(SPOILERS) SD! has a new ref

I Suck Ass

I survived the Rapture

Edge defeated Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero as special referee to retain the World Hvt. Championship. Edge came out to huge pop. Ziggler came out to a lot of heat. When he got to the ring, Vickie came out to MASSIVE heat. Tony Chimel started to announce the match participants and Vickie took the mic out of his hand and did some talking. I couldn't hear everything she said because the booing was overpowering. She did say that the spear was still banned, and Ziggler would become champion if Edge used it.

The match was back and forth. Ziggler had control early on and had a couple near falls, which Vickie tried counting quickly. At one point, Edge had a nearfall and Vickie counted to two, then put Dolph's leg on the rope for a rope break. Eventually, both guys were on the ground, and Vickie went to a corner and started pulling her hair back and taunting Edge to get up (basically doing the same thing he does right before the spear). When Edge got up, Vickie ran at him and attempted a spear, but bounced right off his chest and she fell over. She played that she had hurt her leg, and a trainer came over and got her out of the ring.

While the trainer was working on her, Edge speared Ziggler and went for a pinfall, but there was no ref to count. after that, the crowd started chanting "We Want Clay!" in reference to Packers linebacker Clay Matthews, who they realized was not in his seat behind the announce table. Edge then speared Ziggler again. All hell broke loose. Clay Matthews walked onto the ramp wearing a WWE referee shirt. He walked to the ring, and did the three count for Edge to retain his title. The crowd went INSANE when Matthews walked out...he even had the championship belt that WWE had given to the packer players.

This sounds freaking awesome.
Now I know it will be possible for IC25's head and penis to explode at the same time. Oh, and his wife's vagina.

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