Survivor: Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Where's my Survivor crew at? Habs? JGKY? Blade? GSB? Tonight's the night, gents. Entirely new cast from what I've read. Finally.

My first gut impulse was to say "Go brains!" because I'm not a supermodel and I'm not all that brawny. But I expect some repugnant personalities will put me off of that in a hurry.
Oh I'll be watching Coco, no worries about that. It may be difficult for me to choose a favorite amongst beauty, brains, and brawn, as I am in possession of all three, so I guess I'll have to tune in and decide from there.

I'm loving the fact that it's an all new cast. Hopefully they will do away with such concepts as Redemption Island and a continuous onslaught of immunity idols. Should be an interesting season.
I'd like to know how they decided who to put on The Brains tribe. They're all idiots.

So far I think I like The Beauty tribe the best.
Oh, man. That brains tribe. A group of oblivious morons. The only person on that tribe I can cheer for is Spencer, the only guy who has some kind of understanding of how to play. I hope he gets out of that train wreck alive.

Other than that, I'm still waiting to see who's going to be interesting on the other two tribes. Tony's "spy shack" is promising for all the wrong reasons. And Bryce could be a genuine favourite to win, if he makes himself a little more likeable.

Also, holy crap, Alexis is gorgeous.

Edit: Also 2, Cliff and Woo for bromance of the century.
Oh, man. That brains tribe. A group of oblivious morons. The only person on that tribe I can cheer for is Spencer, the only guy who has some kind of understanding of how to play. I hope he gets out of that train wreck alive.

Other than that, I'm still waiting to see who's going to be interesting on the other two tribes. Tony's "spy shack" is promising for all the wrong reasons. And Bryce could be a genuine favourite to win, if he makes himself a little more likeable.

Yeah I hope he's not the next to go off that tribe, why they'd keep someone who dumped ALL THE RICE over an idiot they can boot next time I will never know.

The "spy shack" is gonna end up being really stupid, I hope they blindside him fast cause I already can't stand him.

Also the girl on the beauty tribe who had the chance to look for the idol, she was dumb about it. I would've said I went for a swim while waiting for the tribe or something like that. Not something that could blow your cover easily.
Black women. Every fucking season with their craziness! That one wigging out about the right way to play Survivor when Hardbody Poker Player was ignoring her would have been the low point of the episode if not for The Rice Incident.

Poor Spencer indeed.

Tony got the greatest number of laughs out of me during the episode.

Hairstylist's impression of The One With The Teeth hurt a little. I really wanted to like her.
Spyshack may be the greatest thing to happen in a premiere episode ever or we never see it come in to play. The rest was all shit but every first episode always is.

I'm in on this season.
That reminds me, why is the hairstylist on the brawn tribe? Purely because of the strength of her hair?
Spencer is my favorite for sure. I didn't mind Garrett, but he dug his own hole in that episode. My first impression of Kass wasn't good, as I hate the old ladies on this show (Dawn, Lisa) all they do is freaking cry. But Kass seemed strong, and I loved the fact that she straight up told that chick she was planning on voting for her, and told that David guy she didn't think it was a smart idea at the time to vote Garrett. Then when she changed her vote and ended up voting the other way I lost more respect.

I don't think she's going to go with the chicks though. I think it'll probably be a 2-2 tie with Kass and Spencer voting together, or maybe that other chick will vote out the crazy one with her. That is if they have to go to tribal again anytime soon, although last time they did three tribes Malcolm and Denise were the only two left from the first tribe. Ironically enough they both made it to the final four as well so who knows. Anyway that David guy needed to go first. He was a snake, no doubt.

I underestimated the beauty team, but the chicks on that tribe aren't the brightest. I will give that Morgan girl credit though, that lie she came up of with what she'll say if they asked her what the decision was, it was a good lie. I was wondering what they'd say too, and ironically enough the Brains tribe was the only tribe that didn't seem to even think about it.

Also this may have been the earliest time someone went home with an immunity idol.

The Brawns tribe seems the most balanced. I like the two cops. No idea why the guy lied though to the other cop about being a cop. Kinda dumb on his part. Would've worked more in his favor as if she knew he was a cop she would've wanted to work with him, but instead they don't work together and she thinks he's sneaky. I like Cliff, although apparently so does everyone else. The one old chick I at first didn't care for at all because she didn't seem to be on the right tribe what with her being so scrawny and old, but I'll give her credit for picking the rice over the immunity idol. There's a few other guys I like on the Brawns tribe too.

Cool that there's finally all new people, although I'd bet my house that next season they're going to bring back at least two, and one of them is going to be Malcolm. Jeff wants his boy Malcolm to win, so they're going to do the same thing they did with Boston Rob and do their best to pave the way for him.

But yeah there are a few people that don't seem to belong on certain tribes. The old Pilates chick for one, that David guy even though he's already voted off. Honestly President of the Miami Marlins? He's not President of the United States. I don't think you have to have a high IQ to be in that sort of position. Besides the Miami Marlins freaking blow, if it was his idea to have that big firesale and get rid of all their talent last year than he definitely isn't smart. Garret, a pro poker player? My Dad is a poker play, and although he's smart I wouldn't put him on the brains tribe. Problem with the Brains tribe is, and well the problem with most people who have high IQs and had great GPAs in High School. Just because you get A's on tests doesn't mean you're smart, and definitely doesn't mean you can play Survivor. Because there's also street smarts, and also common sense as well. I know law majors who aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. Though I will say their tribal councils are the best, because they are great at giving some interesting responses.
Besides the Miami Marlins freaking blow, if it was his idea to have that big firesale and get rid of all their talent last year than he definitely isn't smart.
Though it would explain his instinct to get rid of Hardbody Poker Player.
The Brain tribe didn't get as much air time this week for obvious reasons, but damn are they dumb. Those three women I can already not stand. An all girls alliance? Seriously? Bitch you'll be lucky if more than three of you make it off that tribe. And Kass let me tell you if you take out Spencer, guess who goes home next if there isn't a tribe swap or merge? You. Because those two black girls are going to stick together. That Tasha or Tanisha, whatever her name is, is full of complete shit saying she'd have voted of J'Tia. How you can keep some crazy psycho who isn't good at challenges, and dumped all your rice is beyond me. Spencer is the sole reason they even stayed in the challenge at all, let alone made second place and avoided tribal. That water part was so awful, and Spencer was making perfect throws. It was the two black girls that were botching the whole thing. Kass is stupid. I hope after that awful performance, and yet another inevitable one in the weeks to come, that she changes he mind and goes with Spencer. Or, or I really hope Spencer ends up getting a clue and finding the idol.

For the Brawn tribe. I don't mind Tony, I mean he's obnoxious but he's playing the game. I love the part where he said that lying comes natural to him, and that "it's just words". Good thing to hear coming from a cop. Sarah isn't too bright though if she thinks those two are tight, because Tony would stab her in the back if he had to. In my opinion that's not a great move by Tony. Why vote off someone who you know will always have your back? But none the less when it gets down to the end, Tony will slit her throat, and she won't slit his. Good for him, bad for her. I didn't mind Cliff in the first episode, but dude literally stood there during that monsoon while the rest of his tribe was working and keeping the shelter up. Didn't get a whole lot of screen time for the old lady and the pacific islander this week at all, but those two are two I would trust, especially the old lady. Not sure on the Asian guy or whatever he is yet.

LJ is definitely starting to become my favorite of the game, especially since Spencer is on his last thread. The one thing I disagreed with last week was the decision to split the votes. Had Jeremiah flipped and went with Brice and Morgan, then instead of it being a 3-3 tie, Alexis would have went home. Not a good move. Personally I would have actually voted out Morgan first, and kept Brice. Although once Brice knew he was being targeted, you have to take him out. Between Morgan and Brice if I had to have one of them know they're the next to go, I'd rather keep Morgan. Desperate people do desperate things, and I think Brice is smart enough to throw up a hail mary and maybe have it go his way had he stayed another week, while Morgan would probably just sit around camp and dip her toes in the ocean.

So for next week it looks like the Brawn tribe is actually going to throw a challenge. They haven't lost yet, but apparently there's someone they don't want to keep. I can't recall who said it though, Sarah maybe? Maybe it's Cliff they want to take out. Hard to say though because those previews are always loaded with a lot of bull you can never fully predict what's going to happen. At least this season the three tribes are actually even with each other. Last time they did the three tribes, the one tribe got slaughtered, and another stayed undefeated all the way to the merge.
I'm surprised Brice managed to be the stupidest person on a tribe that includes Ms "Soaking Wet Water" Jefra. That takes some doing (which I accidentally typed as "dong;" Freudian slip).

That Naonka-girl embodies every cliché about black women. Set me back about twenty years, personally.
She's a teacher, dude.

Sure, it's just P.E. But it still frightens me a little.
Spencer's in such a vulnerable position right now that he'd probably be best off if he played along.
I'm sure Spencer gets plenty of action in the real world.

Also, with the amount of air time that Tony is getting, he's either gonna go a long, long way, or he's going to crash and burn horribly.
I'm fine with anything but a serious all girl alliance. Probably one of the worst things in Survivor. Biggest reason why One World is one of my least favorite seasons.

Nothing against the girls. There were a lot of strong competitive girls that I've rooted for in the past. Denise was one of them, Stephanie from way back (The one who was with Tom), Laura from last season, those type of players. But what I hate are the skinny annoying girls who aren't strong, and couldn't survive for themselves if they were shipwrecked for three days. Parvati Shallow is the perfect example of that. Her and Boston Rob are up there as some of my least favorite to play the game. I won't deny they were good, especially at manipulating morons, but I just disliked them. Ironically Russell Hantz is my favorite to have ever played.

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