CM Punk/WWE/ROH Thread

Another one of these? Wow. I think a lot of people overestimate ROH's popularity based on assumption that they inherited all of the old ECW fans. They are not even close to being as popular as ECW was when WWF did the invasion angle.
Gather round kiddies....Pops is gonna drop some Knowledge. First, Daniel Bryan Danielsen, will either lose his briefcase to another wrassler or ...become the first MITB winner to lose his match. Hes Chris Benoit minus the personality. HUH? Exactly. Great wrestler , but how many of us own the Dbry shirt? Money talks. WWE will never give us errything we want. The first rule of Showbiz.....keep them wanting more.
The Roh idea would be sick. I could see it Bryan cashes in and wins the world title.. him and punk have possession of the world titles and have tyler black, shelton, haas,Colt Cabana and a few others aligned with them.
I LOVE Pro wrestling. I started watching when I was ten years old. I am now thirty and the proud father to an amazing ten year old boy. His name is Jason...and he looks exarctly(simpsons represent) like me. Except hes a blonde while I have the heavy italian complexion. We have to realize as rationale adults that WWE and pro wrasslin is a consumer driven business. It would be awesome if errything that we wanted ,happened. But the WWE has to spoon feed us.....first rule of Showbiz....always leave them wanting more.
Doubt it, probably wont even see CM Punk at ROH. CM Punk had a new T-Shirt last night, He wont be going anywhere else than WWE, why would they make a new T-Shirt for someone thats leaving?... makes no sense....
If they did have the title change hands in another promotion. They may as well go all out and buy ROH. Then have Cena get the title back. that'd be the ultimate crowd reaction. the smarkiest fatsos in wrestling watching CM Punk lose to John Cena.

However, it won't happen. Second, for fuck's sake stop referrign to TNA as the "WCW of today". It's not. TNA is the TNA of today. It's not even close to WWE and it's even further from WCW because WCW beat WWF for about 2 years.
what the WTK guy said, why on earth would punk be leaving if they made him a new t-shirt, makes zero sense. Rather than going on about how punk is going to ROH to defend his title, or how wwe is getting del rio to cash in at roh or crazy bones, no scope whatever!
enjoy the new angle involving punk as champ, as it is going to contradict the heart out of your post
what the WTK guy said, why on earth would punk be leaving if they made him a new t-shirt, makes zero sense. Rather than going on about how punk is going to ROH to defend his title, or how wwe is getting del rio to cash in at roh or crazy bones, no scope whatever!
enjoy the new angle involving punk as champ, as it is going to contradict the heart out of your post
People at WWE shows wear Colt Cabana shirts too, he's not signed though. So the shirt thing actually doesn't matter.

He, in all likelihood, won't defend it at a ROH show though. In all actuality, I don't think any of us know exactly what's going to happen. No one on here predicted the ending to the show last night. It's fun to speculate as to what they'll do, but I won't even try because I don't know where to begin. It's fun huh?
It's awesome reading everyones ideologies about Punk, ROH, WWE and the Championship. I've got to say WWE came up trumps on this one very MUST SEE TV.

Ironically I was chatting to my friend after MITB (first I've stayed online after a show) and he spoke of ROH, and Punk taking the belt there, as much as I don't see it happening simply because ROH is only seen in the States and maybe Canada, no where else, WWE wouldn't want their flagship belt being seen on such a small scale considering this would be HUGE NEWS!

I wouldn't be surprised if WWE hold a tournament to crown a NEW Champion with the brand new belt (pretty inventive way to debut a new belt) and once Punk returns maybe do a HBK/Razor Mania 10 deal to crown the REAL WWE Champion.

Rock won't be around in WWE until the fall he's doing GI, Joe. As much as I'd love to see him turn up and get involved some how creating Team Bring It Vs CeNation @ Survivor series it's not going to happen. Chances are Cena will be chasing the WWE belt at the show leading to winning it around TLC/Rumble in time for Mania.

I'd like to see CM Punk slipped into the Mega Mania Main Event make it a triple threat, Rock could produce in the ring, Punk can, Cena is the same ROCK/CENA would be name sake a good match but I don't see the match itself being that great, put Punk it and absolutely.
I would like it, but not as a group of "ROH guys" because then you seriously limit it. Just have it as another group of Punk's guys.

I'm pretty sure McGuinness quit TNA because he has permanent brain damage or something crazy like that.

I would like seeing Punk and Cabana return as the Second City Saints. Tyler Black kinda fits into that, he did the whole Age of the Fall thing so it could be similar. Hero is a top 5 guy in the world, just so damn smart in everything he does and him and Punk have a stories history. I like Castagnoli too.

The problem is that nobody knows who these guys are. So it'd be like Nexus. A bunch of no names dominating most of the show so the channel flippers won't stop to watch a match with them. They'll watch the beatdowns, but they won't stick.

What I say is debut Black on SD, and Hero/Castagnoli on Raw. Have them be seemingly unrelated. Just 3 new guys trying to make their mark. Punk shows up with Cabana, who they call Cabana so people who don't know go "oh that's the guy". Maybe have Hero/castagnoli and Black all form friendships with faces. Punk and Cabana take out a face, out come Hero/Castagnoli, apparently to help the face, but they turn on him. Do something similar with Black and you have a stable.
i think most of you get confused where VKM is concerned

he wants to control the business but realises that he needs some sort of competition or at least other companies. i dont believe for minute he would be happy if WWE was the only wrestling company in the USA

ROH is not major competition but these minor leagues get people interested in wrestling in the first place and give him many benefits; an other outlet for talent acquisition as an example. I bet my pension that non-wwe fans did start watching wwe when they acquired punk and danielson

any invasion or joint co-operation angle will make him money plus it doesnt elevate or benefit his MAIN competition in Impact/TNA
Sorry,my headline was something I mentioned in the supposedly ONLY CmP/Cena thread there was MEANT to be,& the PPV kinda tipped its hat towards that,but,
I cant see Vince wanting to help ROH unless he HaS shares in it,not even if it means losing CmP,till MITB ,was he that great a loss for all your suggesting to be done. over say doing something to keep Taker or ,Y2J ?
All MaY become clear tonight,or dragged out till Summerslam but as were guessing,can I ask for consideration,the bleedin obvious? I Mean,could it be so simple as,to get rid off A world title,you let someone whose leaving anyway,walk out with it.I mean,when the shows became brands,WWE had EverybodY,Hogan Nash,Taker,Y2J,Edge,H.HBK,Rock,Austin,Eddie,Benoit etc etc etc,with no TNA or ROH,let alone ECW or WCW,there was no competition,but now there are alternatives,& the forementioned are all dead,semi retired or very old.True the tag division & diva s are very scant right now so one title makes sense.but with so many green guys about,wouldnt ONE world title make sense too.There was no USA/Inter matches at MITB,but neither holders were in the tournament,whose to say a unification of that is in the pipeline.
Add to the fact that cross promotion (Henry VS Show for starters) is so commonplace they feel the name of the video game S Vs R is out of place.Tonight Vince eats humble pie,then spits it out,the Raw World Title is Dead,Punk has a meaningless bit of metal,Ha Ha Ha,theres only OnE legit WWE World title,(shit! & Christian has it?!) As for Cena,youre fired,Ok says Cena,III invite my mexican cousin,like LAST TIME, (sided with Orton,Fired by Wade) ,not in the title picture but still there for the kiddies.
Bottom line.Cena will face Rock at WM on WWE.All roads however diverting are leading to that.
It's awesome reading everyones ideologies about Punk, ROH, WWE and the Championship. I've got to say WWE came up trumps on this one very MUST SEE TV.

Ironically I was chatting to my friend after MITB (first I've stayed online after a show) and he spoke of ROH, and Punk taking the belt there, as much as I don't see it happening simply because ROH is only seen in the States and maybe Canada, no where else, WWE wouldn't want their flagship belt being seen on such a small scale considering this would be HUGE NEWS!

I wouldn't be surprised if WWE hold a tournament to crown a NEW Champion with the brand new belt (pretty inventive way to debut a new belt) and once Punk returns maybe do a HBK/Razor Mania 10 deal to crown the REAL WWE Champion.

Rock won't be around in WWE until the fall he's doing GI, Joe. As much as I'd love to see him turn up and get involved some how creating Team Bring It Vs CeNation @ Survivor series it's not going to happen. Chances are Cena will be chasing the WWE belt at the show leading to winning it around TLC/Rumble in time for Mania.

I'd like to see CM Punk slipped into the Mega Mania Main Event make it a triple threat, Rock could produce in the ring, Punk can, Cena is the same ROCK/CENA would be name sake a good match but I don't see the match itself being that great, put Punk it and absolutely.
A match that big has to be one on one. It's icon vs icon. Plus a triple threat is a difficult match to do. You don't want Rock having to do that.

I would LOVE it if Punk was either in the main for the strap or in another iconic feud, like Punk vs Austin. There's a pic online of Punk as a teen with Austin. It's awesome and could be in one of their amazing video packages.
i think most of you get confused where VKM is concerned

he wants to control the business but realises that he needs some sort of competition or at least other companies. i dont believe for minute he would be happy if WWE was the only wrestling company in the USA

ROH is not major competition but these minor leagues get people interested in wrestling in the first place and give him many benefits; an other outlet for talent acquisition as an example. I bet my pension that non-wwe fans did start watching wwe when they acquired punk and danielson

any invasion or joint co-operation angle will make him money plus it doesnt elevate or benefit his MAIN competition in Impact/TNA
i think most of you get confused where VKM is concerned

he wants to control the business but realises that he needs some sort of competition or at least other companies. i dont believe for minute he would be happy if WWE was the only wrestling company in the USA

ROH is not major competition but these minor leagues get people interested in wrestling in the first place and give him many benefits; an other outlet for talent acquisition as an example. I bet my pension that non-wwe fans did start watching wwe when they acquired punk and danielson

any invasion or joint co-operation angle will make him money plus it doesnt elevate or benefit his MAIN competition in Impact/TNA
Elevating ROH isn't going to help out the business as a whole. The only people who go to these shows are diehard fans who can name more Japanese wrestler than most people can name celebrities. It trickles down.

Bringing in the ROH talent only works if they aren't "ROH guys" by name.

A lot of people look at the nWo and think it worked because it was an invasion. It worked because WCW was equal to WWF and these guys were universally seen as WWF guys. That's why it was so intriguing. ROH isn't close to WWE's equal. However, if they're part of CM Punk's group, then that's something more powerful.
The new CM Punk shirt was designed as a sorta 'One Night Only' shirt - it had the date of the MITB PPV on the back of 07.17.2011 - and being in Punk's hometown, they knew they would more than likely sell a bucketload. So the theory of Punk not/leaving whilst they've made him a new shirt isn't entirely correct.
In all actuality, WWE making a T-Shirt of Punk and then him quitting (likely still getting some royalties but still under whatever % in the original contract) and making a new one when he's his hottest is a way to make the most money off of him even if he's gone for a while. So really it kinda makes it seem even more likely that he'll be off TV for a while.
I wouldn't be surprised if WWE hold a tournament to crown a NEW Champion with the brand new belt (pretty inventive way to debut a new belt) and once Punk returns maybe do a HBK/Razor Mania 10 deal to crown the REAL WWE Champion.


There will be a tournament for the new champion, with a new belt. It'll come down to probably Cena and another, with Del Rio cashing in some how which leads to a Summer Slam match between Cena and Del Rio like everyone was talking about.

Cena will win the belt, continuing the trend for Del Rio's losses despite it being his destiny to win the title.

Meanwhile, CM Punk will STAY out of action for 90 days due to a no-complete clause. I'm thinking that Vinny and CM Punk signed a special no-compete clause behind closed doors which explains that Punk can't compete outside the WWE for an extended period of time. I wouldn't surprised if Vinny brought this into the fold on RAW tonight, saying that "Well Punk can't compete for 90 days so we'll worry about him then." It would drop a lot of CM Punk momentum though, but the way he left last night was just unreal.

Eventually, after the 90 days, Punk comes back and faces Cena. Title for title.

An idea.
While none of us can predict the future, I'd say that it's safe to assume that this simply is not going to happen. There's absolutely no gain in this happening for the WWE.

I've never watched ROH and I'm looking forward to being able to see it for the first time. However, let's no exaggerate ROH's place in the wrestling world or its importance. In terms of audience size and exposure, ROH is absolutely nothing to the WWE. I know the IWC loves ROH but it's nothing at this point in time, at least when it comes to be a viable threat to WWE in any way, shape or form. What would be the point of having the WWE Championship change hands in a company at a show that will draw only a tiny fraction of the WWE's audience? Having the greatest card and matches in history doesn't mean jack if there's nobody to see it.

I think people are taking the fact that CM Punk has dropped ROH's and Colt Cabana's name too seriously and are seeing what they want to see. I think it's possible that Cabana could be, is in the process of being or has already signed with WWE. It also looks like the Kings of Wrestling are also a locked signing for the WWE at this point in time.
i disagree

sometimes its about the industry as a whole

what happens in the small part of the industry vkm doesnt control can at times have an effect both good and bad on wwe and vice versa.

benoit for example had an effect on non wrestling fans on the business as a whole not just wwe

vince is smart - allegienances of what ever degree with small promotions will benefit him and give them a small rub also but at the same time it will stop ROH in this acse have somthing similar with TNA

if this is the way it pans out it is very shrewd move by vince as he has basically prevented the 2nd biggest company having links with the 3rd
Actually Vince has let other companies use his air time, the original ECW invasion (not the 2001 but the original in 1997)!!!!!!! Vince is a business man not the character you see on television lets not forget, he used ECW to harm WCW and now it appears that he may use ROH to burry TNA! Lets use our brains before starting a thread filled with inaccuracies!
i disagree

sometimes its about the industry as a whole

what happens in the small part of the industry vkm doesnt control can at times have an effect both good and bad on wwe and vice versa.

benoit for example had an effect on non wrestling fans on the business as a whole not just wwe

vince is smart - allegienances of what ever degree with small promotions will benefit him and give them a small rub also but at the same time it will stop ROH in this acse have somthing similar with TNA

if this is the way it pans out it is very shrewd move by vince as he has basically prevented the 2nd biggest company having links with the 3rd
Vince is more concerned with a pimple on his ass than TNA. WWE has like 80M dollars in plant/property/equipment assets, TNA is like 80M in debt.

This isn't a shrewd business move, it's not blocking TNA from doing anything. The money trickles down. It's how it works in the economy (feds pump money into banks who loan to big companies who expand, which gives money to the people who supply them, which gives money to everyone's employees, etc). In wrestling if WWE is hot, ROH is better for it. If ROH draws 1,500 instead of 1,000, WWE draws 10,000 regardless.

ROH isn't all of "indy wrestling". Now, if indy wrestling as a whole went up 50%, then that might be something. However, one company below, waaaaaay below the WWE getting a few hundred more people a show doesn't mean anything to WWE or the business as a whole and is, in all likelihood, random variance.
While none of us can predict the future, I'd say that it's safe to assume that this simply is not going to happen. There's absolutely no gain in this happening for the WWE.

I've never watched ROH and I'm looking forward to being able to see it for the first time. However, let's no exaggerate ROH's place in the wrestling world or its importance. In terms of audience size and exposure, ROH is absolutely nothing to the WWE. I know the IWC loves ROH but it's nothing at this point in time, at least when it comes to be a viable threat to WWE in any way, shape or form. What would be the point of having the WWE Championship change hands in a company at a show that will draw only a tiny fraction of the WWE's audience? Having the greatest card and matches in history doesn't mean jack if there's nobody to see it.

I think people are taking the fact that CM Punk has dropped ROH's and Colt Cabana's name too seriously and are seeing what they want to see. I think it's possible that Cabana could be, is in the process of being or has already signed with WWE. It also looks like the Kings of Wrestling are also a locked signing for the WWE at this point in time.

You can't ever say never. Think about how much the WWF helped out ECW in 1995 for seemingly no reason. Jerry Lawler to this day says he has no idea why Vince was wasting his time helping out another company. Sometimes what's good for wrestling on the whole is good for the WWE.

That said, I don't personally think this will happen, but it is definitely possible.
Vince wasn't really helping out ECW, he was testing the waters to see if that sort of product would work with that audience. Which he might do with ROH especially given how legitimately taken back Lawler and others seemed with Punk. Problem is that Punk's ROH isn't the same as modern ROH.
When Bryan won the MIB match last night I KNEW that there's going to be some type of ROH Punk/Bryant faction. Either that OR Bryan is going to challenge Punk and have one of their CLASSIC matches. See unlike the WWE wrestlers, these two can actually put on a hell of a show.

WWE is dropping the ball with Bryan (and Punk for years). Bryan should be billed as the next Brian Pillman or the man who can make anyone submit. He doesn't need to have great mic skills, Benoit didn't!

WWE needs to stop being wimps and allow Punk to do the Pepsi Plunge!

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