The Authority Reimagined

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
I was watching the WWE Network the other day, and with Night Of Champions 2013 on, an idea popped in my head. Why didn't the Authority just go for all of the Gold!?

When the Authority was established, they were composed of:
WWE Champion, Randy Orton
United States Champion, Dean Ambrose
WWE World Tag Team Champions, the Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)

I think the Authority should have also added:
World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio
Intercontinental Champion, Curtis Axel (with or without Paul Heyman)
Divas Champion, A. J. Lee

Alberto Del Rio fits in with the Authority really well. If Randy Orton was the "Face of the WWE", then Del Rio could have been the "Face of the World". He could leave the Stable on his own after he drops the Big Gold Belt to John Cena.

Curtis Axel could have been added out of the respect Triple H develops after their mini-feud. Adding Paul Heyman can only be a plus, but not necessary. Axel could be kicked out of the group after he drops the Intercontinental Title to, and subsequently replaced with, Big E. Langston.

A. J. Lee can just come and go as she pleases. By this time, we know she can play the Authority role well. Having the Authority in her back pocket could have enhanced her 1st reign as Divas Champion.

Just imagine what it would look like with the King of Kings, the Queen of Queens, and all 7 Champions of the WWE during that specific time frame, in the ring together. Wow!!

Who would you have added / removed from the Authority??
Any reimagining of The Authority, in my mind, only works if they change the one aspect about The Authority that failed miserably: HHH's tweening.

If HHH had just been an all-out, no-good, rotten SOB, then the whole thing could have worked. Instead, he played to the crowd and acted 'cool,' while talking about what's "Best for Business." I think that line wouldn't have been so cringe-worthy if HHH's idea of B4B had somehow been way extremely horrendous or only in his favor. It was at times. But at other times, he seemed benevolent. And that mix didn't ever really seem to work well with me.
Any reimagining of The Authority, in my mind, only works if they change the one aspect about The Authority that failed miserably: HHH's tweening.

If HHH had just been an all-out, no-good, rotten SOB, then the whole thing could have worked. Instead, he played to the crowd and acted 'cool,' while talking about what's "Best for Business." I think that line wouldn't have been so cringe-worthy if HHH's idea of B4B had somehow been way extremely horrendous or only in his favor. It was at times. But at other times, he seemed benevolent. And that mix didn't ever really seem to work well with me.

Agreed. HHH sucked for the majority of it. Stephanie carried it as the truly evil boss for a long time, until she eventually also got too "tweener". HHH was only good in the build up to the Bryan match at Mania when he really got into it.
The concept of "Authority" needs to be reimagined... or rather rewinded.

The problem ever since 1997 is that we ALL know who really runs WWE, even if it's public...

They got lazy with writing and made the McMahon's the centre of it all when it comes to running the show... it ran its course probably 7 years ago... but they persist, Shane at least gave it a new wrinkle.

What it needs is literally a Jack Tunney type... not a former wrestler/champion unless it's the right one... forget the BIG names... make it Cena it's as bad as Vince...

The right guy and I THINK the long term plan if Trips does get significant power post Vince is... Regal

Perfect guy to run the whole of WWE "onscreen" been a face, been a heel, seen it all and not scared of upsetting anyone...even Vince etc... his role on NXT seems not to be setting up to be GM, but THE guy down the line. He's the kind of guy when he talks about a decision, viewers will buy in, even if they hate the call...

Look back at all the GM's and he is still the best one... played it slightly funny but straight in the main and his aborted heel run with it looked like it was changing ahem...The Game... let's face it... had he not failed the drugs test he'd have got the one World title and then been Trip's proxy going forward.

Failing that you need someone who was totally not a worker... ever... Jim Ross WOULD have been perfect but that ship has sailed... Michael Cole post commentary? controversial but probably the nearest they actually have on the books to Jack Tunney...
I don't think that I would add or remove anyone from it.

If you wanna add every champion to the stable, that makes it all over the place, be it Raw or Smackdown. That would require multiple battles. Not like Bryan Vs. Evolution at Wrestlemania 30.

Multiple battles about the same idea at the same time would ruin the entertainment. It would look too much to have on any programming. So, I don't think that I would add or remove someone. Just keep it as it is.
One thing I thought they dropped the ball on was Nikki Bella. After Stephanie's feud with Brie Bella....which remember, that came after Bryan could no longer wrestle. Stephanie could no longer try to ruin Bryan, so she went after Brie. And as the payoff to that, Stephanie even got Nikki to turn on Brie and help her win at Summerslam.

So going forward, it would make sense that Nikki is in the Authority's favor right? They pretty much dropped that. They had little to do with each other. Nikki and Brie had their feud which ended when Brie lost and had to be Nikki's slave for a month or something.....and then they just randomly started teaming up again. Just awful booking.

Nikki should've been the "Randy Orton" and later "Seth Rollins" of the women's division in that she was the Authority's handpicked champion.

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