Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

I held this guy on a pedistal my the last 20 years he was in the business. It took me til last night to finally come to grips that it wasn't some crazy mistake. I cant even make a conspericy therory about it. It just looks like she pushed him over the edge.
TBH we will never find out what really happened whether it was marital problems or mental health problems, the only person who knows what happened was Chris Benoit and he took those secrets with him. My son was a massive fan of his, so on sunday when we go to church he has asked(and of course he can) if he can light three candles for the Benoit family, cos and these are his words, God can take care of them now.
From accessNortGeorgia.com

Benoit's doctor said he met with the wrestler day of the killings

The Associated Press - ATLANTA

Professional wrestler Chris Benoit met with his personal physician hours before he allegedly killed his wife and son and then hanged himself in his basement, the doctor said Wednesday.

"He was in my office on Friday to stop by just to see my staff," said Dr. Phil Astin of metro Atlanta. "He certainly didn't show any signs of any distress or rage or anything."

Authorities say Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley over the weekend. No motive was offered for the killings, which were spread out over the weekend and discovered Monday.

Astin, who said he was Benoit's longtime friend and physician, said he had prescribed testosterone to Benoit because he suffered from low amounts of the hormone. He said the condition likely originated from previous steroid use. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed the day of the meeting.

"I'm still very surprised and shocked, especially with his child Daniel involved," said Astin. "He worshipped his child."

the rest of the note HERE

doesnt matter now i think, it's nothing for a surprising turn of events...so be cool about this...
This whole thing is a shit storm that won't stop until everything is in. Everytime i see the Malenko and Chavo video i almost break down because how hard it must be for them with everything that happened with Eddie to go through this EVEN WITHOUT the apparent evidence. I've gone through horrible things in my life so i do not wish this upon anyone, none the less twice.
it sucks that this is happening to these guys again but now days its almost exspected for them to die young shit did you see the list of the wrestlers who died befor the age of 65. i cant even watch the interviews cuz of how it makes me feel but longevity is not in a wrestlers nature
Ok the first question is just stupid...maybe his battery went out...for christ sakes

for real guys think about the text message...i mean...wudnt even vince mcmahon know where he lives??...and he sents a message to chavo saying where he lives...to chavo?...CHAVO GUERRERO?....they were like brothers man...and chavo shudnt know where chris lived???...i donno something doesnt add up here

Unless you consider hanging around in your home with the bodies of your wife and son, and then hanging yourself well and normal, then you've got to realize that not a lot of what Chris Benoit did this past weekend "adds up." He must have been in a state of mind that I don't think any of us can understand, so looking for logic in all of this like it's an Encyclopedia Brown mystery is silly.
as for the text messages he probably wanted someone to check in on them so he kept saying where he was so someone would finally come
i truly believe this had alot to do with how the two were going to treat there son together. they both collided on what to do and he lost it. she pushed too hard and he snapped and he killed his son for the sake of him not loosing both his parents and having to live with people who didnt know how to treat him. its fucked up none the less and should have never happened but it did
and then of course once he was under the effects of the drugs. Whoever the real killer is strangled both mother and son, and then continued to pick up Chris Benoit's unconscious "dead weight" body and hung him up in his weight equipment. Then sent 9 text messages to Benoit's co-workers. ALL the time not leaving any DNA or print of any kind, in their wake. Not forgetting of course leaving the premises without the dogs barking wildly and remaining unseen.

Dude, would you not say to complete and act this out successfully without error. Would be absolutely incredulous?

Let it go, truth is always stranger than fiction.

Yes, i'm saying that is entirely possible. If i was going to murder someone (not that i would, but y'know) I would make sure my plan was elaborate and complicated, because my life would be on the line.
Also, no DNA tests have been done or will be done because the police claim they have already solved the case.
It takes weeks and thousands of dollars to get DNA tests done, there will be no DNA tests done in this case unfortunatly
You're grasping at straws there mate. This case is all but over. Police often don't get the right guy? Not exactly true, sure, it does happen many times, but not in a case like this. This is a pretty cut and dry case, obviously when they cased the house they collected DNA or fingerprints on the bodies and what not. Besides why would someone want to frame Benoit like this? And framings hardly ever work anyways. I'm just saying man, you might want to come to terms with the facts that the people who make their living out of investigating all possibilities of a case are concluding that Benoit did it.

The U.N has called the amount of people wrongfully convicted in the United States an epidemic, so i wouldn't trust a word the police say.
And you wouldn't know how often framings work, the good ones you won't ever find out about.
Also, no DNA tests have been done. They had 24 hours in the house before they concluded they knew exactly what happened, thats not enough time to collect do DNA tests! you need weeks for that.

I just don't think anyone would have the balls to try and set Chris up. Think of how many chances someone would have to be caught, your telling me someone was able to drug Chris or force him to cooperate, send text messages out, make phone calls. Bind his Wife to a chair, strangle her. Then Suffocate the child, leave bibles laying around, then hang a 234 lb muscular man. All while not leaving behind any DNA to be traced. I guess it's possible but highly unlikely, if Chris Benoit was the man his friends thought he was i think he would of died by the bullet, or some other way than being hanged by someone, clearly there was no struggle. Also leaving bibles near Nancy and Daniel's bodies does not sound like the work of a criminal trying to pull off a perfect crime. Neither does the text messages concerning the dogs. You would think they would try and pull the crime off as quickly as possible not take their time and do it over a series of days. This simply was a weekend of terror orchestrated by Chris Benoit and all the evidence confirms it.

Where is everyone getting this that DNA tests have been done? they haven't been done, and they won't ever be done
There are loads of stuff that not adding up.

The texts dont add up why would you send your address if the wwe will have it in there books.

Steroids would you still take them even know your best pal died from it.

Tieing up the body did he thought of moving the body or keep the body there then just change the plan.

And if you freeze the bodys they will give you a diffent time.so they could have all been kill on friday give killer time to plan it out.plus if benoit sound goggy could have been sum1 eles.

But im no cop and i was not there to see what happen only just news reports.
Its does look like he had one madness moment kill them.just putting a diffent view out there
The U.N has called the amount of people wrongfully convicted in the United States an epidemic, so i wouldn't trust a word the police say.
And you wouldn't know how often framings work, the good ones you won't ever find out about.
Also, no DNA tests have been done. They had 24 hours in the house before they concluded they knew exactly what happened, thats not enough time to collect do DNA tests! you need weeks for that.


Well,tell us Matlock,who else could have done it? The wife? It's already been determined that she died first.A break in? Yeah,someone is gonna break into the home and kill the wife. Then they're gonna come back the next day and kill the son. Then they're gonna come back later and kill Benoit? Get real,chief. Oh I know it was the leprechauns under the porch. Better yet,OJ did it. Yeah,that's it.

Seriously,you're worse than JFK conspiracy theorists. No matter how many ways you try to spend this,none of them are gonna hold up. Just like with the JFK Assassination,the evidence is gonna lead back to one guy,and thats Chris Benoit.
I seriously think that an 8 year old could perfectly plot a a murder scene and get away with it, due to the lack of giving two fucks by the authorities on scene. Its seriously not that hard.


Strangely enough i believe that quote to be the most insightful post in this whole thread
Well the big shame in the whole situation is going to be the lack of a proper investigation. It looks like an open and shut case, there is no reason to look at another suspect, so it's going to get a half ass investigation regardless.

The big thing that is going to come out are the results of the toxicology reports. What happens if Benoit comes back clean? What then, there goes roid rage. The big thing is determining a motive, which is almost going to be impossible.

Believe me, I've had my fair share with the wonderful US legal system. I've had a family member get wrongfully convicted of something, so I don't trust these people. I used to, but not anymore.
Unfortunately...I don't think they will say any different. And I don't think there will be further investigation unless Benoit's body had some kind of shit to make him groggy and unable to fight back...it's like Kurt Cobain's case...he had so much heroin in him that he shouldn't have even been alive, let alone shoot himself...maybe this is a similar situation..

Edit: Why would he care about blood if he was trying to kill himself?

Bringing up Kurt Cobain is a good point, he DID have too much heroine in his system to be able to operate a shotgun. Police showed up, "oh this guy killed himself" and no further investigation by the police was ever done, even after the level of drugs found in his system was said to be ridiculously high
I think it was all planned out, an elaborate scheme that Chris felt he needed to carry out and he thought was right for him to do, I mean the bibles? That seems like a sign to me that he either thought he had god's support on this, or he was asking for forgiveness in some way for what he was going to do. Really if someone was setting him up how can you explain the texts and phone calls? What? was he held at gunpoint and didn't even try to stop the killer's plan? I have a hard time believing a muscular man like him with a good reputation that demanded respect would give no effort in stopping the killer and trying to protect himself and his family. Were there any signs of struggle when they found Chris' body? I think the texts about the dogs being outside and the back door being opened was just Chris letting them know your going to have to deal with the dogs when you get here and the doors open come on in, he wanted them to come to the house when it was all over. Sadly everything points to the killer being Chris Benoit. There isn't one piece of evidence that would suggest otherwise

Everyone says that Chris Benoit hated religion- not just wasn't religious, he HATE it, so why would there be bibles in the house? maybe somebody else brought them into the house. The bible thing doesn't make sense.
Yeah something ain't right with that picture.

Benoit called WWE Talent Relations stating that his son was throwing up and that he and Nancy were in the hospital with their son, and that Benoit would be taking a later flight into Houston, landing late, but would make the WWE live event in Beaumont.


Why would he bother calling WWE and making up a lie? and such a bad lie at that. Was he planning on trying to get away with it, and making it look like Nancy and Daniel died of natural causes? Or maybe was somebody else trying to get Benoit to bide some time so people wouldn't come looking at the Benoit house sooner, thus leaving less time to stage the murder scene.

Seriously, you just killed your wife and son, you are planning to kill yourself, and you think to yourself "oh shit, i should call work", doesn't make any sense.
That phone call makes the least sense of anything.
Ok we prove that somebody eles did it.

Is there a wrestling nut out there killing wrestlers.Could be a fail wrestler that has plan this or Someone been upset by wresetling it self

must have a very clever brain to do it or someone sick enough to do it
Well,tell us Matlock,who else could have done it? The wife? It's already been determined that she died first.A break in? Yeah,someone is gonna break into the home and kill the wife. Then they're gonna come back the next day and kill the son. Then they're gonna come back later and kill Benoit? Get real,chief. Oh I know it was the leprechauns under the porch. Better yet,OJ did it. Yeah,that's it.

Seriously,you're worse than JFK conspiracy theorists. No matter how many ways you try to spend this,none of them are gonna hold up. Just like with the JFK Assassination,the evidence is gonna lead back to one guy,and thats Chris Benoit.

Nancy could have been having an affair with someone and broke it off, or Benoit could have been, or it could have been a crazed fan of Benoit with the o'l "if i can't have you nobody will" scenario.

oh and btw- all the evidence in the JFK case leads to multiple shooters- but the police didn't go any further with that investigation either conviently enough.
someone got mad because benoit came back to ecw and was becoming the ecw world champion...and then he killed the benoit family...

for gods sake it cud be anything...anything cudve happened

benoit getting forced to say that to the wwe???...if he knew his family was already dead...then why wud he...everybody knows (even in Hard Knocks DVD he said it) he wud rather hurt himself than anybody else...and as far as i know it was all text messages so anyone cudve sent it

benoit killing his son with a wrestling choke hold???...i dont see him doing that...his son meant everything to him

but...when his son had some disease that he and his wife cudnt handle...than i think i wud see benoit as the murderer...anyone who has a family member who has a mental disorder knows how hard it is to live with him/her

but again...chris was never home i guess....maybe nancy had problems with daniel having a mental disorder and she killed him...called chris...he came home...saw his child that he loved so much dead in his bed....i mean i cant put myself into that situation but i think...its either call the police or u get so angry at ur wife for doing that that u kill her...then u kill urself...i donno..jus speculating here...but that makes sense to as of why nancy was tied up...maybe benoit wanted to torture becus of what she did....

lets not forget (speculating) that nancy called chris and told him to come him...as of now i wished benoit never wudve met nancy....she messed him up....as of i now id rather say R.I.P Chris and Daniel than to all three in my opinion

i spent some time reading about a half million possible secnerios and i have come up with one of my own....

the dungeon of doom just so happened to be in the atlanta area this past weekend......
i truly believe this had alot to do with how the two were going to treat there son together. they both collided on what to do and he lost it. she pushed too hard and he snapped and he killed his son for the sake of him not loosing both his parents and having to live with people who didnt know how to treat him. its fucked up none the less and should have never happened but it did

i was thinking it had something to do with him being unable to cope with his son's illness too...but still is extremely sick and unheard of.....if it was only due to steroids, every pro bodybuilder in the world would be committing sick murders
The fact of the matter is this. Often in life, we put those in the entertainment industry up on a pedistal and worship then and think that they are perfect and infalible. What we forget is that they are people just like me and you and that they are vulnerable to the same problems as anyone else.

Just because someone does crazy stunts and high spots and gives their all when they entertain does not mean that they do not need help as well and are not fighting their own inner demons. Often, then the weight of fame on their shoulder, the pain is even more intensified and unbarable. Something that may seem like a down day to you and me may be much more serious to someone in such a position. And while I can never truly understand or even pretend to understand why Chris Benoit did what he did. Nor would I even want that weighty resposibility. But what I do know is that he was a performer. And when he performed, he gave his body, soul, and all to each and every fan throughout the arena and even at home. For this, I will remember him fondly and that fondness will never waiver, no matter what the circumstances turn out to be.

But first and formost, I will remember him for one thing and one thing only. You can call him a monster. You can call him a legend. You can call him a freak. You can even call him a God. But what I will remmber him for is the fact that he was a human being. Nothing more. Nothing less. And as all human beings, he is not without his flaws. But he is still a human being. Period.

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