Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit was 5ft 11 and 234 lbs. His intensity scared mountains. You could actually see fear in Triple H's eyes when he mentioned Benoit demanded respect! No one on God's green earth even The Almighty himself is going to stop that man defending his family, from an unknown assailant.

What's a bullet wound. When someone is strangling your own son! Absolute hogwash.

You can have all the heart and muscles on Earth but if someone plans something out and sedates you, there is nothing you can do. Element of surprise and planning can come to that and anyone on this Earth can be sedated. Like the police said, we have to wait until toxicology reports come back and that have to have one of the best one because a lot of things won't show up in most reports.
Please explain to me how you would go about putting ether into Chris Benoit's blood-stream without him either being aware, or breaking your neck in the process? Dont tell me tranquillizer gun? Those marks would have been found.

Now IF you would have mentioned - Why would Chris Benoit need to tie Nancy up when he could quite easily over-power her? Then you may have a valid point.

It's real simple my friend Lets put a metaphysical theory together about how you can sedate a man like Benoit. For instance putting a poison in ice cubes in someone's drink or perhaps his protein shake or something he eats, drinks etc etc. This was all pre-meditated that is a fact and this theory could be as well. But I don't know all the evidence and I am not going to point a full finger until all evidence is brought about. It's either A) Benoit did it, or B) someone else did it and having comb all of the evidence thoroughly should prove either one. Don't you all watch CSI Vegas? Yea it's tv but in reality can so happen.
anyone with an answer for those two ?

To answer your question it "COULD" go like this. A person or person we may not know could be an actual enemy towards Benoit and plan out everything, sedation, the killings and suicide. The dog bit, it doesn't take much to throw meat to one area and dogs will go after it if hungry and putting a sedation into their food to put them asleep leaving them busy while someone is getting busy with the plan. But it is all speculation and it's very easy to get pass dogs and a mountain of muscle man with well thought out plan and sedative drugs.
I can't help but wonder what everyones reaction will be if it turns out Benoit died first??? I doubt that will happen but you never know. Right now allot of us are hoping that Benoit didn't kill his old lady.

Just the idea that Benoit tied up and gags up his wife it total BS to me. I don't think it takes a gunius to realize Benoit would not need to do that. The guy was strong and powerful. However if he did in fact do that then maybe he was high as hell on drugs. Right now it's all one big giant guessing game.

I also can not believe Benoit would allow someone to gag his wife and just do nothing. The only thing that really fucks me up is how when he was the phone Saturday taking to wwe co-worker he was all groggy and completely messed up really makes me wonder if someone had a gun to his head. It also makes me wonder if he was sedated with drugs.

I hope when the Autopsy toxicollogy reports come in that we finaly find out WTF happend. I want some closer to this shit. That hole tragedy is eating up allot of us here.
how do you explain the phone call to wwe after his wife had been dead for hours if not a day???? what he didnt know he thought she was napping on the floor bound???????? he had to have known

Not if you are fully aware your wife is dead. In theory killer tells one thing but another thing happens. Right now reading all the evidence that we are given as I am going through it 75% Benoit did it and 25% he did not, but won't know until full forensics investigation. Damn just makes me wish I was in this case and saw all the evidence for myself but I can't. I'll just wait for now and if it comes out Benoit did do this it's a disgrace, but if he didn't I just hope they find the real person.
I can't help but wonder what everyones reaction will be if it turns out Benoit died first??? I doubt that will happen but you never know. Right now allot of us are hoping that Benoit didn't kill his old lady.

Just the idea that Benoit tied up and gags up his wife it total BS to me. I don't think it takes a gunius to realize Benoit would not need to do that. The guy was strong and powerful. However if he did in fact do that then maybe he was high as hell on drugs. Right now it's all one big giant guessing game.

I also can not believe Benoit would allow someone to gag his wife and just do nothing. The only thing that really fucks me up is how when he was the phone Saturday taking to wwe co-worker he was all groggy and completely messed up really makes me wonder if someone had a gun to his head. It also makes me wonder if he was sedated with drugs.

I hope when the Autopsy toxicollogy reports come in that we finaly find out WTF happend. I want some closer to this shit. That hole tragedy is eating up allot of us here.

They would know by telling of the coroner taking the liver temperature right there on the scene who died first. I just hope they have actual good people in on this case that really want to find the truth rather lazy ignorant people.
come on guys

someone puts a gun to your head after you know theve killed your wife and son you would take a chance and struggle etc with the threat of a bullet than allow yourself to be hung

with or without the drugs there has been some sort of incident to make him snap.

with respect for nancy she has already cheated on one husband so its not inconcievable that another incident like this made benoit snap

and as for people surmising kevin sullivan could have planned it is not fair on a guy that is probably grieving for his ex wife.
No, the text message said the dogs were enclosed in the pool area. And then send out the address in what I believe may have been a distress signal.

and why did the police have trouble entering if the dogs were in the enclosed pool area and he stated the side garage door is open??

First let me get some things straight on this. Ok firs of all why would you send in text to your two best friends in the business your address? Chavo said he had been at the house, why would Benoit send that? IMO he wouldn't I mean come on people would you have to send a text message to your best friend your address if you were going to do something like this? No you wouldn't because they would already know your address and where you live and were already going to know that your work was going to find out about you by monday evening. That does not add to adequate proof he did this if those text messages our true. His last words would have been to his best friend, Good bye, and I love you not an address. And to answer someone else question how would someone else get Chavo's number and the other person to text, well hell it came from their phones and I am pretty darn sure Benoit stores their numbers in the cell phone. Thats common sense right there. This shit doesn't add up, I now really do have a funny feeling about all this.
At a guess I would say the cloth wrapped around his neck was due to gym cable usually being quite sharp and abrasive. The wire could have cut into the neck when he was raised into the air. The cloth was to act as a clot for the blood - maybe.

Ok you are going to kill yourself, why in the hell would you worry about cutting yourself when you are ending your life? No, that cloth was there for another reason.
They would know by telling of the coroner taking the liver temperature right there on the scene who died first. I just hope they have actual good people in on this case that really want to find the truth rather lazy ignorant people.

Yeah I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Even if he did do it there has to be a motive. Something else you may already know is due to the fact that his son was suffering from a form of ******ation that as scary as it seems would be more then enough motive for him murdering his son. He might have figured nobody who take care of his son. That has happened has so many times people on here would be utterly amazed.

Here is some additional info:


In the Edmonton Sun, Dr. John Bradford, associate chief of the integrated forensic program for the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, said murder-suicides that wipe out a family are most often carried out by the father who believes his family will be "better off in heaven" than alive.

"The most usual cause is a major depression, normally a severe one with psychotic features," said Bradford, also a professor of forensic psychiatry at the University of Ottawa.,

Murder-suicides are often referred to as "extended suicides," when the killer decides life is not worth living him for himself or his loved ones. Bradford said steroid usage carries "a lot of baggage" because they alter both body and brain chemistry. "People that abuse steroids carry with them an increase risk of rage and rage attacks. There’s also an increased risk of depression, so it’s kind of a double whammy," he said.

He said smothering children is a common way death is caused by parents who believe there is less suffering.

come on guys

someone puts a gun to your head after you know they've killed your wife and son you would take a chance and struggle etc with the threat of a bullet than allow yourself to be hung

with or without the drugs there has been some sort of incident to make him snap. with respect for Nancy she has already cheated on one husband so its not inconceivable that another incident like this made Benoit snap

and as for people surmising Kevin Sullivan could have planned it is not fair on a guy that is probably grieving for his ex wife.

When someone has you fucked up on sedated drugs. It doesn't matter if your HULK HOGAN and have 24 inch pythons. When someone has sedated you, your pretty much a lab monkey.

I find it amazing Kevin Sullivan has not made 1 comment sense this hole murder suicide took place??

Anyway you make good point but we will know soon enough what happened.

..............I HOPE!

First let me get some things straight on this. OK firs of all why would you send in text to your two best friends in the business your address? Chavo said he had been at the house, why would Benoit send that? IMO he wouldn't I mean come on people would you have to send a text message to your best friend your address if you were going to do something like this? No you wouldn't because they would already know your address and where you live and were already going to know that your work was going to find out about you by Monday evening. That does not add to adequate proof he did this if those text messages our true. His last words would have been to his best friend, Good bye, and I love you not an address. And to answer someone else question how would someone else get Chavo's number and the other person to text, well hell it came from their phones and I am pretty darn sure Benoit stores their numbers in the cell phone. That's common sense right there. This shit doesn't add up, I now really do have a funny feeling about all this.

Yeah you and I have been saying the same thing back and forth all night long. Nothing adds up right now to me all of this is total and utter horseshit. Even if he did kill his wife there is too many PLOT HOLES and LOOSE ENDS!

People have no idea how many times people have gotten away with the perfect murder.

Ok you are going to kill yourself, why in the hell would you worry about cutting yourself when you are ending your life? No, that cloth was there for another reason.

AMEN! Took the words out of my mouth!
Something a lot of you people should know about venom, toxic crap that can paralyze strategic parts of the body wherever is it given. Perhaps leaving the only Benoit could move was his mouth, facial expressions, since chavo stated he sounded groggy. Someone could have done this and the entire time, Benoit could have not known if his family was dead or not in still thinking they are alive as he is forced to say something to his best friend checking up on him but is also warned if he gives a warning sign his family will die so he doesn't but not knowing they are already dead. Lot of crap is out he either did it or he he didn't and I hope we find out the truth but here is the piece I wanted to show you all.

"We know that animal venom acts quickly and targets very specific parts of the body--two things critical to making a successful drug"


Venoms, also called zootoxins, are liquid brew of toxic chemicals that many animals--including reptiles, fish, and even bugs--use to ward off predators and seize prey. Poisonous snakes produce venom in a gland in the roof of the mouth; they inject it into prey through hollow teeth called fangs. The male platypus, one of the few venomous mammals, uses a spur connected to a venom gland on its hind ankle to stab its victims. The two-inch cone snail, whose venom helps make SNX-111, collects poison in a gland called a venom bulb. The snail shoots a tiny harpoon-like stinger at an unsuspecting fish, paralyzing its next meal. Less than one drop of this venom could kill a human within hours! Dozens of unaware shell collectors have died, mistaking this fist-sized creature for a seashell!

Whatever the animal, venom's end result is the same: It cripples a victim's nervous system, the network of nerve cells that coordinates and controls basic body functions, such as breathing and muscle movement. If your brain orders your hand to move, the nervous system transmits an electrical signal along a pathway of nerve cells from the brain to your hand (see diagram, below). Venom destroys communication between nerve cells--paralyzing your hand. "

Possible but that's why I said wait until a full toxicology report is back and that won't be for a while and it has to be a good one too. But for now, Benoit is believed to be the prime suspect to all of this.
wait until a full toxicology report is back and that won't be for a while and it has to be a good one too. But for now, Benoit is believed to be the prime suspect to all of this.

:headscratch: Yeah the truth will come out sooner or later.
Kevin Sullivan has commented and was quoted as being incredibly upset about the loss of his ex wife and her son. Its either on Fox News website or Calgary Sun.

Some of the known facts in this case are bizarre to say the least. But saying someone held a gun in Chris Benoit's face whilst he made that 5:35 p.m saturday evening call to Wwe Talent relations is absolute ridiculous.

WE ALL dont want to believe that Chris Benoit took his own life, as well as his wife's and son's. But unless there is some foreign DNA or other print found at the Benoit home. Sooner or later, you will have to come to terms with and accept the unthinkable. Chris Benoit is a cold blooded killer. In the next couple of days evidence will be released that is irrefutable i:e Benoit's hand prints around his wife or son's throat. Until then keep your faith if you wish.
I think to sum up the sentiments of every single person who knows about this whole thing, I will say that this is one f'd up situation.

None of it makes sense, at all. Right now, and unfortunately, it appears 99.9%certain that Chris Benoit is indeed a murderer. But still, and there will almost always be a still in this case, that is not 100% is it? There are a few things that don't match up, and that may appear as wishful thinking, but maybe some of us don't want to come out with comments that completely trash Benoit before we know fully certain, that Chris Benoit killed his wife and child. Yes, it looks bad, but when things don't make sense like they do in this situation, is that a cue for everyone to automatically ignore that, and just assume that everything that the media and everyone who has spoken on the event, is true?

And for one, how do we know that this situation (if indeed Benoit did murder his family) wasn't caused by a mental illness that we have no idea about? We've all heard stories of things like this that have occured, involving a certain 'illness' and who's to say that it didn't happen here? If this is the case, I'm sure that no one would have the disrespect to trash the man. As far as allegations that he took steroids, who knows? That could definitely have lead to this. But to trash a man for making a huge, huge mistake in his life by taking steroids which later may have lead to murdering his family, is undervaluing the man he actually was.

I'm not one for making up all these theories for how it happened, and I don't want to know what happened, but I damn sure do know that no one knows every single f'ing detail that happened in this incident, so no one should act like they do. Yes, it looks bad right now, and if it is proven for sure that he is a murderer, and not because of a mental illness or anything like that, then and only then will I say anything like 'fuck Benoit'.

What everyone needs to know is that a family has been killed. Think of his 7 year old son. Innocent son I might add. He is now killed, and not a lot of people seem to think that is important. Not to mention the fact that 2 children are left without a brother, and parents, left as orphans after an incident that the media are all over. Let's all act like adults, and treat these deaths with a little more respect, other than saying things about the people involved that aren't always exactly sympathetic.

Chris Benoit was an awesome performer, and I don't think he'd have half the respect he had if he wasn't a very great man, and if someone with that much respect, and someone known by anyone associated with him as a great human being, can suddenly just decide to kill his family, than I don't know what's happening in this world. Right now, I'm going to say that I do think that Benoit is in fact the killer in this thing, but that is only because the evidence is all stacked up against him. But I think if he did do it, there was a reason that we will never know, and something really wrong was happening with the man. So don't rule out a mental illness before we say anything else. Something out of the man's control, like a severe illness, is hardly worth degrading him over, is it? So before you shit all over the man, don't assume anything, because I believe that we don't know half the story yet. If you assume, you can make an ass out of you and me (or something along those lines.)
coltx7 dont know what to make of that

but my point is all of us wrestling fans like the story and the actual matches.

chris benoit is one of the best technical wrestlers of all time but 100% definatley the best active technical wrestler at the moment (before this happened obviously)

from his public persona he also comes across as a great family guy, and a guy who in the wwe did not mind putting people over and helping all the young guys on the wwe rosta as well as being a great worker

for these reasons he was held in high reguard as a hero to millions of children and respected by the worldwide wrestling internet community not to mention his fellow workers in the business

we dont want to believe what has happened and people here are trying to come up with all sorts of ways someone else could have done it and framed benoit

i believe that authorities would not have released as much information as they have if they were looking for a third party and as much as i do not want it to be true, chris benoit, great wrestler, hero to millions, loving father and husband, much respected by his peers:

strangled his wife, then smothered his son then not man enough to take responsibility for his actions hung him self in his weights room.

yes i would like another explanation but in my heart of hearts i know that there will be none
You all make valid points. This whole thing is just sad . I am literally holding myself back from crying while typing. The whole text messaging situation is very loopy. Why would he send his friends who have been to his home his address so many times? Benoit had to German Shephards (they are usually used for security) they were enclosed in the pool area. Did neighbors hear any barking or warning from the dogs? Nancy was bond and gagged. Why?Was she trying to run away? Benoit is a pretty strong guy and in shape why go through so much trouble? I feel mostly for Daniel I can't understand why? i know in lots of cases the parents may kill the child because they didn't want them to suffer. The cloth around the neck is weird also. if youare messed up on drug steroid or any substance your tain of thought is off. So why protect your neck from the wire cutting if you are killing yourself anyway. Benoit didn't want to cut himself. benoit is in a business when on any given day you be bashed in the head with a chair, go through a table or even cut yourself across the head to give the appearance of blood. The only people who knows went on were the people there. No matter what happened they will be greatly missed.
I honestly dont think the cloth around the neck suggests anything other than he didnt want to bleed to death, as well as hang. Self asphyxiation is unpleasant enough without making matters worse by slicing into a main artery and spraying the room in bodily fluid.
Chris Benoit may have been a excellent wrestler be hes a heartless bastard, to kill his own flesh and blood who was only 7 is terrifying and to kill his own wife, disgusting. I can never think of him the same again.
Well I am going to say all this right here and right now. I honestly believe that the authorities have already shut down this case because the question is not who killed them or even how they died, the only question that is in the media is the roid rage in wrestling industry. I personally do not believe labeling someone the killer exact yet until I fully have every single piece of evidence comb thoroughly 100%. I mean you all watch CSI Vegas, yea it is a fiction show, but a lot of that actually happens and you need every piece of evidence in a case and you surely need a type of person like the character "Grissom" to actually find the real hard truth of things. If you get a regular careless person, you will never get the truth. Only way you will get the truth is if you have someone determined to do anything to find the truth by the eivdence. And I feel we will never get that because it's not the factor but the factor is wrestlers taking steroids and have roid rage.
The following is from FOXNEWS.COM

Former professional wrestler Kevin Sullivan expressed shock and sadness over the death of his ex-wife, Nancy Benoit.

From his home in Tavernier, Fla., in the Florida Keys, where he owns and runs a gym called Froggy’s Fitness with his wife, Linda, Sullivan said he had not spoken to his ex-wife since their split. He told FOXNews.com he learned of the grisly crime, which reportedly took place over several days, from television news on Monday evening.

“It’s surreal,” said Sullivan, who did not have children with Nancy Benoit. “She was a nice person. We just went our separate ways. She was nice and very loving and I’m sure she was a good mother.”

Sullivan said he did not know Benoit well outside the ring. “I never associated with him, so I really don’t know his personality,” he said. … “[But] I’m sad for all three, especially the child.”

Not if you are fully aware your wife is dead. In theory killer tells one thing but another thing happens. Right now reading all the evidence that we are given as I am going through it 75% Benoit did it and 25% he did not, but won't know until full forensics investigation. Damn just makes me wish I was in this case and saw all the evidence for myself but I can't. I'll just wait for now and if it comes out Benoit did do this it's a disgrace, but if he didn't I just hope they find the real person.

Dude if there was even the slighest chance Benoit didn't do it, WWE would not have stopped RAW (tribute) to air, would not have taken everything down on him and Mcmahon would not have apolgised to everyone for tributing to Chris Benoit and in all honest you will have accept the facts that Benoit was a sick man and killed his SEVEN year old son and wife.
I honestly dont think the cloth around the neck suggests anything other than he didnt want to bleed to death, as well as hang. Self asphyxiation is unpleasant enough without making matters worse by slicing into a main artery and spraying the room in bodily fluid.

My friend I honestly believe you may be the rare breed of people that would actually care before killing them self cutting their artery or skin while hanging them self to death. I'm sorry but I will not sit here and believe Benoit had a cloth around his neck because he did not was to slice into his skin. IF BENOIT did this, going through killing his wife, killing his kid, planning on killing him self, I do not think he is going to worry about cutting through his neck while hanging himself.
Who would have ever thought that they would be disscussing this? I never in a million years think so.

Agreed, imagine how the WWE superstars would feel, finding out your best friend was a heartless murderer, shocking

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