Team Cena vs Team Authority was filler...


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
I have been seeing loads of comments saying that Survivor Series has been rendered pointless due to the Authority's return after just over a month of being disposed.

However, if we take the time to analyse things, in terms of who was getting pushed, the state of the roster and overall the product around that time, then it'd be easy to realise that what happened at Survivor Series was never actually the plan made in which to dispose the Authority.

Just look at the line-up for Team Cena at Survivor Series, and it is clear that it was a mere filler story that was meant to kill time before the Big Guns made their returns in time for Mania season.

At the time of Survivor Series, the likes of Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns were all off TV. Thus, their places were taken by Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Erick Rowan and Ryback who ended up teaming with Cena.
Now, I know those guys aren't chump, but they just don't match up to the 3 who were off TV at the time,besides possibly Ziggler who is super over atm.
It would be a travesty if after all the back story for Bryan(screwed by the Authority), Reigns(screwed from his time with the Shield) and Orton(thrown out of the Authority) was just swept under the carpet and others took the spotlight instead in terms of bringing the Evil Authority down.

Indeed, I will admit Survivor Series was done well as a feel good storyline(Ziggler getting over big time, Ryback being built back up and obviously STING making his debut!), but that stipulation with Cena being able to bring back the Authority always meant that they were going to come back...and it isn't a coincidence that that is exactly what is happening at exactly the time that Daniel Bryan, the Main Hero in the fight vs the Authority has announced his impending In-Ring return.

Let's all prepare for Sting, Cena, Orton, Bryan, Reigns and Ziggler going toe to toe with whoever makes up the second coming of the Authority as the Road to WrestleMania officially begins in 2015!
I don't give a crap about SS being rendered pointless. I'm saddened that we're back to months and months of the same 20-30 promo opening every Raw, just with different protagonists each week coming out. Be it Cena, DB, Orton, Reigns, etc.

As was brought up earlier, Cena being able to bring them back meant that they were always going to be brought back. Some delusional people were thinking he could bring them back and turn heel in the process. :lmao:
So Cena returned the Authority to save some guy that invaded his house and smacked his dad around and made his life hell for around 4 years? Gotcha.

Everyone knew this was coming. People around here complaining about Ziggler's push being wasted need to face facts. Ziggler was never going anywhere after that match. It was a great performance and moment for him but in the end it could have been ANYONE else in that spot and the end result was still going to be all about Sting debuting and facing Triple H at Wrestlemania. Ziggler is going to stay in the same spot he's been in for about 8 years now and that's how it should be. He reached his peak already and now it's time to just let it go. There is no room for him to succeed with this tremendous group of younger more talented stars coming up.

Am I surprised the Authority is back already and we wasted about 4 weeks or so? No because this is WWE and therefore Triple H and Stephanie must be shoved into the spotlight as much as possible. It could have been a LOT better by just having Triple H show up randomly returning as not a business man or the CEO, but a man who wants revenge on Sting and Wrestlemania writes itself. WWE is too afraid to try anything new which is why we are stuck with the Authority again taking up about half of Raw every week because people are begging for more of them. Such is life in WWE.

However, if we take the time to analyse things, in terms of who was getting pushed, the state of the roster and overall the product around that time, then it'd be easy to realise that what happened at Survivor Series was never actually the plan made in which to dispose the Authority.

Not directed at you, but


Did people truly think that the Authority would be gone for good? Bless them, honestly. :lmao: it gives me hope, since kayfabe is clearly still alive and well.

SS wasn't filler any more than the majority of pro wrestling is. We got a great match, we got Dolph Ziggler pushed to the moon, a FANTASTIC farwell segment from Triple H and Steph the night after, and we got a Sting debut....Which of those, exactly, is now undone? None of them. Not to mention we got Rollins elevated to a true place of evil with last nights finishing segment. In all seriousness, when it was mentioned that "only Cena can bring them back" people REALLY did not see this coming from MILES away? Come the fuck on, people.

If Bryan is back 100%, then the Authority aligned with the Beast and Paul Heyman are the perfect foils to go down in utter flames at WrestleMania.

Basic booking 101. Shit, I hope Batista even comes back :lmao:
That is why this seems like a bad joke. Why even do it? Have them leave Kane in charge or maintain the current form of sloppiness they were at instead of slapping this on us. That is what they did here. Sloppy was to bring the Authority back and it really killed any excitement I had from the show that was built up. Even worse is that when Rollins acted like he was going to "Curb Stomp" Edge anyways, Cena got there in time with Rollins already moving. So Cena brought back the Authority, who happened to be in the back, to save a guy who all he had to do was rush the ring? Yeah makes total sense. I record RAW to fast forward through parts I dislike, mainly Divas matches, but I may have to take it off of DVR because when they seemed like they were getting better, they revert back to the same stupidity.
@MightyNorCal, very strong points.

Those screaming that Survivor Series has been rendered pointless are forgetting one of the oldest rules in pro wrestling, what happened yesterday means absolute shit to what is going on today. We have seen this exact scenario time after time. Fans need to live in the moment.

For those fans gripping about the timing there is an argument to be made but realistically there isn't a lot of time between Series and Rumble and they need to start cranking up the heat as quickly as they can. During the first go around Cena lead the JV. Now he has to "star studded" varsity team back. Removed will be Ryback, Haprer and Ziggler in favor of Reigns, Bryan and Sting.
Bryan being back moves pieces around that need to be kept busy... Rollins/Cena now goes to the next level, setting up the inevitable cash in when Cena has done all the work.

Roman not going to Mania as expected cos of Bryan (which after that reaction post announcement) is simply a must now and the Authority being back positions him to feud with Triple H for Fast Lane which will get him over... It also gives Sting a reason to "come in" and face Trips at Mania.

It was a VERY well done angle, Edge was the perfect guy to use, he had enough heat in the past with Cena to make him someone he'd think twice about saving but Rollins was excellent too... For Sting to be a "Vigilante" as they are intent on, it means some rough justice has to be meted out by the Authority...

Or perhaps you'd prefer the laptop back?

This was the first Raw that felt exciting and fresh in a long long time.....

Even the Usos match was great. I honestly didn't have to fast forward half the show. I didn't have to watch the same three matches presented in different forms. I saw BNB return. I saw a great champion vs champion match. Brock came back. Man you just can't please some fans. SS is over. This is the next chapter. That is like saying someone's title reign means nothing if they lose the belt. Well it still does. I loved the EVIL scary note it left on with the Authority standing with BROCK. This was the old school wrestling I liked. Man and Seth Rollins really has raised his value this year. This guy was GOLD last night. Man I swear you just can't make today's fans happy
The Authority was a great way to make fans care about guys they otherwise wouldn't have when everyone who mattered was injured. But now, they've got:

Tier 1
Cena (love him or hate him, he's a huge draw)

Tier 2
Sheamus (kind of)

Tier 1
Lesner (though on borrowed time that he'd happily give away)

Tier 2
Big Show

Then there's the newly returned Orton and Barrett, each of whom could join the top tier of either side. Let's not forget Cesaro, who could be more than they let him be.

My point is that there's enough main event guys who can hold their own angles that having the Authority as a catch all nemesis, and HHH likely to eat up massive chunks of air time (best for business, amiright?) is not only unnecessary for the tier 1 guys, but will force tier 2 guys into the mid card shuffle. Unless, of course, they operate as an NWO esque tractor beam, and absorb every relevant heel as a member and face as an opponent.
Anyone with half an ounce of sense knew that Cena would wind up bringing The Authority back, otherwise why add the stipulation that ONLY Cena himself could bring them back. If you're someone who honestly thought differently, then maybe there are still a few people out in the world who don't know pro wrestling is staged.

I don't see Survivor Series as being filler any more than most anything else that happens in wrestling. Like any angle or match at any given time, Team Cena vs. Team Authority was a means to an end. They delivered a strong match, Dolph Ziggler got to look better than he's ever looked, we saw a platform that delivered Sting inside a WWE ring for the first time in his career and we had a feel good moment with The Authority being booted out of power. Once all that was over with, it was time to move to another series of angles with a central storyline based directly on the fallout of Survivor Series: The Authority being brought back into power.
The Authority was a great way to make fans care about guys they otherwise wouldn't have when everyone who mattered was injured. But now, they've got:

Tier 1
Cena (love him or hate him, he's a huge draw)

Tier 2
Sheamus (kind of)

Tier 1
Lesner (though on borrowed time that he'd happily give away)

Tier 2
Big Show

Then there's the newly returned Orton and Barrett, each of whom could join the top tier of either side. Let's not forget Cesaro, who could be more than they let him be.

My point is that there's enough main event guys who can hold their own angles that having the Authority as a catch all nemesis, and HHH likely to eat up massive chunks of air time (best for business, amiright?) is not only unnecessary for the tier 1 guys, but will force tier 2 guys into the mid card shuffle. Unless, of course, they operate as an NWO esque tractor beam, and absorb every relevant heel as a member and face as an opponent.

I thought it was very interesting that they seemed to go with the Cesaro face turn but Barrett ended up more the face by the end of the match... Especially now the NWO stuff is pretty much off the table cos of Big Kev tearing his son a new quad there is some space in the roster.

I don't think they hotshotted the return of the Authority, but I do think it perhaps was not gonna be QUITE so soon, that the NWO would have had something to do with it or trying to prevent it.

Barrett is the main guy I see now getting involved, be it face or heel with the Authority... he's someone who can upset the fans or Bryan by "taking his spot" in the Rumble or upset Triple H by ruining his plans or even "making way" for someone like Sting...

But the guy praising RAW last night was right, it was an interesting reset.
@MightyNorCal, very strong points.

Those screaming that Survivor Series has been rendered pointless are forgetting one of the oldest rules in pro wrestling, what happened yesterday means absolute shit to what is going on today. We have seen this exact scenario time after time. Fans need to live in the moment.

For those fans gripping about the timing there is an argument to be made but realistically there isn't a lot of time between Series and Rumble and they need to start cranking up the heat as quickly as they can. During the first go around Cena lead the JV. Now he has to "star studded" varsity team back. Removed will be Ryback, Haprer and Ziggler in favor of Reigns, Bryan and Sting.

What gets me, is that there are some who say the Authority should be out longer, since we know with the power given to Cena that they were always going to return.

The current scenario most definitely means that the setup will be for the Authority to be vanquished by various babyfaces at WrestleMania 31.
However, those who say the Authority ruin the show, and say they should be kept out they realise that if the Authority were kept back for post-Mania instead, we could possibly be saddled with them for a whole other year instead of the 3/4 months we will in the current scenario? :shrug:
What gets me, is that there are some who say the Authority should be out longer, since we know with the power given to Cena that they were always going to return.

The current scenario most definitely means that the setup will be for the Authority to be vanquished by various babyfaces at WrestleMania 31.
However, those who say the Authority ruin the show, and say they should be kept out they realise that if the Authority were kept back for post-Mania instead, we could possibly be saddled with them for a whole other year instead of the 3/4 months we will in the current scenario? :shrug:

Of course they could just kill the whole authority angle dead since it's about 15 years past it's sell date :)
Sad thing is WWE could of at least put some effort into this and drag out their possible return for months, maybe return by around Summerslam or something, not a month later. You know kinda like how cashing in the MITB is something that plays out over time, where as its pretty useless when someone cashes in within a month.
Who ever believed Authority will be gone? Announce Team and Rollins mentioned them on weekly basis, they got new minitron just befoe they "gone" Kane still used his Authority attire, and of course "career on the line" track record - Cena returned in a week after he was "fired", CM Punk returned in 2 weeks after he "walked out", Vince returned after "being relieved of his duties" etc, "career on the line" became a bad joke.

It looks like WWE creativish team simply incapable of making a show without some authority figure, which, with every other bad decision this year, doesn't make them any favor.

For me the return of Authority is a huge turnoff, i'am sick of watching the same thing week in and week out for years. I mean, since 1998, was there any 6 months period WWE didn't have "bad authority figure vs good guys" storyline going on? The story is done to death.

I understand, their ratings continue to fall, so they decided to bring Sting in ASAP and Authority return will be a catalyst for it, but couldn't HHH just attack Sting on some event Borden was advertised for to start things off, why bring in the group your fans tired of?
We can argue semantics all day but the reality of the mater is the match at Survivor Series was to cover their asses. No World Champion for three months and a handful of top stars MIA. They needed something to seem like a bid deal. Now with all the cards back in the deck they can play the hand they wanted to.

A lot of individuals want to say recent developments essentially render Series pointless but I'm sure guys like Harper, Rowan, Ryback and Ziggler are not seeing it that way. Even if moving forward they are moved down the card it gave them the chance to show there are other options and they can hang.
I wouldn't say Survivor Series is filler. I believe it was part of their long-term plan. They pushed young talent which I've seen many complain that the WWE doesn't do.

I'm sure if Sheamus wasn't injured he would have took Rowan's place. I just think WWE did the best they could with what they had.

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