Stupidest/Oddest thing that made you go to the Principal's office


The voice of Michael Cole's headset
This was in 2006 or 2007
I got sent to the principal's office (the only time ever) for calling a person a parrot in middle school. I only called the girl a parrot once because she repeated or copied something that I can't remember. I knew her pretty well and she laughed at it to. The next day, my teacher calls me outside and says that she got an e-mail from the girl's parents. The parents were furious apparently for some insane reason. So I went to the principal's and the principal started telling/asking me;
1. How would you feel if you were called names?
2. How do you think George Bush feels about no one supporting him? (I have no idea how this even came up).
3. A bunch of other random crap.
I somehow managed to keep a straight face the whole time. My parents got a call saying I went to the principal's office, when I told them what happened, they took me to Dairy Queen because they thought it was funny. I later found out that she was mad, not because of me, but because someone she liked heard me call her a parrot and apparently started to call her a bunch of names and make fun of her. But since she liked (more like loved) him, she told her parents that I did it.

Anyone else have stupid/odd principal office stories?
I Swanton Bombed off a fence onto a dollhouse and obliterated it. No, I'm not kidding.
I got a detention for telling a girl in my class to shut up. She also got one for not shutting up.

My favourite one is not funny if you don't know the people involved, but I'll tell you anyway.

Teacher: Alex, Tastycles can you clear up this mess.
Alex: It's not our mess
Teacher: I don't care, do it anyway

Tastycles and Alex clean the mess. Several hours pass, it's now homework time (Military school, so I lived there), teacher enters my room.

Teacher: I thought I asked you to clean that mess?
Tastycles: I did
Teacher: Why is it messy then?
Tastycles: Because it's new mess
Teacher: Well clean it up, please
Tastycles: Look, it wasn't my mess, it isn't my station (a station is essentially an assigned chore), I've already done it and (pointing to Of Mice and Men) I'm revising for my GCSEs.

Teacher lets it go, retrieves Alex, comes back.

Teacher: Look, go and tidy it up, or there will be repercussions tomorrow night (tomorrow was a Saturday, he's essentially saying if I don't go and help Alex pick up about two skittles wrappers, I will be forbidden from going out on Saturday).
Tastycles: Fine, but this is unbelievably petty
Teacher: The key element here is you are being stroppy and unreasonable
Tastycles: The key element here is you are an arse.

So despite being entirely in the right I had to go and see the deputy headmaster, ended up not only locked in on Saturday night, but in detention on Saturday night. I just took my laptop and played pinball, but it was still pretty inconvenient.
In second graded, a girl said, "Be quiet, white boy." To which I replied, "You be quiet, black girl."

I got suspended for 3 days.
I once got wrote up for wearing a shirt that said "I'm not smiling, I'm passing gas." The middle school dean just told me to get the hell out of his office, so I just walked around the school for the rest of the period.
I ate a tampon covered in pasta sauce. It was made to look like my girlfriend dropped a used tampon out of her backpack and I, dressed as a dirty vagrant, approached the abandoned feminine napkin and ate it. No obviously this was high school and no one who bought it thought to themselves ''why is there a homeless dude allowed on campus and why did that chick KEEP a used tampon in her backpack'' but yeah. Got me in some trouble.
For using a disabled ramp.Yes because i walked down a disabled ramp i got told to go to the principals office.The principal said it was a new teacher and they didnt know that you could walk down it.

For doing push ups in class.The teacher was like noone can do anything extremely stupid in his class so I went to the place where there was no students near me and did push ups.about about 60 he sent me to the principals office.
I threw a rock through a bus window. It was undoubtedly the stupidest thing I ever did to get in trouble, and to this day I'm still embarrassed about it when my friends bring it up.

Everyone used to hang out in the yard outside of the school after school let out, and we would all throw shit at the bus just for fun. It started out really innocent; we'd throw oranges, snowballs, shit that would be a nuisance but nothing that could do any harm. Then we started to throw rocks, and it was only a matter of time before one of us broke a window. Unfortunately, it was my rock that broke it. I freaked out, ran home, and then the next day the principle called me into his office and gave me a one day suspension, but he was really nice about it. I had a penchant for mischief, but it was usually pretty harmless stuff and I think all my teachers knew that, so this was more like a, "We know you fucked up, you know we fucked up, let's just give you a slap on the wrist and put this whole thing behind us."

I broke a bus window, got one day suspension. Nate called a black girl black, got three days. And he was in second grade. Hilarious.
Middle School I did a lot of stupid shit to get in trouble for. So far I haven't gotten in trouble in high school.

The first thing was probably the stupidest thing, on my part. I took a pen, and wrote on a bus seat. The next week I got called down, and he asked me if I know why I got called down, I told him everything, and he appreciated my honesty greatly. In fact, I could've gotten suspended for vandalism, but he only gave me a detention. I still had to pay 20 bucks to clean it, although I think they shoulda made me go on a saturday or something and clean it myself.

That same year, My friend, this kid I hated, and myself were walking out from lunch, and I pushed the kid I hated in the shoulder. He pushed me back, and then my friend pushed him. Somebody saw this, and took us all down to the office. Why..I don't know.

After a good 20 minutes in the office, the principal wrote down little sheets of paper with numbers on them, to show who tells their story first. I framed mine by the way. I don't think any of us got into trouble though.

Same year, a friend of mine tried pushing me into the girls bathroom. I stopped myself, but the next day I pushed him in, and he went all the way in. Neither was a big deal though, and this was 6th grade. A teacher saw this, and called the my friend down to the office (I should note, this kid...I'm no longer really friends with him. I talked about him before on here, real messed up, but..he wasn't really a good friend to me anyways) and he was balling his eyes out. He threw me right under the bus. (I was sitting with him whenever I drew on the seat earlier in the year too, he was forced to sit there because he threw a quarter at some chick, and I was keeping him company, he was called down first, and then threw me under the bus there too. Although I don't blame him really).

Anyways, we didn't get in trouble for that, but still stupid. That same year on a field trip, this girl wouldn't shut up and I called her stupid. She told her sped teacher, and the sped teacher yelled at me. She wasn't really ******ed...she was just stupid..or lazy. This real fat chick. Well..the teacher gave me a detention for lying to her (I denied doing it at first), but I ended up not getting the detention.

In 8th grade, my homebase teacher, real cool person. Loved her, I didn't even have her for a class. But it was the end of the day, and we were waiting for the bus. I think it mighta been a friday too, so I was all riled up. Well, I kept doing that be honest I don't even know the name for it. Where you put your two fingers making a V around your mouth, then wiggle your tongue through it. I kept doing that.

She laughed at it, but the next week in math class, I kinda have the habit of sticking my tounge out just a little bit when I think, or to stretch it kinda. And my demon spawn of a math teacher ( I to this day think she was the devil. She still haunts me) asked me if I just stuck my tongue out. I truthfully denied. Kinda confused at the same time, and she brought me outside to talk to me. See...I was in sped math at the time, and anytime you get in trouble..oddly enough...the teachers talk to the sped teacher about it. Like that's going to do something.

She mentioned how my homebase teacher talked to her about it and was concerned. Luckily for me...the assistant principal was right in that same hallway, and she called him over there. He then talked to me, asking me if I even knew what it meant (figuring it would get me of the hook a little, I lied and said no), he then gave me a detention. I asked if I could have an In School instead, he said no.

Well I get home, and its the usual routine whenever I get in trouble. 3 quarters of the stuff I get in trouble for is stupid on the schools part, and my grandma always wants to call the school, or go up to the school and yell at them. But when I told my grandma I got in trouble for sticking my tongue out, I skipped the first half of the story, where I did it to my homebase teacher. Anyways, my Grandma refused to give them a date she can pick me up for detention, and they were forced to give me an In School.

This one is kinda stupid, but I kinda deserved it. It's 8th grade again, same douche bag principal. I'm walking in the hallway going to lunch, and this fat chick, this real bitch, bumps into me. She goes "WATCH IT" I mumbled, I honestly thought it wasn't that loud. I mumbled "Fucking lazy fat bitch" and she goes "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I ignored her, and she said "I'M SICK OF THIS SHIT" and she took her friend and went down to the office.

At this point...I figured I looked like the most innocent person in the world. I didn't really have much friends. I sat alone at a lunch table. (Thankfully I sit with some kids from the team this year) So I see her and the principal at the front of the lunch room, and she points me out. (I forget to mention, after 6th grade, we had a different principal) So when I go up to get my lunch, he stops me and talks to me. I lied and said all I did was call her careless. And that I didn't even say it real loud. He said that she was picked on before, and that she wouldn't lie.

Well...I had to eat lunch in the conference room. Lunch detention is usually supposed to be solitude, to be away from your friends. Well...the only thing that changed was...instead of being humiliated sitting by myself eating lunch on a hard seat in a jungle of a cafeteria. I got to eat it in the conference room with spinny chairs..all by myself.

Same year in 8th grade...this one is really stupid. My locker was next to the chick from the field trip story who I called names. Her friends (Another sped chick and the fat chick from above) talked to her right in front of my locker. Their locker was no where near mine. I'm in a rush, and I have to get to class. One day I just pushed through them. The next thing I no, I'm in the office. Can't remember the reason...I think they tried saying it was assault, although I barely pushed through them..the girls all exaggerated how I pushed through them.

Although I think the principal even though this was stupid, he suggested I just wait until they move. I ended up getting an in school suspension. Lucky for me, every time those girls were in front of my locker, they'd start running and getting out of the way anyways. My grandma was pissed about this one too. I calmed her out of going to the school and throwing rocks..but she was still mad.

This one I didn't get in trouble for, but I find it kinda funny. In 1st grade, this kid was at the water fountain, and he was taking his time. Drinking and drinking and drinking. I called him a camel because he was drinking all that water. I think we even learned about camels that day or something. Well..he was all butthurt by it, and the teacher talked to me. Can't remember what she said though.

But yeah..I did get in trouble for a lot of stuff in middle school, some bad..some stupid.
I was never sent to the office as a student, but I've escorted plenty of students there since becoming a teacher.
I was never sent to the office as a student, but I've escorted plenty of students there since becoming a teacher.

I had a math teacher named Mr.Cuntman (Yes, that was his real name.) Once, I was calling him over - I had bad hiccups that day, and I said, "Hey Mr.Cunt *Hiccup* man, can you come over here?" He thought I was being disrespectful and sent me to the office. I told them what happened, and all was well.
I once poked a kid in the eye with a marker. A couple weeks later, I threw a cracker in that same eye.
3rd Grade I pissed on the side of the school at recess, only because I had to pee, and the bitch teacher wouldn't let me go back inside so I could use the bathroom, it was either piss all over the school or piss my pants... the school seemed like the more logical option

That same year I also got in trouble for telling a kid to "Get the hell away from me", apparently you're not allowed to say "hell" in 3rd grade:rolleyes:
Haha love this thread, how many times I have been sent there, 8th grade at lunch I was drinking lemondae from a carton, and somebody from behind flicked my ear, and I swung my hand with my lemonade back, it feel out of my hand sprayed a good amount of people, and then actually hit the principal.
I got into a fight with some rough kid who was picking on girl that wouldn't get with him and he annoyed me the whole time.
We rarely got suspended at my school, instead we had this thing we nicknamed "tank" and it was far worse. Basically you would sit at a desk all day and do absolutely nothing all day. You would have to go a half hour before the first bell rang and you stayed an hour and a half after everyone else. The desk you would sit at was one of those old wooden ones that you can move up or down, and it had to be up the whole time so you wouldn't be tempted to sleep. You couldn't do homework or anything, you had to sit in one spot all day and do nothing. And for lunch you got a cheese sandwich (old bread with one piece of orange cheese), an apple, and a milk. It was hell, I had it for 3 days straight once and I thought I was gonna lose my mind. One day I spent the entire day counting the dimples in the ceiling. And you never went to the principal unless it was something super serious, your teacher would just call the tank room and someone would bring you up there and tell you how long you had to go there. My last year some parents complained it was too harsh, so they made us do these math tests all day instead.

But I went there a bunch of times. Once for fighting (that was for three days), once for flipping off my teacher (one and a half days) and once for wearing a skirt all day with my balls semi-popping out (two days). Oh and I got a half day in there once for putting posters for my friend to run for president, but he wasn't nominated. We just photoshopped his face on random things, Borat in his swimsuit, Sponge Bob, George Bush, an old lady and then drew a Hitler mustache on him. Oh and once for getting caught showing my friend my balls in class (a bunch of us played that game from the movie Waiting).

I guess I deserved all of them though.
Another story.

9th grade, I got pushed into a classroom and two guys wanted to steal my shoes, yes my shoes, (I buy custom made shoes) and well I got in trouble for putting one through a table, and the other I hit with a chair. It was a very one sided fight considering they were both around 5'4 and I was about 6'3 220lbs.
Another story.

9th grade, I got pushed into a classroom and two guys wanted to steal my shoes, yes my shoes, (I buy custom made shoes) and well I got in trouble for putting one through a table, and the other I hit with a chair. It was a very one sided fight considering they were both around 5'4 and I was about 6'3 220lbs.


Sounds like you've been watching too much wwe.
For doing my homework.

The story goes that I never did my french homework, this one time I actually did it. My teacher said "Just go to the principals office now, I know you haven't done your homework" Lee replies "but I have" teacher sayd "no you haven't" so I went to the principals office and pretty much just laughed.
Teacher told me "Fred, you haven't touched your work!" I reached out and put my finger on it. They suspended me.

I had a lot of similar situations.

1. Teacher said, "Why are you late Mr. Couch?" I replied, "Because the bell rang before I got here."

2. "Class starts at 7:15, Mr. Couch."

Oh, ok.

"Oh ok, you keep up with your attitude and you're out of here. Oh ok?"

Oh. Ok.

"Get out."

Good times.
I was in my graphic arts class, 10th grade we had rulers & me & this kid I sat beside were standing them up on there side. he kept knocking mine down & we aere laughing, till I knocked his down & he freaked out he stood up and was making a big scene. we had a sub so she was like :OK kids sit down please" he sat dopwn and I stated to laugh(just for future refrence, my ruler was on his desk) I reached over to get my ruler while I laughed as he got in trouble, he grabed my arm & pulled his fist back & thratened to hit me. to which hardcore replies 'Bitch, I wouldnt do that if i was you, I;ll beat ur black ass sensless" he freaked out calling me a nazi and a racist. I was like yea I am now sit ur ass down & do ur work ur distarcting me, and I jokingly replied that " Sit down & leave me alone or i'll stab you" he was like bet you wont....wrong choice of words. I stabbed him with my spencil(un sharpened I may add) just above his elbow on his forearm. he said "Bet you wont do that again". again..bad word choice this time I did it again..left no mark whatsoever he freaked outr and scremed 'THATS ASUALT" and ran like a lil bitch to the principals office, then we went ot luncj and he was talking to the debuty when I walked by so I hif behind my friends...I got called into the 10th grade principals office & he gave me the lecture about how I made that into a weapon & pulled my record anfd this was only the 2nd timew i've been in trouble, 1st was for a cell phone that wentr off in class, anyway the kid I stabbed was 9th grade so I went to the 9th grade principals, who's daughter my best friend dates & I'm good friends with her., again she gave me the whole speach & whatnot then asked if I used "racial slurrs" qnd I denied but I got OSS Outa school suspension; good times
I was in my graphic arts class, 10th grade we had rulers & me & this kid I sat beside were standing them up on there side. he kept knocking mine down & we aere laughing, till I knocked his down & he freaked out he stood up and was making a big scene. we had a sub so she was like :OK kids sit down please" he sat dopwn and I stated to laugh(just for future refrence, my ruler was on his desk) I reached over to get my ruler while I laughed as he got in trouble, he grabed my arm & pulled his fist back & thratened to hit me. to which hardcore replies 'Bitch, I wouldnt do that if i was you, I;ll beat ur black ass sensless" he freaked out calling me a nazi and a racist. I was like yea I am now sit ur ass down & do ur work ur distarcting me, and I jokingly replied that " Sit down & leave me alone or i'll stab you" he was like bet you wont....wrong choice of words. I stabbed him with my spencil(un sharpened I may add) just above his elbow on his forearm. he said "Bet you wont do that again". again..bad word choice this time I did it again..left no mark whatsoever he freaked outr and scremed 'THATS ASUALT" and ran like a lil bitch to the principals office, then we went ot luncj and he was talking to the debuty when I walked by so I hif behind my friends...I got called into the 10th grade principals office & he gave me the lecture about how I made that into a weapon & pulled my record anfd this was only the 2nd timew i've been in trouble, 1st was for a cell phone that wentr off in class, anyway the kid I stabbed was 9th grade so I went to the 9th grade principals, who's daughter my best friend dates & I'm good friends with her., again she gave me the whole speach & whatnot then asked if I used "racial slurrs" qnd I denied but I got OSS Outa school suspension; good times

I'm not sure if reading that made me stronger or more incompetent..but it was rough.

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