Something You People Don't Know...

It's all about what era was taking place when you really started to get into wrestling. If you grew up on the attitude era then you're going to love it. If you grew up during the golden age with Hogan then that will likely be your favorite era. If you just started watching wrestling recently then you're going to be big on the product now. Every era has its positives and negatives and it's debatable on which era was truly the best. I first started watching wrestling during the WWE's transition from Hogan to the attitude era and WCW's transition to Monday night television with all of the new stars (aka old stars from WWE). While many shit on that era I still enjoy looking back at it because that's what I first watched live and what I first followed on a weekly basis.

I also used to always rent old WWE and occasionally some WCW ppv's as a kid when I started watching wrestling. I would get taken to Blockbuster 2-3 times a month and get a different ppv each time so while I was watching the Hart/Diesel/HBK era as it happened I also saw every single WWE ppv from the first Wrestlemania until the era I was currently watching.

Then as I got a little older I got to witness WCW in their prime and also the Attitude era and enjoyed both of those products. Then the Invasion happened and so on and so forth until now. I feel like it's just the cool thing to do to bash whatever the current product is and try to relive your "glory days" of when you first started watching wrestling. Like I said, no era is perfect and you can find the good and the bad in all of them. Just enjoy whatever good you find because more often then not if you're a big wrestling fan then you will be able to enjoy the product regardless of era.

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