Sting at Wrestlemania

I wouldn't be against Sting coming to WWE, but I wouldn't be for it either. It is good knowing that there is a peice of talent out there that has been able to achieve a great deal of success without ever signing on the dotted line for Vince McMahon.

Don't get me wrong, if he did decide to sign with WWE it would be great and its not like it would tarnish his legacy, I just think it is cool that with all of his success and overness, he has never had to do it.
As a long time Sting fan, I am pleading with him here and everywhere that I can post, PLEASE do not resign with TNA. Please sign a Legends contract with WWE, and make yourself the focal point of the HoF this year. I don't care if he ever wrestles a single match in WWE and only makes the HoF and WM27 appearance, that would be enough for me. He has done everything he can do in WCW and in TNA and it is time for him to step away from the ring. He does not need to hang around the sport forever like Hogan and Flair have. With him signing a Legends contract we could get Sting on the SVR2012 video game! We could get an awesome Sting dvd collection since Vince owns all the old WCW/NWA stuff where the best of Sting's career took place. So please Sting go to WWE it would mean a lot to fans like me.
I would like to see Sting in WWE to go into the Hall of Fame this year but I wanted want him wrestling. I have seen some of his recent matches and they were terrible. So he needs to hang up his boots while he's somewhat ahead. I quite frankly, don't see him going to WWE at least not this year. I have a feeling he will come back to TNA to form a stable along with Kevin Nash and feud with Immortal. This year would be the perfect time to join WWE because Wrestlemania weekend is in Atlanta and it would only be fitting for him to go into the Hall of Fame there but I don't see it happening.
I just want everyone to realise how much bullshit The Sun puts in there newspapers, They may have interviewed some stupid camera man to get bias or untrue information. 90% of what they put in is very wrong. Hell, they have Frankie Boyle as a Agony Uncle... i mean, WHAT?
ok so if this is true... this should only happen one way, and one way only.... HE IS THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW! not as in the whole hour but he is the main entrant to the hof... he is the only person who is known world wide and has never been like vince let me do it... he shouldnt wrestle, he shouldnt be a ref, he shouldnt guest manage... none of that shit... leave the legacy as it is, and just be the headlines for the HOF... he was and still is what WCW was... everyone else crossed paths with WWE/F and doesnt deserve the right to be the headliner... Sting does... 'nuff said!
He might as well do it. His road is coming to an end, and frankly TNA has not stepped up its game enough to be a place worth sticking with to end his career. There were always 2 reasons Sting didn't want to go. The first, I never saw quoted directly from Sting, but the issue was the content of the product. With the PG era right now, I don't think anything happens on the show that Sting would shy away from. Second, was him looking at how the WCW guys were treated during the InVasion, and he didn't want to come in just to get buried. Well, they want to put him in the Hall of Fame, so that doesn't sound like a setup to get buried to me.

He should go for it. He deserves it. TNA has nothing to offer him.
Ignoring the facts that The Sun has proven to be wrong on so many occasions and that Sting is still under TNA contract (at least it is the current belief), I don't want to see Sting under any capacity in WWE. Wrestlemania? No. Hall Of Fame? No. He himself has said that he doesn't want to wrestle in WWE and given his age and the probable pressure that would ride on him even if it was one match, I'd say his answer would still be no.

As for the Hall Of Fame? The marquee says wrestling. And the Hall Of Fame reads WWE. He's never offered anything to WWE other than WCW footage. Goldberg was a champion in WWE. Scott Steiner had two runs. Hell, Tully Blanchand did more for WWE in the brief stint he was there than Sting did. No, I don't want to ignore the accomplishments Sting did, but that's why there's also a "general" Wrestling Hall Of Fame. If he get's in, that would be WWE saying "you don't have to work for us to be recognized as one of our biggest figures". It would be sort of an insult to guys like Kane, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels who have done so much more for WWE. Yet here comes a guy who never worked for WWE to grab the award first. That's just not right.
When Vince bought WcW, he also bought the entire legacy of WCW... So, it doesn't matter that he was never in WWE... He was one of the biggest stars ever in WCW and he should be honored for his contrabutions to the business as a whole...

With that said... I don't want to see him in WWE yet... I mean, I won't lie and say that I wouldn't mark the fuck out to see the lights go out on RAW and everyone to think it's Taker... Then the lightning strikes and Sting is standing (since I know they won't lower him from the cieling) in the middle of the ring pointing a bat at someone...

But, I don't know how WWE would use him... The only real option is Taker at Wrestlemania and of course he would put Taker over... Not sure how good the match would be... They are both up there in age... Not sure if the cool factor of seeing Sting vs Taker would be enough to make up for the lack of in ring quality...

And I believe that Sting doesn't have to wrestle to be inducted... One day, there should be no doubt that Sting will join the Hall of Fame just based on his body of work in WCW and NWA which Vince owns the rights to...

Once Sting is finally retired for good, I'm sure he'll sign a legends deal and do the DVD and Induction and all that...
Ignoring the facts that The Sun has proven to be wrong on so many occasions and that Sting is still under TNA contract (at least it is the current belief).........If he get's in, that would be WWE saying "you don't have to work for us to be recognized as one of our biggest figures". It would be sort of an insult to guys like Kane, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels who have done so much more for WWE. Yet here comes a guy who never worked for WWE to grab the award first. That's just not right.

First, Sting is not under contract with anyone.

Second, WWE putting Sting into the Hall of Fame has nothing to do with Kane, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels...neither of them are retired, fully. Then again neither is Sting. I am sure if he signs with WWE to be placed in the Hall of Fame, he wouldn't want to do a full time gig. Personally, I wouldn't wanna see it, and i don't think his body would be up for it. Its about time he hangs them up in the first place.
Second, WWE putting Sting into the Hall of Fame has nothing to do with Kane, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels...neither of them are retired, fully. Then again neither is Sting. I am sure if he signs with WWE to be placed in the Hall of Fame, he wouldn't want to do a full time gig. Personally, I wouldn't wanna see it, and i don't think his body would be up for it. Its about time he hangs them up in the first place.

Actually, yes it does. Shawn Michaels is fully retired first of all. The Undertaker is the top figure in WWE, backstage and in most eyes, in the ring. Kane has been devoted to the WWE for the better part of 2 decades and now he gets his reward as an established World Heavyweight Champion. Just because Sting did more in a company WWE bought out, does not mean he deserves a spot in WWE's Hall Of Fame, let alone before figures who devoted most, if not their entire career's to WWE.
Sting in the HOF, damn right is should happen. No real reason it shouldn't. I believe, and I will look this up in a bit, that there are some wrestlers who never had anything to do with WWE/F there entire careers and they are in it now. WWE has, and always will be, the pinicle of wrestling. Sting is one of the best to ever grace the ring. His induction into the HOF will be a reality someday. Could be this year, and that is the most logical choice.

As for him actually performing. I wouldn't mind a few matches here and there, basically like what Bret Hart did last year. He was active on tv, but did very few matches. So, the same should work for Sting. That is, IF, any of this is true. Its speculation, and as we all know its not always accurate.
Ignoring the facts that The Sun has proven to be wrong on so many occasions and that Sting is still under TNA contract (at least it is the current belief),

Sting isn't under contract to anyone at the moment his TNA deal ended late last year

I don't want to see Sting under any capacity in WWE. Wrestlemania? No. Hall Of Fame? No. He himself has said that he doesn't want to wrestle in WWE and given his age and the probable pressure that would ride on him even if it was one match, I'd say his answer would still be no.

I think if he signed a legends contract, or whatever the fuck WWE calls it, where they would have the rights to create and sell Sting merch, action figures, shirts, DVDs, ect., that he might do that as he wouldn't have to wrestle, I mean if WWE is willing to do the same with guys like Randy Savage and Bret Hart, then I don't see why they couldn't get an similar deal worked out with Sting

As for the Hall Of Fame? The marquee says wrestling. And the Hall Of Fame reads WWE. He's never offered anything to WWE other than WCW footage. Goldberg was a champion in WWE. Scott Steiner had two runs. Hell, Tully Blanchand did more for WWE in the brief stint he was there than Sting did. No, I don't want to ignore the accomplishments Sting did, but that's why there's also a "general" Wrestling Hall Of Fame. If he get's in, that would be WWE saying "you don't have to work for us to be recognized as one of our biggest figures". It would be sort of an insult to guys like Kane, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels who have done so much more for WWE. Yet here comes a guy who never worked for WWE to grab the award first. That's just not right.

They fucking inducted Verne Gagne, who never once worked for Vince or his father, are you going to say that when they inducted him that guys like Kane or HBK were insulted?, please Sting is a legend in this business, and even though he work for a rival company for his entire career I'm sure guy s like Kane, HBK, and anyone else who has busted their ass to put WWE on the map would be honored to someday be right next to him in the HOF, Sting is an Icon in this industry, and there is no better time or place to induct him, this is an honor Sting deserves, despite never competing in a WWE ring
If Vince signed Sting up, even to a legends contract, I think he'd want him to wrestle at Wrestlemania, but the only opponent I could see working is Vince himself.

However I hope Sting signs a deal with WWE at some point so we can get a proper 3 Disc career DVD set with a full documentary with new interviews with Sting, rather than just a set of matches.
Actually, yes it does. Shawn Michaels is fully retired first of all. The Undertaker is the top figure in WWE, backstage and in most eyes, in the ring. Kane has been devoted to the WWE for the better part of 2 decades and now he gets his reward as an established World Heavyweight Champion. Just because Sting did more in a company WWE bought out, does not mean he deserves a spot in WWE's Hall Of Fame, let alone before figures who devoted most, if not their entire career's to WWE.

First off, Shawn Michaels is not fully retired. We all may think he is but he will be back in some capacity some time. Plus he signed a new deal with WWE after his "retirement" to work backstage and whatnot. He can't stay out of the spotlight for very long.

Secondly, The Undertaker and Kane should be locks for the HoF as soon as they retire so I really do not see how inducting Sting into the HoF effects them. Anyone, wrestlers and fans alike, should be able to recognize what Sting has accomplished.
When Vince bought WcW, he also bought the entire legacy of WCW... So, it doesn't matter that he was never in WWE... He was one of the biggest stars ever in WCW and he should be honored for his contrabutions to the business as a whole...

With that said... I don't want to see him in WWE yet... I mean, I won't lie and say that I wouldn't mark the fuck out to see the lights go out on RAW and everyone to think it's Taker... Then the lightning strikes and Sting is standing (since I know they won't lower him from the cieling) in the middle of the ring pointing a bat at someone...

But, I don't know how WWE would use him... The only real option is Taker at Wrestlemania and of course he would put Taker over... Not sure how good the match would be... They are both up there in age... Not sure if the cool factor of seeing Sting vs Taker would be enough to make up for the lack of in ring quality...

And I believe that Sting doesn't have to wrestle to be inducted... One day, there should be no doubt that Sting will join the Hall of Fame just based on his body of work in WCW and NWA which Vince owns the rights to...

Once Sting is finally retired for good, I'm sure he'll sign a legends deal and do the DVD and Induction and all that...

I love the idea of Sting getting involved with the Undertaker in some capacity at Wrestlemania. The fact is that Smackdown needs ratings and Sting can bring some interest there not as an Undertaker enemy but more an ally. Here's my scenario: Sting signs a one shot deal for HOF and WM. They get him into a program with Barrett. In Smackdown Barrett brings back Skip Sheffield as an ally and restarts his fued with Taker from the match at Bragging Rights. They could play this on for two or three Smackdowns. Then instead of Undertaker coming down it's Sting full on Crow gimmick ala WCW when he was at his best. He ends up resurrecting the Undertaker and they team up to take on Sheffield and Barrett. This solves the uncertainty of if Undertaker can hang in a match with Barrett on his own and brings two of the best gimmicks of Taker and Sting to life. They wouldn't be able to do his HOF till next year to keep the mystery gimmick in check but I think it would be great to see this type of alliance in WWE. I implore Sting to please not resign with TNA he is wasting a golden opportunity to carry his career out in the sunset and do some great things as well as WWE being a more family friendly product than in the past should help as well. Please Sting go to WWE and give the fans what they want one last great run!!!
I would love to see Sting get inducted into the HOF, but i beg you, don't let him wrestle!

I can't picture Sting wrestling in the WWE today. It just doesn't feel right. I think that Sting has ran his course and needs to hang up his boots before he becomes the second Ric Flair. As for Sting actually joining and wrestling in the WWE, I'm going to have to go with no.

As for Sting being inducted into the HOF and/or making a WM 27 appearance, YES! He has done so much for WCW and was one of the most popular guys to ever step foot in the ring and he deserves to be given the honor. If this year's theme is WCW, it's hard to think of anyone else that is more deserving than Sting. He could even sign a legends contract or something.
In my opinion, I wouldn't be for or against Sting coming to WWE. I would be divided.

I really don't approve of anyone being in the WWE Hall Of Fame who never wrestled in the WWE. I think it should be renamed the Wrestling Hall Of Fame.

If Sting does wrestle at WM. Their aren't many people he could have a match with, you can count them on your hands.

There are only 6 guys who were even in WCW with Sting.

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, William Regal, Finlay and Chavo.

Obviously Finlay and Chavo wouldn't be choices. Regal is a great choice since he's probably retiring soon, but is that the match up you would choose to show your fans?

Big Show is too valuable as a face right now and he's not making a heel turn. He has numerous guys he can feud with on Smackdown.

Jericho is the obvious choice. But I still think he's going to feud with Orton and I've seen enough of him facing "legends". I want to see him face the Legend Killer.

Mysterio is probably the best bet. They could put on an exciting match and shake hands at the end, no matter who wins.

Christian is also a candidate, but I doubt WWE wants to make reference to a TNA feud. Plus he's better off in the MITB.

Unless he's part of some sort of tag team match.

How about Undertaker, Big Show, Rey Mysterio and Sting vs. Kane, Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett & Skip Sheffield ???

That would be a decent match. Showcase the Young guys and take it easier on the Old guys. Could even make it an elimination match to make it more exciting.

Sting turns on Taker and joins Barretts Nexus, renames it Nexus World Order. Just kidding about this part, btw.

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