Stone Cold Steve Austiin

IMO i belive Austin be back either with the Trump storyline or maybe the Special Guest Ref or enforcer for the Tag Team Main Evnt at No Way Out...I mean he has doen special ref stuff in the past
Austin is one of the greatest simply because he changed the entire landscape of professional wrestling. The WWE has, for years now, been missing that Austin-like character. Unlike Cena, at least Austin COULD wrestle.
Unlike Cena, at least Austin COULD wrestle.

Actually, Cena is athletically fit and can perform at a great level, if WWE was to let him. The WWE only lets him show so much of himself so he doesn't get out of character (which explains why he pretty much does the same moves over and over in a match). Given the opportunity, if Cena was allowed to do everything he wanted, he'd give a good showing and out-wrestle half the roster.

But I really hope Austin is in soon. I miss that beer drinking sum bitch. :icon_sad:
austin needs to be the old stone cold and not the nice stone cold that weve seen he needs to be that heel like what he was in late 96 and 97 i missed that austin
i heard that SCSA is going to be back before WM23

JR on the arrival of SCSA:OH MY GOD!!!! ITS STONE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (then flatline from heart attack)
Him being used in the Trump storyline with the bussiness proposition could be a possibility. Everyone knows about the Austin vs. Macmahon fued and Trump embarassed mcmahon with the money from the ceiling so he'll probably try to embarass him again by bringing out Austin to beat the shit outta mcmahon.
nah there gunna have a gay ass match where vince picks someone to represent him and trump picks someone to represent him which will be ecw guys...yeah thats really sweet ...rolls eyes
i heard that SCSA is going to be back before WM23

JR on the arrival of SCSA:OH MY GOD!!!! ITS STONE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (then flatline from heart attack)

LOL! That is on the right tracks though, but JR Dances when he comes... madman. I do love the old fella though.
I can't wait to see Austin come back and do something. WWE has been in desperate need of something new to happen, and I think Austin returning will be good for something a little different.
I cant wait for him to come back since he was my all time favorite in late 90s and early 00s. But at the same time WWE has really picked up in 06 and 07 so they should be fine either way.
Personally, I would love to see him wrestle again. Ever since that neck injury and repetitive knee injuries, I can't see it happening.

On the extras on the WM XX Dvd, he promised that at WM X9, him vs the rock would be his last match.

It also shows you all the footage of the injuries, and loads of other stuff.

Its sad to say and think that wse will never see steve wrestle again, but steve williams the man, he is still only human.

Still, it will be great to see him back i na ring, and i'm sure he will get the great reaction from the crowd he deserves after his major contribution to wrestling.
As much as everyone (including myself) would like to see him in a wrestling ring again, I don't think it'll happen. He might just be apart of the Trump/McMahon storyline at Mania and run out and give the Stunner to Vince. It's so predictable if you ask me. -_-
come on do u really think stone cold is commin bak, i think its a rummer
Being a huge Austin fan, I get goosbumps everytime I hear that he's coming back in whatever role...even though it's usually the same routine every time around. He's broken records and made ratings rise and deep down inside I know he has just one match left but the huge factor here for something like this to happen is that he has to be in the ring with someone he trusts. Perfect example is at WrestleMania 19; Austin was worn down so much and he didn't even think he can do it anymore based on his condition and what not. But who did he agree to wrestle without hesitation? The Rock. Both of those guys are dance partners when they are in the ring together and the trust level is there. Same goes with Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Fact is that even though Austin called WM 19 his last match and both The Rock and himself left on an extreme high note, there is one absolute final match that Austin has left in him. Untill then, I got no problem with whatever role he's in. As long as he's on TV alot more now.
austin is the reason that the wwe is still around

I don't really see how that fits into the discussion at all. Add some substance to your posts dude or the mods are gonna end up bannin' ya.

As for Stone Cold on tonight's Raw, I have my fingers crossed this will happen. God knows we need some excitement leading up the Wrestlemania, what with all the rumors and spoilers pretty much having confirmed the entire card before it's even been announced.

Let's all pray for a round of stunners to VKM, Trump, Umaga, and Lashley.
I really can't care. Being a huge Austin fan during the Attitude Era, he's just a shadow of his old self now. Sad but true. He wouldn't even make it in SFW these days, much less dream about being SFW World Champion.
he comes back, gives mcmahon, lashley, trump, and umaga all stunners, and throws back a couple beers on the ropes

now if u like that, give me a hell yea
It amazes me how anyone can talk about Austin being selfish. I admitt his hand trouble with women is very bad, and he should stay a bachelor, but what about Hogan? Yes, he was the biggest draw, and I was a stone cold Hulkamaniac, but this guy still wants 2 million to wrestle, and he cannot wrestle anymore. He never was a great wrestler, IMHO. So, before anyone disses Austin, look at some other guys who have had just as big an ego. I don't blame him for not wanting to job to coach, even though I like the Coach. Vince is an asshole.
I hope Austin appears on Raw next week. Him making appearences on Raw before Wrestlemania would be a good buildup as he is the special guest referee. Also Austin is not selfish at all. He gave this company everything he had and he physically cant wrestle anymore. I dont blame him for not wanting to job to coach. Why the fuck should Austin even be asked to job to coach. Coach cant even be in the same ring as Austin and they wanted Austin to job to him? Come on. I blame all that crap on the Storyline writers and Vince. They know what kind of superstar Austin is and back when he quit in 2002 they should of had him fueding with bigger superstars then they wanted him to fued with. I like Vince in the WWE wrestling world but outside the ring hes an asshole. I lost all my respect for him after the Montreal Screwjob.
Well on RAW, Vince announced a Guest Ref, So I'm assuming either Austin will be on RAW next week, or they'll wait until Wrestlemania to Announce it
Lets hope he is on tonights Raw...i saw he was suppose to return on saturday nights main event which got cancelled but was to be taped tonight so does anyone think he will be on TV tonight?
im 99% sure he being the special ref will be announced tonight, but im not sure if he will appear personally on raw

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