Steve Austin's Mania Plans

I still don't see a Punk/Austin match happening. Not anymore. I think people overreacted to a Raw segment, and that was during Punk's heel run.
But really, WWE planted far more seeds for an Austin-Miz match. The Austin-Punk thing stuck because it's been a good idea since before Punk signed with the WWE.
Punk/Austin would be exciting.

Any chance we get a Cena/Austin match? Punk would weep.
DirtyJosé;3708712 said:
Also, it would be a huge mistake to build it "year round" like they did with Rocky. Hint at it, sure. But that kind of announcement the day after 'Mania has done no favors for the build up for the Cena/Rock match up.

You don't think so? I think that worked out rather well. I mean, yeah, Rock looks a bit like a douche for showing up just a few times, but I don't think WWE would mind Rock receiving a few boo's to counter the insane amount of Cena hate Miami is going see.

Why would Punk need to be heel heading into a match with Austin? Or why would Austin need to be a heel? It would be a different feel for sure, but at their best neither man was as clear a face as say Cena is. Punk IS a face now, and the chances of Austin getting booed are slim to none but both are at their best being as dickish and un-face as a face can be without being a heel. Most can agree Punk was a bit more intriguing almost a year ago before he tamed down and turned a bit timid. That Punk, coupled with an always unpredictable Austin would make the most sense, to me at least. Why would it be necessary for either man to be booed?

I don't think it would be necessary. However, I think it's risky. Fans often choose sides, and as over as Punk might be, Austin is probably the most beloved superstar wrestling has seen (Hogan is the bigger star, but had more detractors as time went on). They won't boo Austin. I'm not saying they will boo Punk, but they might. Would WWE want that?

I think I let my brain cook a bit too long on this topic. I'd still love to see it, no matter who plays what role.

*Stop thinking, dumby.*
If Austin want's he can go in, Stun someone and be about his day. But why add what could be his first potential match in 9 years on the same card as Cena vs Rock & HHH vs Taker III . It's gonna be overkill and at this point, if the feud started this very Monday, it would just not have enough build and look forced. I say save it for some later time.

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