The Emergence of ROH

ROH doesn't pose a threat to WWE and probably can't ever pose one in the foreseeable future. It does, however, pose a threat to TNA.

So, there could be some logical benefit in WWE working together with ROH for a while. I don't think this will happen, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.
There "COULD" be an invasion from ROH, but I really doubt it. It would just be like when ECW invaded the Manhattan Centre in the mid 90s when noone knew who they were. The WWE fanbase had never really heard of most of those guys when they invaded Raw. Vince gave them the TV time to help out his product and help to promote their PPV as he thought it was good for he business.

Maybe he feels that way again, with ROH just getting a regional TV deal? He could be willing to help their company and help them get established, on the understanding that he can have first pick of their talent roster, with ROH being used as a kind of developmental program for the WWE.

It would definitely help WWE in that they could pick up alot of talented guys and prevent TNA from doing so, and it would certainly help the ROH talent get more exposure.

However, as most fans have no idea who these guys are, and ROH invasion could be perceived as just another Nexus invasion, with a group of unknown guys crasing Raw and causing mayhem. They saw one of those last year, and to most fans it would just look the same. The IWC would love it though, and I certainly would too.

Cant see it happening though, but it would be great.
Actually with ROH being bought out by SBC and SBC having some ownership over a few CBS stations I don't see this as too far of a stretch. Not to mention, Vince has been getting a lot of stars into his tryouts lately that are from ROH and we also know that Vince is very high on Shelton Benjamin... always has been.

Why wouldn't Vince try to butter up ROH so that in the future he can buy them out as well? ROH is a growing competitor, more so than TNA is right now, and if WWE's smart then they would do everything in their power to get ROH under their name.
As much as I want ROH to succeed, I don't want it to be because Vince has started providing hand outs. Every single person on their roster can wipe the floor [in the ring] with anyone in the E, save Danielson, Black and Punk. With that being said, how great would it be to see Davey Richards or Eddie Edwards take on Danielson in a great technical showing on WWE tv?? I'd watch. Wishful thinking.
ROH is a great promotion but in no way is WWE even considering doing a cross promotional war with them. ROH is way to small!!!! Punks psuedo shoot promo at the end of Raw was not to start a ROH WWE war. If you noticed Punk mentioned certain words in his promo like wrestler. He called himself the best wrestler in the world. Everybody knows the WWE doesnt refer to their athletes as wrestlers but Superstars and frown upon the word wrestler and even wrestling. Then Punk said after he won the title he would defend the belt in New Japan Pro Wrestling the house Antonio Inoki built. It is a well known fact that Vince McMahon and Antonio Inoki are bitter rivals to the point that they almost hate each other. Inoki hasnt been apart of NJPW for years but WWE will never do a co promotion with them cause of Inoki's influence in the past. Now NJPW is everybit as big as WWE in Japan. Its isnt the international powerhouse cause it isnt seen worldwide but if any promotion in the World could challenge WWE its NJPW they have the talent and enough money and are big enough. But it will never happen. Punk knows that but he said as a zing to McMahon.
*In walks one of the biggest ROH marks on the forum.*


Really? Really?? Really???

Ring of Honor isn't a threat to the WWE, the ROH fans know this as does the whole world of wrestling, which should include the IWC. ROH this time last year was on the verge of going into debt, they ended up releasing a number of backroom staff and brought in newer talent to replace the more known talent who'd have asked for higher wages e.g. Austin Aries. Ring of Honor is a company based out of Philidelphia(Like ECW!) which has poor lighting(Like ECW!) poor production value(Like ECW!) the same problems, but now due to being owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group will see those problems and issues disappear.

What does that mean? Ring of Honor becomes a threat, NOT to WWE, but to TNA. Ring of Honor won't be a threat to the WWE when they're on twenty channels. Ring of Honor won't be a threat to WWE when they haven't even started their run on said twenty channels. Ring of Honor really has no reason to interact or seek advertising on WWE television or through any methods involving WWE.

Since 2004 Ring of Honor has developed into a cult, based around the fact that they offer something which WWE offers the opposite of. Where on WWE you'll have nine segments and four matches a night, two of those being solid, on ROH weekly programming you get about two segments a night and six matches which will all be solid, maybe even one being pay-per-view quality.

CM Punk mentioning ROH was something that ROH fans can't take lightly. The guy was one of the first people to get noticed in Ring of Honor, alongside Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson. It was great for ROH to get the mention, but that is all it was - a mention. Because ROH is what made CM Punk. What CM Punk did on RAW was the same as what Danielsion did on NXT, when he told people his real name and to go look him up.

Is New Japan Pro Wrestling going to lead a group into the WWE too? Maybe they'll reform nWo Japan and Great Muta will come in for a few matches. Because God only knows Muta vs. John Cena would be a classic!

Stop over-analyzing everything like It'll bring forth some invasion like angle. We already had the Invasion and it was SHIT! Ring of Honor appearing on WWE television would probably prompt a backlash from ROH fans.
The problem is why are we always looking things in business side. Would this kind of an angle be good for wrestling ? Yes. Cross promotion angles are always interesting. Would it give some of the ROH wrestlers an opportunity to shine. Yes it would. Would it make good wrestling ? Yes it would. So why not ? It's not like WWE would lose millions of dollars by this angle. WWE is a already a billion dollar company IWC can be a small percentage but they are still viewers so why not once make them pleased it wouldn't make other big percentage of the WWE viewers angry over the product either. Yes it would not be much benefical for WWE but at least they show that they care every part of their audience.

Why look at it from the business side? Because professional wrestling is a business and any successful business is going to be run with using ideas that they hope is going to make the most money. The WWE has absolutely nothing to gain from this, nothing whatsoever. They can't use ROH to further increase their own audience because ROH isn't even on the radar. Truth is, they've never been on the radar when it comes to pulling in viewers. Again, where is the advantage out of this for WWE? All that would ultimately happen is that WWE money would be spent, ROH wrestlers would show up during WWE air time on WWE programming and ROH would really get its name out there while letting WWE foot the bill. What most fans would see would be WWE wrestlers up against a bunch of guys that the vast majority of the audience doesn't even know, recognize or has never even heard of. In terms of wide range popularity, ROH isn't WCW. Hell, ROH isn't even ECW at this point so an ROH Invasion won't have remotely the same impact.

The only feesible way I could see this happening is if, like with ECW, Vince is helping to keep ROH afloat behind the scenes financially. That would be an indicator that, maybe, Vince could be interested in purchasing ROH at some point. But just helping out a rival wrestling organization when he has absolutely nothing to gain from it? Not a chance. It makes no sense for WWE financially, which means it's not gonna happen.
It won't happen, there's no way WWE would run any sort of an angle with Ring of Honor. People keep referencing when WWE had that little "invasion" angle with ECW, but what they keep forgetting is that, back then, it made sense. WCW was still a viable threat, so why not promote ECW to give them some competition? WWE has no competition today, TNA is nowhere near them and probably never will be. That wasn't the only reason they did it, either. They wanted to use some of the ECW guys, they wanted to show a different side of the product to their audience to see if they could possibly do it themselves. With ROH, none of that is possible nor is it logical. ROH wouldn't bring in ratings for Vince, their audience is too small and too much of a niche, they wouldn't make him any money, they wouldn't do ANYTHING for WWE. Why would Vince go out of his way to build up Ring of Honor, when his company gets, literally, NOTHING out of the deal.

People, the IWC in particular, love jumping to conclusions and making big deals out of minor things. Maybe it's because most of the IWC are morons, maybe not, but this is just plain dumb. CM Punk was given the mic and allowed to, basically, shoot. The WWE had no idea he would mention Ring of Honor, in all likelihood. There is no angle planned, it would be stupid and pointless, really. Hell, the only reason Ring of Honor and New Japan were mentioned was to make it seem more real. To make it seem like Punk actually had somewhere to go, when in reality he was just name dropping some old buddies and people who helped him along the way.

Ring of Honor hasn't emerged, they're still where they were before the promo. CM Punk mentioning them once won't put them on the map, it won't make them a viable threat, no, that takes YEARS of building a loyal audience and putting out a great product. Sure, ROH provides us with some great matches, but they're still a minor league promotion for the most part. They're nowhere near the WWE, so working with ROH would be one HUGE step down for WWE and it's not a risk they need to take. To add onto that, the styles are so different that it would probably be disastrous. Ring of Honor is basically just built around being ALL in-ring competition, whereas WWE, and RAW in particular, are much more storyline based.

It never ceases to amaze me how something so insignificant can be blown out of proportion by wrestling fans. Ring of Honor isn't working with WWE and it probably never will. That's not meant to discredit Ring of Honor and what they do, as I'm a fan, but it's just absurd. CM Punk went out there and delivered an excellent promo, one that blurred the line between "work" and "shoot," to do so he had to bring in elements that he knew at least some fans would know of. Hell, just because he mentioned Hulk Hogan and The Rock in his promo doesn't mean he's going to go into a storyline with either of them, does it? Explain to me how that's any different than the mention of Ring of Honor? It's not. Why is Ring of Honor the only promotion people are pulling out of that promo, why not New Japan Pro Wrestling? Simple, really... people are inclined to over-think things and this is certainly one of those cases.

Just because the WWE has done some awesome things for us in the last year, doesn't mean they're going to embark on some complicated angle with CM Punk working the Indy scene, people. I hear people referencing the Daniel Bryan situation a lot in relation to this and it just makes me laugh. Do you know why Daniel Bryan was working the Indy scene? Because he was actually fired. There is no way Vince McMahon would allow CM Punk to go out and work with/for ROH, while still being under a WWE contract, much less go out and work it with his WWE Title. CM Punk was just trying to get people buzzing and it appears that he succeeded, but trust me, the WWE and ROH WILL NOT work together.
Although Punk mentioned ROH on WWE TV, I don't see it happening a ROH/WWE cross promotion, because basically WWE is sports entertainment while ROH is professional wrestling. What happened on Monday was more of a shoutout though. If ROH were to do cross promotion with someone, I could see them doing it with either NJPW or maybe Bellator MMA promotion. I've seen ROH and a lot of their guys could do MMA.

Back to my point, all though you can say "never say never" to cross promote, its very unlikely that it will happen.

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