Survivor Series Elimination Game, Round 3, Match 2

You're criticizing me for my section? Your reign as mod as the M&T section was nothing short of pathetic, and you had all of three or four people post somewhat regularly in there. In just a couple months Dave has made the M&T section infinitely more interesting and more successful than it was under you. Furthermore, he's managed to run a wildly successful interactive competition with The Zonies.

Everything else that you've made into a "success" was set up for you. TM did the poster tournament and CM did WZFL, or whatever it's called. You just took the wheel from them when they no longer wanted to drive the car and just barely managed to keep it on the road. My short tenure as Wrestlemania mod trumps anything I've ever seen you do on this website. Doesn't mean you did some valuable stuff before I started paying attention to these types of things, but it does mean you've been useless for far longer than you'd like to think.

Why don't you check your facts before you go off spouting shit like this, Jglass? Save for WZPC (which I dramatically changed and increased participation for), I never had anything handed to me here; rather, I volunteered to execute brilliant ideas for people that didn't have the time to do so (seeing as how you've never had a great idea for this forum yourself, I doubt that you'll ever know what it's like firsthand to see them come to fruition). I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not an ideas man; I made other people's ideas a reality on here and I did a damn fine job at it. Want corroboration? Look no further than fellow New Jerseyan IC.

Since I actually respect Dave, I won't entertain your claims about what I did with M&T. Dave still has many months of work ahead of him to rival what I did with M&T, but I have no doubt in my mind that he'll surpass me in terms of overall contribution to the section.

That being said, I'm done in this thread. If you want to keep on talking enormous amounts of ignorant shit that you'll never be able to back up and that defy reality, do it in one of three ways: PM me, make a hate thread, or ask D-Man to pit us against each other in his Bloodbath series. I have no problem whatsoever continuing this so long as it's done elsewhere.
Vote #36

13 Uncle Sam
5 Numbers
7 Dwayne_Jason
2 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
13 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
8 Snyper
3 hatehabsforever

+1 justinsayne

-1 Snyper
Vote #37

13 Uncle Sam
5 Numbers
7 Dwayne_Jason
2 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
8 Snyper
2 hatehabsforever

+1 justinsayne

-1 hhf
Why don't you check your facts before you go off spouting shit like this, Jglass?

Because... there's no official history book about Wrestlezone forums? Perhaps you can get on that, since you seem to like making half ass projects.

Save for WZPC (which I dramatically changed and increased participation for), I never had anything handed to me here; rather, I volunteered to execute brilliant ideas for people that didn't have the time to do so (seeing as how you've never had a great idea for this forum yourself, I doubt that you'll ever know what it's like firsthand to see them come to fruition).

Except for the fact that, while Sly did come up with the original idea for the HOF, I definitely helped shape it. But we'll see what happens. I've only been really involved with the site for a matter of months now. I have plenty of time to make more of an impact around here.

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not an ideas man; I made other people's ideas a reality on here and I did a damn fine job at it. Want corroboration? Look no further than fellow New Jerseyan IC.

I'll take your word for it. I don't think you're a liar, I just think you're an idiot.

Since I actually respect Dave, I won't entertain your claims about what I did with M&T. Dave still has many months of work ahead of him to rival what I did with M&T, but I have no doubt in my mind that he'll surpass me in terms of overall contribution to the section.

He already has.

That being said, I'm done in this thread. If you want to keep on talking enormous amounts of ignorant shit that you'll never be able to back up and that defy reality, do it in one of three ways: PM me, make a hate thread, or ask D-Man to pit us against each other in his Bloodbath series. I have no problem whatsoever continuing this so long as it's done elsewhere.

Eh, I'm not a big fan of PM bitch fights. I also don't want to make a hate thread, because I don't hate you. And D-Man can do whatever he wants with his bloodbath thread, that's his project. Chances are it'll be about a million times more entertaining than this crappy tournament as well.
13 Uncle Sam
5 Numbers
7 Dwayne_Jason
3 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
7 Snyper
2 hatehabsforever

+1 FWR

-1 Snyper
Vote 39

13 Uncle Sam
5 Numbers
7 Dwayne_Jason
4 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
6 Snyper
2 hatehabsforever

+1 Find'er Woo'er Ryder

-1 Snyper
14 Uncle Sam
6 Numbers
7 Dwayne_Jason
4 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
5 Sydnor
1 hatehabsforever


Vote 41
Vote# 43

14 Uncle Sam
6 Numbers
8 Dwayne_Jason
5 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
4 Holy Snike!

+1 for Dwayne_Jason

-1 for Holy Snike!
Vote# 44

14 Uncle Sam
7 Numbers
8 Dwayne_Jason
5 Find'er Woo'er Ryder
6 Leafy
14 justinsayne


Jersey Tri-/Tetrad
3 Schweinehund

+1 for Numbers

-1 for Schweinehund
Lmao, no offense Jglass but tdigle is much better than you in more fields than you are better than him and all Dave did was reposition the M and T section to fit in more 'mainstream movie' discussion, hence why there's more grammarless cuntheads there.
Don't apologize for incoherence, apologize for general uselessness.

I would but I'm to busy pitying you, I mean how much have you invested into this forum only to play second fiddle to Slyfox all the time? It must really hurt your planet sized ego, hopefully your child will have more success in life with the example of what not to become being their father.
Doesn't bother me at all. Sly's doing a great job and I'm proud of him. I also don't base my ego on this alone. But nice try. Real big reach there for an effective insult. But, fail.

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