH Sunday. DiBiase purchases his services, and Orton and DiBiase defeat Hardcore and Cody at Night of Champions. Here's where it gets interesting, Cody turns on Hardcore during the match. He also has his services purchased by DiBiase. This becomes the new Million Dollar Corporation, and the second generation stable that's been rumored... and it's immediately a colossal force. It's headed by the GM, and has a main eventer at the forefront.
I loved the way he came out last night. As Dibiase Sr. interupped the celebration in the ring. Jr came out and sold himself to the fans. His lines great. Priceless as he said. Now he needs a good tag-team partner.The one person I would like to see him with one day is with MR. Kennedy. He and Kennedy as the Million Dollar Tag Team Champions. That would be something to see. They can both talk as we heard last night and Kennedy is not a weak wrestler. Kennedy as a heel is better than Kennedy as a good guy.

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