Sounds as if the Rock would come back if it benefits him


Occasional Pre-Show
As found on today January 25th 2010 @ 03:30 PM CST USA.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson appeared on Live Audio Wrestling last night, and the following are excerpts from the interview:

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open. There's so much stuff we can do. We're going to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doing another movie, but after that, we're going to create something special, unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon), whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so I wouldn't rule out going back. If the match was right and we could create something really unique and cool for the fans and for my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldberg to Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If it can be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I do back is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed. I came from a time in the Attitude era where we trail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

"There are a lot of restrictions now on the product, which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see and I know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if in fact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitude time that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infuse things to make it work."

Now before anyone goes and jumps off the lip at me, I got this bit of information from Wrestlezone so I think that it has to be legit.

To think that the Rock would grace us with his presence is an honor..........but only if it benefits him. So what does that mean you ask?

In essence this, NO Rock vs. John Cena at WM26/ NO Rock vs. CM Punk, NO Rock vs. MVP, NO Rock vs. Jack Swagger, NO Rock vs. Big Zeke

Now why does this guy on this thread put THE GREAT ONE against these pieces of trailer park trash?


The Rock going against all but Cena would give them all the rub they need to get over officially as the future of the WWE. While I would LOVE to see Rock beat Cena 1,2,3. It does not need to happen. It's like putting Cena, Triple H, Orton, Batista, and Jericho in a world title match against another one of these guys I have mentioned. It's just crap, we've seen it, it's not new, it's not fresh, and quiet frankly it blows.

Now as for The Rock coming back anytime soon, kinda sounds to me like Rocky wouldn't come back anytime soon cause well honestly......the writing sucks as much as the Orton/Triple H/Cena main events do!

So as much as I miss the Rock looks like we won't be seeing him anytime soon.......shame too cause the Rock would really liven up the WWE right now. So now it's in your hands as to what you think.......feel free to respond to the following questions.

What do you think about the Rock not returning this year?

Do you think it will happen?

Do you see the Rock holding out until all his specifications are met before he returns?

Who would you like to see Rock put over and why?(can be more than one feud)

If the Rock only feuds with ONE person who an why?
You beat me to the punch brotha!!!! Now i really do think unless all else fails he will be back this summer. If not against Cena then I would love to see Him give a Rub to Miz. That would truelly be "Awesome". I mean think about it, Miz is gaining support wether anyone agrees or not its true, and by the time he does make an appearance, it could be a true challenge to put them in the ring together to cut a promo. That would be good TV, even in this PG era. The Miz has both the tools and the talent to make this work for him and the Rock could literally just stand there and not say a word "even though we know he will" and it would benefit him.

Another thing i there really isnt anyone in the locker room that can truelly benefit from the Rock other than the Miz. No one but Jericho can cut a promo like this kid today, and they wont bring Rocky back for Jericho to face. Its not necessary, He doesnt need the Rub.

I really do think Vince will convince the Rock to come back either way, He is Vince. Hell the man convinced Bret to come back for a short stint. If that can happen then anything can happen.
I get what you're saying about the Miz, hell he's kinda my sick perversion. I can't stand him but man he's awesome!

But I am sure that Bret is easier to come back than Rock. I mean to me personally it seems as if Dwayne forgot just who exactly made him famous. If it weren't for us wrestling fans buying The Rundown, Walking Tall, and DOOM. He'd have never made it. Hell I even liked The Gameplan, and Tooth Fairy. Now I'd love to see him come back, I just think it's going to be like pulling teeth to get him to come back and Vince will have to do a lot in order to get it done.
If we're talking one person, it has to be a main eventer. This is the list of current main eventers WWE has right now:

John Cena
Triple H
Rey Mysterio
Big Show
Randy Orton
Chris Jericho

Now most of these guys Rock has already faced in the past save for John Cena, Rey Mysterio, I believe Edge, and Randy Orton. Rock has already stated he's not interested in facing John Cena, so my dream match is out. I also don't think that Mysterio and Rock could put together one of those match for the ages. Same with Edge.

So that leaves Randy Orton.

In my opinion, a Rock/Orton match would be great. Orton is one of the current main eventers that got pushed to the moon just after Rock officially left in 2004. Since then Orton's credibility has gone way up. He's won numerous World Titles and his credibility alone could make him seem worthy of being the Rock's comeback opponent.

Although he's past his Legend Killer gimmick, he could just as easily reference it and say that The Rock's legend is the one that he still hasn't killed. Over weeks and weeks, Orton challenges Rock to a match at Summerslam. Cue Rock's entrance music.

As far as guys I'd like to see The Rock put over, I'd like to see him put over The Miz. The Miz has a crapload of charisma which is reflected by his mic work, and to see the greatest mic worker support The Miz could definitely boost his credibility.
Seeing as WWE are doing this bring back old storyline things I would enjoy seeing Triple H have a heel turn and fight The Rock on his return whether that is his heel turn or if he attacks HBK for losing the titles and that allows HBK some time off. Triple H Vs The Rock would bring so much money with a Summerslam headline as they already had Hogan Vs HBK. I think that Cena Vs The Rock is the wrong way to go because Cena is such a market seller unless they were able to do something massive like Hogan did with the NWO.
I wouldn't mind seeing the rock come back, but it doesn't seem like his heart is really into it. I don't think the Rock we remember and love would be the same in todays PG product but I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one. That and lets face it, unless it's the heel corporate/hollywood Rock, it won't be anything to remember. However, I think quite a few people would pay to see a iron man match between Rock and Cena so Rock can check Cena into smackdown hotel and lay the smack down on his candy ass while Cole and JR scream Rock Bottom!! Rock Bottom!! and vintage Rock all night.
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels with HBK as a heel is the way to go. Rock vs Cena is huge, but I dont want or think most want Rock to lose, that's stupid. He lost his last match at WM20, no need to do that again, it should be a win. You can put someone over without losing. Undertaker does it. Bret Hart did it with Austin.

Anyway I think those two would be better on the mic together, that's an amazing feud we missed out on and they owe it to us to see that over Rock vs Cena

but Vince wants Rock vs Cena and I can tell that's more likely by things they do with Cena, the way he's being used makes it obvious as well as things that have been said over the past 3 years really makes it obvious those two will wrestle and there was never a doubt in my mind, but ppl would always laugh it off when I said Rock wasnt done yet.

He's still young, he's not done, there will be a final match. Imo there are only two logical choices and those are the two ppl he hasnt feuded with that would be the two best ways to go, Rock vs HBK or Rock vs Cena

I know some ppl may say Rock vs Randy, 3rd gen vs 3rd gen, and I know this is a different Randy now, would be good, but Rock technically feuded with him back in 04 so no because we've seen it and he said this'll be fresh.

Cena should switch back to the 2003 version for facing off with The Rock

But Rock could do something real special, and I really dont get why Vince doesnt do this, just put The Rock in a WWE Film, it'll be the best since See No Evil AND he can keep Rocky for a while cause he can create a schedule where Rock can do the movie and wrestle a light schedule and have him from January through August that way he can work a program to WrestleMania with HBK, work one with Cena leading to Summer Slam and then leave in the Fall or Winter when the movie comes out, maybe even stay until The Slammys as his last appearance that year, but they could keep him for a year that way
I read were Dwayne Johnson said he wants to recreate how the Attitude Era was in the WWF. I wanna see how he is gonnna do that, I mean retro RAW could be awesome for awhile if done right. Maybe for months like they doing now with the guest host thing, have everyweek on RAW be like Monday Night Raw from the Attitude Era.
It seems like wrestlers always end up coming back in the end. Would love to see him take on HBK but I'd be fine with Rock vs Cena too. He definitely should wrestle one more match though because he never really did get a good chance to say farewell and while his final match was good, The Rock deserves a little bigger than that.
Funny because when I read his interview he has no interest in facing Cena. That is just too funny because Cena, has been dying to challenge the Rock.

There isn't a big attraction guy like Brock Lesnar for Rocky, to come back and give the rub too. Kofi, Sheamus, Drew, Miz, Swagger, none of those guys are even in his league.

It also seems like The Rock was downplaying this era, talking about how the Attitude Era was "trailblazing".

Randy Orton like another poster said seems to be the guy that could end up facing Rocky, also Edge comes to mind. Unless WWE builds a new and exciting talent, Rocky may just end up hosting RAW and nothing else.
The Rock seemed pretty intelligent on the whole matter. He knows that he worked in a different time and he's still not sure how he'd mesh in the new WWE. Rock was great on the mic because he wasn't as scripted then. There are a lot of guys now that could be great if McMahon got off of his power trip. It also looks to me like he doesn't see Cena as the star the WWE portrays him as.

I have to say I respect The Rock a lot more than Stone Cold in every aspect. He seems intelligent, knows how to make a comeback, he doesn't have just one overused schtick, and he seems like a genuinely good guy.
the rock will return later this year in my opinion if very unsure, if you compare the talent which is currently around to the wrestlers in the attitude era including mic control, its hard to see if the rocks status will help any wrestlers reputation if they don't continue to work on that for the later years to come. theres been a few top wrestlers that have put over upcoming wrestlers that see, to die off before anything major happen, so i personally think on that perspective, the rock will only return for money. theres nothing he can do for most of the roster if they aren't building their own status enough to make it look believable to match the rock.

even though some of the wrestlers arent currently in the wwe i would of love to see a feud with..

mr anderson (mr andersons style can work with the rock style plus hes got ariel abilities)
randy ortan (wasnt a proper feud before hand so i dont think it counts for enough mic time)
triple h (one last match clause to see who reigned in the attitude era or something like that)
john cena (the rock should win or it would defiently put off a lot of fans, but im pretty sure the promo would be good - it would be a attitude vs pg era)
sheamus (if he shows more of improvement with the mic and gets more of a push, that would be defiently something to watch)

if the rock had to feud with person only, i would love to see randy ortan vs the rock and put randy ortan over. it might be me, but i rarely see ortan win cleanly, i dont think hes feared enough to be seen a dangerous competitor to stand on levels next to past heavyweight champions regardless if hes held the title more than once.
Well I would deffintly be excited to see a one time return to the ring. Its awesome because rock has said he would want to but he is realistic saying it would be very different since its this pg era now days. Rock while not as much as stone cold,was very un pg in his promos. The jokes he made was more for mature audiences so while they could make it work it would still be very different.

As for the person he should face I would say Orton hands down. There is so much to play off of. Like people have mentioned the thing with Legend Killer and how he got a huge push after rock left but also no one has seemed to mention that Rock and Orton are the only big 3rd Generation stars. Both have it billed many times about them that they are from 2 former generations of wrestling. Most these other guys comming up are only 2nd Generation. But there are some other 3rd Generations of course. Just saying that Rock and Orton were the orignal 3rd generation stars. Ortons promos on all of these things could be fantastic.

I could see it happening where Rock is the guest host and they have orton and him in the ring talking and its heated and gets more and more till Orton does what he did to vince with the whole slap then punt kick. Then Orton brags the next week only to find out Rock is back and he is now facing him at wrestlemania. Then have the fued just build and build from there.
Well I would deffintly be excited to see a one time return to the ring. Its awesome because rock has said he would want to but he is realistic saying it would be very different since its this pg era now days. Rock while not as much as stone cold,was very un pg in his promos. The jokes he made was more for mature audiences so while they could make it work it would still be very different.

As for the person he should face I would say Orton hands down. There is so much to play off of. Like people have mentioned the thing with Legend Killer and how he got a huge push after rock left but also no one has seemed to mention that Rock and Orton are the only big 3rd Generation stars. Both have it billed many times about them that they are from 2 former generations of wrestling. Most these other guys comming up are only 2nd Generation. But there are some other 3rd Generations of course. Just saying that Rock and Orton were the orignal 3rd generation stars. Ortons promos on all of these things could be fantastic.

I could see it happening where Rock is the guest host and they have orton and him in the ring talking and its heated and gets more and more till Orton does what he did to vince with the whole slap then punt kick. Then Orton brags the next week only to find out Rock is back and he is now facing him at wrestlemania. Then have the fued just build and build from there.

I mentioned they were 3rd gen, and they even brought that up in a promo when Rock said his daddy whooped Orton's dad's ass as well as his grandfather beating Randy's

but really Randy had his Legend Killer gimmick back when he first had a small feud with The Rock, and though it was small, we've seen it. It'd be different now with Orton as The Viper. Rock/Foley vs Evolution

Basically why would he come back to face Batista or Orton when he has already. It should be someone new & fresh and the only two big stars he hasnt yet had a feud with are Shawn Michaels & John Cena.

no disrespect to your choice, it wouldnt be bad to see a 1 on 1 feud, but I'm pretty sure it'd be better off with HBK or Cena being that it would be completely new & never before done
The whole thing seems a little fishy to me. It's apparent to me that both TNA and WWE have real life internal wars occurring right now.

TNA built itself to this point on being more about wrestling. Their fan base craves the in-ring action and despises the out of ring antics that wrestling has become. Hogan/Bischoff come in and start to take the attention off the wrestling. New fans have come in, but they have been brought in while offending the original fan base. You can see this playing out on screen with the Jarrett/Foley (representing old TNA) vs Hogan/Bischoff (representing new TNA) storyline.

The same can be said in WWE. The company was revived a decade ago when it turned to the Attitude era. For much of the 2000's, the company pushed the envelope ... and then, over time, the company switched to a kid friendly format that has been headlined by John Cena.

Now, we've read reports that suggest the VKM wants The Rock vs. Cena. We've heard interviews where Cena has said that he wants to wrestle The Rock. Does anyone see it as a slap to the face to VKM, John Cena and the WWE in general that The Rock comes out and says he wouldn't want to wrestle Cena ... and he backs it up by calling out the current state of affairs in WWE?

I smell a work. There's just no way The Rock would talk about a possible return angle and then - in the same breath - insult the current product and its headliner!

I see The Rock returning for an Attitude vs. PG angle against Cena. That would be the "something special" The Rock continually mentions.

The Rock doesn't need to win the match. What would be great is if he brings out The Attitude Era version of John Cena. That would put everyone over, especially Cena in the eyes of many.
As found on today January 25th 2010 @ 03:30 PM CST USA.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson appeared on Live Audio Wrestling last night, and the following are excerpts from the interview:

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open. There's so much stuff we can do. We're going to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doing another movie, but after that, we're going to create something special, unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon), whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so I wouldn't rule out going back. If the match was right and we could create something really unique and cool for the fans and for my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldberg to Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If it can be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I do back is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed. I came from a time in the Attitude era where we trail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

"There are a lot of restrictions now on the product, which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see and I know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if in fact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitude time that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infuse things to make it work."

None of this sounds wrong to me at all.

Now before anyone goes and jumps off the lip at me, I got this bit of information from Wrestlezone so I think that it has to be legit.

To think that the Rock would grace us with his presence is an honor..........but only if it benefits him. So what does that mean you ask?

It means that he's retired, and frankly, we're asking him to come back, he's not asking us to take him back, so yeah, he would be gracing us with his presence.

In essence this, NO Rock vs. John Cena at WM26[/quote]

The guys have legit heat. TNA would take advantage of that. WWE would make them a tag team and have a fake doctor declare them brothers.
NO Rock vs. CM Punk,

Who would want to see shit like that? CM Punk would probably botch something and hurt Dwayne. CM Punk is nowhere near a big enough star, and has nowhere near enough potential to bother The Rock. Are you kidding me?

NO Rock vs. MVP,

Why would The Rock come back to battle a midcarder who is always going to be a midcarder? This would be akin to asking Harley Race to come onto SNME to event to put Koko B. Ware over.
NO Rock vs. Jack Swagger,

Well, at least you've got one of the people that would actually be realistic for The Rock to face now. Swagger could benefit from The Rock's rub. The other guys you have mentioned would suck the life out of The Rock. I'm sure that even The Rock wouldn't be over after a feud with CM Suck.
NO Rock vs. Big Zeke

I don't Zeke could hold it up on his end.
Now why does this guy on this thread put THE GREAT ONE against these pieces of trailer park trash?

Because he doesn't understand wrestling and is nothing but a fan boy for internet sensations?


The Rock going against all but Cena would give them all the rub they need to get over officially as the future of the WWE. While I would LOVE to see Rock beat Cena 1,2,3. It does not need to happen. It's like putting Cena, Triple H, Orton, Batista, and Jericho in a world title match against another one of these guys I have mentioned. It's just crap, we've seen it, it's not new, it's not fresh, and quiet frankly it blows.

Then stop aborting pushes when guys get over, like Morrison and Kofi. These guys can carry their end of the bargain, yet, for some reason, they get jobbed out in the end. Morrison has multiple victories over a world champion, yet Royal Rumble, the proving ground for future main eventers, gets The Undertaker against fucking Rey Mysterio? Rey Mysterio is the single least deserving main eventer ever. He is a lame champion, and "the chase" just doesn't interest me either. With the Rumble being the main event, it would have been the perfect time to put Morrison in the main event. Instead of pining for The Rock, who frankly is to big to come back to WWE, why not worry about what is on the show? You keep wanting to put The Rock into feuds to give us something new. How about not letting guys cool off before giving them a shot. Warrior went from a curtain jerker to World Champion in one straight shot because nothing was done to cool him off. He got pushed, got over, got pushed higher, got mover over, and won. Kofi and Morrison got a push, got over, got jobbed out. That's fucking stupid, and not event The Rock could do a God damned thing about that.

Now as for The Rock coming back anytime soon, kinda sounds to me like Rocky wouldn't come back anytime soon cause well honestly......the writing sucks as much as the Orton/Triple H/Cena main events do!

You're bitching about Orton, Cena, and HHH, yet you want Big Zeke to main event vs. The Rock? Do you watch wrestling?
So as much as I miss the Rock looks like we won't be seeing him anytime soon.......shame too cause the Rock would really liven up the WWE right now. So now it's in your hands as to what you think.......feel free to respond to the following questions.

Of course he's not coming back. It would serve him better to come to TNA anyway, where there's actual stories. The WWE's common feud starts because someone won a number one contender's match. There are too many fucking titles, and the result of that is lazy booking. Why have a story when you can just make a number one contender's match. My fucking dog could write this bullshit.

What do you think about the Rock not returning this year?

He has no reason to. It wouldn't help him, and associating himself with the sinking ship that is WWE would be a bad idea.
Do you think it will happen?

Probably, because the only person with an ego big enough to think he can fix it on his own is The Rock.
Do you see the Rock holding out until all his specifications are met before he returns?

If not, he should. But it's only going to be a one time deal.
Who would you like to see Rock put over and why?(can be more than one feud)

Himself. Or Christian.

If the Rock only feuds with ONE person who an why?

The Rock should feud with Cena. Those two can shoot on each other. They have legit heat between them. The only way to make WWE interesting again is to have actual stories instead of the bullshit they have now. ECW is far and away the best show WWE puts out every week because there is something to make me care about the feuds and characters. Raw is shit, SD! had a good summer, but once Jeff hardy left, it turned to shit.
Who would want to see shit like that? CM Punk would probably botch something and hurt Dwayne. CM Punk is nowhere near a big enough star, and has nowhere near enough potential to bother The Rock. Are you kidding me?

Let's see who would want that? Maybe the fact that WWE is desperately trying to find replacement wrestlers seeing as how there is a HUGE possibility that Taker, HBK, Batista will be leaving the WWE this year. SO YEAH I DO THINK PEOPLE WOULD WANT CM PUNK TO FACE ROCK. I mean after all, The Rock was once a jobber before he was Rocky Miavia before he was the trail blazin, eye brow raisin, pie eatin, jabroni beatin most electrifying man in sports entertainment in history. And No I don't kid, I don't joke, I don't jest, I am not a fucking clown for your amusement, and no I'm not the batman!

Why would The Rock come back to battle a midcarder who is always going to be a midcarder? This would be akin to asking Harley Race to come onto SNME to event to put Koko B. Ware over.

TO PUT HIM OVER............Oh my god you're worse than that guy who claims Hogan is Greatest (who's actually Bubba the Love Contraceptive). That is what wrestling today is about, a legend puts over a up an comer an that breaks that wrestler out, Hogan did it with Goldberg, again with Edge, again with Rey Mysterio, Bret Hart did it with Austin, Flair did it with Triple H. Now I am not saying that those guys needed it, but it helped solidify their legacies. Now would Harley Race come to give Koko a chance to be put over? Sure if two things happened, 1) it was good for the company and 2) it got him a big check.

Because he doesn't understand wrestling and is nothing but a fan boy for internet sensations?

So I am a fan boy huh? Well lets see since the first thing I ever watched was WCCW in Grand Prairie when I was little, I would go to Trader's Village there on saturday an sundays and meet the wrestlers, I'd watch wrestling live in their stock yards. I've been to Billy Bob's an watched pro-wrestling there. I grew from WCCW to watching WWF an then to WCW an ECW and now to TNA an ROH. But that's right I'm a fan boy, *rolls eyes* internet sensations huh? I know I could out think your ass anyday of the week when it came to wrestling an I know I could put together a better card with better gimmicks and storylines that you could. But once again I'm just a fan boy who is out for internet sensations.............dude you remind me of Cena, and I hate that fucker.

So in closing I have to say this...................To ALL who have posted on this thread an to ALL who have read this thread. THANK YOU for helping get it on the main page of wrestezone that is an honor that I am proud to have gotten.
Let's see who would want that? Maybe the fact that WWE is desperately trying to find replacement wrestlers seeing as how there is a HUGE possibility that Taker, HBK, Batista will be leaving the WWE this year. SO YEAH I DO THINK PEOPLE WOULD WANT CM PUNK TO FACE ROCK.

So people want to see CM Punk vs. The Rock because WWE needs to find replacements?

OK, let's prove you wrong.

1. CM Punk was demoted to the midcard because his schtick only work against Jeff Hardy. Against anyone else, his mic work is boring and repetitive.

2. The common fan does not understand that the WWE needs replacement stars. The common fan wants to see Cena, HHH, and Orton. The show is made for the common fan. There is no outcry to see The Rock vs. CM Punk.

I mean after all, The Rock was once a jobber before he was Rocky Miavia before he was the trail blazin, eye brow raisin, pie eatin, jabroni beatin most electrifying man in sports entertainment in history. And No I don't kid, I don't joke, I don't jest, I am not a fucking clown for your amusement, and no I'm not the batman!

Ummm, huh? First of all, The Rock was jobber, yes. But, he wasn't elevated overnight. Hogan didn't come back to face him because he saw potential. He came back to face him because he saw the potential for dollar signs. Why would The Rock come back for any other reason?

TO PUT HIM OVER............Oh my god you're worse than that guy who claims Hogan is Greatest (who's actually Bubba the Love Contraceptive).

But, still, better than you.

That is what wrestling today is about, a legend puts over a up an comer an that breaks that wrestler out,

Is it? Because I thought it was about good vs. evil and the struggle to overcome the odds. I don't see why internet fans constantly think legends need to put over younger guys. If you and your IWC brethren had their way, there would be no midcard, because every time someone showed any progress, it would be time to push them to the moon. Seriously, your list of people The Rock should put over was terrible. Big Zeke? Come on....
Hogan did it with Goldberg,

Against his will.
again with Edge,

Didn't lose clean, so I don't think that can be considered putting him over.
again with Rey Mysterio,


Bret Hart did it with Austin,

Not really. Hart lost the belt to HBK, who passed the torch to Austin. Hart made Austin passout from the pain of a sharpshooter.

Flair did it with Triple H.

Wrong again. HHH got over with Austin and The Rock. HHH got put over by guys in their prime, not my legends.
Now I am not saying that those guys needed it, but it helped solidify their legacies.

A couple of those would have done more if they actually would have happened.

Now would Harley Race come to give Koko a chance to be put over? Sure if two things happened, 1) it was good for the company and 2) it got him a big check.

I don't even know where to start with you. You missed the analogy and I don't feel like even responding to this nonsense.

So I am a fan boy huh? Well lets see since the first thing I ever watched was WCCW in Grand Prairie when I was little, I would go to Trader's Village there on saturday an sundays and meet the wrestlers, I'd watch wrestling live in their stock yards. I've been to Billy Bob's an watched pro-wrestling there. I grew from WCCW to watching WWF an then to WCW an ECW and now to TNA an ROH. But that's right I'm a fan boy, *rolls eyes* internet sensations huh?

So, let me get this straight, you watch indies, TNA, and ROH...and you're not a typical internet fan. OK.

I know I could out think your ass anyday of the week when it came to wrestling

Which is why you took my entire post and picked out three quotes to take out of context and then give terrible arguments about? Seriously, you have no understanding of wrestling whatsoever.

an I know I could put together a better card with better gimmicks and storylines that you could.

Not if your main event would be The Rock vs. CM Punk, a dream match which does nothing to separate you from generic internet fans.

But once again I'm just a fan boy who is out for internet sensations.............dude you remind me of Cena, and I hate that fucker.

You sound like an IWC stereotype to me. Please, keep telling me how you aren't. And, then...maybe learn some grammar.

So in closing I have to say this...................To ALL who have posted on this thread an to ALL who have read this thread. THANK YOU for helping get it on the main page of wrestezone that is an honor that I am proud to have gotten.

It's not an honor, it's randomly generated. Your original post is terrible, and this is a thread full of people telling you that you are wrong.
Didn't read all posts before writing this so if I just repeated something someone else said ..I guess great minds think alike.
The statement the OP makes is asinine. From what the quotes said I don't get the feeling the the Rock is being completely self serving by any stretch. Read it again if you must. Slowly. The Rock is saying that he wants to come back when it's right and when they have time to really do something special...for the fans. So this is what it means. The Rock has OBLIGATIONS to make a certain number of films. The shooting schedule doesn't revolve around him. In order to be able to come back for either a RAW or a short run his WORK SCHEDULE would have to allow him to do so. ALSO, being that wrestling is hazardous to one's health I'm sure that the production company paying Mr. Johnson would frown upon him doing such activities as it would cost them MILLIONS to rearrange shooting schedules and I'm not even considering the upset to a few hundred other peoples work schedules. He also mentions that he's been talkin to Vinnie Mac discussing storylines. Gee..sounds like the Rock really want to do something good when he does return. Yeah, only if it suits him huh? Stop giving the Rock crap about not coming back. He's done the smart thing and established himself in the movie business. He'll NEVER return full time, period. Stop crying about it and move on. He doesn't owe you, me, nor any other fan a single second in the WWE. End of story.

Now to answer what I think was your question.

I'd love to see Rock go verbally one on one with the Miz. I think if given some loose reigns these two would have our ears glued to the speakers.

Wrestling wise I'd have to go with........well I gotta pick 2. One old and one new.

For an older wrestler I have to go with HBK. I think this match has the potential be amazing. Plus the Rock and HBK feuding would be entertainment gold.

For a newer guy I'd like to see Rock and Swagger. If the Rock can still go that match should be a barn burner.

The Rock would have a field day making fun of Swagger too.
Dwayne Johnson said:
I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldberg to Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle.

If we take this quote from Dwayne Johnson on a normal wrestling related interview, and transform it into a quote from a typical Rock interview, it would instead read:

"The reason The Rock won't let Cena go ONE ON ONE, WITH THE GREAT ONE, is not because The Rock is afraid of Cena, or because The Rock feels he has nothing to prove to John Cena. The fact of the matter is this, The Rock doesn't want to face John Cena because HE ABSOLUTLEY SUCKS!"

There ya go, THE 2nd most popular wrestler of the Attitude Era agrees with the Cena haters, lol.

Personally i wouldn't want to see Rock face anyone below the ME tier, because while I know the Rock would deliver, i don't personally have any faith in any of the new guys to put on a half decent angle. Those who have good matches suck on the mic, and those who are golden stick men seem to only put on a half decent match because they are the heel and can get away with just stomping the guy repeatedly and taunting the crowd.

Plus there's no way Vince would allow Rock to us half of his catchphrases now that the PG era is in full swing.

Candy-ass = gone
Monkey-ass = gone
Poontang Pie = gone
Strudel = gone

While i'd love to see him back, i'd want Attitude Era Rock, not bubble wrapped, squeaky clean, Rock.
It is only natural that the Rock would only come back when it suits him. It is not as if he has anything left to prove to anyone in the wrestling business, he accomplished everything he set out to accomplish during his time in the WWE, and it could be argued that a return could do nothing but tarnish his legend, much as I feel is happening to Bret Hart. The Rock is making more money in films than he ever did with wrestling, and it is an industry which offers him much more steady opportunities, not like wrestling where an injury would see him put down like the old horse that cannot work anymore. The film industry is much steadier and less fluctuating than the wrestling one, and the Rock has a comfortable role now, even if his films are mostly abominable. If he came back he would be doing it for the fans rather than himself, so naturally is should be on his own terms and in a capacity that suits him.

The Rock is still in great shape, with little or no nagging injuries and all the opportunities in the world at his disposal. This means that Vince McMahon has no leverage over him, he cannot hold a big payday over the Rock’s head and compel him to come in, because at this stage Vinnie has no offers to make that the Rock cannot refuse. One of the last appearances that the Rock made was a speech at the hall of fame ceremony, and even then he only appeared because Vince offered to put his father and grandfather into the hall of fame.

The Rock has feuded with some of the best to ever step into the ring, and had a rivalry with Steve Austin that is still considered one of the best of all time. Many wrestlers go through their whole careers without achieving success of this magnitude, but the Rock managed it all in a few short years. He has no reason to go back and put over a mid carder, as this is something that will only benefit the business rather than him personally, and he has shown through past actions that what’s best for business is no longer what drives him. He also has nothing to gain from a feud with Cena, if he is asked to put Cena over then he is just fueling those who say that Cena is better than the Rock. If he were to beat Cena then that is bad for the business overall, so I would imagine that this has not been one of the options offered to him.

There is also the fact that the quality of writing in the WWE is not as good as it was during the Attitude Era. Rock has made his epic promos, had his great feuds and participated in historic and groundbreaking matches. For him to step back into a product that is considered inferior by many to the one he stepped out of, well that would have to have some benefit for him. When Mickey Rourke was supposed to wrestle Chris Jericho his publicity advisors advised him not to, for fear that involving himself with a business not taken seriously could damage his chances of an Academy Award win. While the Rock is probably not in line for many awards for his film roles, he has spent years trying to convert his image from that of a wrestler turned actor to someone who considers acting a vocation. He has a lot more to lose than he does to gain in terms of public perception, so I think that it is reasonable that he holds out until it suits him to make an appearance, unless he decides to return full time, which I do not feel will ever happen.
As found on today January 25th 2010 @ 03:30 PM CST USA.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson appeared on Live Audio Wrestling last night, and the following are excerpts from the interview:

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open. There's so much stuff we can do. We're going to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doing another movie, but after that, we're going to create something special, unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon), whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so I wouldn't rule out going back. If the match was right and we could create something really unique and cool for the fans and for my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldberg to Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If it can be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I do back is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed. I came from a time in the Attitude era where we trail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

"There are a lot of restrictions now on the product, which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see and I know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if in fact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitude time that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infuse things to make it work."

Now before anyone goes and jumps off the lip at me, I got this bit of information from Wrestlezone so I think that it has to be legit.

So. The Rock wants to come in and act as if he's the head writer. Yeah, that's going to end up real well. Might as well write off any chance of the Rock coming back.

Also, anything from Wrestlezone being assumed legit? Lulz.
To think that the Rock would grace us with his presence is an honor..........but only if it benefits him. So what does that mean you ask?

In essence this, NO Rock vs. John Cena at WM26/ NO Rock vs. CM Punk, NO Rock vs. MVP, NO Rock vs. Jack Swagger, NO Rock vs. Big Zeke

How did you get this from what he said?

Now why does this guy on this thread put THE GREAT ONE against these pieces of trailer park trash?

Cena trailer trash? Please.

The Rock going against all but Cena would give them all the rub they need to get over officially as the future of the WWE. While I would LOVE to see Rock beat Cena 1,2,3. It does not need to happen. It's like putting Cena, Triple H, Orton, Batista, and Jericho in a world title match against another one of these guys I have mentioned. It's just crap, we've seen it, it's not new, it's not fresh, and quiet frankly it blows.

You've seen today's Cena going against the Rock of old? When? I sure didn't see Cena taking time out from pushing Swagger or Miz to have a ANGLE WITH THE ROCK.

Now as for The Rock coming back anytime soon, kinda sounds to me like Rocky wouldn't come back anytime soon cause well honestly......the writing sucks as much as the Orton/Triple H/Cena main events do!

Not really. Last Raw was actually rather good.

So as much as I miss the Rock looks like we won't be seeing him anytime soon.......shame too cause the Rock would really liven up the WWE right now. So now it's in your hands as to what you think.......feel free to respond to the following questions.

What do you think about the Rock not returning this year?

Did he say he wasn't? I don't see anywhere he says "I will not come back in the year 2010." You're assuming.

At any rate, whenever he comes back will be a joyous occasion.

Do you think it will happen?

Why the hell not? He can use the money, Raw can use the ratings, and I'm sure Swagger could really benefit from a Rock/Swagger feud. It'd make up for a fucking Santino/Swagger feud, at least. I sincerely doubt even the WWE writers can fuck up Swagger after he gets into the main event because of a feud with the Rock.

Do you see the Rock holding out until all his specifications are met before he returns?

He would. But that doesn't mean Vince is going to budge any more than he already does with the "PG Era." They made gay prison jokes yesterday. I doubt Vince will have much of a problem going a bit further. But if the Rock wants people getting run over by cars and buried alive in cement and siring hand babies, then he'll be out there making another shitty movie.

Who would you like to see Rock put over and why?(can be more than one feud)

Swagger. I've explained above.

If the Rock only feuds with ONE person who an why?

You asked this question above. Swagger. Because he's actually worthwhile, unlike that fucking waste of space Shelton Benjamin.
Hey guys, this is my first post on wrestlezone. I grew up on the Attitude Era and probably stopped watching around the Brock Lesnar/Kurt Angle feud. I've seen a few episodes here and there though.

I'm not sure how well The Rock would work in a watered down PG Era, but I know that The Rock could probably generate buzz with any wrestler he works with, even a mid card wrestler like CM Punk or MVP. Hell, people tuned in to see The Rock even when he was facing guys like Val Venis, X-Pac, Al Snow and The Hurricane.

However, I think a Rock vs Shawn Michaels match would absolutely rock the house (and I can't believe they never faced each other during the Attitude Era), though this might not happen if Shawn Michaels wins the Royal Rumble.

I'd also like to see that triple threat Rock vs Austin vs HHH match that never happened at Survivor Series '99 (another insane WM worthy match that they did not take advantage of during the Attitude Era), though this is much more of a pipe dream.

Rock vs John Cena or Randy Orton? I'm no fan of John Cena or Randy Orton, but it would still be big. I'd also probably be fine if The Rock decided not to wrestle and simply cut some promos; that's the aspect of The Rock that's always been the most innovative anyway. He'd teach these new guys some lessons.
Of course he's gonna come back if it benefits him. He knows he has Vince by the balls when it comes to a return. He doesn't need the WWE. He can go ahead and keep making movies and be set for life. Vince wants him back, the fans want him back, John Cena wants him back so he can wrestle him. He knows he has the leverage here so he's gonna take full advantage of it.
No, it sounds like that The Rock did not like the whole PG thing. The Rock knows that his mic skills are the one that took him to the top and if he comes back in PG era he will have to be really careful to choose his words , he can not say whatever he would like to say. And nowadays wwe script everything even the promos that wrestlers cut in the ring so probly Rock would not like he would be given the script to cut the promo. He is a freestyle man. Rock knows if he is not allowed to cut the promos freely then it would affect to his overall Legacy in wwe so its better not to come back then to come back and ruin yourself.

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