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Talent Lending


The Sensational One

Christian RETURNS to TNA as the Intercontinental Champion! A feel good moment for everyone who watched the PPV. Good for TNA and the world of professional wrestling all around. I know it was likely a one off thing for letting Flair appear at the WWE HOF but it got me thinking...

What If.. this happened again. Who would you want to see come to TNA from WWE and who would come over to WWE from TNA?
I would personally love to see either A.J. Styles or Bobby Roode as both are TNA made talent, come over to WWE.

As far as TNA goes Imagine the lights go off, crowd is buzzing with anticipation and MOTHER F#CKING JOHN CENA walks into the Impact Zone? Could be the highest Viewed Impact ever!

So what do you guy's think?
PS I know its highly unlikely this will happen but I still think it's fun ti discuss
Obviously this is not something thats going to happen on a continual basis...but for the sake of the thread, Id love to see Kurt Angle come back to WWE for the 1000th episode and do some mic work...maybe put some talent over. Just imagine if Lesnar is in the ring with Heyman and they're both putting Lesnar's current angle over...and all of a sudden you hear Angles WWE theme break out. The Gold Medalist comes out and stands on the ramp as the crowd goes berzerk and starts chanting 'you suck' to the rhythm of the music. Kurt has a mic in hand and stays up on the ramp and tells Brock that he's got it all wrong...that the fans owe him nothing...that its Brock who owes the fans.

Im not going to write out a promo here, but Kurt basically runs down Brock and tells him he should be focusing on giving the business everything he has...giving the fans everything he has...or simply quit and go home like he did last time and never come back. Brock dares Kurt to come down and say all this in his face and Kurt takes off his shirt and starts walking to the ring but security comes out and stops him.

That would be pretty cool. I also want to see Muhammed Hassan appear on the 1000th episode and start a beef with Undertaker. I know this has nothing to do with the point of this thread but I want to see that so bad that I had to write it.


TNA is trying to sue WWE. No more trading stars.

For someone who I assume watches Pro wrestling, you sure can't suspend disbelief huh? I know it's highly unlikely to happen again but it already happened once...not to far off from possibly happening again.
It would be cool for Styles to come over. I know its happened in ROH but imagine the quality of matches CM PUNK Daniel Bryan (man I hate calling him that) would have with Austin Aries?? Bobby Roode and James Storm would be great. Randy Orton vs Anderson would be a hard stiff match considering they really don't like each other. I know this is weird but I don't think I'd want to see Sting in the WWE. Undertaker over there would be awesome have him just destroy everyone and everything and finish with TNA...Rest...in...PEACE and have the ring explode.
As long as they keep Bubba Ray Dudley off WWE TV, they can trade whomever the hell they want.

Seriously, fuck it if you're shooting for the ceiling you have Sting appear and call out the Undertaker.

On the flipside...don't really give a shit, send Hornswaggle over he'd fit right in over there.
For someone who I assume watches Pro wrestling, you sure can't suspend disbelief huh? I know it's highly unlikely to happen again but it already happened once...not to far off from possibly happening again.

Christian was "TOLD" to do it as it was a contracted agreement for use of Ric Flair at HOF, they get use of Christian
I really wish TNA & WWE could cross promote. You know how entertaining the wrestling world could be? You wouldn't have any people jumping ship for another company, no need to sign 10 year long term contracts, wrestlers could get more time off because wrestlers from either promotion would be filling in on either shows.
I honestly believe it would change the face of wrestling as anyone know's it, and all wrestling companies involved would flourish. Vince McMahon would never ever go for it, but imagine what could be done STING VS UNDERTAKER, AJ STYLES VS DANIEL BRYAN, the possibilities are endless, and wrestling companies wouldn't have to pay big money out for talent contracts just to visualize a few good matches with guy's or gal's on either roster.
They lend talents and if the matches are flops you send them back to their organization. end of problem
I really wish TNA & WWE could cross promote. You know how entertaining the wrestling world could be? You wouldn't have any people jumping ship for another company, no need to sign 10 year long term contracts, wrestlers could get more time off because wrestlers from either promotion would be filling in on either shows.
I honestly believe it would change the face of wrestling as anyone know's it, and all wrestling companies involved would flourish. Vince McMahon would never ever go for it, but imagine what could be done STING VS UNDERTAKER, AJ STYLES VS DANIEL BRYAN, the possibilities are endless, and wrestling companies wouldn't have to pay big money out for talent contracts just to visualize a few good matches with guy's or gal's on either roster.
They lend talents and if the matches are flops you send them back to their organization. end of problem


As long as were reaching for the stars.. I would like to see a PPV sort of like Bragging Rights that the WWE has had,but this time it would be WWE VS TNA stars. Have a six man tag match putting the best each company has to offer against each other, keep the trophy and let the winning company hold it for a year until the next Bragging Rights PPv happens. They could keep it in Big Johhny/Hulk Hogans GM room.

And if I can reach just a little further I would say this would create massive excitement for wrestling fans the effect would be "cooler talk" moments that we use to have for the Monday Night wars. Let's face it viewership is either stagnent or worse declining. it's not "panic mode" yet but lets say in 5 years Raw's pulling in only a 2.0 nelson rating if I can quote Christian "might be time to flip the switch"

I would even further guess that this Bragging Rights PPV would do more buys then Wrestlemaina. and Vince could get a bigger cut of the PPV buys maybe 65-35%. Dixie might even be desperate enough to let her wrestles wrestle for free as the exposure alone would grow the company more then any Hogan-Bischoff administration could ever bring
And No one could EVER and I mean EVVVVVVVER get told to do that again? If you can tell the future I'd like next weeks Florida lottery numbers...

With the animosity TNA's lawsuit is going to create, there's a possibility that Vince won't agree to it again. Dixie might not be too interested in the future either for all we know. It's WWE's position that TNA is suing them for "doing the right thing", at least according to WWE's legal council, after returning the confidential information and firing the person bringing it. I can't remember all the details but, in a nutshell, that's WWE's stance on things and TNA sees it differently.

All in all, the possibility of this happening on a major scale is practically nonexistent because there's nothing in it for WWE. Both WWE & TNA got a great "feel good moment" from the one night appearances of Ric Flair & Christian but, from a business standpoint, WWE has nothing to gain from it. TNA, on the other hand, would benefit immensely from having their talent wrestle on WWE programming and from having WWE talent wrestling on their programming. When it's all said and done, such a happening could be epic for wrestling fans but there are way too many huge egos in both WWE & TNA for such mutually beneficial cooperation to take place. At some point or another, I honestly have a feeling that one or both would try to pull some sort of a screwjob scenario just for the same of being able to one-up the other. Vince McMahon, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Bruce Pritchard are just a few of the cooks in this fire and they have MASSIVE egos. Combined, their egos would be a practical country unto itself.

As for who I'd personally like to see, some of the more obvious wrestlers have already been mentioned. Part of me would like to see Sting just for the sake of seeing him for the first time in history on a WWE television program inside of a WWE ring. No matter what, damn near everyone would like to see Sting in the WWE Hall of Fame and/or possibly go up against The Undertaker at a WrestleMania. At the same time, there's a certain coolness factor in Sting being really the only major name in American wrestling during the past 30 years to have never worked for WWE.
All in all, the possibility of this happening on a major scale is practically nonexistent because there's nothing in it for WWE. Both WWE & TNA got a great "feel good moment" from the one night appearances of Ric Flair & Christian but, from a business standpoint, WWE has nothing to gain from it. TNA, on the other hand, would benefit immensely from having their talent wrestle on WWE programming and from having WWE talent wrestling on their programming. When it's all said and done, such a happening could be epic for wrestling fans but there are way too many huge egos in both WWE & TNA for such mutually beneficial cooperation to take place. At some point or another, I honestly have a feeling that one or both would try to pull some sort of a screwjob scenario just for the same of being able to one-up the other. Vince McMahon, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Bruce Pritchard are just a few of the cooks in this fire and they have MASSIVE egos. Combined, their egos would be a practical country unto itself.

1. Right now, maybe your right, WWE doesn't gain alot from TNA Talent. Besides Hogan,Sting,Angle there wouldn't be dividens right away. But let's say in the future WWE is sitting at 2.0 or lower in the nelson rating like I said in my earlier post this could create EXCITMENT. Something wrestling in general has been sorelly laking since the Monday Night Wars. So what was going on back then...? They had a REAL Rivalry taking pot shots at each other, so what If WWE has to make there own "artifical" Rivalry but it could pay HUGE Dividens in the future not just for TNA.

2. And that would be a bad thing? Say what you want about the Montreal Screw Job call it what you will, but I see it as Entertainment! MMMmm don't you just salivate at the possibility of another Shoot Screw Job? maybe not salivate but you know what I mean.

Look my point is that what WWE and TNA are doing isn't growing there business let alone the business of professional wrestling in general alone. together if they can put there petty differences aside and see the BIG picture they could bring Professional Wrestling back to the forefront of Entertainment! Somewhere I personally feel it belongs!
What i would like to see is both wwe and tna cross promote with there big ppv.

At wrestlemania have sting or even aj styles wrestle. Sting vs undertaker obviously. And have aj styles vs daniel bryan vs cm punk.

At bound for glory i would have hhh and john cena. HHH vs bobby roode. And john cena vs the entire tna locker room haha.
And No one could EVER and I mean EVVVVVVVER get told to do that again? If you can tell the future I'd like next weeks Florida lottery numbers...

who does TNA really have to force WWE into that scenario again? WWE got someone who rarely got used by tna, while tna got someone who just returned and is a champion for WWE...I seriously hope TNA had to pay Christian for the weekend of shows he had to miss
As long as they keep Bubba Ray Dudley off WWE TV, they can trade whomever the hell they want.

Seriously, fuck it if you're shooting for the ceiling you have Sting appear and call out the Undertaker.

On the flipside...don't really give a shit, send Hornswaggle over he'd fit right in over there.

dumb ass comment, dont comment on threads if youre reply to it is gonna be this stupid.

Id love to see Austin Aries or AJ go over to wwe for one or a cross over event. Thad be the most awesome thing ever, maybe bobby roode
if you actually know what is happening,CHRISTIAN didnt even want to do the appearance, TNA got to select whichever WWE star they wanted to attend Slammiversary as payment for Flair being able to appear at the HOF. Plain and simple, this was a one -off. To suspend belief is no different to saying what would happen if Buddy Rogers could have one more match, who would he fight. Completely ridiculous
Ehhh although it would be cool for fans such as the majority of people on here it really wouldn't work for WWE, a lot of WWE audiences are younger kids or 'casual' wrestling fans who probably haven't even heard of TNA, Bobby Roode or AJ Styles. Working backwards it would be huge for TNA for WWE not so much, the only thing that would work for WWE would be if it was a previous employee that people already knew and even then it's limited to like Kurt Angle.

The buzz on the internet would go crazy but it would be a very one sided deal.
It wont happen but I could see Kurt at the 1000th episode of RAW...it would really work.

I would love to see Styles "try" cutting a promo on WWE, but thats simply because I like the guys work from the Octagon times of TNA....that and he was never really given a chance by WWE back when he was briefly with the company.

My number one TNA - WWE crossover would be Jeff Hardy..... WWE should never have lost him, he was that little bit of contoversy that WWE could transfer into ratings......and even a little promo on one episode only would really get me intreagued.

For the WWE - TNA
I would laugh my face off if CENA turned up at TNA..... He would get the Heat of a lifetime...wouldnt be surprised if he got Drinks and rotten fruit thrown at him.

HHH would have to be the guy for me....im sure he would get Heat also...but I think if he cuts the right promo and compliments the business then he could really get the crowd on his side and get the Media talking......not that Vince would allow something like that to happen for a Rivial company.

Undertaker cuts a promo on Impact and Calls out Sting for Mania.....pffft I can dream can't I ?
Sadly cross promotion could never happen. Vince McMahon thinks the world revolves around him. He thinks he is above all other forms of entertainment and him lending himself, his talent or his name to anything would be above him to do.

The other thing is that if John Cena went to TNA great but most talent TNA would have no clue what to do with them. Even Randy Orton possibly falling into their lap in the future would be wasted.

WWE could take almost anyone who used to be in WWE and make them big again... look at Booker T, Nash.

If Angle went to WWE, he'd get a crazy reaction. If I had to choose one person it would be him becuase he was huge in WWe, going the other way Cena.
It won't happen again for a few reasons but the biggest one is the WWE agreed to do it because they got the better end of the deal on this one. They got to have Flair come back for one night. Flair is one of the greatest of all time.

TNA got Christian for a one night return. Now Christian is very good, but he probably won't end up as more than a footnote of wrestling history when all is said and done.

Had those rolls been reversed the E would have never agreed to it
The concept of talent sharing has major league benefits.

I know it seems like TNA would be the main benefactor but honestly, to make the WWE stand out in the 'wrestling' catagory which I know they hate, talent sharing is a great idea. And when the roster's on either company are getting a tad shallow, you can always ask for help.

And for the sake of some time at the other company, your stock as a wrestler may rise. Look at Christian. Mid-carder for the WWE until his time in TNA and NWA World Championship reign subsequently lead to his first two WWE World Heavyweight Title reigns.

I mean lets face it, right now, if the Miz went to TNA for a couple of months and improved, he could come back and reclaim his spot at the top of the WWE world. Enhancing the talent of the likes of Bobby Roode on WWE TV would only make him look stronger on Impact.

The ideas are limitless. I don't think there ever needs to be a time where both companies 'compete'. What's the point. I would enjoy the fact that the talent was being allowed to be shared and promoted.
if you actually know what is happening,CHRISTIAN didnt even want to do the appearance, TNA got to select whichever WWE star they wanted to attend Slammiversary as payment for Flair being able to appear at the HOF
Really? That's hard to believe...put yourself in TNA managments shoes. You have an opportunity to use any WWE star on the roster and you pick Christian..? WTF nothing against Christian but if I was TNA I would of used Cena and advertised the sh*t out of it for there PPV. So to me at least it's a little hard to believe they had a choice of whoever they wanted
Really? That's hard to believe...put yourself in TNA managments shoes. You have an opportunity to use any WWE star on the roster and you pick Christian..? WTF nothing against Christian but if I was TNA I would of used Cena and advertised the sh*t out of it for there PPV. So to me at least it's a little hard to believe they had a choice of whoever they wanted

Christian has history in TNA, Cena does not. Christian couldn't mention he was WWE nor could Tazz or anyone else for that matter. Christian had to use his TNA name. It makes sense on all sides that it was Christian, the only other logical one would be Ron Killings but given his gimmick isn't ideal for WWE. Cena would have to wear all his Cena clothes, noticed how Christian wore nothing WWE related? There's the problem with Cena and most of the roster. There would have to been an exception, you can pick anyone so long as you can't mention WWE, come out in WWE gear, use WWE trademarks and so on. In effect making it Christian by default.

That and what would Cena say? Well done on 10 years, goodbye. At least Christian knows the company and played a part in its history. He was the only big gun who did come over from WWE not to be apart of the roster for that night (minus Flair), so made sense to have him there.

Will it happen again, not a chance in hell. A one off, WWE wanted Flair, TNA wanted Christian for one night. Can't think of any other time when both companies would need each other talent for a celebration in the near future.
That and what would Cena say? Well done on 10 years, goodbye. At least Christian knows the company and played a part in its history. He was the only big gun who did come over from WWE not to be apart of the roster for that night (minus Flair), so made sense to have him there.

Good points about his history in TNA, But I think your missing MY point.

I don't know if you watch TNA regurally because I don't so it may be different, but I kinda assume that everyone who watches TNA also watches WWE, I don't think theres two different sets of audiences here. So with that being said all they would have to do is announce that John Mother F*cking Cena is showing up at there PPV for an announcement, now the actuall announcement could of been something simple it really doesn't matter what he says because if your watching you've already paid TNA money, I know alot of ppl on here stream PPv's but there's still people that buy them(myself included) and your telling me that if they announced Cena to appear on TNA you wouldn't be intreasted or at least as intrested if Christian showed up? I find that hard to believe...as for his WWE gear since when is that attached to his body? I'm sure in regular life he doesn't walk around in his green shirt hat combo unless he's a huge Ego Mark for himself. Sh*t if he wanted to he could walk out with jean shorts a plain green shirt/hat.
I doubt this will happen regularly like some posters here dream of for a few reasons. Not mentioning the obvious reason that it would help TNA grow immensely and I doubt Vince would want to do that. There are several principles that WWE and TNA have massive conflicts with.

The first being the wellness policy. WWE has taken their wellness policy very seriously, the recent suspension of a top star Randy Orton is an example of that. While TNA seem to give little to no attention to theirs, hiring guys like Angle, Hardy and RVD who have obvious problems with this area. So what if WWE borrows Hardy and he gets busted? Other things also includes their respective television rating, roster, and etc. How will someone like Dolph Ziggler feel if he has been busting his ass for a long time, then WWE get someone like Roode who swoops in and takes his chance?
As cool as it would be to see Undertaker show up on Impact and challenge Sting to a Wrestlemania match, or Kurt Angel come and challenge Brock etc.. it will never happen

Someone even mentioned a braggings right type match, will never happen. How would you book it.

Vince would never allow one of his wrestlers lose to another promotion and Dixie would not let her guys lose either as it would continue to make them look weak
I doubt this will happen regularly like some posters here dream of for a few reasons. Not mentioning the obvious reason that it would help TNA grow immensely and I doubt Vince would want to do that. There are several principles that WWE and TNA have massive conflicts with.

The first being the wellness policy. WWE has taken their wellness policy very seriously, the recent suspension of a top star Randy Orton is an example of that. While TNA seem to give little to no attention to theirs, hiring guys like Angle, Hardy and RVD who have obvious problems with this area. So what if WWE borrows Hardy and he gets busted? Other things also includes their respective television rating, roster, and etc. How will someone like Dolph Ziggler feel if he has been busting his ass for a long time, then WWE get someone like Roode who swoops in and takes his chance?

1. If you read any of my previous posts you would see the point I make of it helping WWE vis a vis Vince in the long-term.

2. Ok, so before they show up they test them or if your really anal I'm sure WWE and TNA could come up with a wellness test for both companys 365. If you say TNA wouldn't do that I'll as nicely as I could LAUGH in your face as the exposure alone would justify such actions. As far as Orton think about if TNA had the same wellness policy as WWE. If he couldn't stay clean he couldn't go work for TNA he'd have to take a serious paycut at ROH and I don't think his hearts in wrestling anyway.

3. TOUGH SH*T if Ziggler feels slighted. A rule in business Competition brings out the best if you want proof of that look no further then the Monday night wars. if that doesn't make you a believer think about if your at work and your boss brings in a young hot-shot gunning for your job... are you going to bust your ass harder or let the kid take your position? Ziggler and all the other mid-carders that say that there not being utilized will get a Roode awakening real quick.

This scenario only brings POSITIVES


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