tdigle Asks You Questions, And You Answer, Part Deux

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

2) Are your teeth white?

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

4) Do you like sleep?

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Not really.

2) Are your teeth white?

Why do you want to know? Racist.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Yes, and no.

4) Do you like sleep?

Love it.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

Yes they do, coming from someone that has 5 sisters.
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

2) Are your teeth white?
No. Years of tea-drinking has messed them up.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

4) Do you like sleep?
Yes, but I'm bad at it. :(

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

I'd believe it. I was at summer camp once and one girl started her period and the rest all followed. They all got really bitchy and I was caught in the crossfire because I have a bad habit of accidentally pissing girls off during that time. I could barely say anything without getting punched by SOMEONE.
1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

2) Are your teeth white?

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

4) Do you like sleep?

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

1. I don't dislike them
2. you betcha
3. No mask for me. Everyone else is going down with me.
4. I LOVE sleeping
5. Yes. In fact, women that simply spend alot of time together sometime synchronize. Crazy, huh?
1) Do you like drinking fountains?
- Those still exist? I thought they were obsolete. I haven't seen one since elementary school.

2) Are your teeth white?
- Ehhhh. Almostttt. I drink a bitch load of coffee.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
- Wearing a surgical mask? Like some sort of Chinese Sars victim? Naw ***** naw.

4) Do you like sleep?
- Fuck yes I do.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?
- That's what I heard.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Not really.

2) Are your teeth white?

Not glossy white.
3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Nope, and I would if I did.

4) Do you like sleep?

Sometimes. Waste my precious time though.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

Yep, totally true.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Not really.

2) Are your teeth white?

They used to be. Then I used this super strength mouthwash and it stained them. The whiteness is on its way back.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Yes, no.

4) Do you like sleep?

Not really. I hate getting up sometimes, but I don't need much sleep.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

If they aren't on the pill, I think so.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?
As long as there's pop coming out said fountain, then yes.
2) Are your teeth white?
Three packs a day, and a Two-Four at night. Not white, but they could be a lot worse.
3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
I've gone to work with Upper-Respiratory infections, in food service, and not worn a medical mask. Damnit, if I suffer, the whole town does.
4) Do you like sleep?
love it.
5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?
wouldn't know, chief....
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

I used them all the time as a child. Then I seen the sick shit people have done to them and try to avoid them as much as possible.

2) Are your teeth white?

They used to be amazingly white. Now, they're only moderately white. I want amazingly white back.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Yes, I've gone to work sick. No, I have not worn a surgical mask because on days I've truly been "too sick to work" and still worked, its been due to the Company more or less forcing me to.

Thus, its out of my control what happens at that point, since I tried preventing being there in the first place.

4) Do you like sleep?

Depends on the dreams. Normally I love sleep. However, if the dream is recurring and its one that gets to me in a negative way, I go out of my way to avoid sleeping for long periods of time.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

I have no idea. I doubt it.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

They're useful for poor people. Anything for the less fortunate.

2) Are your teeth white?

Whiter than most English mouths.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Yes, but I've never worn a surgical mask. No need for me to prevent coughing whilst working in the food industry.

4) Do you like sleep?

Wouldn't know, I've never thought about it whilst I'm doing it.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

No. God designed women so that there would be at least one of them in the kitchen at all times.
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

2) Are your teeth white?

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

4) Do you like sleep?

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

1. Only if theyre cold, and the water doesnt taste like shit
2. Yes
3. Nope
4. I love sleep
5. Yes, it has something to do with the brain getting used to the other person if they live together for a while.
Do you like drinking fountains?


Are your teeth white?

Pretty damn white, yeah.

Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

I've gone to work sick a couple times and didn't wear a mask.

Do you like sleep?


Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

I've heard of it happening in all-girls dorm housing and such, but I'm not sure why it does.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

2) Are your teeth white?

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

4) Do you like sleep?

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

1. Yeah sure

2. Somewhat

3. Yes I have, cold, headaches, cramps etc. and only the cold has really been infective, but I've managed to keep people from getting sick around me.

4. love it, I don't get enough although cause I also like staying up late at times, but I try to get 8-9 hours in the weekends.

5. I don't know.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?
2) Are your teeth white?
Im British,what do you think.
3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
Hungover?Yes Sick?Fuck no,i dont paid enough to do that 4) Do you like sleep?
Of course
5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?[/QUOTE]
I believe so,yes
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

I prefer liquids.

2) Are your teeth white?

They include a beautiful tint of yellow.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Purposely tried to infect as many others as possible.

4) Do you like sleep?

It's a waste of my time.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

Hopefully. That'd be damn sexy.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Excellent if there are no public toilets around

2) Are your teeth white?

I drink shitloads of tea, a lot of alchohol and I used to smoke. They are in fact very white

3) Have you ever gone to work sick?

Fuck that

If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

I'd probably get beaten up by Polish people for looking like a cunt

4) Do you like sleep?

I like my bed, but dont really like sleeping anywhere else

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

It's probably a case of no women liking the idea of any other woman being more bitchy than them for any peroid of time.
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?
[Yes. Though I wish they were filtered a bit more]
2) Are your teeth white?
[Yes. Naturally white, though not movie star bright white, I've never had a cavity or any dental trouble.]
3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
[No. And I probably wouldn't if I were contagious]
4) Do you like sleep?
[I love sleep; sleep is one of the most beneficial things for your health.]
5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?
[Don't know, don't want to know, and would probably never ask.]
1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Yeah, they are pretty beneficial.

2) Are your teeth white?

White with a yellow tint, no matter how much I brush them.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

I will work in any situation unless I'm too ill to even get out of bed.

4) Do you like sleep?

I do, but haven't been getting as much as I'd like to of late.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

Nah, more synchronous bitchiness.
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.

1 June 2010

1) Do you like drinking fountains?
Considering how quickly I empty a water bottle, yes. I just wish I had a personal fountain that nobody else uses. I've seen some people press their mouth against them when taking a drink. There's just no decency in certain people.

2) Are your teeth white?
Shockingly so.

3) Have you ever gone to work sick?

If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
Nope. It alarms people.

4) Do you like sleep?
Yes. I don't like not being awake, but I do enjoy recharging.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?
Requires further investigation.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Only the ones labeled 'Whites Only'.

2) Are your teeth white?

Damn right.


3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

No, it's them there ******s that need to wear a mask. Passing on those fucking big lipped monkey germs.

4) Do you like sleep?

Only after I killed a few ebonies.

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

I don't know, WHITE POWER!
1) Do you like drinking fountains?

Nothing wrong with them

2) Are your teeth white?

My dentist says they have a natural yellow tinge that will only go away with whitening, which I won't get

3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?

Yes and no

4) Do you like sleep?

It's in my top 5 favourite things to do

5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

No idea
9 June 2010

1) Do you enjoy the feels that you have to cop when a woman crowdsurfs over you?

2) Do you ever put on a playlist when you fuck? If so, what kind of music do you listen to?

3) Did you play the recorder when you were in elementary school?

4) Were you weirded out the first time that you saw a teacher outside of school?

5) If Debra Lafave had chosen to fuck you when you were in middle school, would you have ratted her out?

6) Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?

7) Why is Jeffue a cunt?

8) Do you have a fetish for stockings and garter belts?

9) How come most women in porn fuck with their shoes on?

10) Has a bird ever taken a shit on you?
1) As long as she isn't fat
2) No
3) No
4) Yes
5) No way, I'd have blackmailed her
6) Ariel washing powder
7) He's not
9) To appease the shoe fetish market....because feet are rank
10) Yes
9 June 2010

1) Do you enjoy the feels that you have to cop when a woman crowdsurfs over you?
2) Do you ever put on a playlist when you fuck? If so, what kind of music do you listen to?
of course... not
3) Did you play the recorder when you were in elementary school?
and the clarinet
4) Were you weirded out the first time that you saw a teacher outside of school?
no. When I was 17, I worked with a teacher. His summer job was out a grocery store...
5) If Debra Lafave had chosen to fuck you when you were in middle school, would you have ratted her out?
no one wants to fuck me
6) Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I'm allerigic to several things. I have yet to find out one of them though...
7) Why is Jeffue a cunt?
Because he is...
8) Do you have a fetish for stockings and garter belts?
um no?
9) How come most women in porn fuck with their shoes on?
to feel taller?
10) Has a bird ever taken a shit on you?
The Bar Room is dead to me; this is my new spam hangout. So, I'm creating this thread here.
It sucks
1 June 2010
I'm late.
1) Do you like drinking fountains?
2) Are your teeth white?
3) Have you ever gone to work sick? If so, did you wear a surgical mask so you wouldn't get anyone else sick?
4) Do you like sleep?
yes, but i can never sleep.
5) Is it true that women living in the same house have synchronous periods?

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