Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

Yeah people are thinking it might've been Benoit, I mean who else could it be?

Comments from Matt Hardy:
I haven't always agreed with every decision Vince McMahon has made, but I do agree with everything he's done dealing with this situation thus far. Out of respect for the sudden death of Benoit's family and his contributions to the business, I think Vince did the right thing by canceling the scheduled Raw. When the decision was made to make Raw a Chris Benoit tribute show, the WWE was only doing what seemed respectful and right at that time. When more information was discovered, the WWE took a different and appropriate stance towards their programming. The ECW and Smackdown shows this week were dedicated to our great fans. Wrestling fans who were grieving and confused over this tragedy needed us, including me, to entertain them. I feel it is my responsibility, as well as my pleasure, to put smiles on people's faces and give them an escape from reality. I know Vince feels that way as well. Chris Benoit was always kind, considerate, and professional when I interacted with him. Like everyone else, I was shocked when everything came out. I can't believe Chris Benoit and his wife and child are dead as I type this. As of now, all of the strange pieces of this puzzle haven't been put together yet. My thoughts and prayers go out to Benoit's other two children as well as the immediate family and friends of the deceased. More than anything, I feel terrible for little Daniel--he was as innocent as any human being could possibly be. This is a terrible and sad tragedy. I am very disappointed with how many media outlets are lapping the entire population of professional wrestlers into this situation. There are many outstanding, wonderful people that do so many great things for the world that I work and wrestle with. It's not fair or accurate. Tell the people you love that you love them, and never lose sight of what's really important in life. We may not ever understand why this tragedy happened, but we have to learn from it. Stay strong--life is too precious and too short. I have much more I want to say about the activities of the last few days. If it's appropriate, I definitely will. Be well my friends, I'll talk to you soon..

Victoria also wrote in a MySpace Bulletin about the topic...

Hey All. I had planned ..ing off talking about a recent trip to an arena football game, but I would be remiss not to address the Chris Benoit situation. Everyone who knew anything about wrestling knew of his in-ring contributions. I truly don't know what I can say and not get in trouble with the WWE. Anyone who reads my blogs regularly knows how much I love wrestling, and being part of the WWE. But I think what I have to say is more important. His son, Daniel, came to many shows. We bonded. He a was a cute little boy. What Chris did was selfish and hurtful. I fear that him being a superstar in some way glamorizes the situation. That's not what suicide is. It is selfish and hurtful. As long as you have a breath to breathe, you can make change to improve your life. You can talk to family, or friends, or clergy. And if you're not comfortable with any of them, here are two phone numbers for a Suicide and Crisis Hotline. 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) or 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). They take calls 24/7. You always have options. Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive Chris, but not today. God Bless Us All, Lisa Marie

I've really enjoyed all of the wrestlers comments, they've all been very respectful and loving and passionate. All except for Jillian Hall I'd say...she just came off sounding like a bitch.
I have a conspericy theory!!!! Kevin Sullivan has been linked to Sheri Martel. (how is unreported) Kevin Sullivan was Nancy Benoit ex-husband. Kevin had something to do with Sheri's death, then in a gelious rage due to the sucess and happiness of his ex wife went to the Benoits new home and held Nancy and Daniel hostage. Nancy is forced to call Chris home for a family emergency. Then ties nancy up. When Chris gets home he is drugged and Nancy is killed by Kevin. Kevin then realizes that he has to kill everyone....no witnesses. To make it look like a murder murder suicide he waits a day and kills daniel. When Chris gets some of his sences back sends out texts trying to tell people the address to his new home so someone will save them. Kevin then kills daniel and shortly later kills Chris. Just to make him look more guilty lies Bibles next to the bodies. someone else who is involved relesed the information to Wikipidia 14 hours before the bodies were found by the police.
Sorry if there are spelling errors. I am downloading the spell check right now.
Please explain again the magic bullet theory then. If you honestly believe only one man killed JFK, you sir are caught in an extreme web of denial. Explain all of the eye witnesses who saw shooters on the Grassy Knoll? Explain how Lee Harvey Oswald was able to fire perfectly 3 shots within 5 seconds time when he was described as being a terrible shot, and when not even ballistics and gun experts can pull off those shots(and they've tried it)? Explain these things and maybe I can take you seriously. All evidence points to the conclusion that more then one person shot JFK. If you'd like, I will lay out the entire case for you.

Stop with the magic bullet theory. If people saw someone on the grassy knoll,then how come nobody has ever been able to identify him? If all of these people saw him,then surely someone would be able to describe him to the authorities. People identified Oswald has the guy they say in the window. Yet nobody can identify the grassy knoll shooter? Come on now,you're smarter than that. There were people right on top of that thing and yet no one can identify him. No shell casings were ever found up there,no footprints,no nothing.

Has far has the magic bullet theory,it's not a theory. Everybody who has ever said that is bogus always puts John Connally has being directly in front of John Kennedy and sitting at the same level. That's not true. Connally was sitting in a jump seat inward of Kennedy,meaning he was sitting in front of him and a little to the left. Also that jump seat was 6 inches lower than Kennedy's seat.

And where are you getting Oswald was a terrible shot? You've been watching too much JFK. Oswald qualified has a marksman in the Marines,and while it isn't expert or marksman,it's a hell of a lot better than what a majority of us could do. They've had people from the Marines Corps come,take a look at the view he would have have and they have stated that with Oswald's training it would have been an easy shot. Especially since the target was moving slow(the limo was only going 11 mph) The FBI's ballistic expert agreed with that has well. And has far has you saying they've had ballistics experts who couldn't do it,they've had some who could do it. So I don't know why you threw that out there.

People have identified Oswald has the guy in the window with the gun. Yet,you want to give me the "oh the people on the grassy knoll" People who can't identify the person they saw. Come on man,get real. And you say you don't want to take me seriously. I've read enough JFK assassination books to know the whole grassy knoll shooter is a myth.
Which is my theory on Kevin Sullivan. Benoit was called home but who did Sullivan call to tell to report to Wikipidia?
Nobody has said Benoit was in Stamford,have they?

Yeah people are thinking it might've been Benoit, I mean who else could it be?

that was by xfearbefore

I guess I had taken that sentence out of context to the previous post.

As for Sullivan, its an idea, but its an idea at best. Benoit, Malenko and others practically screwed over Sullivan after signing with the WWF/E. But like I said, its just an idea at best.
Which is my theory on Kevin Sullivan. Benoit was called home but who did Sullivan call to tell to report to Wikipidia?

If Kevin Sullivan had called somebody to tell them that he killed Chris Benoit's wife,that person would have spilled the beans by now.
If Kevin Sullivan had called somebody to tell them that he killed Chris Benoit's wife,that person would have spilled the beans by now.

True. But if someone reported in Conneticut and Benoit was in atlanta then there was someone else involved. Am I wrong?
Fox News is reporting that Chris Benoit's profile entry on the Wikipedia website was changed to note that he missed the WWE Vengeance pay-per-view, "due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy" 14 hours before the Benoit family was found dead.

The edit was made a minute past midnight Eastern Time. It was an anonymous edit from the IP address using the Internet service provider Optimum Online. The IP was traced to a (so far) anonymous user originating in Stamford, CT, which of course is the headquarters of World Wrestling Entertainment. Then just one hour later after the first edit reversion, another anonymous edit by using unwiredAustralia.com.au, a wireless Internet service provider, was made adding about the aforementioned personal issues: "which according to several pro wrestling websites is attributed to the passing of Benoit's wife, Nancy." That edit was reverted just under 20 minutes later, with the comment: "Saying 'several pro wrestling websites' is still not reliable information." Further investigation shows that the IP address used to make the first edit is located in Connecticut, but the IP address is not linked to any computers or servers used by the WWE. The second edit was made by a computer in Australia from a wireless network.

You can see the Wikipedia edit in question at en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chris_Benoit&diff=140442953&oldid=140425583. If you have a Wikipedia account set to EST, it says "Revision as of 00:01, 25 June 2007".

WikiNews.org also has more on this story.

This case gets weirder and weirder. So the Wikipedia page was updated 14 hours before the body was found?? The IP addresses go back to Stamford Connecticut and Australia. This fucking thing is getting weirder and weirder by the second.

Anyone have any ideas to explain this, because I'm at a loss?
If it was not Benoit who edited wikipedia.. then they better start a full-scale criminal investigation. Because who else would know that kind of information?
This case gets weirder and weirder. So the Wikipedia page was updated 14 hours before the body was found?? The IP addresses go back to Stamford Connecticut and Australia. This fucking thing is getting weirder and weirder by the second.

Anyone have any ideas to explain this, because I'm at a loss?

Personally,I think it was some computer geek who heard that Benoit wasn't gonna be at the show,and just speculated that the wife was dead. And unfortunately turned out to be right. But that's just me.

And before somebody says that someone in the WWE Offices knew what was going on,it has already been reported that none of the IP Addresses that this came from match up with any computers used in the WWE Offices.
Please explain again the magic bullet theory then. If you honestly believe only one man killed JFK, you sir are caught in an extreme web of denial. Explain all of the eye witnesses who saw shooters on the Grassy Knoll? Explain how Lee Harvey Oswald was able to fire perfectly 3 shots within 5 seconds time when he was described as being a terrible shot, and when not even ballistics and gun experts can pull off those shots(and they've tried it)? Explain these things and maybe I can take you seriously. All evidence points to the conclusion that more then one person shot JFK. If you'd like, I will lay out the entire case for you.

There is no such thing as a magic bullet like in the JFK case, however with me being around cases I have seen where a bullet has entered through the forearm of a person, came out the other side and enter through the right rib cage and ricochet off his breatbone, off his spinal and landed in his hip, no joke. It was a .22 that did this. But the JFk bit is a whole another ball game and we didn't have the evidence, DNA material like we do now back then. Oswald IMO was part of the plan, but I do believe the CIA was the main orchestra behind the entire ordeal, but we will more likely never know until perhaps they actually do their 75 year release form if anyone knows what I am talking about. After 75 years of a case that FBI and CIA is suppose to release in the archives all information and leads into a case, but I doubt they will for this one. It will be a huge thing 2038.
Maybe Benoit did not do this after all, but I am not getting my hopes up and neither of you on these forums should either. My guess is that it was a fucking HUGE coincidence where a fan read on a site that Benoit headed home due to an emergency and missed out on the weekend house shows and Vengeance PPV. The fan then made his/her own accusation that Benoit's wife Nancy had died and put it on Wikipedia either for a sick laugh or to see if they were right about the emergency all along. I don't know, this is all fucked up to me.
well is it a coincidence that the ip address jst happened to come from stamford? i think theres a bigger picture here!
Once Fox news Reported the Wikipedia fact and then made me relize that Kevin Sullivan was linked to Sheri Martel and then the Ex husband of Nancy just seems to coincidental. Whether Kevin did it or not He should be in a holding cell under investigation or questioned.
and if it is just a huge coincidence that two IP adresses - one from stamford and one australia then maybe we need to find these geeks - maybe he can guess the lottery numbers for me. or maybe he's lyk an oracle!
Once Fox news Reported the Wikipedia fact and then made me relize that Kevin Sullivan was linked to Sheri Martel and then the Ex husband of Nancy just seems to coincidental. Whether Kevin did it or not He should be in a holding cell under investigation or questioned.

What the hell are they gonna hold him for? Some of you guys are just reaching,now and it's pitiful.
If it was not Benoit who edited wikipedia.. then they better start a full-scale criminal investigation. Because who else would know that kind of information?

Ok what did I miss? What is up with this IP address bit, wilipedia? Someone fill me in, I haven't been included with the updates since 9pm yesterday.
Maybe Benoit did not do this after all, but I am not getting my hopes up and neither of you on these forums should either. My guess is that it was a fucking HUGE coincidence where a fan read on a site that Benoit headed home due to an emergency and missed out on the weekend house shows and Vengeance PPV. The fan then made his/her own accusation that Benoit's wife Nancy had died and put it on Wikipedia either for a sick laugh or to see if they were right about the emergency all along. I don't know, this is all fucked up to me.

That's what I think it is. Especially since this same person has edited stuff on other WWE wrestlers on wikipedia in the past has well has Ron Artest. I think it was somebody who made an assumption,which unfortunately,turned out to be right.
As much as we'd all love to believe Chris wasn't responsible, we need to remember that he did make strange phone calls to friends on Saturday, saying his family was sick, after Nancy was already dead. That alone kills the possibility of there being an intruder that was somehow keeping the entire family seperate and killing them one at a time. Surely Benoit would have either called 911 or asked for help, rather than simply call off a house show with a bogus "family emergency" excuse.

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