CM Punk/WWE/ROH Thread

There is no real reason to take the biggest angle since Austin and place it in ROH. Every single twist and turn needs to happen on WWE TV. Rumors of CM Punk defending on ROH or if CM Punk wrestles or shows up to ROH is fine but not so he can be filmed at all for ROH tv. It just doesn't do anything for WWE.
As great as Punk has been solo right now do we really want to see him try and lead ANOTHER Stable of wrestlers? Can't we just be happy with what he's given us on the individual level?

WWE hasn't been very good at booking Stables lately. The Straight Edge Society was a great one man gimmick, but when it became a stable it suffer. (Could be due to the fact everyone in the group sucked except for Punk) Nexus was AWESOME for a month, but then they were booked terribly at SummerSlam.(No one in that group could wrestler either besides Daniel BRyan and Wade Barrett) The Corre........HAHAHAHAHA. The NEw Breed vs the ECW Originals? La Famila? (Edge, Hawkin/Ryder, Chavo, Bam Neely). Legacy? Any of this Junk sound familar? Evoultion was the last great Stable and thats because Ric Flair and Triple H were running it.

If you HAVE to give CM Punk another stable, don't make it an INVASION. Don't make it THEM vs THE ENTIRE WWE ROSTER. Make it about guys who LOVE WRESTLING, LOVE THE JOB, BUT HATE WHAT THE BUISNESS HAS BECOME. Guy who can wrestle CIRCLES around the current "Main Eventers". But who would the Kings of Wrestling actually wrestle? they're no real tag teams in WWE. Seems ashame to waste Daniel Bryan as CM Punk's flunkie after he just captured MITB. And one other thing, if the Stable included all former ROH guy you'd have to put Evan Bourne in the group as well, maybe Jamie Noble if he's not retired.
Why are people so short sighted? This would benefit both ROH and WWE because the WWE can send ROH wrestlers to help their product and in return get both actual competition, added help against TNA and a few of their wrestlers.
Vince had a similar deal with ECW, remember it was Paul Heymans business choices that killed ECW, the WWE actually helped them.
Also don't forget Danial Bryan is also an ex ROH star and he surprised everybody winning the Smackdown MITB.
Don't let the people that pretend they are promoters derail you TC, some of us see a bigger picture and see this is possible...
Do y'all remember the Raven's Flock Invasion on WCW? I see this as possibly going down as a rehash of that storyline and done with a better talented crop of people. Colt Cabana was in the crowd last night. But, I could see Punk coming back with the title and sitting in the crowd with Cabana, eventually, Tyler Black, and The Kings of Wrestling join him. Punk is holding the title hostage and his voice of the voiceless schtick becomes his leverage for Vince giving his buddies contracts. He talks about how his crew is more talented than the wrestlers Vince has been producing. Mindless guys like Cena, Orton, etc. And how Vince has been overlooking truly talented indy wrestlers for years.

What would be really great would be to include Daniel Bryan. Have him win the title. Now, Punk refers to him as the ultimate indy guy who got over in spite of McMahon. Bryan has a choice to make to join with Punk or go against him. Either answer could be compelling, but what a way to turn Bryan heel if he sided with McMahon.

I am probably wrong and Punk will show up tonight on Raw. If it was TNA, I would expect Punk to show up, say it was a work by McMahon, and have him team with McMahon against Cena.

Whatever happens, I want to see how this plays out. It's been a long time since I could say that about WWE.
As great as Punk has been solo right now do we really want to see him try and lead ANOTHER Stable of wrestlers? Can't we just be happy with what he's given us on the individual level?

WWE hasn't been very good at booking Stables lately. The Straight Edge Society was a great one man gimmick, but when it became a stable it suffer. (Could be due to the fact everyone in the group sucked except for Punk) Nexus was AWESOME for a month, but then they were booked terribly at SummerSlam.(No one in that group could wrestler either besides Daniel BRyan and Wade Barrett) The Corre........HAHAHAHAHA. The NEw Breed vs the ECW Originals? La Famila? (Edge, Hawkin/Ryder, Chavo, Bam Neely). Legacy? Any of this Junk sound familar? Evoultion was the last great Stable and thats because Ric Flair and Triple H were running it.

If you HAVE to give CM Punk another stable, don't make it an INVASION. Don't make it THEM vs THE ENTIRE WWE ROSTER. Make it about guys who LOVE WRESTLING, LOVE THE JOB, BUT HATE WHAT THE BUISNESS HAS BECOME. Guy who can wrestle CIRCLES around the current "Main Eventers". But who would the Kings of Wrestling actually wrestle? they're no real tag teams in WWE. Seems ashame to waste Daniel Bryan as CM Punk's flunkie after he just captured MITB. And one other thing, if the Stable included all former ROH guy you'd have to put Evan Bourne in the group as well, maybe Jamie Noble if he's not retired.

I agree about CM Punk and another faction, he just moves from one to the next. SES and the New Nexus just didnt work. But I think the original Nexus was fantastic!!! Barrett was a great leader and WWE TV was compelling viewing while they were around.

Not quite as great as Evolution but the best Faction over the last 5 years for sure!!!
I like your idea and disagree with others saying "WWE has nothing to gain". They have everything to gain. There stars jumping ship to ROH and the other way around. It makes for a perfect believable personal storyline. They let Punk win and leave with the belt. He has to do something if he's not going to be on WWE TV even if he is still under contract. It's a way to put ROH on the map, giving WWE more competition and a way to get some of there stars.

Like another person said I think WWE has had some kind of deal going on for a while.

They could do a lot with a ROH in WWE. With CM Punk, Seth Rollins (tyler black), Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, possibly Colt Cabana and others. Have CM Punk keep his title. Have DB win the other title and say screw WWE I'm "the American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. They could go far with it in my opinion all are great performers.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Why are people so short sighted? This would benefit both ROH and WWE because the WWE can send ROH wrestlers to help their product and in return get both actual competition, added help against TNA and a few of their wrestlers.
Vince had a similar deal with ECW, remember it was Paul Heymans business choices that killed ECW, the WWE actually helped them.
Also don't forget Danial Bryan is also an ex ROH star and he surprised everybody winning the Smackdown MITB.
Don't let the people that pretend they are promoters derail you TC, some of us see a bigger picture and see this is possible...

Man people really take WWE working with ECW totally wrong. Vince sent ECW Al Snow, Furnas and LaFon, Brakkus, Cornette and Jerry Lawler. Not the damn CHAMPION. They had a talent exchange? Well, Benoit, Eddie G, Mysterio, Raven, Sandman, Malenko, Jericho, Public Enemy, Jerry Lynn, RVD and more all had some run in WCW. It seems to me that if there was this talent exchange deal that those guys would've chosen WWF over WCW knowing WWF was really paying them!

WWF worked with ECW because Vince was tight with Heyman and he needed to spice up his product. ECW was the HOTTEST and most INNOVATIVE promotion in the country and ECW had the MALE audience which WWF couldn't pay to watch their show.

ROH has NOTHING to offer! They don't have any audience that doesn't already sample WWE TV shows. So what exactly is the point? To do it just because? WWE has Punk, Brian, Kings of Wrestling are waiting for physicals to come back and they are WWE bound, Tyler black is there already, Jon Moxley is in WWE, Sydal also, so who in ROH does WWE need to go get to make a more authentic invasion if they choose to do that?

At this point WWE has so many former ROH guys that you could argue WWE should invade ROH not ROH invading WWE. ROH is not equal to anything ECW was to actually make this thing really work great.
Absofreakinlutely an invasion is happening, and i have key insiders knowing it is happening aswell, you dont have to take it from me but i know the business very, very well it WILL be an ROH/WWE invasion.
I was going to make a thread about this for a while now, as soon as the punk shoot/stoyrline/rant or however you interpret it occured.

Maybe ive taken the name dropping off ROH and NJPW and colt cabana to serious but i think something will go down between companies, dont know what, but something, with punk leading

As for Cena i dont know whats going to happen to him.
Only joking of course i know he wont get fired. but thats another topic.
I think everybody here is forgetting that THE NEW NEXUS IS STILL THERE.

why form a new group when you can add to nexus and make them into something bigger than the crap they are now.
Why does everyone think that this is going to lead to another invasion angle? For all we know, Punk might just be making some appearances in some indy events.

The invasion angles have been done to death already anyways.
I really don't think it will happen and don't want it to happen to be perfectly honest.

They have the chance to do something very different with this storyline and I would be quite upset if they wasted it on another invasion angle.

First off ROH isn't that well known and the whole angle would be over more than half the fans heads. Secondly, ROH isn't a threat to WWE in any way, shape or form so a ROH invasion isn't very intriguing if I may say so and if it does happen, in 2 weeks people will be bored of it because they already have seen this a year ago with Nexus. I know nexus and ROH aren't the same thing but the storyline is, a bunch of outside invaders come in and take over the WWE, its just not very original. Lastly, outside of great wrestling ROH really has nothing else going for it.

I see alot of people saying that this is something they want to see, well if it happens most will be regretting it fast.
Man people really take WWE working with ECW totally wrong. Vince sent ECW Al Snow, Furnas and LaFon, Brakkus, Cornette and Jerry Lawler. Not the damn CHAMPION. They had a talent exchange? Well, Benoit, Eddie G, Mysterio, Raven, Sandman, Malenko, Jericho, Public Enemy, Jerry Lynn, RVD and more all had some run in WCW. It seems to me that if there was this talent exchange deal that those guys would've chosen WWF over WCW knowing WWF was really paying them!

WWF worked with ECW because Vince was tight with Heyman and he needed to spice up his product. ECW was the HOTTEST and most INNOVATIVE promotion in the country and ECW had the MALE audience which WWF couldn't pay to watch their show.

ROH has NOTHING to offer! They don't have any audience that doesn't already sample WWE TV shows. So what exactly is the point? To do it just because? WWE has Punk, Brian, Kings of Wrestling are waiting for physicals to come back and they are WWE bound, Tyler black is there already, Jon Moxley is in WWE, Sydal also, so who in ROH does WWE need to go get to make a more authentic invasion if they choose to do that?

At this point WWE has so many former ROH guys that you could argue WWE should invade ROH not ROH invading WWE. ROH is not equal to anything ECW was to actually make this thing really work great.

You're confusing WCW screwing ECW over with the WWE helping ECW. The WWE gave ECW the national exposure that they needed and talent some of which ECW developed better then the WWE did. Does anyone really remember Aldo Montoya?
I like how you insinuate Vince had ulterior motive. ECW probably would have never gotten out of Philly if Vince didn't help them out.
"Hey there competition... I'm struggling to get my ratings to boost the way I want to, so instead of running one of wrestling's greatest angles on my show I'll hand it to you so you can quite possibly surpass me in revenue."

That's what I'm thinking when the morons of this place even begin to thing that Vince would cross promote with ANYBODY. People keep saying that Vince cross promoted with ECW, but that's dead wrong. Vince BOUGHT OUT ECW and took their stars. He used ECW as a development company to get people over and come to WWF as a known name. If you paid attention, you'd know that. Vince doesn't own ROH, and ROH doesn't want Vince's help. Therefore CM Punk going to ROH with the title will not happen.

What COULD happen is Seth Rollins being called up and WWE making a team of "Skinny Indy Kids" with Rollins, Hero, Claudio, Cabana, and Punk... but that's pretty much it, if that.

Hell, who's to say that tonight on Raw Vince doesn't exchange Del Rio's briefcase with a new WWE title? That's certainly another option you know... maybe even go for an interim champion while CM Punk is "gone".
One of the many things that I liked about the Cena/ Punk match was the manner in which Punk was booked. He was booked very strongly and that is the type of the heel that Cena needs to face often, in my opinion. He is projected as an almost unbeatable wrestler and it makes sense for his opponent to be his equal to create intrigue for his feuds. He has faced far too many weak, cheating and whining heels at this point and has beaten them all despite all the cheating that they have done. There is no need to make Punk like that.

But that is exactly what will happen if you put Punk in a stable. Let us face it. Stable leaders are pretty much weaklings who depend on their comrades to bail themselves out of a sticky situation. No stable has ever been different. Punk works best as a one man army. Also, the guy has pretty strong principles and he has so far followed those principles pretty devoutly. Being a weak person does not go along with his character. He is supposed to be a confident person. When he says that he is better than some guy, he actually has a reason for saying so unlike some other heels.

The other reason why I do not want this to happen is that it will dilute the effect of Cena vs Punk and also make the feud predictable. While Punk looks like a guy who can defeat Cena, making it WWE vs ROH will make it pretty obvious as to who is win.

Cena vs Punk is a feud that works and works brilliantly. It has the potential to be the Rock vs Austin feud of this generation. The driving factor of this feud is their character contrasts and they fact that it is a feud of equals. It works, so why fix something that ain't broke?
You bring up a great point. After last night, I could for sure see this happening, ROH of course being the one invading. My only concern with it not happening is, Jim Cornette who is a top dog in ROH, can't stand WWE and Vince, not as much as he hates Russo though. With ROH just starting out, I doubt Cornette would be willing to work with WWE. Maybe Colt Cabana is leaving ROH? The whole angle may be to get ROH a little exposure. They are a respectable wrestling company, I saw their 1st PPV recently, it was excellent. CM Punk will probably make a few kayfabe appearances on their show with the belt, but in the end he's with WWE all the way.
One of the many things that I liked about the Cena/ Punk match was the manner in which Punk was booked. He was booked very strongly and that is the type of the heel that Cena needs to face often, in my opinion. He is projected as an almost unbeatable wrestler and it makes sense for his opponent to be his equal to create intrigue for his feuds. He has faced far too many weak, cheating and whining heels at this point and has beaten them all despite all the cheating that they have done. There is no need to make Punk like that.

But that is exactly what will happen if you put Punk in a stable. Let us face it. Stable leaders are pretty much weaklings who depend on their comrades to bail themselves out of a sticky situation. No stable has ever been different. Punk works best as a one man army. Also, the guy has pretty strong principles and he has so far followed those principles pretty devoutly. Being a weak person does not go along with his character. He is supposed to be a confident person. When he says that he is better than some guy, he actually has a reason for saying so unlike some other heels.

The other reason why I do not want this to happen is that it will dilute the effect of Cena vs Punk and also make the feud predictable. While Punk looks like a guy who can defeat Cena, making it WWE vs ROH will make it pretty obvious as to who is win.

Cena vs Punk is a feud that works and works brilliantly. It has the potential to be the Rock vs Austin feud of this generation. The driving factor of this feud is their character contrasts and they fact that it is a feud of equals. It works, so why fix something that ain't broke?

You point out that Stables/Factions typically revolve around the "weak, cheating" leader. Maybe that is what they do differently this time around? Have it be a story line that builds for months, maybe leading to the Royal Rumble. You have Punk with the WWE Championship, have Bryan cash in and win the Heavyweight Championship. People seem to think Cabana is coming over, so have him eventually get the IC Belt. Have Rollins go to Smackdown! and get the US Belt. Obviously, the Kings of Wrestling would hold the Tag belts. This would obviously happen over months.

The catch though, is that they don't cheat or use gangland tactics. They say they are better than the "SuperStars" and they prove it, by beating them straight-up. It would be a "faction" that dominates; not because they use their numbers to their advantage, but because they are simply better in the ring.

Not sure it would work because it would involve putting all the gold around the waists of unproven (in WWE's eyes) people, but would sure be different.
I would love to see something small done with this. An invasion angle is played and predictable. Do something small like Colt Cabana posing with the title on CM Punk's twitter. Or have CM Punk posing with the title outside of a ROH show.

It should be kept off TV though. The original ECW angle with Jerry Lawler fighting there was because Vince invested in the company. That's the only reason they got air time on WWE programming. I highly doubt Vince or anyone else in the company has anything invested in ROH at this time. The little plugs for the program weren't anything serious because WWE doesn't see them as major competition but instead known by the internet fans that this whole angle has been feeding. There was no mention of TNA because 1) it's the 'major' (I use that loosely) competition to WWE and 2) it's mainstream as opposed to New Japan and ROH that are known by a smaller % of people.

I think WWE and Punk should continue their present course, drop the ROH name here and there. If they do want ROH shown, it should be on Punk's twitter account to keep it apart from WWE and seem less scripted.
"Hey there competition... I'm struggling to get my ratings to boost the way I want to, so instead of running one of wrestling's greatest angles on my show I'll hand it to you so you can quite possibly surpass me in revenue."

That's what I'm thinking when the morons of this place even begin to thing that Vince would cross promote with ANYBODY. People keep saying that Vince cross promoted with ECW, but that's dead wrong. Vince BOUGHT OUT ECW and took their stars. He used ECW as a development company to get people over and come to WWF as a known name. If you paid attention, you'd know that. Vince doesn't own ROH, and ROH doesn't want Vince's help. Therefore CM Punk going to ROH with the title will not happen.

What COULD happen is Seth Rollins being called up and WWE making a team of "Skinny Indy Kids" with Rollins, Hero, Claudio, Cabana, and Punk... but that's pretty much it, if that.

Hell, who's to say that tonight on Raw Vince doesn't exchange Del Rio's briefcase with a new WWE title? That's certainly another option you know... maybe even go for an interim champion while CM Punk is "gone".

See, this is what happens when kids come on the internet, read some dirt sheets and think they know everything about everything. This poster doesn't even realize that prior to WWE buying ECW, they did indeed cross promote. It was an agreement made when WCW was kicking WWE's ass in the ratings week after week, buying stars from both WWE and ECW. Heyman owned ECW, not Vince and they traded stars for dual exposure.

WWE never expected to lose business to ECW, only to use the promotion to freshen up their own stale product. That being said, ROH is a long way from what ECW was in its heyday. I thoroughly expect that Punk has been resigned to WWE, though it will be portrayed differently on tv. The ending of Vince punching Johnny Ace and his gimmick with the bell keeper should have made that obvious.
Okay lets say Punk does indeed go to ROH with the title since its obvious he's not going to TNA, will that help boost ROH in the long run? Even though ROH is with Sinclair and are now going to be on local channels (don't even need cable to watch them) most of the majority of kids aren't going to watch ROH unless they're showing Punk's face every hour.
The original thread has brought up many interesting points. All in all I think it boils down to a few main points, those being would Vince have a working relationship with ROH and would a cross promotional storyline involving the WWE title work?

1. Can the WWE have a working relationship with ROH?

Absolutley. Vince is a staunch businessman and is surrounded by some of the brightest financial minds in modern business. From a business standpoint competition is a necessity in order to advance the overall catagory for the consumer and create new ideas, working business processes, and demand. Walt Disney once said, "I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it."

Plus a similar situation happened in 1997 when ECW cross promoted in the WWF. ECW had matches on Monday Night Raw to help gain exposure for their product whereas the WWF around this time was able to scoop up Taz, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and the Dudleys. I read that Vince went so far as to put Paul Heyman on the WWF payroll as compensation for these talents. Overall a smart business play on Vince's part.

2. Would a cross promotional storyline work and would Vince go for it?

Sadly no. ECW had only the three matches on cable television and were portrayed as renegades, not the competition. I believe Vince too smart to allow his brand's title head to another company where he is not 1000% certain of how the belt will be promoted. A ROH collaboration would be a short term, one night event, not worthy of the hottest angle run in the WWE in the last several years. It could be booked but does not make sense fiscally or otherwise.

Nice thread holmes.
I think some of this could be happening in the future, and some of it just wont be happening.

I definately think its possible this could lead to some sort of "faction" between Punk, Cabana, Black, Hero, Castagnoli & possibly DBD. Maybe even some others. For the people here concerned with the fact that SES & Nexus started hot & then pretty much bombed: I think that had alot more to do with WWE writers & head honchos, then it had to do with CM Punk as leader. If Punk is given the same 'semi-open' mic (or "power" when it's in his hands) that he's been given over the last month, then I think this could definately be a lot of fun to watch!

As for any of this happening in ROH, or on ROH television- I just cant see that happening. I think the only chance this has anything to do with ROH at all- is the fact that this particular group of wrestlers all came from there.

I love the idea of them not using the group mentality to get wins either. All of them wanting to win on thier own accord. Because the were actually better wrestlers. Punk was actually doing this recently with New Nexus. Telling the younger talent in Nexus to "have faith".

The one thing I do know is: I cant wait for RAW tonight. And to see where this is actually going. I've called all my friends who used to watch wrestling with me, that dont anymore. I told them to be sure to watch tonight...cuz what could be the best wrestling storyline i've seen in the past 10-15 years is happening rightnow. Until lastnight happend- I was still too worried to tell them to start watching, in fear of "it" actually not happening. But after lastnight- it's going down now! Don't screw me Vince!

Sidenote: I dont think there's anyway Punk hasnt already agreed to a contract with VKM. No-way, no-how.
Keeping in mind that it seems anything with the word(s); CM Punk, RoH, Invasion, or pretty much anything relevant to the major storyline has all been merged and clustered, I have no idea if you were replying to what I specifically wrote, or someone else. That being in mind, I like to often believe the world revolves around me, so I take this as you talking in reference to what I said.

I'd say that it's safe to assume that this simply is not going to happen. There's absolutely no gain in this happening for the WWE.

People often said the same thing in terms of an invasion by WCW, ECW, or any other "Opposing Promotion"; yet while ECW was still owned and ran by Paul E. Heyman, they managed to get several spots on WWF's main television programming in 1997. Including the promotion of ECW's debut Pay per view; Barely Legal. Now for a quick history recap, this also included sending their own (WWF) wrestlers (Jerry Lawler, for example) to begin a program with ECW in which an inter-promotion war was started.

Jump ahead to 2001, after the Company had purchased the rights to WCW and ECW - they went ahead with an Invasion angle. Now, while Ring of Honor (to everyone's belief) has not been bought out by Vince McMahon and the WWE; it's highly naive to believe something similar to McMahon working with RoH in a similar manner to how he worked with ECW in 1997, couldn't be possible.

What do they have to gain? That's the simplest thing of all. Ratings.

It seems you're assuming that during the 1997 and/or 2001 Invasion angle(s), that everyone who watched wrestling watched ECW and WCW as well. If so, that's a false assumption. Most loyal WWF fans had never seen an ECW show before, and possibly never heard of them before the 1997 invasion. Likewise to some of the talent that came over from the buyout in 2001. Yet those storylines drew ratings and made the WWE a profit.

I've never watched ROH and I'm looking forward to being able to see it for the first time. However, let's no exaggerate ROH's place in the wrestling world or its importance. In terms of audience size and exposure, ROH is absolutely nothing to the WWE. I know the IWC loves ROH but it's nothing at this point in time, at least when it comes to be a viable threat to WWE in any way, shape or form.

And just like in 1997, the likes of ECW never threatened or even came close to causing a threat to the WWF; yet McMahon understood the value in ratings that he had by joining forces with Paul Heyman and creating what he did. He built a bridge with Heyman, funded them a little and took some top talent that he felt would become bigger through the WWF.

The same could be said currently through Ring of Honor. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have become relatively big names in the time they've been with the Company; and arguably Punk is one of the top names in the business (currently). That being said, McMahon may have come to the understanding that not every great talent is formed from him alone.

The likes of Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, the American Wolves, and perhaps even Colt Cabana - all of which have gained huge cult-like followings through RoH fans. And in a similar way to how RVD became huge in ECW.. my guess is McMahon understands the need to grab these younger talents before the likes of TNA gets the chance to.

So you're right in understanding Ring of Honor isn't a threat to the WWE, however you're wrong if you believe the WWE has nothing to gain from forming a working relationship with sharing talent. Especially when you also factor in the major stars in the WWE are now retiring due to age, leaving from being burnt out, or being forced out due to injury. WWE is in massive need of more, younger, talent. Ring of Honor has that for them.

I think people are taking the fact that CM Punk has dropped ROH's and Colt Cabana's name too seriously and are seeing what they want to see. I think it's possible that Cabana could be, is in the process of being or has already signed with WWE. It also looks like the Kings of Wrestling are also a locked signing for the WWE at this point in time.

What you've just said yourself is that you could very well see some of the top names from RoH being signed, or likely already having signed, with the Company. That in and of itself would lead everyone to believe the best way to debut such talent - is to focus on what made them famous to begin with. Their roots.

Put them with Bryan & Punk, form a group of "rebels" or "Men of Honor" (if they truly aren't working with RoH to use their name) and what you have is several new, younger, talents - looking to shine with a top level storyline to get them noticed instantly. More than merely debuting (likely under different names) would have ever done.
I'm just going to add a few things that havn't been as yet.

1/ Although Vince runs a Global business, he still does it like a family owned small business. And what I mean by that is that he has very strong relationships with ALL his employees. Where a CEO would only know his executive team perhaps, Vince knows everyone.

2/ Although Punk has been outspoken since day one and hasn't been on everyone's good side since joining the company, Vince has allowed him to fill in on an RoH show a few years ago when several of their talent couldn't get to the show due to weather. Vince let Punk wrestle for RoH that night because Punk asked him, and Vince knew it was the right thing to do, and it didn't beenfit him (Punk could have been injured) but he allowed Punk who loves RoH to give back to the comapny.

3/ Although this has nothing to do with Vince or Punk or the WWE, Shannon Moore was part of the deal to sign Jeff Hardy to TNA. These sorts of deals may also go in WWE, and part of Punk's resigning package may have been Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows being brought back in (edit: I think Gallows signed with TNA though..) as they were both mentioned several times during Punk's promos.

4/ NJPW is affilitaed with TNA so Punk wont bring the belt there, but Punk could bring the belt to RoH once again (for maybe a one off thing) just like Vince allowed Punk to go back to RoH, and would be good for their new programming debut episode.

5/ I don't see an Invasion, more of Punk constantly being in the corwd, reminding Vince that he has his title hostage, until Vince hires him back in some storyline, which brings in Cabana etc.

In any case it's got us all talking and I can't wait to see what happens. The thing about WWE is they always start things off awesome, who can forget the debut of the original Nexus. Amazing! But it sort of went downhill, due to injuries and creative dropping the ball. Hopefully, this storyline will have a great outcome.
There is zero chance of this happening. While the WWE gave Punk some freedom to speak in his promo where he took the names of Paul Heyman and ROH, it doesn't mean that they will go out of the way beyond it. That was just to let Punk speak his heart and make the story look real, and to see the fan reaction and the attention. The Raw ratings went high after it and the PPV also got very good crowd reaction plus buys. Its all attributed to Punk and the fact that the WWE were able to tweak his true contract-expiry into a story.

We know that Punk would have definitely re-signed his contract for some more months or years, that is the reason why he won and the belt is with him. Sooner or later he will return and start a straight-edge era which should be better than the PG era that cena has shown us. Just like HHH reversed Vince's decision of firing cena, he will also reverse the decision of having a new champion next week on Raw. Punk will return as the WWE champion and be re-instated on the brand.

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