Stone Cold is a bigger star then The Rock and Undertaker just had his streak


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IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

It's mostly The Rock and Undertaker, Shawn Michaels fans and some Bret Hart fans hating on Stone Cold.

Stone Cold is a star and til this day he's bigger then The Rock, The Rock is still in his shadow. And I can just lol at all IWC saying Undertaker is bigger then Stone Cold. :shrug:

What has Undertaker done that is bigger then Stone Cold? Being good in the attitude era? Who's Undertaker? He's just an old man that has a streak, can you really compare that Stone Cold? :lol:

I think when all you people say that The Rock is bigger star right now then Stone Cold you should read the facts.

Stone Cold was selling out arenas, in almost a decade, 10 years or so, and was the biggest moneymachine in WWE.

Stone Cold was like popculture figure like Hulk Hogan. Even if he career was a little bit shorter, he is a world known name.

Stone Cold was still popular even if he beat his wife, even if he retired the year after or that people didn't know he was still bigger then The Rock at 2003 and was getting bigger pops. :lol:

All you IWC hating on Stone Cold saying his heel turn flopped and that momentum destroyed wrestling. Yes so his heel turn was not good, but he was still better then Rock&Undertaker at that time and more entertaining. :lol:

Stone Cold beat Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, Foley, Shawn Michaels, clean.

So how can you compare The Rock and Undertaker with Stone Cold? The Rock was never a star like Stone Cold, and Undertaker was just an old man having his little streak at wrestlemania.
This is clearly a troll/baiting thread. You're right though, even if you have a pretty terrible way about saying it.

Stone Cold was the guy in WWE. Yes. He was more popular. Yes he made more money. That's a statistic. I don't think anyone is arguing that Stone Cold wasn't the top guy in the late 90's early 00's. The Rock wasn't in his shadow though, he was right there beside him. Arguably some of Stone Cold's best matches and feuds were with The Rock.

The Rock is bigger than Stone Cold right now. You cannot deny that. That's a fact.

Stone Cold beat Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, Foley, Shawn Michaels, clean.

Come on now. You know this is booking. He beat them clean because he was supposed to, not because of some skill.
IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

It's mostly The Rock and Undertaker, Shawn Michaels fans and some Bret Hart fans hating on Stone Cold.

Stone Cold is a star and til this day he's bigger then The Rock, The Rock is still in his shadow. And I can just lol at all IWC saying Undertaker is bigger then Stone Cold. :shrug:

What has Undertaker done that is bigger then Stone Cold? Being good in the attitude era? Who's Undertaker? He's just an old man that has a streak, can you really compare that Stone Cold? :lol:

I think when all you people say that The Rock is bigger star right now then Stone Cold you should read the facts.

Stone Cold was selling out arenas, in almost a decade, 10 years or so, and was the biggest moneymachine in WWE.

Stone Cold was like popculture figure like Hulk Hogan. Even if he career was a little bit shorter, he is a world known name.

Stone Cold was still popular even if he beat his wife, even if he retired the year after or that people didn't know he was still bigger then The Rock at 2003 and was getting bigger pops. :lol:

All you IWC hating on Stone Cold saying his heel turn flopped and that momentum destroyed wrestling. Yes so his heel turn was not good, but he was still better then Rock&Undertaker at that time and more entertaining. :lol:

Stone Cold beat Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, Foley, Shawn Michaels, clean.

So how can you compare The Rock and Undertaker with Stone Cold? The Rock was never a star like Stone Cold, and Undertaker was just an old man having his little streak at wrestlemania.

Stone Cold is a huge name without a doubt. But when it comes to the world of wrestling Rock and Stone Cold are equal, if anything Rock has the smallest of edges simply because Rock has had a lot more to do with WWE in recent years. Stone Cold is nowhere near the pop culture icon Hogan is in my opinion. If you ask a person who has never watched wrestling to name a wrestler more than likely they'll name Hulk Hogan. They'd probably have trouble coming up with Stone Cold.

And while he definitely is a bigger name than The Undertaker, fans like you drive me nuts. The one's that think Undertaker was just The Streak. Next year will be Undertaker's 25th year in WWE, news flash a nearly quarter of a century career can't be boiled down to just one accomplishment. He's much more than just the streak.

If you want to get technical Stone Cold is an "old man" now too
This guy is just starting up trolling threads to annoy people. Delete his threads or account

I don't have the same opinions like you - that's make me a troll and should be blackballed.

I'm sick of all you IWC hating on Stone Cold, especially Undertaker, The Rock and Shawn Michaels fans.

Austin carried AE almost by himself.

You got a CM Punk picture, so your point is not valid IMO.
IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

Yeah, it's evident this is clearly a troll-baiting thread that will be eliminated sometime today, but I'd like to ask you, dearest OP:

Who is this IWC and where is he hating Stone Cold?

I've literally been on these forums for years and I have yet to come across a community that has bashed Stone Cold. There have been Rock and Taker bashers, and Hogan gets dumped on quite a bit, but Austin? Show me the threads that are doing this, son.

And even so, disliking Austin because he abused his wife is a valid reason to not like him since it's fucking wrong to do such a thing. "Just because" has to be the shittiest response a human being can start with to defend such an action.

In closing, this segregation of wrestling fans is clearly the biggest bullshit ever.
Steve Austin was the most popular WWE star during the WWE's most popular and profitable period in business. The Rock was number two. Undertaker isn't even in the discussion. If you're talking about who was the most over during the Attitude Era - the era that brought in the highest ratings in wrestling history - then it's Rock and Austin. After that you're talking about Degeneration X, Mr. McMahon, and then further down the list you've got Mankind and The Undertaker. I'd even put Foley higher up there than 'Taker, but it's hard to really say anything without looking at all their numbers over the years.

But when you're trying measure who the biggest stars of all time are, you're entering a totally subjective discussion. Are you asking who made the most money for WWE over their whole career? Who the biggest name was to transcend the business? Who had the highest ratings? Who's legacy lasted the longest? Who is STILL the biggest star? I mean, there's so much to consider for who's the "biggest star" that it makes the question practically impossible.

I think it's safe to say The Rock has made more money outside of WWE now than he made inside WWE. Does that make him a bigger star? He's the #2 money maker in Hollywood for 2014. Does that make him a bigger star? In today's world, THe Rock is still a household name, while Austin is retired and still entertaining folks with his podcast.

The Undertaker may not have been the focus of the Attitude Era, but his legacy has stretched through every era Monday Night Raw has ever had, and then some. He's wrestled at 22/30 WrestleMania events.

I agree when people say who's hating on Austin? He gets the same reason for hate as Hogan and Cena. If you wanna look at numbers, how long was Austin a wrestler? What 1995-2002? So what 7 years...for which he was a top draw for 4? Okay now the Undertaker's career lasted from 1990-2012(I say then because he stopped competing regularly around then) so what's that, 22 years? Taker never was the top star but he was a world champion in 3 different eras of wrestling. Stone Cold was for 1. Taker lasted better over time.

Plus can we be serious, Undertaker is way more than the streak, the streak was the streak but Undertaker was a great wrestler for over 20 years. Stone Cold didn't make half of that.

The Rock, dare I say he's more relevant now than Stone Cold is. Yea, Stone Cold was a great. Yea, he's top 5 of all time in terms of importance, but he's not that amazing when you look at him like we are. I mean even Cena has been on top longer than SCSA
Baiting people into arguments. I have never seen anyone on this forum bash Austin. If anything he may be over loved at times. OP seems like another Prison section candidate.
Austin was great, the Rock was great, both sustained greatness over a short period of time during WWEs strongest period.

The Undertaker has been a main eventer from day 1, he has the respect of all his fellow wrestlers in all companies. When he cuts a promo the fans are quiet,they listen they show respect.

There can be no doubt that Taker never peaked at the level of The Rock or Austin but there can also be no doubt that he is the greatest, IMO of course.
IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

It's mostly The Rock and Undertaker, Shawn Michaels fans and some Bret Hart fans hating on Stone Cold.

In all seriousness, please show us where this is happening on the forum? I don't see it myself but maybe not looking in the right place.

Stone Cold was awesome and one of the best ever to me, but that doesn't mean that I like the Rock or the Undertaker any less. You can like or be a fan of more than one wrestler at a time. And I"m not one of those who constantly tries to rate one against the other. As long as they entertain me it's all good.
Stone cold is the bigger wrestling star, he was the attitude era in carnet. But the Rock is the now Bigger star every were else. he just hit a millstone in social media.
Steve Austin was so bloody good that it doesn't really require pointing out. He was a bigger star than The Rock and The Undertaker isn't even in the conversation. However:

IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

The former is pretty good reason to dislike someone.
IWC hating so much on Stone Cold these days. Just because he's beat his wife and left WWE.

It's mostly The Rock and Undertaker, Shawn Michaels fans and some Bret Hart fans hating on Stone Cold.
Don't take this to heart, but your an idiot.
For one almost every fan is a fan of at least one of those guys, so for you to say the hate comes from "mostly" those guys fans is incorrect.
PLEASE! PLEASE! Show me were Austin has gotten a ton of hate, because I have never seen anyone bash Austin besides from 1 or 2 people.
I would have let you off with you saying Austin was better than The Rock (though they both came to fame with the help of each other and Vince, do in my eyes they're equal), but you bashed Underyaker like he is some random Wrestler with a few acchievments over a few years. Undertaker is a freakin LEGEND, the streak did not defind his career over the 20+ years (which is an accomplishment of its self), Ric Flair is a legend but he won't be remembered because of his 16 time world championship reigns. He going to be remembered for his great contribution to the wrestling industry, same with Undertaker.
At this time Rock is way more relevant than Stone Cold, and if he came back full time for a year or two could easily surpass Austin in all time greats(that's how close Austin and rock comes of each other). As someone else mentioned The undertaker is the greatest wrestler ever, there's no one that has done (or could do) the things that Undertaker has.
The top 5 G.O.A.T would be Hogan, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, and Cena. That's hard for me to type because Shawn Michaels isn't on the list, but I won't deny the facts, these giys are the greatest.
I believe Austin saved Wwe but did he really save wrestling, as some put it. (Just a question)
Austin did help save the WWE but it wasn't in '98 like people claim, it was in '97 when the 3:16 shirt came out. The WWF made over $126 million in revenue in the 1997-98 fiscal year compared to the prior 3 years of the New Generation Era when they were only bringing in $80 million, they already turned around financially a year before Austin got his first title reign. Raw's ratings shot up that year but Nitro's also went up from '97 so it was the entire wrestling business that was hot in 1998, not just Austin. Austin was the biggest merchandise seller that year but when you look at who really had merchandise in '98 (only Austin, DX, Sable, and Undertaker with Austin and DX having multiple T-shirt designs) and then who had merchandise in WCW it wasn't hard at all for Austin to sell as much as he did in '98.

There is difference between a bigger star/draw and making a bigger impact. Austin made the bigger impact in the AE (Austin vs. McMahon) but him being the bigger star/draw is debatable remember that when Meltzer listed the top draws yearly Austin was 2nd in '99. He was only working a wrestling schedule for half of '99 so should he get full credit for that year? No he shouldn't, not the August-December months.

Austin had the year and half period of Austin-McMahon and then the 6 month period where he returned before he turned. The MNW were over when he turned and he was a good draw as champion that year so it didn't have anywhere near the negative impact that people on here like to claim.

As for Undertaker he was considered an anti-hero in the early 90's while Austin was being a pretty boy in WCW, back then the WWF was still in the PG era. The WWF's product had changed completely when Austin had his run, and was only done because of the impact the NWO already had on wrestling at that point. Bringing up T-shirt sales comparing these 2 is irrelevant since Taker didn't wear T-shirts until he became the ABA.
Also let's not forget that Austin caused Raw's rating to drop a full point in 2002 before he walked out, definitely considered a novelty act by that year. It was easier for fans to get burned out by Austin since he was on TV everyweek, it took a lot longer for people to get burned out by Hogan (starting in '92) because during his era he was usually only seen regularly at house shows. This wasn't like a Warrior/Savage situation where they weren't able to draw like Hogan did, the WWF in the AE not only had someone who could draw like Austin, Austin got surpassed in the number of gates drawn.

Looking at the OP's name and avi though I probably shouldn't have took this topic very seriously.
when it comes to the world of wrestling Rock and Stone Cold are equal,

I agree with everything else you said except this :lol:

Sorry but not even close...

As far as Hollywood goes Rock gets it but The Rock was never as synonymous with wrestling as much as Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I mean the OP is obviously looking for an argument but that doesn't mean he isn't right about a lot of that stuff.

As far as Debra goes, I'm willing to bet she is lying based on the amount of lying women I've met in my day.... Stone Cold's credibility trumps theirs any day!

There's 2 sides to every story, don't let her pretty little eyes fool you... it's easy to lie....

it's harder to tell the truth
There's two arguments to this... First off let's get this out there once and for all... Taker was not this "perfect wrestler" for much of his career. Indeed for the first 7 years of his run he was nothing short of mediocre. He was fed "monster of the quarter" and booked accordingly, it was only when Mabel crushed his face and WWE nearly lost him they rethought his path and paired him with the top talent regularly... it took about a year that year was where the TRUE talent Mark Calloway had showed... he was a fantastic learner from Bret, Shawn, Foley, Austin... the Undertaker who wrestled Kane at WM14 was almost a different man in terms of ability... in a relatively short space of time he had gone from an attraction used exclusively with mosters to a top 5 worker... that is an impressive feat in itself... had Mabel not crushed him, no streak... had Nash not left, streak ends at WM12 to him...

Austin also benefitted from a freak situation... Pillman was signed to be the face of what Vince didn't know was Attitude... when Pillman signed his deal he was fighting fit and slated to face Bret and Shawn over the course of the year of 96... with Austin as his partner. Pillman of that time was an A+ worker who would have exploded in matches with Bret and Shawn and later Austin...but he rolled his jeep/didn't call a cab... so it was off... rather than let it go to waste, Pillman clued Austin in and he was able to use it to his own advantage...

Austin ran with the chance perhaps more than any other person in WWE history. He was not a hire Vince wanted, much less wanted to push but once Pillman opened that door he kicked it in and even a broken neck couldn't stop him. That being said however, he also shared the stage with at least 3 other guys at that time who ran with their chance just as well... WWE has NEVER had such a good period for "creating stars" as 96 to 01 with one a year... Austin, Rock, Foley, Triple H and Jericho got over each successive year and each parlayed their success into other areas except Angle who brought his in with him... some via movies, some via books or TV... In terms of wrestling alone Austin remains the biggest pure success other than Hogan... but all round it is the Rock by a country mile who is the most successful wrestler of all time... He was headlining shows within a record short time of his debut, wearing the title and was able to parlay that into a multi-billion dollar movie career... Look at what fast 5 and 6 made alone... then add in all his other movies... then add in all his wrestling box office...

A lot of people who "used to watch or know" wrestling know who SCSA is... but probably 90% of the planet not only knows who Dwayne Johnson is, but also knows he is the Rock and a WWE wrestler... the only other guy with that recognition is Hogan, but he never had the success outside the ring...
Austin was great, the Rock was great, both sustained greatness over a short period of time during WWEs strongest period.

The Undertaker has been a main eventer from day 1, he has the respect of all his fellow wrestlers in all companies. When he cuts a promo the fans are quiet,they listen they show respect.

There can be no doubt that Taker never peaked at the level of The Rock or Austin but there can also be no doubt that he is the greatest, IMO of course.
oh really? is that why CM Punk got cheered during their feud when he was mocking a man that had actually died? Seriously? they're always respectful and quiet? You're wrong, and Taker had quite a few What? chants during his time, plus, Taker isn't anywhere near the greatest, and anyone saying so makes a fool of themselves. You saying that Taker is the best because he was consistent longer is foolish. I don't really like Austin or Rock but both are top guys while taker is at best looking up at them from maybe the second tier.
oh really? is that why CM Punk got cheered during their feud when he was mocking a man that had actually died? Seriously? they're always respectful and quiet? You're wrong, and Taker had quite a few What? chants during his time, plus, Taker isn't anywhere near the greatest, and anyone saying so makes a fool of themselves. You saying that Taker is the best because he was consistent longer is foolish. I don't really like Austin or Rock but both are top guys while taker is at best looking up at them from maybe the second tier.

For sure Punk got cheers, some, so I change my point to 90% of the time and a lot more than any other.
Joys of sport and forums is its all opinions, Ill stick with the fact that the time he spent at the top, the respect he has from his peers and the performances he has given to us as my reason for believing hes the the greatest. No doubt Taker never reached the peak level of Rock or Austin but greatness is not defined IMO within a short period of time.
For sure Punk got cheers, some, so I change my point to 90% of the time and a lot more than any other.
Joys of sport and forums is its all opinions, Ill stick with the fact that the time he spent at the top, the respect he has from his peers and the performances he has given to us as my reason for believing hes the the greatest. No doubt Taker never reached the peak level of Rock or Austin but greatness is not defined IMO within a short period of time.

No Taker wasn't close to reaching Austin or Rock levels. Austin was at the top multiple times for what seemed like forever. Taker was never anywhere near him. Gale Sayers was a better Running back than Curtis Martin, even though Martin had a longer career. Not saying taker is bad but if that's your definition of greatness, Hogan without a doubt is the greatest ever. Based on his career at the top. And as far as respect from your peers, yeah alot of people might respect him but Taker is little more than an angle or Lesnar. So even if you say it's about how long you were at the top, Hogan, Flair, and Bruno all deserve to be considered greater than Taker.
LOL at all the Austin sheep, Austin WAS bigger than Rock from 96-mid 99 after that Rock took the reigns proving Austin only had that spot bc Rock was a heel that entire time. Austin was able to leach of Tyson (biggest draw in history at that point) and Vince feud (biggest heel ever) to reach megastar status, not to mention he was given a massive Hogan push.

As for who was more profitable, Rock wins by a landslide. According to Meltzer Rock holds the top 2 live gate records in wrestling history in 99/00. Rock headlined ALL the top buyrate Manias of that era as well 97-02 (01,02,00,99) while the 2 big Mania matches Austin had w/o Rock drew the worst lol. Rock was in the highest rated show/match/and segment in Raw history which is funny bc more ppl watched Rock carry Foley in a segment then the heavily pushed Austin/Vince segments. To top it off Austin HIMSELF said in his 2011 dvd he turned heel bc he felt stale while Rock was "extremely hot" and "doing so good as the good guy and the TOP GUY"

Austin is remembered as being a bigger star only bc Rock left to make movies which clearly made Vince bitter hence why they didnt even speak for years and Vince was constantly promoting Austin as the GOAT bc he had issues w. Hogan/Rock so Austin got the title by default. Its funny how in 02 when Vince had all 3 it was Hogan/Rock that he trusted most and built Mania around while he kicked Austin to the curb ahahah
LOL at all the Austin sheep, Austin WAS bigger than Rock from 96-mid 99 after that Rock took the reigns proving Austin only had that spot bc Rock was a heel that entire time. Austin was able to leach of Tyson (biggest draw in history at that point) and Vince feud (biggest heel ever) to reach megastar status, not to mention he was given a massive Hogan push.

As for who was more profitable, Rock wins by a landslide. According to Meltzer Rock holds the top 2 live gate records in wrestling history in 99/00. Rock headlined ALL the top buyrate Manias of that era as well 97-02 (01,02,00,99) while the 2 big Mania matches Austin had w/o Rock drew the worst lol. Rock was in the highest rated show/match/and segment in Raw history which is funny bc more ppl watched Rock carry Foley in a segment then the heavily pushed Austin/Vince segments. To top it off Austin HIMSELF said in his 2011 dvd he turned heel bc he felt stale while Rock was "extremely hot" and "doing so good as the good guy and the TOP GUY"

Austin is remembered as being a bigger star only bc Rock left to make movies which clearly made Vince bitter hence why they didnt even speak for years and Vince was constantly promoting Austin as the GOAT bc he had issues w. Hogan/Rock so Austin got the title by default. Its funny how in 02 when Vince had all 3 it was Hogan/Rock that he trusted most and built Mania around while he kicked Austin to the curb ahahah Austin was big because his character worked and it managed to get the fans behind him. Granted, Rock and Vince did play a big role to help his career, but they're not the main reason why Austin became a top star.

As for Tyson, mega star status? What does that even mean? Celebrities don't create stars. He still would've been a top guy even if Tyson didn't show.
This annoys me as much as the Trish / Lita who is better

GREAT stars have GREAT stars to play off of -- Hogan had Piper / Flair had Sting / Austin had Rock / Trish had Lita ...

none were "bigger" than the other, when Austin was down Rock ran with the ball and was just as big as Austin

that being said THAT is what's wrong with WWE right now they have Cena and no second star just a bunch of guy you can rotate in and out. Until there is someone as big as Cena it will be stale. You NEED 2 big stars that can feud long time and Cena never had that
I don't know anything about being an Austin Mark over a Rock Mark or whatever. Who chooses favorites for real in a worked sport? Silly boy, no I love my fictional characters equally. Austin is the biggest draw of all time, but Rock certainly had his paydays. Granted those paydays wouldn't exist without Austin kicking the door open for him and the boys but hey it is what it is. To this day my favorite main events of Mania are Rock and Austin going toe to toe. They had a chemistry that can't be matched.

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