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Such as binding ourselves to your economy? The only reason Canada hasn't been hit so hard is due to the fact that our banks are still owned by Canada.

Damn Socialism

Sorry, was away for a few hours. What the hell does our (the US') failing economy have to do with Canada's gains for the past 15 or so years from NAFTA? You, sir, like red herrings, don't you?

Team America wins this, hands down. I'm tired of arguing about which country is better, so I'll concede this debate to you, TM. But, I will not give up the debate on which country's wrestlers (out of the eight we are considering) are better. Clearly, America wins this hands down. You could be a socialist utopia with everlasting natural resources who finally sticks it to the man (i.e., the US). It still won't change the fact that, overall, your four wrestlers suck compared to the ones America has brought to the table.
NAFTA ties our economies together. If America falls, we fall. The only thing that has kept us afloat after the banks in America started to fail is Canada's banking system.

And Tdigle, you really seem to have taken a fun debate into something too serious. Maybe we should have used the sarcasm quotes.
But, I will not give up the debate on which country's wrestlers (out of the eight we are considering) are better. Clearly, America wins this hands down.

Not at all, the weak link on Team America is RVD where as Canada doesnt have a weak link.

The Rock - Awesome Bret Hart - Awesome
Stone Cold - Awesome Jericho - Awesome
RVD - Spot Monkey Edge - Awesome
Taker - Awesome Benoit - Awesome

Canada wins 4 awesomes to 3.
Edge is just as much if not more of a spot monkey that RVD. He made his name in the WWE by being a spot monkey


Did you really just say that? RVD has been a "spot monkey" for his entire career. Where as Edge made his name doing that so I'll give you that but Edge changed his style and RVD didn't. Rob Van Dam's whole career is based upon being a Spot Monkey where as Edge's is not.
Edge is just as much if not more of a spot monkey that RVD. He made his name in the WWE by being a spot monkey


Well, no, he made is name in WWE by banging Lita. And banging Lita gets you points in my book.

Vote Team Canada
Did you really just say that? RVD has been a "spot monkey" for his entire career. Where as Edge made his name doing that so I'll give you that but Edge changed his style and RVD didn't. Rob Van Dam's whole career is based upon being a Spot Monkey where as Edge's is not.
Edge didn't change his style much he's still a pretty big Spot monkey

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