Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

No I'm a person who bases his knowledge on prior experiences and common sense, other than trying to pull every far fetched idea out of my hat to prove my hero is still a hero.

Heck guys how about aliens why don't you go down that route for a bit, seems every other circumstance has been exhausted. Or maybe it was a yeti................
You are indeed correct all signs point to him being the culprit, but refer to the poster above you who gave the definition of the word "alleged". So read that first and then go and try to find me something that proves without a shadow of a doubt that Benoit actually did it. I'm not going to lie to myself or anyone else, I think everything points to him being the one that did it, however while there is still no 100% proof that he did it, people will chose to believe the best in the Performer they loved, and people will chose to believe that maybe, just maybe he didn't and couldn't of done something like this. And in my opinion everyone has the right to believe that he didn't do it, everyone.

Good writing, while as myself was never a big fan of Benoit but I did enjoy the matches he performed in the business. Personally I can he him doing this because to me he never looked like a friendly guy, he to me always looked like a man who beats on his wife and kis but that is assumptions by me not knowing any real truth. It's a real tragedy that a 7 year old boy lost his life and a woman life's was cut short and benoit is gone as well. I won't brand anything until the authorities go through everything and actually state Benoit is the killer and I can't remember him as a great wrestler if this occurs. If done, to me he will be remember a wrestler who selfishly killed his family and himself.
No I'm a person who bases his knowledge on prior experiences and common sense, other than trying to pull every far fetched idea out of my hat to prove my hero is still a hero.

Heck guys how about aliens why don't you go down that route for a bit, seems every other circumstance has been exhausted. Or maybe it was a yeti................

And I'm a person who firmly believes in waiting until all the facts our resolved before stating something. Nothing is far fetched but bias media beliefs. Another I never looked at Benoit as my hero, I could careless about the guy when he was wrestling. I'm just stating you need to wait until authorities confirm and case closed not alleged. Your alien comment tells me you're having sarcastic feelings towards the subject which is irrelevant to what has actually happened. A family was destroy so I would hope you think again before making sarcastic remarks during tragic events, that's just uncalled for IMO.
My sarcastic feelings are towards the posters on here who 20 yrs from now will join with the other conspiracy theorists at a festival in some deep south area to discuss how they still think benoit is innocent, elvis is alive, and diet dr pepper does taste better than regular dr. pepper.

I would never trivialize the loss of life that happened a few days ago. It is an awful set of events which was carried out by a very sick and tormented individual. what went through Benoits mind, we may never know. But that facts are the facts. If they aren't even considering a third party, then there was no evidence to lead to such a theory.
My sarcastic feelings are towards the posters on here who 20 yrs from now will join with the other conspiracy theorists at a festival in some deep south area to discuss how they still think benoit is innocent, elvis is alive, and diet dr pepper does taste better than regular dr. pepper.

I would never trivialize the loss of life that happened a few days ago. It is an awful set of events which was carried out by a very sick and tormented individual. what went through Benoits mind, we may never know. But that facts are the facts. If they aren't even considering a third party, then there was no evidence to lead to such a theory.

I'm not going to get in it with you just firmly read exactly each word I type down to every word. I do not believe in a conspiracy, I firmly believe in patiently waiting until all the evidence is thoroughly gone through with proper procedure and hearing it from an authorities mouth on the news or in quotations, not from a news reporter mouth because they will string words out of context. And technically the must have considered a third party if they went fully to asking where Sullivan was this weekend and checking out his alibi and that his witness checked out. Thats a lead they followed, and you can't rule everything out until everything is in. I believe in what the evidence says from the authorities and if they tell me a confirmation of Benoit doing it after all the evidence and not an alleged thought then it will go down in history of a wrestler name Benoit who selfishly killed his family and end of story. Lets just pray for the innocent blood that was spilled.
Ostigers2000 you are a complete waste of space you know that???? do you work for a police dept now as a Homicide Det?????? Well do you????? or are you some idiot who just goes around believing that what he has to say is more important then the truth?????

Chris Benoit was a tortured man!!! He had issues before he killed his family and took his own life!!!!

He played a CHARACTER...sorry to burst your bubble but his on air persona was not how he was in real life!!!!!!! Most of the wrestlers in the industry push themselves to stay on top...they take steroids and painkillers to hide the physical problems they have so that they will not lose there top spot. Just like Benoit, he was able to hide the physical problems but as we saw NOT the mental problems!!!!

Vince McMahon has to realize that the schedule these guys are on is not a healthy lifestyle...they are away from there families way to much and they sacrifice there physical health as well as there mental health to make a living at something that is there passion!!!! Now is this passion an obsession??? you might say so!!!! they work 300 + days a year!!!!!! they are always traveling and they have little to no free time!!!

If you want to place blame here place it on Chris Benoit!!!! Not only was he a coward for hurting his wife and child 4 years ago he is a COWARD now for taking there lives!!!! I hope we all look at him and know that there will be a nice spot in hell for him!!!!!
You ask why would Chris wrap a towel around his neck before hanging himself? Answer: He didn't want to cut himself, he wanted it to be as least painful as possible. Why is nobody asking why didn't Chris just stab/shoot his wife and child? When it would be much easier. Instead he strangled and suffocated them. Obviously it all makes sense, the bibles next to the bodies elude to it, this was something that Chris thought he was doing to bring himself and his family to a better place in heaven. He killed his wife and son in one of the least painful ways. It's common sense, if he did it. Which he did. The bibles and the way he killed them shows it was an act of taking his family with him to a better place. Perhaps the tying up of his wife was some sort of religious thing as well
You people who are trying to make excuses for Benoit absolutely disgust me. You guys could have a video of Benoit murdering them and you'd still say it wasn't him. Listen, I understand how much we all loved this guy, I understand completely, he was one of my favorite wrestlers and every week I always highly looked forward to getting my fix of good wrestling from Benoit. But you need to come to terms with REALITY. Every shred of evidence points to Benoit, you guys are on here thinking "Yeah but isn't it weird that this happened or that this happened?" yeah it is weird, don't you think the fuckin' police thought of that too when they've spent the last 3 days investigating every possibility in this case and have come to the conclusion that Benoit did it? There isn't even a shred of evidence to support the theory that Benoit didn't do it, not a shred.

Somebody earlier said "Oh but what if Benoit was kidnapped at the airport?" Yeah that makes perfect sense, a guy just walked into an airport with a loaded gun without having to go through security, grabbed Benoit and held him at gunpoint without a crowded airport having any clue, then walked on out. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Seriously guys, all the evidence points to Benoit, no one else. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Chris Benoit is a murderer. It's that simple. You guys sound like all the rappers who tried to say that OJ Simpson was innocent or the crazed hippies who thought Charles Manson was framed. It's absolutely disgusting. Wake up and smell the coffee---Chris Benoit did it.

If ANYONE can come up with any logical evidence or even ideas of how Benoit couldn't of done this, I'd be more then happy to listen to them, and in all likelihood debunk them.
having had 24 hours to think about it, Chris Benoit could'nt have gone lower in my estimation. Yes, we are wrestling fans and we all love the sport, but at the end of the day Chris committed two murders and then killed himself. Great wrestler, yes, great human being, i think the last few days tell their own story.
Ostigers2000 you are a complete waste of space you know that???? do you work for a police dept now as a Homicide Det?????? Well do you????? or are you some idiot who just goes around believing that what he has to say is more important then the truth?????

Chris Benoit was a tortured man!!! He had issues before he killed his family and took his own life!!!!

He played a CHARACTER...sorry to burst your bubble but his on air persona was not how he was in real life!!!!!!! Most of the wrestlers in the industry push themselves to stay on top...they take steroids and painkillers to hide the physical problems they have so that they will not lose there top spot. Just like Benoit, he was able to hide the physical problems but as we saw NOT the mental problems!!!!

Vince McMahon has to realize that the schedule these guys are on is not a healthy lifestyle...they are away from there families way to much and they sacrifice there physical health as well as there mental health to make a living at something that is there passion!!!! Now is this passion an obsession??? you might say so!!!! they work 300 + days a year!!!!!! they are always traveling and they have little to no free time!!!

If you want to place blame here place it on Chris Benoit!!!! Not only was he a coward for hurting his wife and child 4 years ago he is a COWARD now for taking there lives!!!! I hope we all look at him and know that there will be a nice spot in hell for him!!!!!

I actually am an police officer of 6 years so far and I know everything about processing evidence and that it takes time to actually confirm something not alleged. And to state your opinion I am a waste of space how so? Why are you attacking me because I am stating a fact about evidence? Then calling me an idiot as if you know me at all? Your words directed towards me man are very ignorant and I know you are probably brought about emotionally but it's uncalled for man to do that at this time. I do not place blame, I believe in the evidence placing the factual occurrence. Don't take anything I am writing out of context, comprehend it exactly how I am stating it. I'm not going to get into it on here with anyone with name calling or erratic emotional responses, I am just stating about evidence and that it is ashamed that this has happened. And that once they authorities come out and confirm it not allegedly, Benoit did indeed commit these acts 100% is when I believe the full exact truth. Patience my friend, just stating steps by the law, what goes about and giving my blessings out to who I see the most victim of this all is a 7 year old boy who's life was cut short.
I actually am an police officer of 6 years so far and I know everything about processing evidence and that it takes time to actually confirm something not alleged. And to state your opinion I am a waste of space how so? Why are you attacking me because I am stating a fact about evidence? Then calling me an idiot as if you know me at all? Your words directed towards me man are very ignorant and I know you are probably brought about emotionally but it's uncalled for man to do that at this time. I do not place blame, I believe in the evidence placing the factual occurrence. Don't take anything I am writing out of context, comprehend it exactly how I am stating it. I'm not going to get into it on here with anyone with name calling or erratic emotional responses, I am just stating about evidence and that it is ashamed that this has happened. And that once they authorities come out and confirm it not allegedly, Benoit did indeed commit these acts 100% is when I believe the full exact truth. Patience my friend, just stating steps by the law, what goes about and giving my blessings out to who I see the most victim of this all is a 7 year old boy who's life was cut short.

Like I said before, it has been confirmed. Did you not see that press conference yesterday where the police CONFIRMED that Benoit did this? Did ya miss that by some odd chance? This case is all but over, the only things left are the toxicocology reports and all that'll do is show us if any of 'em were high. Seriously, like I said before, show me one shred of evidence or one logical theory to support this phantom idea that Benoit didn't do this, despite the police saying he did. I'm all ears.
Like I said before, it has been confirmed. Did you not see that press conference yesterday where the police CONFIRMED that Benoit did this? Did ya miss that by some odd chance? This case is all but over, the only things left are the toxicocology reports and all that'll do is show us if any of 'em were high. Seriously, like I said before, show me one shred of evidence or one logical theory to support this phantom idea that Benoit didn't do this, despite the police saying he did. I'm all ears.

OMG you really just don't know do you? I'm not getting into it, it was not confirmed by authorities, if you look closely man the media and news room stated as confirmed, the detective leading the case stated "It is alleged that Benoit killed his wife on friday, killed his son on sunday and him self sunday night". Alleged means " to assert without proof", do not believe me look up the word yourself. But as all the evidence unfolds, more likely the authorities will factually state Benoit did it and they could not find any evidence stating otherwise. But pray with me man for the wife, the son and the family.
You people who are trying to make excuses for Benoit absolutely disgust me. You guys could have a video of Benoit murdering them and you'd still say it wasn't him. Listen, I understand how much we all loved this guy, I understand completely, he was one of my favorite wrestlers and every week I always highly looked forward to getting my fix of good wrestling from Benoit. But you need to come to terms with REALITY. Every shred of evidence points to Benoit, you guys are on here thinking "Yeah but isn't it weird that this happened or that this happened?" yeah it is weird, don't you think the fuckin' police thought of that too when they've spent the last 3 days investigating every possibility in this case and have come to the conclusion that Benoit did it? There isn't even a shred of evidence to support the theory that Benoit didn't do it, not a shred.

Somebody earlier said "Oh but what if Benoit was kidnapped at the airport?" Yeah that makes perfect sense, a guy just walked into an airport with a loaded gun without having to go through security, grabbed Benoit and held him at gunpoint without a crowded airport having any clue, then walked on out. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Seriously guys, all the evidence points to Benoit, no one else. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Chris Benoit is a murderer. It's that simple. You guys sound like all the rappers who tried to say that OJ Simpson was innocent or the crazed hippies who thought Charles Manson was framed. It's absolutely disgusting. Wake up and smell the coffee---Chris Benoit did it.

If ANYONE can come up with any logical evidence or even ideas of how Benoit couldn't of done this, I'd be more then happy to listen to them, and in all likelihood debunk them.

Xfear is right, it is just as well for everyone to face the facts that Benoit killed his family. I would love nothing more than to find out someone else did it, but that will NOT happen. If someone else did it, why did they not kill the two dogs first? 1. It would be hard enough just to get past two German Shepherds and enter the house without killing them or injuring them, and 2. After breaking and entering in the house, those two dogs would be barking like crazy, and they would have just shot them to shut them up. I am so disgusted in Benoit right now and I will never understand this tragedy.

RIP Nancy and Daniel
Being on the road 300 days a year is a lot of time to be away from home - but they actually work about 200 days. That's 165 days off.
"How do we not know Nancy didn't attack Chris first? Maybe he really did get an "emergency call". Think about it, Chris was about to get another world title - meaning more work, less family time. Maybe she plotted to kill him and their son, possibly roiding up there kid, and then killing off Chris. Seeing as how Chris is 234lb of muscle, she got over powered, tied up, and Chris decided what she had done to his son and tried to do to him it was her time to go. As his son is slowly dying due to being over-dosed, Chris decides its better for him to not let his son suffer and take his life aswell."

I found that another forum, and to be honest some of it COULD make sense. Sure, there are still a LOT of loop holes in the story, but who is to say Benoit is a cold-blooded murderer? You have to remember when there is a domestic violence charge against a couple, its for the COUPLE, not just one of them. She may have gone off the deep-end herself.
ok heres a question for u guys....who was the one calling Chris and saying u have to come home?...nancy?...if she did make the call...then im gonna stick with it that nancy did it all

and im sick and tired of saying benoit that murderer he shud burn in hell...u guys seem not to realize that god forgives everything...even if we on earth dont

if it comes out that chris benoit did not do it, then i wud lose so much trust in the police and the wwe
ok heres a question for u guys....who was the one calling Chris and saying u have to come home?...nancy?...if she did make the call...then im gonna stick with it that nancy did it all

and im sick and tired of saying benoit that murderer he shud burn in hell...u guys seem not to realize that god forgives everything...even if we on earth dont

if it comes out that chris benoit did not do it, then i wud lose so much trust in the police and the wwe

i dont think there was a call to chris to come home, i think he made that up to go home and do what he did, it was probly just a diversion so he could go home and it probly suprised nancy that he came home early.

i think we have to face the facts of what happened, never in a million years would i think a guy like benoit would do this
ok heres a question for u guys....who was the one calling Chris and saying u have to come home?...nancy?...if she did make the call...then im gonna stick with it that nancy did it all

and im sick and tired of saying benoit that murderer he shud burn in hell...u guys seem not to realize that god forgives everything...even if we on earth dont

if it comes out that chris benoit did not do it, then i wud lose so much trust in the police and the wwe

Here is the problem with that. Okay,say she kills the kid. Alright,then she hangs Benoit. Then he somehow manages to tie herself up and somehow chokes herself with an electrical cord. See where I'm going with this.
"How do we not know Nancy didn't attack Chris first? Maybe he really did get an "emergency call". Think about it, Chris was about to get another world title - meaning more work, less family time. Maybe she plotted to kill him and their son, possibly roiding up there kid, and then killing off Chris. Seeing as how Chris is 234lb of muscle, she got over powered, tied up, and Chris decided what she had done to his son and tried to do to him it was her time to go. As his son is slowly dying due to being over-dosed, Chris decides its better for him to not let his son suffer and take his life aswell."

I found that another forum, and to be honest some of it COULD make sense. Sure, there are still a LOT of loop holes in the story, but who is to say Benoit is a cold-blooded murderer? You have to remember when there is a domestic violence charge against a couple, its for the COUPLE, not just one of them. She may have gone off the deep-end herself.

roflmao man that has to be the funniest shit I've ever read, ever. Did you even think about what you just wrote? Wow there are so many things wrong with that conspiracy theory it's hilarious. First off, being ECW champ doesn't signal more work time at all. Its the same schedule as always, the only time a schedule changes with the winning of a belt would be the WWE title because of publicity and events you need to attend to make the WWE look good (like Cena has been doing).

Second off, there are no signs at all of "roiding up the kid". He had needle marks from a growth hormone he had probably been taking since he was an infant because of the Fragile X syndrome he had (a mild form of ******ation).

Third, why again would Benoit murder Nancy? Obviously he'd be able to over power her, and if your theory of Nancy plotting to kill her own son and then Benoit makes any sense(which it doesn't) wouldn't Benoit just leave with his son once he overpowered her? Why would he tie her up and strangle her to death?

Fourth, there isn't a shred of evidence supporting your idea that Nancy dosed up her son with steroids so much so that he would OD. And if he did OD, the autopsy would've shown that wouldn't it? And it didn't. The autopsy showed Nancy died of strangulation, Daniel of suffocation.

Finally, your idea that a domestic violence incident is charged to the couple is total bullshit. Nancy filed the charge against Benoit because Benoit was trying to beat her up. Domestic violence incidents aren't charged to "couples" and I have no idea where you got that idea from.

Seriously, I've heard some crazy fuckin' ideas, but that might just take the cake. Theres more evidence that Santa Claus did it then your idea.
I have several questions in regards to the text message, oh and also one about Chavo's tribute.
1. Why did Chris Benoit send a separate text from his wife's cell phone after sending several messages from his phone?
2. Why did he keep sending the same messages over and over letting them know his physical address? I mean, that text message just seemed so computerized.. but then again, I guess it depends on whom he was texting.
3. Have the police proven without a doubt the dates of the murders?
Somewhere I read it started Friday, somewhere else I read Saturday.

And as for Chavo's words during the tribute, does anyone remember what he said? I was trying to figure out when he was telling the story was he speaking about this past weekend when the murders occured or the week before that?
This situations is beyond screwed up. Being a wrestling fan from Canada, and Benoit, a man I held in such high regard for many years....being a murderer???

I can't stomach this at all. It doesen't make sense to me...I just don't get it. I don't think I ever will personally.
roflmao man that has to be the funniest shit I've ever read, ever. Did you even think about what you just wrote? Wow there are so many things wrong with that conspiracy theory it's hilarious. First off, being ECW champ doesn't signal more work time at all. Its the same schedule as always, the only time a schedule changes with the winning of a belt would be the WWE title because of publicity and events you need to attend to make the WWE look good (like Cena has been doing).

Second off, there are no signs at all of "roiding up the kid". He had needle marks from a growth hormone he had probably been taking since he was an infant because of the Fragile X syndrome he had (a mild form of ******ation).

Third, why again would Benoit murder Nancy? Obviously he'd be able to over power her, and if your theory of Nancy plotting to kill her own son and then Benoit makes any sense(which it doesn't) wouldn't Benoit just leave with his son once he overpowered her? Why would he tie her up and strangle her to death?

Fourth, there isn't a shred of evidence supporting your idea that Nancy dosed up her son with steroids so much so that he would OD. And if he did OD, the autopsy would've shown that wouldn't it? And it didn't. The autopsy showed Nancy died of strangulation, Daniel of suffocation.

Finally, your idea that a domestic violence incident is charged to the couple is total bullshit. Nancy filed the charge against Benoit because Benoit was trying to beat her up. Domestic violence incidents aren't charged to "couples" and I have no idea where you got that idea from.

Seriously, I've heard some crazy fuckin' ideas, but that might just take the cake. Theres more evidence that Santa Claus did it then your idea.

Yeah especially that line about him getting the belt and more work and less family time. His wife had been around the business for just about all of her adult life. Hell,she was basically managing his career. So I don't think that was a problem.
Unless you've forgotten how to read, the top part was quoted from someone else, and I stated some of it could have made sense. Don't be so close-minded anyhow.

Personally I think he did it, but why be a close-minded asshole about it? I brought it up for discussion, I didn't say that is what happened. It was an "idea", get off your fucking horse.
It was the dogs. I'm sure of it. They were pissed off from being fed the cheap pet food, beat the shit out of Nancy and Chris' son, got her to call the police. Chris came rushing home but was beaten unconscious. He awoke to discover the dogs had killed his wife and son and hanged himself. Then the dogs attempt to keep the police out. Makes perfect sense, no?

Look, the most likely theory is nearly always the correct one. The most likely suspect is almost always the culprit. Now will you stop coming up with absurd theories of stuff like, "OK look, it's obviosu to anyoen with half a brain that Chris was hypnotised by the phone company..."!?
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I have several questions in regards to the text message, oh and also one about Chavo's tribute.
1. Why did Chris Benoit send a separate text from his wife's cell phone after sending several messages from his phone?
2. Why did he keep sending the same messages over and over letting them know his physical address? I mean, that text message just seemed so computerized.. but then again, I guess it depends on whom he was texting.
3. Have the police proven without a doubt the dates of the murders?
Somewhere I read it started Friday, somewhere else I read Saturday.

And as for Chavo's words during the tribute, does anyone remember what he said? I was trying to figure out when he was telling the story was he speaking about this past weekend when the murders occured or the week before that?

1: I don't know

2: That right there should have sent up some alarm bells.

3: Probably,the medical examiner can figure it out easy enough.

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