Sting headed to the Hall of Fame

Called it.

Getting inducted in the Hall of Fame while under contract without winning a WWE match? That must be a new record!
About same time really. Who could actually say that he doesn't deserve it? He's been a staple of the wrestling world since before I can actually remember. He's seen it all and done it all in professional wrestling. It will be very interesting to see where on the bill he finds himself. Is he going to be the top bill for the Hall of Fame? I don't think so. He didn't have enough of his career in the WWE to warrant a top bill in the WWE Hall of Fame. Still, it's a nice thing to see happen and I'm already eagerly anticipating his speech.
Flair and Hogan were very successful in WCW, but there was no bigger babyface in WCW as Sting(hold your Goldberg arguments). He stuck with them from the beginning till the end. I personally think he has wrestled his last match and despite it leading to injury, he worked a decent match against the world champ who he is 30+ years older than. I know a lot of people wanted to see Undertaker vs Sting - yeah it was 10 years ago.

This is a good gesture by the WWE. He isn't fit for the WWE HOF because all of his great moments came competing against the company.
Sting won a tag team match on Raw, so he's had a win. At his age, I think that's fair. I'm glad he's getting a Hall of Fame induction, and I won't be surprised at all if he wrestles a match at 'Mania.
Well, you can't say he doesn't deserve it. I actually feel bad for the people that didn't get to watch Sting in 97-98, as he was arguably the hottest wrestler in the industry at that time. On a list that includes Stone Cold, Goldberg, Hogan, and The Rock, that's saying something. And that's not even mentioning his work as "Surfer" Sting. Were he to sign with WWE in 01, I have no doubt his name would be at the top of a lot of peoples lists for GOAT.

Also, I think this is the proverbial final nail in the coffin for Sting as far as another match goes. Unless he's ready to compete and they put him in a retirement match with Taker, I can't see him going in the Hall as an active competitor. Time will tell I guess, but Sting definitely deserves his induction.
Getting inducted in the Hall of Fame while under contract without winning a WWE match?

Well, sure. The HOF was the main reason he finally brought his bad self to WWE, right?

Point is, whether he had ever set foot in a WWE ring or not, he was going into the hall. All he needed was to sign a Legends contract and attend the formal ceremony (still want to see him in a face paint & tuxedo :))

Still, the line of events shows how unimportant it actually was for him to be victorious in a match, doesn't it? It's not as if his enshrinement depended on him being victorious.

Congrats, Stinger! You were the greatest..........just not here.
WOW! A TNA reject just walked straight into the WWE HOF and they say that TNA elevates WWE rejects quickly over homegrown talents.
WOW! A TNA reject just walked straight into the WWE HOF and they say that TNA elevates WWE rejects quickly over homegrown talents.

Been a while since I've come across a post of such supreme idiocy, so kudos.

So let's're calling the man who was the flagbearer for WCW, a 10+ time World Champion, some of which took place in TNA, worked programs with many of the biggest names in American wrestling over the past 40 years and essentially dominated TNA for much of the time he was there a "TNA reject?" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

If you want an example of someone who qualifies as a "TNA reject", more fitting examples or, AKA wrestlers who actually didn't become major stars in TNA and were fired by them, would be someone like Anarquia of the lousy Mexican America stable, Joey Ryan, Samuel Shaw, Christian York, Wes Brisco, etc.

As for Sting being in the HOF, he more than deserves it. I think it's time for people to get over the fact that he didn't come to WWE and dominate like so many of their fantasy booking scenarios were set up for. The man's 56 years old and has spent 30+ years in a highly physical profession, yet there were honestly some people expecting him to come in, wrestle like he was a 25 year old kid, go over wrestlers near 30 years his junior and even win the WWE Championship. People wanted Sting in WWE, they got him, but anyone who thought he was coming there to be a dominant force at his age needs to wake up and realize that this isn't 1990.
WOW! A TNA reject just walked straight into the WWE HOF and they say that TNA elevates WWE rejects quickly over homegrown talents.

lol this can't be a serious post.
Sting may have competed in TNA but do you honestly consider him a "TNA reject" the same way you do Brian Kendricks or some other dreadful no accolade jobber whose done nothing in the industry?

Sting is about as TNA as Hogan, Flair, or the ECW crew is. Aka desperate hired hands for an irrelevant company that not a soul on earth gives two shits about.
Haha, look at all the WWE sheep, my point is simply that some absolute legends of WWE have crossed over to TNA and other promotions over the years and all the WWE fanboys have simply labelled them as rejects (even though a few of them have done some of their best work after leaving WWE). As for Stings WCW run, which I can assure you I am pretty aware of as I watched the whole thing from start to finish, there are a ton of guys that had a great run in WCW but that doesn't automatically give you a free pass to the WWE HOF and his run with TNA was never acknowledged by WWE. Quiet funny how all the WWE idiots who called him washed up and a has been are now applauding his HOF induction. lol Try again next time sheep. That being said I am still glad he is getting the accolades he rightfully deserves but am surprised it has come so soon (must be a legends contract waiting).
Haha, look at all the WWE sheep, my point is simply that some absolute legends of WWE have crossed over to TNA and other promotions over the years and all the WWE fanboys have simply labelled them as rejects (even though a few of them have done some of their best work after leaving WWE). As for Stings WCW run, which I can assure you I am pretty aware of as I watched the whole thing from start to finish, there are a ton of guys that had a great run in WCW but that doesn't automatically give you a free pass to the WWE HOF and his run with TNA was never acknowledged by WWE. Quiet funny how all the WWE idiots who called him washed up and a has been are now applauding his HOF induction. lol Try again next time sheep. That being said I am still glad he is getting the accolades he rightfully deserves but am surprised it has come so soon (must be a legends contract waiting).

Not everybody shares that opinion of guys that have worked in TNA following WCW or left WWE for TNA. I wasn't a huge TNA follower but I never bash the product or don't acknowkedge it. I always viewed it as an alternative, much like I do with ROH or Lucha Underground. Many WWE fans don't just bash TNA or other Indie promotions but their own product too when many feel it's lacking in quality.
Sting beat Seth Rollins and Big Show on an episode of Raw. That alone deserves a hall of fame spot. All kidding aside, the man has had a stellar career in the world of professional wrestling. I've followed Sting for the entire ride even though he wasn't my favorite wrestler, he was involved in some classics. For pure nostalgia my favorite Sting moment was my first WCW Halloween Havoc Sting vs Sid Vicious. It was a good feud, a great pay per view and a chaotic, yet silly ending that sticks with me to this day....

J.R commentating at the end of WCWs Halloween Havoc Sting vs Sid Vicious....

"That wasn't Sting, that was Barry Windham or somebody.". ...

Ya J.R. A bit different on the height man.
Even if he didn't wrestle once after getting signed onto WWE, the hard work and dedication he did in WCW would of automatically included him into the HOF, the guys an absolute legend and about darn time he get's he's spot in the HOF.
Another great Sting moment is when he finally returns to battle the NWO dressed as Crow Sting. Fans lost their minds and it was a very cool time.

I enjoyed when he came down to save DDP and they both got pulled up to the rafters. I can't imagine people having the patience to see someone's character developing over the course of a year with little in-ring activity.
there are a ton of guys that had a great run in WCW but that doesn't automatically give you a free pass to the WWE HOF and his run with TNA was never acknowledged by WWE.

Sting had more than a "great run". He was the franchise player for over a decade! Name someone else with those credentials!
I am happy to see him in WWE Hall Of Fame. He is a true wrestling legend. I truely love and respect The Icon. Yeah he hasnot done much in WWE but a legend is a legend. :p
Sting beat Seth Rollins and Big Show on an episode of Raw. That alone deserves a hall of fame spot. All kidding aside, the man has had a stellar career in the world of professional wrestling. I've followed Sting for the entire ride even though he wasn't my favorite wrestler, he was involved in some classics. For pure nostalgia my favorite Sting moment was my first WCW Halloween Havoc Sting vs Sid Vicious. It was a good feud, a great pay per view and a chaotic, yet silly ending that sticks with me to this day....

J.R commentating at the end of WCWs Halloween Havoc Sting vs Sid Vicious....

"That wasn't Sting, that was Barry Windham or somebody.". ...

Ya J.R. A bit different on the height man.

OMGosh are you on acid? Mushroom? Sting won by DISQUALIFICATION and how cares about a RAW match noone watched! He jobbed on 2 PPVs
I think wwe needs to repair the error and give STING one last send off by giving STING a WM32 match and a huge win will be appreciated!
I am happy to see him in WWE Hall Of Fame. He is a true wrestling legend. I truely love and respect The Icon. Yeah he hasnot done much in WWE but a legend is a legend. :p
I am not happy he still has a lot of energy to continue wrestling past 60 but wwe should give STING a WM32 match and repair the error done last year!
WOW! A TNA reject just walked straight into the WWE HOF and they say that TNA elevates WWE rejects quickly over homegrown talents.

First of get rid of the username cause that was WCW Rey Mysterios group and you are a hippocrit and shamful if you missed 14 yr run in WCW he had and if you are saying TNA reject how about saying it to Abdullah the Butcher he was a WCW reject as well? Abdullah was in the hall of fame and everyone knows who he is and same goes with STING TNA will get recognized big time now! TNA does elevate wwe rejects look at EC3 moron! Michael Hutter who was in wwe got nowhere your tough enough competitor! STFU and do some research next time!
I'm not surprised Sting is going in, he potentially is finished with his career, and while some call his official time with WWE a disappointment, the hall of fame nod is hardly a nod to just that. Sting is the only man in the modern era of wrestling to not need Vince McMahon and the WWE to succeed. Even if he'd never stepped foot in a WWE ring, he would have been inducted eventually. Regardless of how he has been portrayed by WWE this last year, no one, even WWE can ignore his legacy and what it means to the industry and the fans. For a man who spent almost his entire 30 year career outside the WWE to get not only an induction but the headlining induction is quite an honor.

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