stonecoldhell is my new favourite poster

"Did The Rock surpassed" is worthy of a red rep itself if he's a native English speaker.

Mad Mark Madden > Regular Mark Madden.
I must hear the "I hate to agree with but" construction at least once per week. I mentally translate it to "I think you're an asshole with a point." Which, I have that in common with Mark Madden, if I feel I have a defensible point, I'll argue it. Loudly and obnoxiously.

On the same token, however, his columns have gotten kind of dry now that people know he was entirely right about TNA from the start. There really aren't any other interesting stories in professional wrestling right now.
I hate to agree with you but...
Ex-ac-ally. As I've gotten older, I've started caring a whole lot less about being liked, and a whole lot more about being effective. It's not so much about being right as it is getting shit done.

I forget who said this very recently in reference to Shawn Michaels, and I'm going to paraphrase a bit, but "there's no one easier to hate then a guy who's a jerk, who knows he's a jerk, but people deal with him because he's effective and gets the job done well." People notice when you're a jerk for the sake of being a jerk, but when you're a jerk for the sake of getting a job done, people either follow or get out of the way. Or get run over while they stand there flapping their lips.
There is a limit though. I mean that man is balancing the scales between being effective and being a pain. As long as he walks the line, its alright. If it gets too much, there are more to take his place.
Yeah. On a lot of his columns he doesn't seem to have much to write about, so he dials up the old crank factor to compensate. It doesn't work.

I can commiserate to a degree; way, way, way the hell back in the day, back when I thought I wanted to be a journalist, I wrote a gaming column for a local newspaper's weekly insert. Sometimes there's just nothing to write about, but you have a deal which says you provide x amount of material every y amount of time, and you have no choice but to phone something in. Even if Madden isn't under that kind of arrangement, if you aren't publishing, you become irrelevant to readers. (Before we get the angsty "but Madden is irrelevant" posts, he's one of the most read columnists in professional wrestling- you don't have to like him, but a lot of people are paying attention to him.)
GeminiGarlord is time enough for him:

The should have Austin come back and beat up the authority, then beat up angle, then beat up ambrose, then beat up lesnar and then feuding with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to a WWE title match at wrestlemania.

He was the best and the only thing that will save WWE from dying under the awfulness of the authority, ambrose and everything else.
Ebola takes what it wants, and after it takes Liberia, we want JohnJohnson! We comin' for you, *****!

That being said, I spent my breakfast in a diner this morning listening to forty-five minutes of talk about the Ebolans on ABCNews, as the panelists repeatedly said there's absolutely nothing to be panicked about, and the host repeatedly tried to convince the audience that Ebola was a horrible plague sweeping the country which will swing the midterm elections. Which is not the kind of thing you want to be forced to hear as you're trying to put down your eggs and homefries.
lil bitch was a higher functioning ******, while this thing reeks of low level desperation. WBL or some other random poster that everyone forgot about\never cared to notice they were gone- is most likely.

Or it is just some douche looking to cash in his troll chips on the latest hot button issue. Either way.
Y2eh or WBL? Place your bets now!

Funny you say that. I was taking my dog for a walk and two houses down from mine was a car with a vanity plate that had two letters I can't remember (It'd be funnier if I lied and said they were FU) then a space then WBL then a space and then a 1.

I fear for my safety.
How do we know the "Forum Staff" just doesn't make up their own trolls? Think about it. KB could actually be LBK? I mean, it makes sense. Yaz and WBL could be one in the same. We would never know.
How do we know the "Forum Staff" just doesn't make up their own trolls? Think about it. KB could actually be LBK? I mean, it makes sense. Yaz and WBL could be one in the same. We would never know.

I am sure KB has better things to do & Yaz would have been much more creative than repeating himself\shouting MLP insults.
I've long debated going to my local library to use their internet to make a fake account just to troll, then I realized I pretty much do that now. I have the least rep of any mod, I'm a complete disgrace.
Yeah, but you troll with grace & sophistication.

Wait, no. Sorry. Grace & Sophistication are those strippers who followed us home that one time. What ever happened to them? You didnt leave them in the basement did you? Great, now they are probably dead & we will never get the glitter, blood and semen out of the carpet.

That's why we cant have nice things, Yaz. Now go pull the truck around. Ill get the bleach.

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