
A lot of times, there is an underlying cause to the depression. It might seem like you are depressed fo no reason at all. You might feel like everything is just fine in your life and that this just comes about for no reason. But there is likely something that is disturbing you on a subconscious level.

I know one thing that helped for me in the past is going to Puerto Rico. I spent a couple weeks there and it was like hitting a refresh button on my life. I came back very positive and energetic. I started accomplishing a lot more, and doing more for the community. Now obviously, if you are unemployed, then going there might be out of the question. But, the concept is to just escape everything. I would wager to guess that you are on your computer everyday. Try going a week without turning your computer on. It could even stem from the fact that you are unemployed. Sometimes the lack of progress can lead to depression.

I'd recommend, going away for a while, and leaving everything behind for a week or two. Maybe go camping, or stay with some friends or family. Get some buddies together and go on a road trip.
Therapy didn't work for me but it could work for you.

1. It sounds like you "took away" a good bit from therapy. Are you sure it didn't help?

2. Sometimes, therapy is only helpful when combined with medications. People bristle at the notion of medications because they don't want to be labeled or a stigma, but there are plenty that work, and it's no different than taking heart medication, cholesterol or diabetes meds.

When I was going through some tough stuff two years ago, I went to therapy AND was on medication. It helped. Keep in mind, I'm a psychologist, so if anyone would qualify under the "Teacher, heal thyself" belief, it's me..

At the end of the day, JGlass is right. Even if it's something you only experience "now and then", most health problems are that way. We are fine with going on meds for diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure because those problems can easily be diagnosed and quantified. Because depression is a disease of the brain, it's not as easy to do so.

It doesn't mean you have any less of a physical problem when you have depression. And to whomever suggested marijuana, it's a terrible idea. Marijuana is generally something that works on a normal brain for anxiety. For one with depression, it can make things WORSE, and there are studies to back that up.

I'd recommend, going away for a while, and leaving everything behind for a week or two. Maybe go camping, or stay with some friends or family. Get some buddies together and go on a road trip.

I hate the "wherever you go, there you are" statement, but it's true in cases such as this. And even if he felt better during the 'week or two' he was gone, it doesn't extinguish the issue when he returns home. And unless he gets help, its bound to creep up again.

A lot of times, there is an underlying cause to the depression. It might seem like you are depressed fo no reason at all. You might feel like everything is just fine in your life and that this just comes about for no reason. But there is likely something that is disturbing you on a subconscious level.
For some people, that's a chemical imbalance in the brain.

I was put on Zoloft for a while. Now it helped with anxiety but not so much the depression.
Zoloft is more an anxiety medication than it is for depression, recent studies have shown. That may explain why.

Although, I've had more then one client who said that "Zoloft is better then blow." Another who went a step further and said, "If it ain't a drug better then blow, I'll suck off a hyena."

No word yet on whether such bestiality has occurred yet, or if he's still happy on the Zoloft.
I'm pretty sure I'm depressed at the moment. I'd ask someone for their opinion on the matter, but that would involve divulging personal information about myself. And that's just not in fashion IMO.
I am pretty sure I am depressed in a Beta male, can't get a girlfriend, overshadowed by my more charming and funnier mates way. Which is ridiculous, because I don't have any mates.
Serious response. I don't think I am depressed, I have ups and downs though, you wont notice because I am fairly quiet and reserved, unless you know me well, in which case you know when I am cool and when I just want to be left alone. Sometimes its nearly unbearable, and people say things like "go outside" thing is, I work outside, and all I want to do is go back to bed, and there is no reason for it, then it goes away and I don't think about it.

Working indoors makes me depressed and angry, I had a job in an office once and I smashed up a computer and got fired for it, I just didn't like the computer. It might've been the environment, some people were okay but there were a lot of brown nosing turds out there, but working outdoors is cool and makes me happy. It was probably the job, though I am much happier outdoors in general.

Recreational drug use and heavy drinking set me back big time, but thats only to be expected, so the few times I do over indulge in the latter, or in the former at all, I can expect one or two days and anxiety and shit, I think that's just normal.

The best way I can describe it, is for 7-8 maybe 9 months a year nothing can bother me, people die and I get sad a bit, but I move on, bad shit happens and I laugh it off, I can laugh anything off, I am feel unstoppable and I feel great, and I am still quiet and reserved, and apparently not boring, then it sours and I go the other way and I don't even want to look at you, though I am still fairly similar on the outside. Though the feelings do vary in their extremes.

Coping technique? Erm, for me, the high points are worth suffering the low ones, I suppose. Oh and release some semen, sex is better but a wank can suffice. Much better than alchohol or narcotics.

I am on a downer now, if I wasn't I'd never have made this post, which I shall regret making in a few weeks, I am sure.
You got a matching pair of shoes for that skirt you're wearing today Miko? ;)

Just fucking with you. I had to get the shot in. I agree with the indoors things. Being stuck inside for 8+ hrs drives me crazy, especially with the nuts that tend to work at most office jobs. Kind of a prick move for them to fire you just over a computer. Not like you assaulted a janitor or anything. What set you off leading to the electronic destruction?
I'm pretty sure I'm depressed at the moment. I'd ask someone for their opinion on the matter, but that would involve divulging personal information about myself. And that's just not in fashion IMO.

If you want to shoot me a PM, I'm happy to talk. I'd also advise you to see a doctor as well.
Frankly I don't know whether to be encouraged or worried by the fact that no one has pointed out that my advice could be lead to the OP doing something illegal. Nobody makes the blues worse than the boys in blue. It certainly would have been easier and more reasonable than just saying it's terrible and hanging a medical degree from Nowhere State University out there for everyone to see.
Can i say it's terrible and hang a medical degree from Indiana University(of Pennsylvania) out there for everyone to see? :shrug:

I'm pretty sure I'm depressed at the moment. I'd ask someone for their opinion on the matter, but that would involve divulging personal information about myself. And that's just not in fashion IMO.

I'm a doctor, you can always ask me. :) And even though its over the internet, Id still be bound by law to keep it confidential.
The worst spell of depression that I experienced in my life was a few months after breaking up with my partner, and eventually realizing how much I loved her upon hearing the news of her marriage from her mouth... and the realization that you can never get that person back.
My friends that knew about it helped a lot in motivating me and keeping me strong; they would be encouraging and giving me reasons to start afresh.

I'd suggest you talk more in real life, to friends, family, random strangers on the bus, avoid interaction with unproductive people (like internet trolls and good-for-nothing pals), read more, work out, do anything to keep yourself busy, and soon the depression- for whatever reason it came, goes away. Depression is worst when you have a load of free time. So try to keep yourself busy as much as possible.
You got a matching pair of shoes for that skirt you're wearing today Miko? ;)

Just fucking with you. I had to get the shot in. I agree with the indoors things. Being stuck inside for 8+ hrs drives me crazy, especially with the nuts that tend to work at most office jobs. Kind of a prick move for them to fire you just over a computer. Not like you assaulted a janitor or anything. What set you off leading to the electronic destruction?

1 shoe, a bottle of vodka and make up running down my face due to crying.

Oh I hated the job anyway, but the thing kept breaking and I reckon it was beyond repair, whatever the technicians say, so when he gave up for the day I took it to the warehouse where most of the cool people worked anyway and smashed it up, some of the office and warehouse staff joined in, but being the beacon of goodwill that I am I took the blame. A lot of us were stressed I think but I had the least to lose.

Not as badass as all that and getting sacked aint smart, but it still makes me chuckle. Like the printer scene in office space, only we were doing it for fun and not a vendetta.
I used to think depression was the worst feeling ever. now though? I wish it would come back. I still have depression, but Anxiety has taken over for the last few months and that's alot worse. (for me anyway)
I have OCD and a lot of the time, negative and upsetting thoughts crawl up in my mind and depress me a lot. I've never gone to a doctor about it but what I tend to do is ignore the random depression. Just remember all the good things you have surrounding yourself and think "what am I even depressed about? I've got ______ and ______, why am I feeling down?" Think about what exactly is bothering you and try to solve it. I know this is corny but try to stay positive and calmly work your way around it. Accept that you have the depression but bear in mind that it's probably just something small your brain is making a big deal of.

Get out as much as you can, visit this site, hang with friends, play Xbox, listen to music that doesn't depress you even more (I've moved on from Rock to Rap) and whatever else that keeps you at rest and helps you forget about the negativity. Sometimes I'll do something productive when I'm down and after half an hour I'll cheer up and my mind will say, "forget about it."
There's you're problem right there. It doesn't matter if you have depression once in a while or everyday: if you have it, you have it, and there are ways to cure it. Depression is a disease just like any other, and there are therapies that can be utilized to help you with it. Not seeking treatment is irresponsible to your own wellbeing.

Exactly. Well said JGlass. Depression is a hard disease to work with. I've been bi polar/manic depressed for 10 years. I ran from it by self medicating, smoking massive amounts of weeds, pills, drugs, and alcohol. Then my life fell upside down. I've sobered up, 2 years now, but the depression was worse. No medicine to ease it. I recently went yo a Dr. after suffering an anxiety attack at work. Scared me to the point of I cannot do this anymore. I needed help. So, I went and received help and I am in the process of seeking more treatment to better myself.

Don't be afraid of what anyone says to you. You're not crazy if you are put on medication. At the end of day you deserve to live a happy life and not be so depressed. Whether it is a day, a week or even a month, you are still depressed. Try seeking a psychiatrist or even counseling for them to see what is wrong with you. All it may need is just getting something off your chest. Seek help, you seem like a good guy just from reading your post. Don't run from it as it will only get worse if you do. I hope everything works out for you, best regards sir.
Feeling shitty for a few days isn't clinical depression. If there's a reason for a low mood, even a week or so of not wanting to get out of bed is totally normal. Break-ups, lay-offs and deaths will put you under for a long while and that happens.

When you feel low, you'd expect to feel sad, but a common reaction in males is an increased irritability or aggression.

However, it's not a bad idea to go seek help if:
*Your eating pattern changes
*Your sleep gets affected
*Things that usually make you happy leave you cold
*You experience persistent thoughts about death
*There is a constant low mood for about a month.
I have depression. I smoke a lot of weed. Sometimes it helps me simply give a fuck, sometimes it makes me happy, but other times, it can put me into a darker place than I've ever been, and give me anxiety attacks like crazy. I think it has something to do with feelings that were repressed due to the depression, that all explode out when THC is present.

(This is pure speculation based on absolutely no study whatsoever, just a guess)
The worst spell of depression that I experienced in my life was a few months after breaking up with my partner, and eventually realizing how much I loved her upon hearing the news of her marriage from her mouth... and the realization that you can never get that person back.My friends that knew about it helped a lot in motivating me and keeping me strong; they would be encouraging and giving me reasons to start afresh.

I'd suggest you talk more in real life, to friends, family, random strangers on the bus, avoid interaction with unproductive people (like internet trolls and good-for-nothing pals), read more, work out, do anything to keep yourself busy, and soon the depression- for whatever reason it came, goes away. Depression is worst when you have a load of free time. So try to keep yourself busy as much as possible.

Don't give up anything is possible! If you really put your mind to it, you can wreck that marriage and steal your woman back!!! Lol. Coco is going to hate me for that.

Disclaimer: Wrecking happy marriages is bad.
First off, sorry to hear that. I've dealt with depression for most of my life and I can honestly say it's the most crippling thing I can imagine and wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Go to your doctor and ask about medication if you haven't already. I'm on Celexa right now and it's working really well. I've also been on Zoloft and Lexapro in the past. I will warn you though that they do seem to lose their effectiveness after a while and you will probably have to ask your doctor about upping the dosage or switching you to another antidepressant.

Exercise. This gives you a natural high and it's far better than laying around, only dwelling on negative thoughts that creep into your head. As much as you probably just want to be alone, it's the best thing for you to get out of the house and do something. Anything, even if it's just taking a walk with your headphones on (make a playlist of upbeat music) or seeing a movie. Whatever gets your mind off the bad shit you're going through. Drawing and painting helps also, if you're remotely artistic. Finishing up a project of any kind that you're proud of will only boost your self esteem. Hope that helps.
You know what dude, the most insensitive thing I can say is "I've been there". Depression is unique for everyone, everyone has their own ways of beating it.

The sad paradox is, suffering is the most potent means of alleviating suffering.

To explain my own experience. I chose a career path in life where I have to be on my game 100% of the time every day, especially on bad days. Those bad days now, working through those is like trying to walk upright through quick sand wearing a full suit of plate armor. People ask me redundant questions, work becomes inexplicably lost, things just don't want to work. I find myself working twice as hard to keep the numbskulls in my career field from failing and dragging my reputation down with them. I've been in my current career field for the last 13 years, 14 years in August, and EVERY time I transfer to a new area or earn a promotion I'm stuck with a boss who can barely tie their own shoes and yet they always feel bold and assertive enough to downplay my contributions.

There's also the fact that I've HAD to let friends and family fail in life, because they had grown too dependent on my generosity to survive at all. I can happily say that they're all better off for it and have paved their own way in this world with their own hard work. Dealing with a friend or family member who you see devolving into a piss poor state of being simply because it's easier to rely on my hard work than to earn their own living, that is a chapter of your life that never goes away.

In your case, it sounds like you're trying to find a way to get your mind to stop putting intrusive thoughts at the forefront of your consciousness. Don't do sleeping pills because those took Heath Ledger from us.

I won't declare that my solutions will obviously work for you, so brace yourself if any of them sound silly.

Water. Drink it. I find that I have less of a problem turning off at night if all I've consumed for the entire day in terms of liquid was water. Beer might work too, but water is a safer habit. It's one of those boring nutrients that ends up making a lot of difference in the long run in terms of your mental well being. I try to get at least six bottles a day.

Indulge in moderate amounts in petty things. I was wrecked with depression one night, so I went out and bought a pack of peanut butter cups.

Be responsibly charitable. Sometimes I would go out to eat and I would see someone sitting by the road with a sign begging for charity, I'd go out of my way to buy a few bags of non-perishable groceries and give them to that individual. Did I teach them how to function and solve their ultimate problem? No, but they're being given a night where they won't starve. I gave them good food that will nourish them and won't go bad right away, if I gave them money I'd have no way of knowing what it was being spent on.

If attempting to ignore your intrusive thoughts fails, try playing into them. Brainstorm a chain of events and run through them. Add instances where you do something clumsy or say something careless, make it more naturalistic than how a typical person dreams of their being a representation of their ego maniacal self image. The reason for doing this is I find that it helps induce dreaming. You don't sell yourself to high or too low to your imagination and you present a series of normal events as a means of initiating a kind of "free imagination". Carl Jung got so deep into the practice that he ended up binging on it and wrote "The Red Book".

Depression isn't something that I can necessarily beat by overcoming symptoms like lack of sleep. I've learned to tolerate it and recognize if it's causing me to be less rational about what decisions I make. I hope this helps, I've found that most people think depression is something as simply as a runny nose or is just an example of whining. It's a very real mental condition and people tend to be insensitive until it creeps up on them.
Yes depression is always worst thing that affect the health and performance very badly.
Follow some good technique to cope with the stress and depression. Yoga and meditation are the best natural remedies to cope with the stress, depression, and other mental illnesses, do these exercises in your routine workout.

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