Staff Members Needed

Well, due my busy schedule (2 jobs) is virtually impossible (for now..) to apply for a job as a Match writer. But I want to make a proposal to the staff:

I feel I could help a bit in as a "reporter", I don't know for real, but I think I can make good promos on other people and make some crazy stories, polls, maybe a gallery of wrestlers look a like, who knows, possibilities are endless.

So, let me know if I can contribute a little on, I'm not asking for Mod privileges, but I really want to help this fed in any way possible.

I even can make my own version of "Skittles" to promo the fed if you want, it would named "SeXkiTtLeS" :D
How much experience you have had in E-Feds: I have helped in 2 feds, and been in about 3 feds.
How much you are willing to do: I will do whatever you want cards, matches, etc.
What you think you would be capable of doing: I am capable of doing what ever I am needed to do.
Why you think you would be the right person for the job: I think I would be the right person for this job because I have a fair amount of experience in EFED's and I may not be in a fed, but I never like to see fed's go down without a fight.
Are you willing to assist on the writing side of things as well: Definitley
And finally (and truthfully) how much commitment you will have to run this fed: I will be the most commited member of the staff. I will work my ass off to put all shows up and help out as much as I can.
I like what I am hearing. Can you please come up with a sample of your work, using 2 memebers of our show. Just something so that we can see the caliber of your work
Yes I can and I will post it here by tomorrow afternoon because I don't have the PM system so I cant send it to you but I will place it on here tomorrow.
There you go I put up one of the best matches I wrote in the fed I worked in. If you want me to wkr here tell me what I have to do on this thread. Whether it is take over a show, write matches, finishe shows, whatever you need me to do I will do.

Marcus Sutherland VS. John Morrison​

Ring Announcer: Introducing first from Bristol, England weighing 220 lbs... "The Prince" Marcus Sutherland!

Sutherland comes out wearing a crown and a royal cape and makes his way down to the ring making royal salutes. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp he places his crown on the steel steps and takes off his cape and lays it on top. He then enters the ring and climbs to the top rope making more royal salutes before he jumps off.

Ring Announcer: And his opponent from Los Angles, California weighing 275 lbs... John Morrison!

Morrison slowly makes his way to the ring taunting the fans as he gets to the ring.

Bell Rings: Sutherland goes to hook up, but is overpowered by Morrison. Morrison grabs Sutherland by the neck and whips him hard to the mat. Sutherland kicks up but is taking down with a clothesline. Morrison taunts the crowd and then drags Sutherland up and bounces him off the ropes and delivers a huge big boot. Sutherland grabs the rope and pulls himself up and Morrison dropkicks him over the top rope to the outside. Morrison climbs out and drags Sutherland to his feet and then whips him hard into the guard rail. Morrison taunts the crowd and then charges in, but Sutherland just ducks out of the way. Morrison grabs his foot in pain. Sutherland climbs to his feet at a slow pace and as Morrison turns around he delivers a huge dropkick sending him backfirst into the rail. Sutherland quickly regroups and then pulls Morrison up and grabs him by the tights and whips him headfirst into the guard rail.

Johnson: Look at Sutherland trying to take advantage of them being out of the ring.

Harris: Well if it was Morrison he would be doing more damage then Sutherland is doing.

Sutherland drags Morrison up, but Morrison delivers solid elbows to his gut till he lets go, then he drop toe holds him into the rail facefirst. Sutherland and Morrison are both down as the ref counts ..1..2..3..4..5 both men slowly crawled to there feet. Morrison goes for a punch but Sutherland ducks out of it and delivers a backdrop onto the rail. Sutherland then pulls him up and rolls him in the ring. Sutherland pins ...1...2 kick out. Sutherland climbs to his feet and regroups and then as Morrison gets up he dropkicks him in the side of the face knocking him into the ropes. Sutherland then bounces off the ropes and goes for a flying clothesline but Morrison catches him and spinebusts him to the mat. Both men roll to the ropes and begin to climb to there feet. Sutherland charges in again but Morrison delivers a huge spear sending Sutherland hard to the mat. Morrison pins ...1...2.. kick out. Morrison jumps to his feet and gets in the refs face arguing. From behind Sutherland quickly rolls Morrison up ...1...2. kick out. Morrison jumps to his feet and bounces off the ropes and boots Sutherland in the side of the head. Morrison taunts the crowd again getting a huge reaction from it. Morrison drags Sutherland to his feet and gets bounces him off the ropes and goes for a superkick, but Sutherland ducks under it and delivers a huge Backcracker! Sutherland goes for the pin ...1...2...3!

Ring Announcer: And the winner of the match... The Prince Marcus Sutherland!

Harris: what a match we just witnessed there!

Johnson: Well coming up next is our Main Event where we have the Battle Royal for the World Title!
I like it, I have to wait to see what my counter part Sincade thinks.

Until then get your post count up without spamming so you get access to PM system.

But remember DONT SPAM!!
I am just letting you know that if I dont get enough posts by the time u make a choice and if you want me to help let me know on this thread and I will give u my e-mail so i can help you guys out.

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