Representing the world

Edge has more than proven he can do a non-spot based wrestling match.

Case in point: Wrestlemania 24, vs The Undertaker.

Show me one non-gimmick RVD match that's as good as that one ^
Blade stole the words right out of my mouth.

RVD can't go a whole match without doing some type of spot where Edge can and it has been proven he can do it.
Not at all, the weak link on Team America is RVD where as Canada doesnt have a weak link.

The Rock - Awesome Bret Hart - Awesome
Stone Cold - Awesome Jericho - Awesome
RVD - Spot Monkey Edge - Awesome
Taker - Awesome Benoit - Awesome

Canada wins 4 awesomes to 3.

Obviously, you don't read posts in the threads that you decide to chime in on. I already went over each Canada's wrestlers a few pages back. Nice try, though.
NAFTA ties our economies together. If America falls, we fall. The only thing that has kept us afloat after the banks in America started to fail is Canada's banking system.

And Tdigle, you really seem to have taken a fun debate into something too serious. Maybe we should have used the sarcasm quotes.

But, you're the one that ended up making this serious, not me. You're the one who wanted to rebut my statements on NAFTA's benefits for Canada, and you have yet to give me a sufficient answer as to why my opinion is wrong.
Obviously, you don't read posts in the threads that you decide to chime in on. I already went over each Canada's wrestlers a few pages back. Nice try, though.

Yeah I saw it. So what? just because you reviewed the Canadians means I can't do the same?

I really dont understand why RVD gets so much love, Jeff Hardy gets criticised for being a spot monkey yet RVD has been a bigger spot monkey for longer and people sing his praises. Edge however has had solid matches throughout his career without resorting to spots.
Milenko, you little *(checks to make sure it's the bar room - it is).. you little bitch, just because people bad mouth Rob Van Dam, doesn't mean you have to attempt stupidly lessening Edge's abilities to make it seem like he's worse.

Rob Van Dam is a spot-to-spot worker, it's been so much of a proven fact that even the W.W.E told him to switch it up and change working from spot/move to spot/move.

And if you even claim Edge made a name for himself for purely being a spot monkey, you're a bigger fool than I thought. Edge has made himself semi-famous off of gimmick matches (ie. spots for the most part) but also has the technical ability to rival that of any other technical star thats ever been in the Company.

As the most recent heel Edge, (2007-current) he barely works any type of match because they never go long enough for him to have to. He's always had enough help, or opportunistic openings to get the victory early, often and without wasting time. (so all he hits are his key spots)

But if you want proof Edge made a name for himself without just hitting key spots, take a look at his matches with; Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Christian, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho and even your boy. From 2001-2005, he solidly wrestled each time he stepped between the ropes - and switched it up.

If you've seen one R.V.D/W.W.F match, you've seen them all. At least Edge had the dignity and pure ability to fucking change from time to time.

So just remember that for the next time, before you wanna go around bashing and knocking on someone else's favorite Superstar..

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