Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

Dude if there was even the slighest chance Benoit didn't do it, WWE would not have stopped RAW (tribute) to air, would not have taken everything down on him and Mcmahon would not have apolgised to everyone for tributing to Chris Benoit and in all honest you will have accept the facts that Benoit was a sick man and killed his SEVEN year old son and wife.

They took it down due to the rod bit, linking wrestling to roids. That is what it's about, they are not trying to lose their business by being in the middle of the roid news. The news isn't about the death of a family but roids. As for me, I was never a Benoit fan, but yea he was a good wrestler, but what I will accept is full thorough evidence combed through by forensics who want to find out the truth. I am an optimistic person, and I do not believe everything I hear and I know authorities make mistakes. You can believe what you want, and accept whatever but that right there is proof to people right there who want to jump the gun and go with what they first hear. If the evidence is fully proven Benoit did it then yes he was a sick person, but it is too soon to tell all the evidence involved in the case only authorities given want the main society public want, the so called killer and in this case, first thing and the only thing that will more likely come about of it is "STEROIDS AND ROID RAGE IN WRESTLING". Same way when authorities came out and say that boy from the VT shooting mailed that crap that morning then days later new evidence confirmed he didn't. You need all the evidence before you can see the truth. We don't have that right now, all we have right now is roid rage, steroids in wrestling and Benoit killling his family over roid rage. Real evidence will be swept under the rug to feed society what they really want, something to point that finger at.
I think he did it, sad to say but i am 99 % sure, all u guys are talking about is speculations nbothing else, police have concrete proofs...
I don't think Benoit was a character, he was as real a person while wrestling as he was at home with his wife. People say he was a very quite individual and thats wat it reflects on his times in wwe, he just came into the match, perform and leave, no fucking promos, no shit like that. I think he was not a character,he was 100% real in the ring. But then it's a sad realization: if he was real, have i been loving and admiring a person that is a murderer???? I mean he was the last person in wwe that i would think about killing his family, but there again the more silent, no one knows wats going on in your heart.
Thats wat i think happened:
I think he just snapped on friday, i really think that, he killed her wife on friday, obviously his son knew it so he just tied him up in bedroom, after thinking about what to do next, he came to the conclusion that his son was next as he was the witness to the murder of his mother so he killed him as well. But on sunday he just couldn't take it anymore, and hung up himself.
My heart cries for the pain he felt, i never felt such grief before, i for once can't think of what he felt in those three days of his life. We are mysterious creatures, who knows wat goes on in someone's mind???
I will never forget Chris Benoit , irony is that i can't seperate Chris Benoit the performer from Chris Benoit the person in real life. I think they both are the same. Even though i know he killed his wife and son, i just cant hate him. his memories will remain with me for the rest of my life. i hope his soul rests in peace along with his family.
A final note, i never missed Eddie any more then i miss him now, i hope they are reunited in the other world, as i still can't get forget the wrestlemania 20 with him and Benoit, that is history. I know WWE will not acknowledge him wat he has done for the industry but we fans will remember him as the best there ever was in the industry, Chris Beniot
wrestling will survive and be stronger for this. the wellness program will continue stronger and vince may have to stop his infatuation with the pumped up / no talent look

i hope so anyway
For me Benoit will always be my number 1, for me inside the ring is one of the best in the history, a great person and he deserves more than that. I'll respect him as a wrestler, I'll admire his legend and legacy, KEEP HIS LEGACY ALIVE, don't erase this DVD please Amazon neither his legacy. For my eyes Benoit didn't do what everybody said and I'm not going to see it in other way. Benoit is INNOCENT.

REST IN PEACE my friend Benoit, I'll remember you like a great person and the best wrestler in this era, I'll keep your legacy alive. Good bye.
Imagine killing your son because he has a disability i cant, i mean theres support for things and acknowledgement in todays society.

Then why would he kill his wife first then kill his son a day later. Think about it was his son in the house with his dead mother? I hardly doubt if his son knew his mum was dead he would just stay in the house. Somethings missing, I dont see why he would give his son growth drugs. Fucked up eh?

Remember Chris for his wrestling and forget about what he was like in real life.

As we all know he was secluded and kept himself to himself so i guess we should just say we cant speculate because we didnt know him in real life.

We can tho question and ask why and how.

Remember the steroid scandal in the early 90s and it made guys like the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart rise. I wish Vince would stop with the over pumped up guys like Batista.
man its so hard to seperate 2 completley differents feelings about the same person...

i mean i was watching raw today (i live in brazil, they dont have wwe hear so i have to download it, at least i get to watch free ppvs right) and seeing all of that was so emotional, i mean i actually cried man, seeing everthing about him, even thoug i knew what he had done..

is sad to see a legacy, a whole life be shotdown by one last act, but i cant be against that, i cant respect benoit as a person after what he did, even if i want to, i just cant... its too horrible...

but hes still a true wrestling legend to me, and i wont forget his matches, i thank him as a wrestler to always go out and truley give 110% for his fans... and the respect he had for the biz is incredible, i admire that part of him

but i still cant forgive him, and i wont.. ever.. but i will seperate the benoit in the ring and outside... even if it is extremeley hard to admire and hate the same person...
I just cannot wait until the toxicology report is fully done to hopefully bring out the truth even if it does lead to what is being said Benoit is indeed a double murderer and suicide. I just hope they have a guy leading the forensics who is like "Grissom" on the CSI show, yea I know it sounds corny but this is real life and someone dedicated to finding out the truth from the evidence is needed not someone who sees the surface and closes the case because they're those who do that and won't comb under the surface to reveal who could have really happened. In all, Benoit for now is the suspect until evidence proves he did not and they're was indeed another person or persons. Just the whole evidence doesn't add up and like the detective said so far "its bizarre". I can see Benoit probably snapping and doing in having yes what they are saying a roid rage, ending with his wife strangled and his son strangled then killing himself all within a 24 period. But to have event fold out well over 72 hours? No actual suicide note, and then sending your address to your best friend who just stated he was at your house last week. I do not know about you all but if I put myself in his shoes and I am sending a text to my best friend, it's going to be goodbye and thank or i love you not your address. Also the wife being bonded by the hands and feet is finicky too, but one thing is for sure, if toxicology comes back that there was a sedative or some type of venom in his body then he was poisoned, if it comes back on steroids, percocet and other drugs and no one piece of evidence pointing out an legit other then Benoit is guilty. I pray for the relatives and friends of the family, it is indeed the most tragedy so far in the world of wrestling.
ok heres wut i think people

his wife (or somebody else) called him and told him to come home...or else he wudnt even know his family was sick or in danger...maybe it was all a set up for him to come and then kill him

they killed his wife friday...let the boy be alive cus they thought they cud use him against chris...but then killed him...he came home on sunday morning and then killed him and made it look like benoit did it

or they were gone...benoit came home saw his family and killed himself...he cried for a day of course...put a bible to each one of them...thats a plausible thing too...i mean common if chris benoit wud kill his wife he wudnt tie her up...and why was there blood under her head...he jus needed to choke her...we all know how strong benoit was...he suplexed viscera for christ sake

and as far as benoit being a guy who beats up his family....in my opinion i believe he may have beat his wife but his child...look at wrestlemania xx when his family came to the ring...i mean he and daniel were so close u cud really see it...he wudnt hurt him in any way...i personally belive that...and i think if benoit did it all...noone kills himself and doesnt write a not...ok it has happened...but benoit wud want to explain it and all

the wwe and the atlanta police are covering something up in my opinion...something i think well never find out

i cud be wrong with all this tough

R.I.P Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit
they wouldnt cover something up because this was bad, why would they want to ruin benoits legacy? they could have made it like an accident if they wanted to cover something up, but not say benoit did everything, that just ruins not only his image, but in some way, WWEs image, especialy after the tribute...

it would make sense to try and hide the ''fact'' that he killed them, wich is probaly what happend, face it, he could have just lost it for some reason (not stereoids) and killed them... everybody said, even his best friends, that he was a very quite guy, didnt let them in too much, sure he helped them but it was obvious he didnt seek help from his friends when he had trouble, he liked to keep his emotions bottled up, that can make someone just lose it completley after 40 years not really expressing how u feel...
You ARE wrong about it. Read Benoit's crazy fucking text messages, and the transcripts of his phone conversations. He had already killed his wife when he said they were at the hospital with his son. He had already killed his son when he text messaged Chavo saying that the front gate was open.
i recently read those text messages, they really make no sense and some of them came from Nancy's phone, why was he sending messages from her phone and the bible thing was really strange, does anyone know if they were a religious family? Still something dosent add up in my opinion and i dont think we will ever know the truth
What is really right now swaying me away from a possible "third party" involved in this is the WWE seriously distancing themself from all of this so quickly. They know a lot more than we do since the sheriff dept asked them to keep things private. They are taking actions with that "undisclosed" information and doing what they feel is right morally and from a business stand point.
I don't think there is a 3rd party jay, i highly doubt it, i just don't get the text messages, the "My Physical Address..." Thing, he sent to 2 co-workers which one is probably Chavo. He must of sent that final message then killed himself shortly after.
It's been confirmed by the police that Benoit carried out the murders and that his death was a suicide. Will people stop posting stuff like "here's what I think happened, Chris was holding the electrical wire and slipped...", it's ridicilous! It seems that from recent revelations, Benoit wasn't the nice guy that everyone thought he was, he was ashamed that his son was ******ed and he abused his wife. Not a nice guy and not a guy you should care about.
I don't think there is a 3rd party jay, i highly doubt it, i just don't get the text messages, the "My Physical Address..." Thing, he sent to 2 co-workers which one is probably Chavo. He must of sent that final message then killed himself shortly after.

Yeah thats what i meant. If i didn't say it clear enough what i meant was all the information now is leading me to believe that their ISN'T a third party involved.
I really don't care if this is considered spamming or not, but I really want to get this off my chest,

I tried calling my freind who I watched raw with tonight and who kept claiming that it was kevin sullivan who killed Benoit and his family (you wrestling marks would know why).

Kinda funny you said that.. my friend had called me up a couple hours before Raw and told me the news on Benoit.. since i hadn't read any wrestling news/rumors all day.. and i watched the tribute.. then i messaged him and just said "it'd be weird if Kevin Sullivan did it".. it was just the first thing i thought of when i heard of Benoit and his family being found dead..
Yeah thats what i meant. If i didn't say it clear enough what i meant was all the information now is leading me to believe that their ISN'T a third party involved.

Oh Right, i never read it properly, sorry about that.
All of this is just Surreal, one second hes set to be champion, the next hes gone.
All just a shame. I wrote a blog about it on myspace about what he meant as a wrestler to me and my friends, but i don't know if its proper to keep up. Nothing is conclusive yet but i sure went from a "no way he somethings up" to "oh man no way" this morning.
Ok lets get all things straight here on what could and so far what is actually factual stated. Fact that Benoit's wife did die Friday night, and his son sometime Sunday and Benoit sometime late sunday night/early monday morning, coroners at the scene can tell by getting the temperature off the deceased livers that tell the exact time frame when they died. Apparently Benoit did have one phone conversation with Chavo saturday and he stated Benoit said "I love you" out of context and sounded groggy. That's clue one, clue two is him apparently making a phone call to talent saying he would not make it and that his wife was sick and son was sick throwing up blood. The bonding from the wife's arms and legs is finicky to me since Benoit is such a strong man, why would he do this? That right there is a sign of premeditation murder. My main clue I would look beside the bodies was in fact any of Benoit's tear drops or saliva from his mouth was on any of the bodies or around the bodies. That is a vital clue because if such is found and they can find it, it just takes a good 4-5 days, then he indeed is the killer of his wife, and son and then himself. I can see Benoit doing this but to carry all this out from friday evening to monday morning? Like the detective that is carrying the case stated "the bodies were laid out in a bizarre fashion". The did contact a Sullivan whom Benoit's wife divorced to be with Benoit in which Sullivan booked and wrote the story line of Benoit taking his wife to actually have in happen in reality. They asked him about his alibi and his story and witness checked out. Now we all know suicides can be staged with some perfect premeditated planning, it has happened before and still will go on. Is this a possibility here? We will soon find out once the forensics unfold all the evidence and go through it thoroughly. It takes a good week to collect all legit evidence and authorities will come out and state the surface of the case to the public if there is a high demand in which here is. I just do not understand another key clue to this tragedy is him texting his best friend Chavo his address when he just stayed there las week. And the text began with "my physical address", I mean who texts that to their best friend after what they have done? In all this whole thing is damn shame and nothing but a heart dropping tragedy regardless the outcome because an family is gone either by Benoit's hand which is being stated so far or by another. But it hasn't even been 72 hours since they have found them dead and it takes a good amount of time to get legit physical evidence collected and then processed like I was mentioning before with saliva and tears. And to everyone stating about the WWE parting ways is because the entire media is not focusing on the death of a celebrity family but the condoning of steroids used by wrestlers. WWE does not want to be labled as a pro steroid use and everywhere you hear and see on the national news level that's all they are talking about and technically they have no physical proof any steroids were in Benoit's body only finding a prescription steroid at the house and they did not say who's name it was in. And I just looked up his son's disease and found out doctors do prescribe certain type of pro hormones and steroids for his kid's disease. Point being, the media blows everything out of proportion before all of the evidence can even be collected let alone processed. First time they hear a wrestler dying, first thing that comes out is steroid not who did it. It's a commencing propaganda that the media has unfolded. But for now we are to believe that Benoit is so far the killer of himself and his family until any evidence proves he did not. Patience is a virtue especially in homicides and apparent suicides. In the end I just hope we do get down to the real, actual truth even if it still stays the same that in fact Chris Benoit did do this. I do not want a lazy case, sweep it under the rug type deal and I hope this does not occur because I believe it is vital to finding out what ALL the evidence tells us because the evidence never lies. And if all the evidence points to Benoit then he will be guilty, but if the evidence doesn't then my friends, we have to find a killer or killers.
It's been confirmed by the police that Benoit carried out the murders and that his death was a suicide. Will people stop posting stuff like "here's what I think happened, Chris was holding the electrical wire and slipped...", it's ridicilous! It seems that from recent revelations, Benoit wasn't the nice guy that everyone thought he was, he was ashamed that his son was ******ed and he abused his wife. Not a nice guy and not a guy you should care about.

I 100% agree. You guys, it is CONFIRMED that Chris was the murderer okay? I know it's hard to digest but you're going to have to move on. Ya'll aint Matlock. All the evidence and speculations you're coming up with doesn't even matter because it has all been done by the Police. The first thing they did when they found the bodies was investigate it as a Homicide. That right there should tell you something. The Toxicology reports are just to see if there were anything in his system. You need to realize that Chris Benoit Killed his wife Nancy and his son Daniel before taking his own life.
I 100% agree. You guys, it is CONFIRMED that Chris was the murderer okay? I know it's hard to digest but you're going to have to move on. Ya'll aint Matlock. All the evidence and speculations you're coming up with doesn't even matter because it has all been done by the Police. The first thing they did when they found the bodies was investigate it as a Homicide. That right there should tell you something. The Toxicology reports are just to see if there were anything in his system. You need to realize that Chris Benoit Killed his wife Nancy and his son Daniel before taking his own life.

One it's not all done, it takes a good week to collect and gather all evidence, yes he more likely did this and yes speculation will come about the weirdness of things but people do weird things like putting their babies in microwaves or in stoves which is really sick. And the police stated "It is alleged Benoit killed his wife, his son and then him self. And people you need to look up the word alleged it means "to assert without proof". Meaning not all the evidence is in yet, hasn't been enough time less than 72 hours. So just wait until you hear it from an investigators mouth on tv or in actual quote writing, not some news reporter or from someone else because the entire news media will completely obliterate everything out of context to what was actually stated.
Ok this is getting way out of hand. The facts

BENOIT DID IT! Accept it and go on with your life. All signs point to him doing it..........

Now as to a referrence by several people on this forum as to why he would place a clothe in between the wire and his neck it is very simple........

He didn't want to cut his neck. THats it, case closed.........

Often times in suicides people behave strangely due to certain instincts.

Jumpers will remove their glasses so as to not break them in the fall.

People who slit their wrists often place towels around them so not to dirty the floor.

Shooters will many times paint their faces to dissassociate themselves with reality and themselves

A person who kills themselves with pills will many times return the pill bottles to the medicine cabinet to not make a mess.


People who hang themselves do so because suffocation is more like entering a deep sleep then painfully dying. Hence when a person hangs themself they do so in a manner that will cause them the least amount of pain.

People who commit suicide want to die and end the pain in their lives, not cause themselves anymore pain.
Ok this is getting way out of hand. The facts

BENOIT DID IT! Accept it and go on with your life. All signs point to him doing it..........

You are indeed correct all signs point to him being the culprit, but refer to the poster above you who gave the definition of the word "alleged". So read that first and then go and try to find me something that proves without a shadow of a doubt that Benoit actually did it. I'm not going to lie to myself or anyone else, I think everything points to him being the one that did it, however while there is still no 100% proof that he did it, people will chose to believe the best in the Performer they loved, and people will chose to believe that maybe, just maybe he didn't and couldn't of done something like this. And in my opinion everyone has the right to believe that he didn't do it, everyone.
Ok this is getting way out of hand. The facts

BENOIT DID IT! Accept it and go on with your life. All signs point to him doing it..........

Now as to a referrence by several people on this forum as to why he would place a clothe in between the wire and his neck it is very simple........

He didn't want to cut his neck. THats it, case closed.........

Often times in suicides people behave strangely due to certain instincts.

Jumpers will remove their glasses so as to not break them in the fall.

People who slit their wrists often place towels around them so not to dirty the floor.

Shooters will many times paint their faces to dissassociate themselves with reality and themselves

A person who kills themselves with pills will many times return the pill bottles to the medicine cabinet to not make a mess.


People who hang themselves do so because suffocation is more like entering a deep sleep then painfully dying. Hence when a person hangs themself they do so in a manner that will cause them the least amount of pain.

People who commit suicide want to die and end the pain in their lives, not cause themselves anymore pain.

You cannot have full facts until every piece of evidence has been thoroughly examined and gone through. Seems to me you are just a typical person that believes a news reporter and need to go on what was actually said from authorities not from the media who blow everything out of context. The surface of the case has been brought about, and the rest will follow. But more likely Chris Benoit in the end is the actual killer.

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