
lol thanks Big Ace, But I'm only passing on what I've been told. :)

a7xoff, I'm not guilable, Someone in my thread said that Becca, is hbk-aholic, you sly devil :D

lol, then maybe me and IC25 can form a "santino marella Hate-A-Club" LOL :D

Becca is HBK-Aholic... She got it during her prison stay O_O...
Lol, I bet i looked like Santino Marella with the Intercontinenal Championship in his hands. Confused.


just ribbing, thanks Ace, a7xoff if you dont stop it, im going to have to put you over my knee, and give you a spanking. :p
Hi, Guys and Gals.

I've not had ten minute's spare to even have a peep at the forum's over the lasst few days, but I'm over the hill and should have a decent amount of time, to be active.

So you can do as you please to me :D.
Hahaha yeah I guess... I have a friend that registered MONTHS ago, only made one post (i think) and stopped altogether... He'd have been banned for spamming anyways. He never types alot on the internet. I think his name was "Cheesus" or somthing... But in real life, we actually talk about WZ alot, so if he ever did go online, he'd probably reconize a few names... probably only Becca, Jake, and Ricky, the only three I have EVER mentioned outside the forums...

Didn't see this properly before. What have you been saying about Becca?

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