Sounds as if the Rock would come back if it benefits him

The Rock would only come back if it benefits him? Of course? Why would he come back into anything that might be a detriment to him? No matter how big wrestling is/was/will be, it's always looked down upon in entertainment (and mainstream) circles.

And let's please get out of the "he owes the fans" and "he forgot who got him where he is" mindsets. He had one career which launched another one. Accept it. I'm sure he's grateful, but he doesn't owe anyone anything. I'm also sure he he remembers where he came from and how he got successful.

Now if he does come back I'm certain that it's got to be as a face. And if he does have a match I'm going to say that it's 90% that he's got to win. I'm also sure it will be for a very short return - probably just to host a RAW. I doubt he'll work a program with anyone. If he does have a match it will probably be against someone like Miz or Punk (coming over from Smackdown) or some other IC level talent that will go something like this: 1) Rock hosts 2) wrestler bad mouths Rock 3) Rock cuts awesome promo on/with said wrestler and tell them if they are so sure of themselves they'll face him...tonight 4) Rock and wrestler with have match with either Rock winning, or Rock almost losing/attacked by other wrestlers but gets a save from someone (probably Cena) and they celebrate in the ring 5) Rock is again done with WWE.

That's how I see it doing down.

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