Storm vs Christian


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Lance Storm nd Christian are tied at 11 votes a peice to determine the 5th member of Team Canada in the Wrestlezolympics. The winner will determine who joins Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit and Edge at the Games.
Tough call. Id say Storm is the better overall wrestler but its so hard not to vote for Christian and his charisma. I say Storm because of his wrestling.
Christian is shit. What is the deal with the love for him? Overrated, undersized, and really average. Lance Storm is far superior to Christian.
What the hell did Storm ever do? If by far superior you mean more shit then yes, you're correct..
How exactly is Storm shit? Christian is good in the ring but Storm was great. If you want someone to beat someone in a speech competition id give the nod to Christian but in regards to in ring ability its Storm all the way.
I'm a big fan of both men, but I'd give the nod to Storm. Incredible wrestler.
His claim to fame was WCW US champion. He was boring as hell and Lariat said Christian was undersized. Christian is taller and was billed at like 230. Not a huge difference.

Everyone, do the right thing, don't vote for some bland overrated bumb, vote for Captain Charisma...
Or, you could listen to people who have actually seen more than three matches featuring Lance Storm, including his phenomenal ECW work.
Exactly, and id day his claim to fame was holding three wcw titles at the same time and renaming after Canada. He is incredible good in the ring. And I was always a fan of his can I be serious for a minute gimmick.
Lance Storm needs to be on that team...

I'm a big Christian fan, but he was the weaker link of their team.
Exactly, and id day his claim to fame was holding three wcw titles at the same time and renaming after Canada. He is incredible good in the ring. And I was always a fan of his can I be serious for a minute gimmick.

People throw the word incredible around in the wrong situations. He was average in the ring and was about as interesting as watching paint dry..
I'm voting storm simply because he's up there with bret for carrying the canadian name
Whilst Lance "Mono" Storm was a good technical wrestler, I'd rather watch Christian in most capacities. He can put on a pretty good match and be entertaining as hell, as soon as Lance stopped wrestling he put me to sleep.

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