What got you into your favourite band?


Fucking Hostile
This is inspired in part by Milenkos recent series of threads, only on a broader scale. The question is simple, what got you into your favourite band? Not necessarily the song that got you into them, although that is an option. It could be that it was also your parents favourite band, it could be that one of your friends recommended them, perhaps you heard them on the radio and loved it.

I'll start with my own story. My favourite band is Guns N' Roses by the way. I got into them through one of my school friends about three or four years ago, I knew a bit about them prior to that but not much, I listened to their more well known songs on radio but they were never my favourite band or anything. Then my friend started incessantly raving about them, so I figured I would finally check them out properly. I went out and bought Appetite For Destruction and it was (and still is) fucking amazing, not a single bad song on it. The rest is history.

I would also say this is what got me into music in general, before this I never had a favourite band or a favourite song, I listened to music on radio and kind of enjoyed it but I never went out of my way to listen to anything. After listening to Appetite for the first time and thoroughly enjoying it it made me want to find more music like it, so I actually started going a bit out of my way and started looking up music that I liked.
My favorite band is Our Lady Peace.

The First song I ever heard by them was Supermans Dead. I owned their Second CD clumsy, got it for my birthday about 11 years or so ago. It was the only CD I owned at the time and the sole reason I even started to listen to music casually. I never really invested anytime into the band after that as I was just still kinda stuck on the CD for a long time. It wasn't until 2002 Where I heard the song Innocent and I fell in love all over again. Since them I went out and purchased every album up until this point. Have heard every song and have followed every bit of news...sadly I have yet to go see them live.

At first It was just that I really like the music. I couldn't follow the lyrics. But after listening to every album it just fascinates me to know the diversity in the band. Not one album sounds alike and I love that fact. Not to mention every album covers a different theme and the music has such diversity it never gets boring. Then theres Raine Maidas Lyrics. His vocals alone are unrivaled in his field and then his lyrics are so full of promise and deep with meaning and at times cryptic. Its just something I can appreciation and I enjoying listening to the music. It can be rough, it can be edgy, it can be smooth and soothing, it can be poppy and bouncy. The music is just so full of rhythm and every instrument balances together in harmony. Everybody brings something to the table and they work together to create in my mind beautiful music.

There are so many reasons I love this band. There genuine and full of heart. Its a combination of all that which got me into this band. If they continue to make music, I will continue to listen.
My favourite band is Kittie. I got into them cause they won my respect. Was watching Conan one night and he said he had this hard rocking all female band on the show later and I rolled my eyes cause back then (1999) any time someone said hard rocking chicks it always ended up being crappy power pop band. They came on later on and blew me away and I've been a fan ever since. Looking back their music then wasn't that great compared to the intensity behind it but they have since become a very accomplished band in their own right and survived a lot of record industry bullshit.
Well I assume by band you are just looking for rock bands. Because as far as a group of people, I mark hard for the Backstreet Boys. And overall I love Biggie, Frank Sinatra, and Chamillionaire above all else. But as far as rock goes...

I love Metallica. The song would be Unforgiven, it is one of my 3 all time favorite songs. But really I just got into them from searching them and browsing their music. I had known songs like Fuel, Unforgiven, Master of Puppets and all that but I never knew who it was. I knew I liked the songs, but I did not know it was them.

Basically I googled, youtubed, all that jazz and after a while I started getting their cds from the library and I fell in love. I am quite a "backwards" fan if you will. My favorite of Metallica is The Black Album, and as a whole their work from then and forward, I even love St. Anger. Their more grungy fast stuff is good too, but I don't like it near as much as their newer stuff from the mentioned album, up until the one they came out with in 2008 I think it was.
My favorite band is Metallica. Before I first heard their music, I knew about them. I've heard their name around before.I first heard them while driving with my dad. He put in the Black album, and I was Fascinated. When I got home, I immediatly jumped on youtube to find more songs. I then went to google to learn the lyrics. Then came the album buying and the dvds. I was hooked after that first time.
There are two groups I want to mention on here. I have two absolute favorite bands. Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. I'll start with Bon Jovi.

Bon Jovi I started listening to in 2005. I usually didn't have time to listen to MTV or VH1 morning music blocks or anything. But one morning I had time to watch music videos and decided to see what type of music videos they were showing. Bon Jovi's Have A Nice Day was playing. I really enjoyed the song but was kind of unsure about the group. I never really listened to them. I didn't know them that well. The only song I recalled of their's was It's My Life which I liked but didn't listen to. I asked around about their music and people said they were okay and that their music was good. So I finally broke and bought their album "Have A Nice Day." I absolutely enjoyed the album. I didn't listen to their old stuff but continued to buy their new music when they came out. "Lost Highway," was next and I enjoyed that album. So I decided to break and buy an older Bon Jovi album with their old school music. Of course it was acoustic but it was still awesome. So I bought another album "Slippery When Wet." That cd was so awesome. They instantly became my favorite band and I didn't look back.

Aerosmith-I'll make this one shorter. Basically when I was younger all I use to listen to was Wrestling Music. So for my birthday I was given an Aerosmith greatest hit cd and that changed my musical world. I had a musical right of passage you might say.
My favorite band is All That Remains. I first heard these guys when they made a video for their song "This Calling". I was instantly hooked on them after that, I bought their best CD to date "The Fall Of Ideals" and it's metalcore at it's finest. It has some of the most stacked tracks I've ever seen on an album. I was kind of upset that ATR was found out by a majority of people through Guitar Hero with their song "Six" being on there.

The thing I love most about this band is Phil's ability to switch between Singing and Screaming. I know thousands of bands do that, but its usually those really crappy "emo" bands where the lead singer can scream but than you hear him or her sing and it sounds like a whiney little 6 year old boy or something. That shit I can't stand. Phil sounds like an actual singer. This band was actually the first real Heavy band I got into besides obvious ones like Metallica. I have every one of their CD's and they make the perfect workout music. Just an all around awesome band and HIGHLY underrated
Oasis are my favourite band.

They have been for about 8 years or so. Obviously, being English I had heard their biggest hits, such as "Wonderwall" and "Don't Look Back In Anger", and liked them, but never really had the urge to try and listen to more of their stuff. I was into nu-metal and rock at the time.

However, my Dad came home one day with the "Definitely Maybe" album, I forget why... and gave it to me. I stuck it on the CD player and immediately fell in love with the band, I heard the song "Supersonic" and from that very first play it became my favourite song of all time, and still is today. Incredible.

I started collecting all the albums, and eventually bought all the singles and vinyls too. With over 150 Oasis tracks on my IPod now...everything they have ever made (including unreleased stuff), my old room at my parents house covered floor to ceiling in Oasis posters, cavanses, tshirts etc...its safe to stay they are still my favourite band. I listen to some songs of theirs most, if not every day.
My favorite band is probably French group Magma. I got into them in early 2007. During this time I was really into weird, experimental bands (still am, but not to the extent I was then). I was also an avid reader of Ground and Sky, a music review site mostly concerned with progressive rock and experimental music. Pretty much all of the reviewers associated with that site, despite their differing musical tastes and backgrounds, raved about Magma. So, I read up more about them and was shocked to learn that they sung in a made-up language. That just sounded stupid to me, but everyone assured that quirk did not affect the quality of the music, which was influenced by Stravinsky, Orff, and John Coltrane. So, I took a chance and bought Mekanik Destructiw Kommandoh,which is considered to be their best album by many. I was hooked immediately and am still an ardent Magma fan to this day. I consider Christian Vander, their leader and main composer, to be the greatest living drummer in the world and it is amazing what he can still do even in his 60s. The man is just primal and his playing and composition seems to encourage his back-up musicians to become musical martial artists just so they can keep up.

I have many of their albums despite expensive import prices and though I've cooled off buying their stuff over the years due to monetary reasons, they are still one of the few bands I'll pay full price for. I don't know what in the fuck they're singing about (judging by the few translations I've read, this is probably to my benefit) but that doesn't stop me from being a card-carrying Magma fanboy. They truly are unlike any band I have ever heard and I have no regrets giving them a chance in my later high school years.
The whole motherfucking album. Hilltop hoods the hard road. listening to the first two albums I was thinking what a typical Australian band. absoloute garbage. Until the first two albums had finished and my mate put on the third. There is not one song on there that I didn't like wich is unusual seeing there is always at least one song I don't like on an album to begin with. This album showed me that there was hope out there for Australian bands... With songs like Audience with the devil and stopping all stations, the lyrics really got to me. ever since then I have liked every song by them.

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