Summer of PUNK ROH ALL over agian?

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The Man They Call WMD

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I would like to keep this separate from the main Punk thread.
This thread is about do you think the WWE will just completely copy the Famous Summer of Punk in ROH? Pretty much it was known Punk was leaving ROH for WWE. How ever he had a title match right before he was to leave, and shockingly he won. Punk then went on to hold the title hostage and threatened to bring it with him to the WWE. During this period they brought in many wrestlers including McFoley to persuade Punk from taking the title with him. He continued to win matches and thus shocking the ROH fans in one of the best angles of the decade. He eventually lost and moved on and became what he is today.

My question is do you think they will run this angle similarly and see Punk win in Chicago his hometown and hold the title hostage?
I think they should, some of the best angles in history are rip offs of previous angles that were done in smaller promotions, or lesser known ones. The NWO was a copy of a New Japan angle or something, ECW had many angles that were copied by WWE and WCW. It's not a bad thing, if something was hot once and no mainstream fans saw it, logically it should be hot when brought to the main stage so to speak, and probably generate more buzz even.
Punk's announcement tonight may or may've not been scripted. I could see Punk winning and actually leaving the stadium with the WWE Title and appearing in TNA/ROH with it.
I can see this being a possiblity.

Seeing as though reports of CM Punk's contract negotiation's have gone silent, it might be WWE might have a big storyline set up for the summer, as they alway's do. I think it is a bit strange that he said his contract is up in a month, when usually wrestler's never say when their contract is up. He also played to the IWC crowd tonight with "wrestler," and "win and loses do matter."

WWE could do the Summer of Punk storyline, seeing as though it was in ROH it's not a very known thing, hell I never knew it happened. WWE can do it to keep people interested throughout the summer.

Maybe he does leave after MITB, like Jericho becuase he is burnt out, which is a very logical reason to take a break. But, if he goes back to ROH (TNA is really out of the question) than it'll be good for ROH, but bad for the WWE fan's who don't watch the indie's.

Personally, I think it is strange that Punk has aknowledged that his conract is up a month of a PPV, really sealing the deal that he's probably not winning. I would think they would try to keep this under rap's until it was final, but who know's, WWE could have this whole thing planned out for Punk to win the Championship and take out Cena for a few month's becuase of the report's of Cena have neck/knee problem's that could have a factor in WM 28.
I can see this being a possiblity.

Seeing as though reports of CM Punk's contract negotiation's have gone silent, it might be WWE might have a big storyline set up for the summer, as they alway's do. I think it is a bit strange that he said his contract is up in a month, when usually wrestler's never say when their contract is up. He also played to the IWC crowd tonight with "wrestler," and "win and loses do matter."

WWE could do the Summer of Punk storyline, seeing as though it was in ROH it's not a very known thing, hell I never knew it happened. WWE can do it to keep people interested throughout the summer.

Maybe he does leave after MITB, like Jericho becuase he is burnt out, which is a very logical reason to take a break. But, if he goes back to ROH (TNA is really out of the question) than it'll be good for ROH, but bad for the WWE fan's who don't watch the indie's.

Personally, I think it is strange that Punk has aknowledged that his conract is up a month of a PPV, really sealing the deal that he's probably not winning. I would think they would try to keep this under rap's until it was final, but who know's, WWE could have this whole thing planned out for Punk to win the Championship and take out Cena for a few month's becuase of the report's of Cena have neck/knee problem's that could have a factor in WM 28.

But at this point in his career, ROH really has no use for him nor would it make sense for him to go back to ROH when that would just be a step down from WWE.
Punk's announcement tonight may or may've not been scripted. I could see Punk winning and actually leaving the stadium with the WWE Title and appearing in TNA/ROH with it.

Yeah, as if that would happen. If Punk had gone into business for himself and done that without the knowledge of the WWE, do you really think Vince McMahon would let him wrestle for the title at a PPV and WIN?!

He was that worried that Bret Hart was going to leave the company with the belt that he screwed him to prevent that from happening. CM Punk would never be allowed to win and take the belt with him, and I am shocked that you would even think that would happen.

If Punk wins he will still be under contract in the WWE, and then they will do a story teasing he is going to leave with the belt, and he would drop it before he actually left.
Punk's announcement tonight may or may've not been scripted. I could see Punk winning and actually leaving the stadium with the WWE Title and appearing in TNA/ROH with it.

Are you COMPLETELY mental? You seriously think Vince will even begin to let that happen?

There is more chance of Zack Ryder main eventing next years Wrestlemania.
But at this point in his career, ROH really has no use for him nor would it make sense for him to go back to ROH when that would just be a step down from WWE.

No, ROH couldn't do with a former World Heavyweight Champion, a guy whose in his prime and a guy who has competed at WrestleMania on their roster at all, could they??

Think before you type.

Now, I have thought about this. Summer of Punk was a pretty big fucking deal, at that time there were a lot of people speculating that ROH and WWE were possibly working together for that storyline so that Punk could actually show up on WWE programming with ROH's belt. Of course it came to nothing, but this could all be a storyline.

On-screen, Punk says he hasn't signed a new contract, on-screen he says that when "Sunday bleeds into Monday" he's no longer a WWE employee. But what if, in storyline this was all a set-up for something bigger and something which would genuinaly be a big fucking deal.

Imagine if WWE discussed with ROH, for Punk to be contratced to the WWE, but as per the storyline, show up on ROH TV with the WWE Championship? You might say that it's ******ed, but WWE showed up in ECW out of the blue in the ninties and even did ECW vs. WWE on Monday Night RAW.

WWE always have a huge storyline during the Summer, last year it was Nexus, this year - this year could be the storyline of the last decade. CM Punk contracted to WWE, WWE Champion, but works dates in ROH who now have twenty channels to broadcast on across the United States much like ECW in the ninties, all to work a storyline with John Cena.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps. Delusional due to how much of an ROH fan I am? Perhaps. A possibility? Perhaps.

But either way, I see this being big, and if CM Punk leaves WWE and works anywhere else you can bet your ass It'll be ROH. To this day he speaks in interviews about how he loves ROH and misses ROH.
Now, I have thought about this. Summer of Punk was a pretty big fucking deal, at that time there were a lot of people speculating that ROH and WWE were possibly working together for that storyline so that Punk could actually show up on WWE programming with ROH's belt. Of course it came to nothing, but this could all be a storyline.

On-screen, Punk says he hasn't signed a new contract, on-screen he says that when "Sunday bleeds into Monday" he's no longer a WWE employee. But what if, in storyline this was all a set-up for something bigger and something which would genuinaly be a big fucking deal.

Imagine if WWE discussed with ROH, for Punk to be contratced to the WWE, but as per the storyline, show up on ROH TV with the WWE Championship? You might say that it's ******ed, but WWE showed up in ECW out of the blue in the ninties and even did ECW vs. WWE on Monday Night RAW.

WWE always have a huge storyline during the Summer, last year it was Nexus, this year - this year could be the storyline of the last decade. CM Punk contracted to WWE, WWE Champion, but works dates in ROH who now have twenty channels to broadcast on across the United States much like ECW in the ninties, all to work a storyline with John Cena.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps. Delusional due to how much of an ROH fan I am? Perhaps. A possibility? Perhaps.

But either way, I see this being big, and if CM Punk leaves WWE and works anywhere else you can bet your ass It'll be ROH. To this day he speaks in interviews about how he loves ROH and misses ROH.

That would be an awesome thing to see. I think its pretty unlikely, but then who would have thought Vince would do the joint promoting thing with ECW in the mid 90s when ECW was arguably smaller and less well-known than ROH is now. He has said he thought it was good for the business, so maybe this is something that he would consider again.

Perhaps ROH could become some kind of feeder company for the WWE. They already have Bryan, Punk and Tyler Black under contract, there are rumours that the Kings of Wrestling are on the way, and WWE are actively looking at bringing in alot of fresh talent to make the next generation of stars so it would only be good for them.

We all know that HHH is taking charge of developmental and talent scouting, so perhaps this could be something of his doing. It is VERY unlikely, but maybe, just maaaaybe this could go down.

I am not holding my breath though, thats for sure.
From Punk "I knew I was gone at the beginning of the year. I just woke up one day and I knew. That's the way I work a lot of the time. I think it's creepy too, but it's really helpful. I knew I'd be history by July. Come say goodbye on July 17th. I promise to go out with a bang. Trust me. XxX"

Punk wrote a very similar blog when he was heading into his final announced ROH appearance, a bout where he was scheduled to challenge then-ROH champion Austin Aries. Some of the verbiage is actually the same. In that bout, Punk won the title and began a farewell speech, but then turned heel in the process and "took the belt hostage" for the summer, teasing he was going to deliver the belt to Vince McMahon. He would leave ROH several months later after losing the belt to James Gibson.

When Punk made his one return ROH appearance during a blizzard, by the way, he closed out that show by inviting the crowd out into the make snow angels.
No, ROH couldn't do with a former World Heavyweight Champion, a guy whose in his prime and a guy who has competed at WrestleMania on their roster at all, could they??

Think before you type.

Now, I have thought about this. Summer of Punk was a pretty big fucking deal, at that time there were a lot of people speculating that ROH and WWE were possibly working together for that storyline so that Punk could actually show up on WWE programming with ROH's belt. Of course it came to nothing, but this could all be a storyline.

On-screen, Punk says he hasn't signed a new contract, on-screen he says that when "Sunday bleeds into Monday" he's no longer a WWE employee. But what if, in storyline this was all a set-up for something bigger and something which would genuinaly be a big fucking deal.

Imagine if WWE discussed with ROH, for Punk to be contratced to the WWE, but as per the storyline, show up on ROH TV with the WWE Championship? You might say that it's ******ed, but WWE showed up in ECW out of the blue in the ninties and even did ECW vs. WWE on Monday Night RAW.

WWE always have a huge storyline during the Summer, last year it was Nexus, this year - this year could be the storyline of the last decade. CM Punk contracted to WWE, WWE Champion, but works dates in ROH who now have twenty channels to broadcast on across the United States much like ECW in the ninties, all to work a storyline with John Cena.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps. Delusional due to how much of an ROH fan I am? Perhaps. A possibility? Perhaps.

But either way, I see this being big, and if CM Punk leaves WWE and works anywhere else you can bet your ass It'll be ROH. To this day he speaks in interviews about how he loves ROH and misses ROH.
Yes but ROH don't exactly don't need Punk anymore, The company has passed him by. Frankly he's on too high of a level to go back there.
Yeah, as if that would happen. If Punk had gone into business for himself and done that without the knowledge of the WWE, do you really think Vince McMahon would let him wrestle for the title at a PPV and WIN?!

He was that worried that Bret Hart was going to leave the company with the belt that he screwed him to prevent that from happening. CM Punk would never be allowed to win and take the belt with him, and I am shocked that you would even think that would happen.

If Punk wins he will still be under contract in the WWE, and then they will do a story teasing he is going to leave with the belt, and he would drop it before he actually left.

You have a point there but it still remains a possibility
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