Superstars You Just Can't Stand


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, let's not flame me here. This is not a hate thread, but everybody has superstars they just cant stand, and has justifiable reasons. Who can you not stand, and why?

For me, it's easy.

Triple H- Without a doubt an exceptional talent. Decent in ring and has a commanding prescence outside. But, I am so sick of how forced down our throats he is. I hate the fact that he dominated a lot of the mid to late 2000's because of what I believe was blatant nepotism. C'mon, the guy won what, 5 of 7 elimination chambers? The fact that they made Punk, who was undoubtedly the hottest superstar in the WWE at the time, lose to HHH at Vengeance was ridiculous.
CM Punk - Boring bland guy.Doesn't even belong in the main-event. WWE gave him 2 Money in the Banks back to back,4 world Championships in less than 5 years and he is looked as an "Underdog" thats some Bullshit.

Daniel Bryan - A guy like Daniel Bryan World "Heavyweight" Champion ? Really ? What am I watching ? Is this ECW or ROH or some other independent wrestling promotion. Just a boring Vanilla midget. Lance Storm,William Regal and Dean Malenko would have been World Champions before this guy.

Zack Ryder - What the fuck is "Woo Woo Woo You know it" ? ... You know what?....This guy is being pushed into the main-event then why not throw Eugene and Santino Marella in the mix ? Some guy on this forum even said "When will Zack Ryder be a WWE Champion"...It will be the day many people along with me stop watching WWE. WWE ain't Disney.

John Cena- As overhyped and as overexposed he is I would rather watch Cena over the Punk,Bryan,Ryder combo any day. The "Never Give Up" shit has run its course though.
Ok, let's not flame me here. This is not a hate thread, but everybody has superstars they just cant stand, and has justifiable reasons. Who can you not stand, and why?

For me, it's easy.

Triple H- Without a doubt an exceptional talent. Decent in ring and has a commanding prescence outside. But, I am so sick of how forced down our throats he is. I hate the fact that he dominated a lot of the mid to late 2000's because of what I believe was blatant nepotism. C'mon, the guy won what, 5 of 7 elimination chambers? The fact that they made Punk, who was undoubtedly the hottest superstar in the WWE at the time, lose to HHH at Vengeance was ridiculous.

Sounds like a couple other superstars I know. Triple H being forced down our throats? With his 2 matches that he wrestled this year? He fought Undertaker at WM to the point where, for the first time, Taker didn't walk away on his own. So by having Punk beat him, just because he cut a few good promos, would make it seem like he can beat Taker at WM also. I'm not saying that anyone who beats Triple H is can beat Taker. But the fact is that Triple H is not wrestling full time and is viewed as this veteran and as the only credible threat to Taker's streak at the time. Besides it's not like Triple H put himself over everyone else. He drew some of the most heat as a heel and was loved as a face. Plus he spent several years on the lower card tweaking his character before moving to the main even scene, like a wrestler should. He also made his title push believable by becoming huge(physically) and look like a legitimate threat. Even then he wasn't the top star. He didn't use his influence to hold the Rock, Taker or Austin down so that he can make himself the top star. Hell, he was the main person feuding with the Rock during his rise to super stardom. He didn't start becoming this dominant top star that won title after title until the star power started to fade and the remaining star power was cut in half by the brand split. And even then he had every reason to win so many matches. His career wasn't done yet, he was one the most experienced wrestlers on the roster and the guy looked like a credible threat. But you're entitled to your opinion.

For me it would be
Cena- He's just so cheesy, corny and fake. Plus he was pushed into the title scene way too early and then forced down our throats. He is overexposed and just symbolizes this bland, repetitive (P)G era and "5 moves of doom".

Ryder- The guy is like a modern day Doink the Clown who is also being forced down our throats just because his YouTube show is popular. What the hell does YouTube have to do with wrestling. It's an insult to all the legends that worked hard at wrestling their way to greatness.

Any Diva not Beth or Natalya- I'm sure this is pretty self explanatory.
Triple H: He's become a joke over time. Something that can't be denied is the fact that he pretty much buried the momentum of the summer. Notice how a great storyline was made with Punk being the center of it. And then, at random, Triple H comes and buries Punk's momentum. At which point, we now have Triple H being the center of it all. Not only that, but his reputation backstage. Oh, and might I add he thinks Mick Foley isn't a tough guy and can't be taken seriously in the ring? Are you serious? I don't think he was saying that when he was getting his ass whooped by Cactus Jack. Neither when he was putting over Orton and Edge.
CM Punk - Boring bland guy.Doesn't even belong in the main-event. WWE gave him 2 Money in the Banks back to back,4 world Championships in less than 5 years and he is looked as an "Underdog" thats some Bullshit.

Daniel Bryan - A guy like Daniel Bryan World "Heavyweight" Champion ? Really ? What am I watching ? Is this ECW or ROH or some other independent wrestling promotion. Just a boring Vanilla midget. Lance Storm,William Regal and Dean Malenko would have been World Champions before this guy.

Zack Ryder - What the fuck is "Woo Woo Woo You know it" ? ... You know what?....This guy is being pushed into the main-event then why not throw Eugene and Santino Marella in the mix ? Some guy on this forum even said "When will Zack Ryder be a WWE Champion"...It will be the day many people along with me stop watching WWE. WWE ain't Disney.

John Cena- As overhyped and as overexposed he is I would rather watch Cena over the Punk,Bryan,Ryder combo any day. The "Never Give Up" shit has run its course though.

The simple fact that you mention punk but have HHH in your signature leaves your point moot. HHH since 2001 has been useless. I have heard People say that his match with Undertaker last year was a classic. Shit it wasnt even one of Taker's top 3 wrestlemania matches.
John Cena- Not gonna explain myself, its all the same reasons anyone else doesnt like him...So no need to repeat what has been said a billion times..

Eve- I dont think she is talented, she is a "diva search" winner, that got some training on how to do a couple moves and somehow became more then just eye candy for whatever reason (i personally dont think she is hot at all, but i know others think she is and there are others that will agree with me)

Santino- I know the guy can really wrestle, but we have never gotten to see it, the guy was funny at one point in time. even thought his two reigns as I.C champion were a joke, i still thought the honk-o-meter thing was funny, but i think that was the last time i found his stuff funny. But week after week he gets air time on Raw to be shoved down our throats for what is supposed to be the "lighter side" of Raw, but that air time he gets could be used to have guys like Drew McIntyre showcased.

Triple H- for the obvious reasons, cant deny his big match capibilities, but the guy is overexposed at this point, and yea i dont need to go any further with this.

Mick Foley- The guys isnt funny anymore (that could have a lot to do with the PG rating now) But the guy goes back and forth between TNA and WWE and makes his stupid meaningless appareances and its not entertaining and its not funny. The only good thing he has done in the last 6 years or so is his match with Edge at Wrestlemania.

Jack Swagger- This could just be because i dont like to hear him speak, but i cant stand the guy, he does have some serious in ring talent i will give him that..But he annoys the hell out of me.
Triple H - He beat CM Punk at Night of Champions. Punk was the hottest commodity in wrestling and Triple H still had to beat him. I don't know 100% that Triple H is the political asshole that people make him out to be but he certainly has placed himself in a prominent position in the current WWE product and continues to be presented as one of the best wrestlers on the roster. I personally find Triple H incredibly boring. I think he wastes TV time with his long entrances, rambling promos and meaningless feuds (Kevin Nash.) Sure Triple H has a rich history with WWE but his time has passed. He can't keep taking TV time from the new talent and putting himself over guys like Punk on whom he will soon depend to carry the company when he takes over for Vince. I also have no interest in seeing Triple H face the Undertaker again at WM 28 and I think he has only inserted himself in that spot because he wants to be on the WM card.
CM Punk - It's not that I can't stand him, it's that I couldn't give a crap about his 'anti-establishment' stuff. Great mic worker, very good wrestler but overrated by everyone who worships him as the second coming of God. I don't share the same opinion as the majority which is I don't care for anti-establishment storylines. For the short-term, great. Long-term, I just think it makes the guy doing it look like he's a wannabe revolutionary. I thought that about Stone Cold, and now I think that about CM Punk.

Zack Ryder - Again, it's not that I can't stand him. BUT, the guy deserves his praise for getting noticed with his youtube show. I can't see why he got pushed so much though. He's US Champion and I'm worried his gimmick will overshadow the belt. Also, his mic skills are decent at best imo and he's starting to be Cena-esque in his wrestling i.e. he's relying on his signature moves (Cena can work a 5 star match to be fair). My personal opinion, well done on getting noticed but what happens when the Jersey Shore fad is done? Zack's got a problem then. THAT's when he can prove his worth.

It isn't wrestlers I can't stand to be fair. It's the uber-marks. There's marking with a bit of rationality and pure worship and the latter gets on my wick :p
The Miz - Pushed beyond his abilities and gets by on the mic with the same tired formula and no substance 95% of the time, my dislike of him has lessened since he moved back down the card though.

Triple H - Has had no relevance beyond his own ego since 2006 when he was last actually good in the ring without gimmicks. Got in Jeff Hardy's way, then in the summer did the same to Punk, not because Punk lost to him, but because that was it, no follow up and nothing else but the fact good old hose nose was really a stand up guy and now the focus shifted to him.
Will no doubt work Taker at Mania for his own ego yet again instead of putting someone over and letting a young guy have the streak match with Taker. No matter how many belts he awards himlsef via his family; and no matter how many times he works Taker at Mania, he'll never be seen on the same level as HBK and Flair.

The Rock - His shallow, fast talking big mouth act has irritated me since 99 when they turned him face, great athlete though and occassionally funny.

There really isn't anyone else, but Barrett and R Truth could join my list if they start to linger around the main event.
Daniel Bryan: Rawr I have a beard and shake in the ring like a baby whos drank too much ring attire also looks like red pampers, RAWR

Brodus clay: A man so dull even his 5 second name drops with laryngitis
bore me

David Otunga: Mwah coffee Mwah bow tie, mwah forehead, mwah.

Bret Hart: We get it, you were a wrestling god. We also get that perhaps its hard to move on. But sporadically appearing on shows dressed like a teenager from the 80's and slapping a sharpshooter on some fool just isnt interesting to me. It isnt even particularly believable, as bret looks like a medium gust of wind could take him off his feet nowadays.

Big Show: The only thing more annoying than his pandering to the crowd is his finisher....oh and that stupid hat

Rey Mysterio: Do the world a favour and retire, youve been fighting the same match for the last 3 years

Kofi Kingston: Boom Boom fuck off
No doubt about it there is some total crap around wwe now..

Big show- as said above, the hat, the finisher, and also his annoying voice

Cena- same old same old rubbish, 5 moves of crap, trying to be funny, t shirts still annoy me as well, fruity pebbles..

Randy- I'm not exited anymore about the predictable 46535th RKO of his career...

Seamus- just not a good face, should be a heel for sure..

Last but not least
Booker- we coming for ya n****r, just rubbish on commentary dawgg..
Randy Orton..... I can't stand that guy!! He looks as if he was born in baby oil factory!! I cant stand the guy!!! He is more predictable than Cena. Cena could pull off a dropkick or a Top-Rope Legdrop bulldog... But Orton can only do RKO, Stomps, occasional punt kick that's all.... He should also not do a single promo because he sucks! He was great back in 04-07 after that he just sucks!!
well wow alot of hhh hatters lol. one guy said seamus just because they cant figure out what to do with him now that his a face to say u cant stand him because of the direction they took him in kinnda crazy to me but i would say alberto de rio what the hell is he a fucking boring version of razor ramon the put to much in him too soon> i like zack ryder but dont understand his appeal really he isnt that great in the ring and his matches are to short to me.
The one person who, even if Cm Punks on (love him) I will make myself leave is...

David Otunga he is a no talent, "lawyer", piece of trash only known for being Johns butt buddy and the person who held the second belt for Miggilicutty and was know for 2 matches with nexus. He gets punched in the face, lawsuit. #AreYouSeriousBro?
It's not just that with seamus, there are so many heel perfect aspects of his character

- his music
- his finishers
- how he speaks, we all know people with accents can't get over very well, look at drew mac..

It's just my opinion but I don't think he is a face at all.. People only like him as a mad tweener!
Matt Hardy-No charisma,horrible in the ring,been out of shape since 05,has always been jealous of Jeff because let's face it,we all know Jeff is better & he's always b****ing on Youtube & Twitter about his problems & his life.

Alberto Del Rio-Great in the ring,TOO repetitive on the mic,CM Punk was actually telling the truth when he said "Whenever you're on the mic,people change the channel." I'm glad he's injured & getting time off this is good for him because he's already getting very stale & I can't stand him at the moment because of it.

Rey Mysterio-Great in the ring,horrible on the mic,& just extremely stale always has been,always will be.

Michael Cole-He's not a superstar,but he's so unbearable I have to state my opinion on him,his extremely annoying with his "Heel Commentating" & is one of the top reason's Raw's ratings are dropping lately. Vince,if you're really worried about ratings just take this guy off Raw,bring back Jim Ross because J.R is & always will be one of the best commentators of all time,put him on Smackdown & STOP with the "Heel Commentating" it's extremely annoying & doesn't do anything for your superstars,it just makes people watching want to change the channel. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT,in fact,sometimes it just buries your superstars even further.

Jeff Jarrett-Extremely annoying,always has been,always will be. He's been around for a long time & still messes up on the mic 24/7. I'm glad he's not going to be on TV for a while

Santino Marella-Extremely Untalented in the ring,occasionally funny,& no charisma. Nothing more,nothing less

Heath Slater:Never knew why WWE gave this guy a shot,not good in the ring,hell I don't even know why they've ever gave this guy TV time,EVEN as a jobber,i'd rather see Trent Baretta get TV time

Batista-Just a roided-out body builder who somehow got signed to WWE,who shouldn't have been wrestling in the first place,horrible in the ring & the mic. Just horrible all around

The Great Khali-A giant who got signed because of his size,no ring skill.

Jinder Mahal-Just horrible all around,the fact that he gets TV time is unbearable,give someone else TV time if your worried about ratings like I don't know Tyler Reks or Curt Hawkins? Not this goof. Vince,if you really want ratings keep this guy of Raw & Smackdown,he's the type of guy that jobs to Ezekiel Jackson on Superstars.

JTG-Just a complete,all around,horrible performer.

David Otunga-The only reason he was signed,because he's married to that one celebrity chick.Horrible in the ring & horrible on the mic. He shouldn't get TV time,period.
Alberto Del Rio

I really have no problem with any other superstar on the roster but this guy. I just find him boring there's just something I don't like about him and not in the heel "I really hate this guy I want him to get his ass whooped' kind of way. The get this guy of my screen he is extremely bland and boring kind of way. Unfortunately you are unable to get away from him.
1. Alberto Del Rio- Because he has OK moves but he is just soooooo annoying!!! His destiny should be to shut up!

2. Jack Swagger- He is my least favorite person by far!!! He has boring moves, he is an idiot, and he has a horrible never changing character.

3. John Cena- He is OK it's just his character is worn out... He needs to be a Heel to become popular again... Pass the (Face) Torch to Zack Ryder.
For me it has to be Daniel Bryan. Everything Michael Cole says about him for the most part is spot on. He is small, he doesn't look like a champ, he doesnt sound like one, he is boring, bland and who cares if he's a great ring worker. Does his presence scream champion like Orton, Triple H, Batista, Rock etc?
For me it has to be Daniel Bryan. Everything Michael Cole says about him for the most part is spot on. He is small, he doesn't look like a champ, he doesnt sound like one, he is boring, bland and who cares if he's a great ring worker. Does his presence scream champion like Orton, Triple H, Batista, Rock etc?

I think that's mainly due to his shitty booking for 2011. Seriously, he was booked on only three PPVs? (Excluding TLC ofcourse.) They had him lost to fucking Cody Rhodes two days before winning the title. WWE dropped the ball on him big time by going "LETS PUT HIM WITH GAIL KIM SO HE CAN HAVE SOME CHARISMA." So no, he doesn't I don't think.
Mark Henry - The most over-rated sack of crap I've ever had the misfortune of watching. WWE tried this whole "unstoppable monster" thing back in 2003 and again in 2006 and it failed both times - even Kurt Angle and Undertaker couldn't get a decent match out of this fool. Can't talk, can't work, can't do anything it seems.
Dolph Ziggler- Seriously I have no clue why people on this board love him. He's boring and without Vicky he'd get no reaction at all. He can't cut promo's and while he's a great in ring worker, doesn't make him championship material. They're trying to make him the poor man's Curt Hennig.

David Otunga- Do I even need to explain?

Cody Rhodes- Another HUGE mystery to me why he gets pushed. I think he's very boring on the mic and in the ring. Within two years he will be a mid-carder just like his father was and brother is.

John Cena- Not because of his five moves of doom, just because his character has gotten stale. They created a modern Hogan with him BUT at least HH changed after he knew he got stale.

People who rip Punk and Bryan really need to check their ROH and other promotion matches. WWE waters them down. Very BAD booking with Bryan and they dropped the ball with Punk. I am sure it was done purposely to make him look bad so they could do the same old Cena stuff. As for me with HHH, he's a egomaniac did you really think he would push Punk and job to him? He and Hogan are totally Randy 'The Ram' Robinson.
Dolph Ziggler- Seriously I have no clue why people on this board love him. He's boring and without Vicky he'd get no reaction at all. He can't cut promo's and while he's a great in ring worker, doesn't make him championship material. They're trying to make him the poor man's Curt Hennig.

People who rip Punk and Bryan really need to check their ROH and other promotion matches. WWE waters them down. Very BAD booking with Bryan and they dropped the ball with Punk. I am sure it was done purposely to make him look bad so they could do the same old Cena stuff. As for me with HHH, he's a egomaniac did you really think he would push Punk and job to him? He and Hogan are totally Randy 'The Ram' Robinson.

Really? Dolph is a fantastic worker. He is a bump machine and makes his opponents look great. His mic skills have gotten quite good and he has a great look. IMO he should lose Vickie because he doesn't need her anymore.

As far Punk and Bryan, I completely agree. They have made Bryan look like a joke. Cole has been burying him for well over a year everytime he is in the ring and he has practically been used in enhancement matches for other wrestlers for most of 2011. They throw the title on him after a cheap MITB cash in on another babyface and they expect him to get over. They dropped the ball on the biggest angle and the hottest star in a while with Punk. He lost his edginess and has become an overexposed babyface just like Cena is/was.
I never post on here but fuck it I'm getting in on this one. I'm gonna comment their on characters not how good they bump because i think that's more important.

Randy Orton: Awful. Can not talk for shit, don't see the fuss about him, he's shit.

Drew McIntyre Even worse, should be sacked TODAY.

John Cena He's miles better than Orton but has been a face for FAR too long and should go heel so he can eventually got face again.

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