Are you too "old" for wrestling?

I've been a wrestling fan since March 24, 1991(wrestlemania 7) Tommorrow will be exactly 17 years since I started watching. Wrestling isn't as good as it used to be IMO and I am really considering giving it a rest after tomorrow. I may pop in a dvd with old footage every now and then, but I need to give watching the current pruduct a rest.

I think if Vince McMahon brought back ecw and made it like the old with Heyman in charge and everything, wrestling would've been good again. I think a lot of fans stopped watching wrestling after wcw and ecw went under and had ecw been back from how it ended under Vince's budget, it could've been huge and a lot of fans would've came back. Instead he makes it a c-list show and it turns off even more fans than they already turned off with the product.
i personally, am far too old for wrestling. i am too old for a lot of my favorite things, including cap'n crunch and 22 year old women.

i've been a wrestling fan since jim duggan was a rookie. they will take my wrestling television from me when they pry my remote from my cold, dead hands. what's more, i've seen the good, the bad, and the midgets. even at it's worst, the state of the wrestling business was always entertaining.
noone can truly ruin wrestling, it is too good a medium. not satan mcmahon, not satan russo, not eric beelzebub, not anyone.
I don't think you can be too old for anything. This age barrier is just crap. People should watch what entertains them, be it cartoons, or wrestling. It is sad to think that just because you've reached a certain age, you need to change your ways dramatically.

You can never be too old.
I'm 34 now and I've been watching since i was 7......before the Hulk Hogan era. I remember him as Terry "The Hulk" Boulder, before he was just Hulk Hogan. I still watch, but not as religiously as I used to. Really, I don't even care if I miss Monday Night Raw. It's been getting more and more boring lately. I think back to when I was a kid. Starting on Friday nights, I would watch WWE Challenge, then on Sat mornings, Continental Championship Wrestling, Sat afternoon AWA All Star Wrestling, Sat night WCW Sat. Night, Sundays I remember World Class coming on. All those different territories brought different styles and storylines and characters. Now all we have is WWE. I say that because since TNA decided to start copying WWE that makes them WWE Lite. I am also starting to realize that I will get nothing in return. Hell, I can't even take my camera phone into a WWE event because Vince is so worried that a picture might show up on YouTube or something. Who the hell cares? Now WWE is raising the price of PPVs......The only things I order on PPV is WWE and UFC. Why should I pay 50.00 to 60.00 for Wrestlemania? I can just rent it from Net Flicks or buy the Dvd from Best Buy.
I was actually going to go to Wrestlemania this year. Had the tickets in my hand. On the Floor next to the entrance. But then I decided, why go? I can't bring in a poster that is negative toward any of the faces, I can't bring my phone in becuase it has a camera on it. I won't get to meet any of the WWE superstars, and I STILL have to pay 60.00 to watch it when I get home. All this for a stale, boring product? I wouldn't say I'm too old for wrestling. I'd have to say wrestling is too boring for me.
I don;t believe that you can be too old for wrestling at all. Like Becca, and I am sure alot of others (who haven't bothereed posting it), watching wrestling is a week in week out type of thing for me. Although I am new age wrestling fan of the WWE, I hope to be interested in it forever. I want to see the action throughout my whole life, and live entertainment of the WWE. You can never be too old for sports entertainment at all.
You can never be too old to watch wrestling. It is entertainment some people like it some people don't. I know alot of adults who like watching Spongebob and I dont think they are too old to watch it. I am 20 years old almost 21 and have been watching it for close to 16 years and have loved every minute of it. I will probably also continue to watch it until the day I die.

People tell me all the time that its fake. To them I say I don't care. If it entertains me I will continue to watch it.
Nah man cant even be too old to watch wrestling, maybe if wwe cater exclusively to kids i would change the channel but not stop watching. Im 23 going on 24 been watching wrestling since i was 6 and i doubt i will stop watching ever.
I'm only 17 and I have been watching wrestling since I was 11 which isn't that long. But no one can ever get to old for wrestling because they have older wrestlers that appeal to the older adults and they have younger wrestlers for the younger ones.

Also the show has such good entertainment and storylines that it makes a good tv show for all ages to watch. My mom is 48 and she watches it with me to, her favorite wrestler was eddie guerrero (r.I.p) and she loves it!

I will be watching wrestling until imma adult if it doesn't get shut! Wrestling is so amazing to me that when I get out of highschool imma train and maybe one day make it in the wwe and entertain all the fans that tune in to watch the show.
I just think you appreciate it more when you get older, i'm 18 and have been watching regularly since 2000 but a buddy showed me some older stuff so i was like vaguely aware of who people were. When i was first into it i was compelled to like The Rock and Undertaker and all the cool people and didnt really understand the ring psychology, it was all about characters who had cool finishers and were funny or edgy. Now i understand the business better i care less about a character and more about their ring-work, how well they can cut a promo etc.

In 20 years or so there are going to be young people who think Steve Austin and the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are just names of legends but WE will know they were truly amazing so if we grow too old for wrestling then these names may be forgotten. There are people today who dont know how good Ric Flair was for god sakes! Wrestling needs older fans to remember how it used to be and pass it on to the younger fans.
Ive been watching so long i can remember when Val Venis actually won matches lol

all jokes aside, ive been wactching in the range of 17years now since i was about 5, and i turn 23 next month.

you can never be to old for something you enjoy. if you enjoy it watch it, who cares about the opinion of others. is it there life? no. you only get one, so do what you like and what makes you happy. and for me, that means turning the tv on on monday to watch raw, and friday to watch ecw(don't have the station to watch it on tuesday, but it replays on a channel i have on friday) and smackdown. and i go to the ppv's in the theater when i have the chance.

the reason that some feel they are to old for it, is because once a certain age is reached, it seems the wrestling fan is doomed to have the nerd looking persona, which when going threw high school most people try to avoid. and thats when alot of fans tend to die out. or result to watching only in private.

also you get those like said previously who go on about how fake it is. then you could explain the movie analasis, and honestly name me something on tv thats fake.

but its not really even all that fake, just pre planned out story lines, there is real action, real moves (in a sence) and a real chance of injury.

so when it comes to wrestling i'll keep watching cause its something i enjoy, and you only get one chance at life, so go make sure to do all the things you enjoy while you can, no one knows when there times going to be up. why go out faking intrests and avoiding things you truely enjoy?

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