Daniel Bryan? I don't get it...

Stupid, stupid arguments in this thread. Saying he's boring and a mediocre wrestler would work if he wasn't so over. Obviously something is working. He's over because of his indie wrestling, simple as that. That's all you need to be successful, get over. You can't knock the guy or his fans simply because you don't see any reason for his popularity.

You're entitled to your opinion Optimist but this is no different to a Cena bashing thread simply because ''I don't like him, why does everyone else?''. It's silly, you know why he's over but you simply don't like him, that's fine. Some people you like, some you don't. Sometimes there's not always a reason. I don't really like Randy Orton that much and don't really care for him as champ but I certainly know why he's over and why he's liked but for some reason I just don't get it. It's just an opinion with no reasoning.
I don't normally post on here, but you, Optimist Prime, have been one of the most disrespectful posters I have ever read on here. You keep asking people why they like Daniel Bryan, and then you knock down their opinions by saying yours is better because you think differently.

You say your opinion is better because you look at all the factors. Did you ever stop to think that others look at all the factors and decide that some don't matter as much to them as they do to you? Isn't it "common sense" for a person to enjoy and look for what they like and not enjoy and not look for what they don't like?

You say he has a boring name. That's YOUR opinion. I think it's a perfectly okay name. But that's MY opinion.

You say his wrestling attire is boring. That's YOUR opinion. I don't really care about his wrestling attire. To ME, it's a nice change from the flash and the designs of others. My eyes need a break.

You say his moves are mediocre. That is YOUR opinion. I think he has interesting moves, and I appreciate what he does in the ring. I like watching his matches.

And the music. You don't like it. Again, OPINION! At first it threw me off, simply because I hadn't heard classical music in a wrestling ring in a while, but now I enjoy it because it's different. That's my opinion.

I still have no idea what's so great about this guy. And I don't think I ever will

Well there you go. You don't get it. No matter what is said on here, you won't get it.
Some people would say the same thing about the wrestlers you say you like. That doesn't make your opinion or anyone else's better or worse; just different. It's not other posters' job to make you like or even fully understand something they like. You asked why OTHERS liked him and you're not satisfied. It's obvious you won't be satisfied here.
Daniel Bryan is great in the ring. He has already had a great fued in the wwe. He has already had great matches in the wwe. He cuts better promos then say kevin nash (yeah i want you to show me any great promo kevin nash has ever done) . What do you want from him. Do you want him to magically shoot up a foot, and start up nwo 2010. This really is so ridiculous that you are griping about a wrestler who is one of the best in the world. And if you don't want to watch wrestling, you won't be missed.
not really fond of going through 8 pages worth of posts but I'll quickly add my 2 cents. Yes the guy can work, I have not seen him live or really seen much of his pre-WWE but his work on NXT was by far and large incredible.. some of his matches have been very good. Is he worth all of this hype? Probably not, but who outside of Austins or HBKs are?

I'm wondering what WWE is really doing with this guy tho, he's a tremendous wrestler is over and has a nice move set & loving his theme song (big pops) but he basically was owned at Night of Champions before he won the match not to mention really getting his ass handed to him by Sheamus (though the rematch was better). Now it looks like the WWE is going to add some ladies man type gimmick to his arsenal. I just have to question why? Let the guy wrestle, and show off the Mic work he had on NXT.
I really dont understand. Why push a man in a feud with the Miz and make him a big star just to have him lose to Sheamus, two weeks in a row. I like the fact he is now feuding with Dolph Ziggler but everyone knows that is only for BR so where does he go after. Obscurity. Probably.
I don't normally post on here, but you, Optimist Prime, have been one of the most disrespectful posters I have ever read on here. You keep asking people why they like Daniel Bryan, and then you knock down their opinions by saying yours is better because you think differently.

Don't you just keep repeating how everything is just my opinion down below in a way to take any value of my question away...but in the same breath you are able to post your opinion about me personally instead. I don't get it.

You say your opinion is better because you look at all the factors. Did you ever stop to think that others look at all the factors and decide that some don't matter as much to them as they do to you? Isn't it "common sense" for a person to enjoy and look for what they like and not enjoy and not look for what they don't like?

I never said my opinion is better. I said my opinion is more "accurate" because I look at all the factors and weigh them the way they should be weighed - using past wrestlers, matches, and experience. If the others don't value other factors at all...then they simply aren't considering them as a factor! It's that simple! If a teacher is grading a student and solely grades him ONLY on one exam and excludes his class participation, homework, classwork, etc. That doesn't mean that she accurately weighed out all the criteria and graded him accordingly - that simply says that she didn't feel the other criteria were factors that needed to be taken under consideration. Same thing goes for this scenario.

You say he has a boring name. That's YOUR opinion. I think it's a perfectly okay name. But that's MY opinion.

"Daniel Bryan" is a perfectly okay name? So what ISN'T then? I mean these names and wrestling outfits used to be the staple for the jobbers who used to wrestle on Superstars who would already be in the ring once they came back from commercial. It's not just my opinion...I'm basing it on context clues, history, and experience. Although other people are just merely basing it on nothing but their own opinion.

You say his wrestling attire is boring. That's YOUR opinion. I don't really care about his wrestling attire. To ME, it's a nice change from the flash and the designs of others. My eyes need a break.

You say his moves are mediocre. That is YOUR opinion. I think he has interesting moves, and I appreciate what he does in the ring. I like watching his matches.

And the music. You don't like it. Again, OPINION! At first it threw me off, simply because I hadn't heard classical music in a wrestling ring in a while, but now I enjoy it because it's different. That's my opinion.

Ok? But when you combine them all together (boring name, boring attire, boring music, etc.) you get a giant rubberband ball of boredom! And it's not my opinion. Bland clothing is considered "boring" - it's a fact. You can say that you like it all you want...but that just means you like boring things and I guess there's nothing wrong with that. But it certainly doesn't change the FACT that bland clothing and regular bland names are boring. I, on the other hand, don't like boring things...especially when it comes to entertainment.

Well there you go. You don't get it. No matter what is said on here, you won't get it.
Some people would say the same thing about the wrestlers you say you like. That doesn't make your opinion or anyone else's better or worse; just different. It's not other posters' job to make you like or even fully understand something they like. You asked why OTHERS liked him and you're not satisfied. It's obvious you won't be satisfied here.

The difference is, I wouldn't get mad and defensive about it. I would simply lay out the facts (which I have done several times before) and explain (using actual instances, factual information, logic, and reasoning) how I came up with my perspective and usually other people just merely use their opinion based on one dimension of wrestling (in-ring ability) to come up with theirs.

I'm not saying my perspective is right and their's is wrong. I am simply saying that any certain perspective using actual factual information and based on several factors is simply more accurate than a perspective without any factual information and solely based on only one dimension while diregarding several other factors in the mix. THAT is common sense, whether you like it or not.
I think this basically boils down to you not appreciating the quality of matches as much as the quality of build-up and 'big' personalities. From other posts it's clear that you value personality and charisma over in-ring ability. That's fine. Personally, I don't think people like Bryan, Benoit or Guerrero are boring...I was shocked that you said Eddie had little charisma in another post, the guy oozed charisma...they're just more subtle in their approach.

But even if you focus on charisma and personality you can't deny or play down the fact that many can get over because of their in-ring work. Storylines and 'drama' are important, I get that, but the match serves as a crucial part of that story. That's why many appreciate someone like Bryan who is an amazing worker. It's why people go back and watch individual matches on youtube without knowing the backstory.

People can argue whether the build-up to feuds with personality, charisma and mic skills (again I think Bryan is fine in those categories) are more important and other people will argue that in-ring work is more important.

Both these facets of wrestling work together but watch a two hour show with great matches no build-up, no promos and no interviews and you can be entertained for two hours. Watch a two hour show with great promos and mic skills but no wrestling matches and it's a lot harder to be entertained.
Can somebody please tell me what's so special about Daniel Bryan or Brian Daniels or whatever the hell he's called these days?
What's so special you ask??? he can WRESTLE!!! unlike some superstars, he can put on a great match, he could be in a feud with CM Punk which will be AMAZING. i could even see a 5 star match out of these two if WWE gives it time. Daniel Bryan has amazing in-ring skills, his only issue is his size.
Mah two cents...

Bryan Danielson has always had a special type of appeal. Either working as a heel or as a face, he's been that guy that EVERYONE can relate too. From epic uber beard to clean shaven, clean cut technical wrestler, he was ALWAYS able to get over with RoH crowds due to the fact that he's the best technical wrestler in the world. Bar none. No one in Pureso, Japan, Dragongate, WWE, or TNA can even come close to that title. And this is coming from a someone who disliked Danielson for the first 4 years of RoH.

When it comes down to it, he has that "it" factor just like Chris Benoit and can easily transition from role to role. He's easily hated and easily loved depending on how he's pushed. A big reason he got super over during his title reign...minus Nigel and KENTA...is the fact he worked most of the year with a bum shoulder that needed surgery, yet at the time, he really didn't have anyone he could drop the title too...The fact that he still dropped the title to Homicide completely blows my mind.

Danielson also fights EVERYONE. Being paired with the Miz in NXT also helped alot. At the time, Miz was the biggest heel in WWE and still is IMO. It was a perfect pairing that really helped launch Danielson in WWE. Bar none.

He's innovative. He's a breath of fresh air in the WWE after the years of RKO's, Five knuckle shuffles and boom drops.

Did you see his match tonight with Nick Nemeth!?


He made him look good.

Any man that makes Nick Nemeth look good honestly deserves to be in the hall of fame for crying out loud.

So guys come on. Give Danielson the credit he deserves. He did his time in the indy's. He deserved to come to the WWE and he's making the best of his opportunity. That's it.
Mah two cents...

Bryan Danielson has always had a special type of appeal. Either working as a heel or as a face, he's been that guy that EVERYONE can relate too. From epic uber beard to clean shaven, clean cut technical wrestler, he was ALWAYS able to get over with RoH crowds due to the fact that he's the best technical wrestler in the world. Bar none. No one in Pureso, Japan, Dragongate, WWE, or TNA can even come close to that title. And this is coming from a someone who disliked Danielson for the first 4 years of RoH.

When it comes down to it, he has that "it" factor just like Chris Benoit and can easily transition from role to role. He's easily hated and easily loved depending on how he's pushed. A big reason he got super over during his title reign...minus Nigel and KENTA...is the fact he worked most of the year with a bum shoulder that needed surgery, yet at the time, he really didn't have anyone he could drop the title too...The fact that he still dropped the title to Homicide completely blows my mind.

Danielson also fights EVERYONE. Being paired with the Miz in NXT also helped alot. At the time, Miz was the biggest heel in WWE and still is IMO. It was a perfect pairing that really helped launch Danielson in WWE. Bar none.

He's innovative. He's a breath of fresh air in the WWE after the years of RKO's, Five knuckle shuffles and boom drops.

Did you see his match tonight with Nick Nemeth!?


He made him look good.

Any man that makes Nick Nemeth look good honestly deserves to be in the hall of fame for crying out loud.

So guys come on. Give Danielson the credit he deserves. He did his time in the indy's. He deserved to come to the WWE and he's making the best of his opportunity. That's it.

I was waiting for someone to mention Chris Benoit. Benoit always had no personality, but was amazing in the ring. I haven't seen Daniel Bryan's work in the Indies so I can't judge on that. He can wrestle though better than most of the roster the WWE has these days though.
Before Bragging Rights, I completely agreed with this thread. I had never seen any of Bryan's work in the indies, simply because I'm 'mainstream' and all the talk amongst the IWC about Bryan being the best in the world didn't seem to be backed up in the WWE. I thought he was boring, a bit too laid back on the mic and not as entertaining as expected in the ring. Honestly, I thought he was overrated and didn't live up the expectations I had set.

However, after watching Bragging Rights and Raw last night, I completely take it back. Bryan's match with Ziggler was extremely entertaining and pumped the crowd up completely; it truly was the match of the night, quality-wise. I am now converted as a Daniel Bryan mark, since he has proven to me that he really can be an entertaining wrestler. Also, I'm glad he got to show some more of his offense on Raw, that surfboard looking submission was brutal.

I can't wait to see more from him now, something I didn't think I'd say at first.
he could be in a feud with CM Punk which will be AMAZING. i could even see a 5 star match out of these two if WWE gives it time. Daniel Bryan has amazing in-ring skills, his only issue is his size.

I suggested a Punk/DB feud in another thread recently and was glad that Punk came down to do commentary on his match with Ziggler. I personally think that having these two ex-indie stars have a prolonged feud could really be a good way for WWE to remind fans what the second W is all about.
However as Punk seemed to be more complimentary about Bryan, I wondered if he would try and start a second SES stable but maybe putting a slight twist on it in some capacity.

To the OP, it doesn't matter if you get him or not. I don't 'get' the Miz, I don't 'get' Cole's lack of subtlety in commentating ("Orton looks like he's hearing voices!" Hey, that's a line from his song isn't it? Clever boy Cole) and I really don't 'get' why Hornswoggle continues to take up tv time and oxygen. The fact of the matter is, WWE isn't going to care if you 'get' all their superstars or not because you're still watching their programmes for the superstars you DO get.
To quote Optimist Prime

"Can somebody please tell me what's so special about Daniel Bryan or Brian Daniels or whatever the hell he's called these days?

Just when I thought I've seen a mass amount of boring wrestlers work their way into the business...Daniel Bryan comes in. Not that he's more boring than the others...but I just don't understand how some of you fans rate these guys...it's mind boggling.

I mean the guy has a boring name, he wears boring wrestling attire, his moves are mediocre, and he comes out to the theme song from Bonanza??

THIS is what wrestling fans enjoy these days?? The WWE expelled this guy for breaking one of their rules but rushed him back for THIS??

I'm sorry...but I was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and 90's and early 2000's and I continuously try to get back into it recently but then I come across things like this.

When cruiserweights like Rey Mysterio Jr. are winning the world championship title and "Daniel Bryan" is one of the most popular stars in wrestling...I think it's time to retire from watching it and it's time to stop giving it another chance.

But either way...I still have no idea what's so great about this guy. And I don't think I ever will..."

What is great about Daniel Bryan is he is not you typical "wwe superstar" He dos'nt have his own entrance music, Our custom ring gear, And he is'nt jacked up to the hilt like some "wwe superstars" He looks like the everyday common man, Which he once said in a promo that backstage he got asked for his ID three times security did'nt think he was one of the wrestlers. Its little things like that, That has got him over. He has that underdog vibe but not like Spike Dudley or Mickey Whipwreck his is more once he gets going there's no stopping him. If you don't get what he is about try watchin Bryan vs Ziggler from bragging rights or the rematch the next night on raw :)
Did you see his match tonight with Nick Nemeth!?


He made him look good.

Ziggler actually is good. One of the best sellers in WWE, actually. Just using his real name doesn't add some sort of smark credibility to your criticism. :p
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and some like the guy and some don't. I for one enjoy his matches and think that he is held back somewhat by WWE. I dont get to watch ROH in the uk so I cant comment on what he is like there. What I have seen of him from NXT season 1 to now is the only reference I can use to explain why i like him. Firstly, he was my favourite rookie on season 1 due to the fact that even though he did not win any of his matches, every one was talking about his past career in ROH and that Michael Cole hated him. For a Newcomer to WWE, Michael took a severe dislike to him very quickly. That is one reason i like Bryan coz i dont like Cole. Anyone who Cole does not like then I do. He also has beaten the Miz twice to my knowledge and made him tap out which again is quite a feat. He has also won twice over Dolph Ziggler which in my opinion has caterpaulted him up the ranks. Now some superstars use thumping music, Flashing lights and pyro, Dance and sing coming down the ramp or use some other way of getting noticed but Bryan has the ordinary guy image who looks like he is not fit enough to be in the ring as 95% of the fans look like who sit in arenas watching him. That is until he starts wrestling and then you can see that he is at home in there and yet he is not acting better than any fan, in fact he is on a par with them. That is why the fans love him. Just give him a chance to prove that he can be there amongst the likes of the Miz, Big Show, Sheamus and other superstars that people feel belong in the top ranks.:)
I watched a few matches on Youtube before he came in, but never knew much about the indies. I knew names but didn't really follow the program.

Let's make this quite simple - IF you watched the 3-way submissions count anywhere match @ HIAC and watched his match against Ziggler at both BR and Raw... there should be no more questioning this guy's skill. Those were electrifying matches that had the crowd so alive. The thing that intrigues me most about this guy is his ability to make it look so real. Ziggler and DB were just going at it. The kicks looked so real. The moves looked like they hurt. I love the realism they brought. It made me feel wrestling was truly "real" as I did when I was very young. When WWE crowds start chanting "kick his head off" - I'll mark out like a 10 year old at Christmas.

If you want to go into depth - his creativity with submissions, unique/perfect styles when grappling, and his sheer heart to go for the big spot is undeniable. I mean, the first time I saw that surfboard and the cattle mutilation, I nearly shit my pants. That type of creativity is amazing. This guy is the real deal and will continue to put on great matches. Also, read some of his stuff from twitter and you'll empathize with the guy. He puts time/effort into this business. His tweet just awhile back said he was at a grappling seminar for hours and hours just to learn how to do it better. He's a normal guy who is very intelligent. He's not some drama-queen superstar.

If you are just looking for a performer with charisma, the look, and some flashy move - then he won't be your guy. Those type of wrestlers normally don't have long careers anyway because they are a flash in the pan.
Daniel Bryan is just like the Motorcity Machineguns, the WCW Cruiserweights and the X Division. A crowd heater. You put him on the opening fo a card and the crowd will eat it up fast. He's a great technical wrestler for being so small and doesn't have that whole small = underdog methodology. He may not be so attractive on general mic skills, but his awkward approach onscreen really helps cover that up well. If it weren't for his lack of size and WWE firing him , he would be just as high on the card by now as Wade Barrett.
Taking every factor into account when forming an opinion of something definitely does make your opinion more informed. However, WWE is not some kind of exact science experiment where looking at things in this way can only lead to one, indisputable conclusion. In some cases, if one (or more) attribute is outstanding enough, it can more than compensate for any deficiencies.

Take someone like Shelton Benjamin for example. At outstanding athlete and technical wrestler, no doubt. BUT this was not enough to make up for the fact that he has atrocious mic skills, most of the time did not look intense in the ring, and most importantly was never able to establish a connection wih the fans. With Daniel Bryan I feel it's different. He's just about passable on the mic, obviously doesn't have the stereotypically great WWE physique and doesn't have larger than life charisma (although I do think he posesses a smart, understated type of charisma). However, his intensity in the ring, the crispness with which he executes his moves (those kicks look like they seriously hurt) and the fact that he can tell a story in the ring and so draw the crowd into his matches and actually get them to care about what happens all outweigh those drawbacks. Like with most things in life, you measure up the pros and cons - to you the cons obviously outweigh the pros, but many others and myself feel differently. Taking avery factor into account is all well and good, but there is no universal truth as to which of those factors matter most - that is completely subjective.

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