Song you loved before radio ruined it.


Formerly drewpost, Human Pop Can
Song you loved before radio ruined it.

When I was in 8th grade, I bought Stone Temple Pilots 2nd Album, Purple. I listened to it all summer going into my freshman year of high school and absolutely loved many of the songs on it. While I was drawn in by the 1st single, “Big Empty,” I was pleasantly surprised by the rest of the album.

By far, my favorite song on Purple was “Interstate Love Song.” I rocked this song well into the school year and felt a weird connection to it.

But this song was eventually ruined for me. I remember the first time I heard “Interstate Love Song” on the radio, I was excited. I thought, “Well they finally got one right. This was definitely worth radio play.” And radio play it got.

This song was played and played and played so much that I began to dislike it. To make things even worse, every douche bag in my school now liked this song and sang it or played it every chance it got. The song was done for me.

Yesterday I had my mp3 player on shuffle and “Interstate Love Song” came on. My initial reaction was to skip it, but I didn’t. I listened to the entire song and reminisced about easier times, when all I had to worry about was who liked who, not understanding math homework, and the jv football game.

So my question to you is What Song Did You Absolutely Love Before Radio Ruined It?

^^^^Btw, STP? Great band.

Soundgarden - Burden in My Hand

I remember the first time I heard this. Sitting in my car, waiting as long as possible to go into school, listening to the radio trying to figure out what Soundgarden song this was. I could easily tell it was Chris Cornell but couldn't figure out what the song was. I Bought A-Sides (Soundgarden's Greatest Hits) and found it and while I still really enjoyed it there were better songs imo (Pretty Noose, Ty Cobb, Day I Tried to Live). Anyways for about half the school year this song was on the radio probably every other day. It's still a good song and I'll listen to it if it's on a Soundgarden mix or something but the year of high school I'm thinking about was seven years ago. So it took about that long for me to like the song again.
I've got 2 of them oddly enough from th same band off of the same album.


The 2nd and 3rd Singles off of Greend Day's album American Idiot. My favorite Green Day Album, i bought it the day it came out and listened to it straight through as sson as I got home and these 2 songs were on my list of favorites off the entire Album. The first time i heard them on the radio I was like, cool I don't have to have a CD player everytime i want ot hear these songs that'll make life a bit easier. I took the bus to school every day, it was a long ride and when you hear the same song literally every 10 minutes you start to get the urge to shove a pencil in your ear in order to not have to listen to it anymore (at least i did). Still one of my favorite Albums and while i don't skip these songs that often anymore they fell down close ot the bottom of my list of Album favs and it's all radio's fault. Don't get me wrong they're still good songs but damn these got way overplayed​

I don't even listen to the radio anymore because i don't want my favorite songs tarnished by being overplayed​
For a long time it was "One Last Breath" by Creed. The radio made me so sick of that song a few years back that I refused to listen to it anytime it came on. I like it again now, more than before actually, as the radio is no longer playing it daily. At the time it drove me insane though because I got sick of hearing it every time I got in the car. Funny how the radio playing is meant to get us to like a band more, but the opposite often happens as we get sick of hearing the songs.
The radio has ruined Pink Floyd and The Eagles for me. Every time a turn on a station Hotel California or The Wall is always being played. I used to love those songs but can't stand them anymore. I'm need to make a change to satellite radio or actually get a CD player for my car. Rock stations love to play Pink Floyd to no end.
Rock stations love to play Pink Floyd to no end.

Very true. Every time I go somewhere with my room mate he has his radio on classic rock which is all good and fine but every time Pink Floyd comes on he's like, "Awesome Pink Floyd", and cranks it. One of these days I'm gonna be like it's not awesome anymore. It was awesome the first ten times they came on the first ten times I rode somewhere with you. Now it's just annoying. I love Floyd, but I don't need to hear them every time I'm in the car.
Very true. Every time I go somewhere with my room mate he has his radio on classic rock which is all good and fine but every time Pink Floyd comes on he's like, "Awesome Pink Floyd", and cranks it. One of these days I'm gonna be like it's not awesome anymore. It was awesome the first ten times they came on the first ten times I rode somewhere with you. Now it's just annoying. I love Floyd, but I don't need to hear them every time I'm in the car.

Why the hell not dude? Pink Floyd is one of the reasons why many rock musicians are around today. You don't think Elvis and the Beatles get as much play if not more than them. Not to mention that its not allways the same song. Sure The wall and Numb get alot of the play, but I know my local rock station play alot more that thoes songs.

When you have the number 1 selling album in the world, your entitled to a little bit of overplay. Floyd falls under that catigory for sure. They were great musicians of their day and it goes to show that years later people still really respect the impact that they left on the buisness.
I am gonna go back to my high school days for this one, and roll out 2 songs from when I was about 14 or 15, something like that. I loved both when they came out (infact AAF was my frist gig) but the non-stop repetitive radio play as both songs became commercially popular made me really go off them.

Now, I can listen to either of them no problem (I don't do very often as my musical tastes have changed), but for a few years I reallllly went off them.


Although the Sum 41 video still is awesome, I love the rapping in the store at the start, and how the singer poses after it. Also, shoving Pain For Pleasure at the end as an extra song was genious, I love that track haha. Such a funny video overall, but was SOOOO overplayed on its release it drove up up the fooking wall

A song that's kind of on the same wavelength as "Interstate Love Song" was for me:
I was a big fan of Velvet Revolver back in the day. I loved tunes like "Slither", "She Builds Quick Machines" and even their own cover of "Interstate Love Song" to an extent. But this song was ruined for me by the steady repetition it recieved from my favorite radio station down here. They played it to death. I loved it the first time, even the second time, but once a song is played around six times daily, it loses its touch with me.

Another song that's starting to get that way with me is "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest. It's by far my favorite song in the past decade, but it's getting overplayed like hell here.
In The End- Linkin Park

I thoroughly enjoyed this song the first time I heard it. It was the first Linkin Park song Id heard. The problem was, I couldn't turn the station without it being on. The local rock station, the classic rock station, the alternative rock station, the R &B station, and the "Top Fourty" Station. I vividly remember a time when I was in my car with my girlfriend and a friend, and the song was playing on 3 different stations, at the same time. Even my girlfriend, who rarely listened to the radio, knew the song and was sick of it. Maybe the most overplayed song ever within the time frame it was "new".
Why the hell not dude? Pink Floyd is one of the reasons why many rock musicians are around today. You don't think Elvis and the Beatles get as much play if not more than them. Not to mention that its not allways the same song. Sure The wall and Numb get alot of the play, but I know my local rock station play alot more that thoes songs.

When you have the number 1 selling album in the world, your entitled to a little bit of overplay. Floyd falls under that catigory for sure. They were great musicians of their day and it goes to show that years later people still really respect the impact that they left on the buisness.

It always seems to be "Time", almost every single time, no pun intended. And "Welcome to The Machine." Those two songs. I would welcome other Floyd songs with open arms but it always seems to be those two songs. I don't even hear "Wish You Were Here" or "Comfortably Numb" very often. And every time I hear, "Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day", I want to scream.
To start off, radio completely ruined "Plush" for me by Stone Temple Pilots. First time I heard it I was like this is awesome, heard it on the radio it was cool, but then I heard it literally every single night on the way home. Sometimes it even played twice before I got home and I didnt even live that fucking far away. My goodness.

Another one, well mainly the MAIN one that I cant even listen to to this day is "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence. I first heard the song at No Way Out 2003 as it was the official theme song and their album "Fallen" had just come out. I thought it was great and I watched the movie "Daredevil" which was HORRIBLE, but I loved hearing that song in it, but that song got played to death and thats an understatement, I even just heard that song last night on the radio as well. I have it on my itunes, but I skip it everytime I land on it when it turns to shuffle. Like someone else stated before me, I love how the radio is designed to get us to hear a band and grow on them, but it does the exact opposite. Glad I have that audio output plug in for my ipod in my car :)
Black Sabbath-Sweetleaf
I never really listened to the radio much as a kid so it never really ruined anything for me but as i got older i started listning a little more and they compleately ruined Sabbath for me. Sweetleaf used to be one of my favorite songs but now i can hardly stand to listen to it.
But for some reason if i get burnt out of a song but i listen to a cover instead it seems to temperaraly releave the problem.:confused:
This happened to me not too long ago with the song Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups. I was only a casual fan of theirs until I heard this song, which I loved upon first listen. I even got the album it's from, Swoon, which is great and made me more of a fan. I now have have heard and enjoy most of their work, but that song got overplayed like crazy. I couldn't turn on a rock station without hearing it. The song was pretty much ruined for me. I can now listen to it every once in awhile, but it took me actively avoiding it for most of the year to get to that point.
not really the radio, more like the bogans playing it on the bus with out head phones but Eminem's Not afraid. I liked that song until the day after he released it. Every bus you got on it would play at least twice. I soon got over it very quickly. but the song was played at a friends funeral a few weeks ago so I have started likeing it again.
It's gotta be "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem ft. Rihanna for me. I actually loved that song when the album leaked, like.. 2-3 weeks before it's release? I thought it was real somber, cool hook, good lyrically. Then it hit the airwaves as a single, and BLOODY HELL IT SPREAD EVERYWHERE. Every torn female on Facebook was quoting Rihanna's lyrics and badmouthing their ex-boyfriends on their statuses. I'd hear it on 3-4 different radio stations at the same fucking time, a bunch of girls I worked with had it as their ringtones and kept singing it and playing it on their phones. I now hate the song, and Rihanna. Two birds, one stone?
Pretty much any song I like that has a "hit" element to it, has been ruined. I understand hat everyone else may love it, but it just becomes old to me. I'm all for growing your fanbase, but I usually hear about music a month or so before anyone else. So, it gets a bit ruined.

Recently, it's been anything by B.O.B. Especially "Airplanes" and "Don't Let Me Fall."
I have one like this, and I also have one where the roles were reversed. The radio made it so that I can't stand airplanes. I'm not ashamed to say I thought it was a good song when I first heard it. After the radio played it multiple times in ONE HOUR(sorry about the caps), I got sick of it.
It was reversed with Welcome to the Black Parade. When it was on the radio, I couldn't stand that song. Now that I don't hear it every 10 min., and that I can listen to it when I acually want to, I like it.
OutKast and Modest Mouse are two of my favorite groups, but they've been victims of overexposure. Thanks to the radio, I imagine most of you think of a certain song immediately when you hear about either of these groups.

For OutKast, it's Hey Ya! The perfect pop song. Catchy verses, catchy chorus, infectious beat, everything, and the radio took note. In 2003, when I was first getting into music, this song was everywhere. I'm sure just about everyone on this forum knows every word to this song, if for no other reason than its popularity. It's interesting to note that even though this song came out over 7 years ago, it's still being played. I've never been to a dance where it wasn't one of the most requested songs. And it gets old after a while, like any song.

The other that sticks out in my mind is Float On by Modest Mouse. Released around the same time as Hey Ya!, this dominated the airwaves almost as much. I wasn't a Modest Mouse fan at the time, but I, like so many others, loved this song. At first, anyways. When I bring up that I like Modest Mouse today, people still say "Oh, I love Float On!" It's become a good song in my eyes again, but it was definitely a victim of overexposure back around 2004.

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