Too old for wrestling...?

ive never seen wrestling as being geared towards kids. I always thought of it as adult entertainment and just loved that i was able to watch it as a kid. I do prefer old school wrestling and think that raw is better now then it has been in the last 7 years
"is it that i grew up watching the best period of wrestling ever, and have since been let down?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA funniest thing ive read in days, i actually laughed out loud. dont take it personally, im just alot older and hearing someone say that is just astounding...but i cant joke on you for it, it is all you know. but i completely disagree, the last ten years have been by far the worst out of my lifetime, and considering the few companies and very limited places left to work as a wrestler today, id say its the worst period ever. and it isnt because im old, its because it sucks. 20 minute back and forth blah blah blah on the mic, terrible stories, etc. worst of all...and i really mean WORST OF the "younger talent" movement. let me explain:

when i was a kid and as far as the late 90's you didnt see 22 year old kids wrestling in wwe. thats where the elite worked. where legends lived. by the time they got to wwe they were stars elsewhere and known and more importantly, they already knew how to wrestle, work a crowd, talk on the mic, etc and he brought with him to the wwe a history, a character and a fanbase whether it be in minnesota or new york or georgia or wherever.

now i have to watch people get thrown on tv before they are ready, then i have to watch them go through their growing pains and learn to get comfortable. i should be seeing that in TNA...not WWE. or at least on NXT but NXT isnt a wrestling show its a ...well i dont know what the fuck it is. not even going to try and describe that mess. my point is by the time these guys are decent enough for me to give them credit or even my attention im already sick of them, i have seen them win 5 out of the countless wwe titles floating around, seen them be a good guy and a bad guy....what else is there to look forward to for the next 5 years in wwe? nothing. which is why i cant get invested in morrison and kofi and swagger and del rios and the nexus slobs...i could go on and on. why do you think people are bored of cena? why is randy orton getting next to no reaction from any crowd? because we have seen them do it all over the years, win titles, do every type of match and now they have been around for 7-8 years they can actually be called veterans now...but who gives a shit? they are wrestling completely inexperienced kids. am i supposed to be excited for the future waiting for cena to pass the torch to alex riley? or yoshi tatsu? i can only imagine how bad the biz will be when the current vets go away and the young guys become the veterans...

nexus was a way for wwe to force young guys down our throat but in the same mocve they hurt their own credibility and now they are scratching their heads wondering why? bring in a group of rookies and a reality show contestant and have them destroy your biggest star, destroy the ring and instill so much fear in the locker room that when nexus attacked, no one came out to help. nor for cena. not for orton. not for taker. not for vince. when you sell your product as the best there is in the world and then script it to get owned by a bunch of rookies, its going to hurt your business for years to come. why should i watch wwe when apparently fcw is the place to watch since they create rookie gods who can step in and own wwe main event superstars.

FCW: Where the Gods play.
That is one of the best posts I have ever seen in my life. As "The Boss" of pro wrestling I don't get impressed very often but that was outstanding!

In truth, there in no way to "out grow" professional wrestling. However, the WWE product (which by their own admission, or should I say insistence) is NOT professional wrestling. I have not been able to enjoy WWE for the better part of a decade. I rarely turn it on these days and even when I do I NEVER watch an entire episode. I just can't stomach it.

What you need to do is find another source to fill your wrestling kick. TNA is one option. Some criticize it as WWE lite, but I find it to be a great product that is not overly scripted and thus incredibly predictable like WWE. Granted they too talk to much but at least it builds to something.

Another (perhaps better) source would be to start watching Independent wrestling (NOT backyard) and see where guys are supposed to develop. Watch and notice which guys stand out and see how future stars are made. See this old school style will give you a better appreciation for the sport. Show up to support your favorites and write about your experiences online and to Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Help get others to realize that WWE is NOT a good representation of pro wrestling and maybe we can get more people to focus on the sport as opposed to the so called "entertainment". I personally am now heavily involved with the Dynamic Wrestling Alliance and it has made me see pro wrestling in a whole new light.

Then one day you will find yourself saying words like sport and competitors (as opposed to "entertainment" and "performers"), belt, championship, strap, gold (as opposed to "title" for EVERYTHING) you will understand why not everyone is supposed to get a push and certainly everyone is not supposed to be champion.

On that day you will be a true wrestling fan as opposed to a WWE mark (not saying you are but just noting the difference) and you will have a new found respect for the sport that so many have love and Vince has tried so hard to destroy in the past decade.
I love MMA because it's everything that Pro Wrestling used to be: 2 guys fighting to see who's the best, titles that actually mean something, sometimes there's a fight to settle a conflict between 2 men, and it's real ! Sports Entertainment looks more like a performance, guys and gals reciting lines, it's not the Pro Wrestling that I grew up with !
Sadly MMA (at least UFC) is also becoming a watered down shell of it's former self. It used to be that guys would fight a tournament and each match would only end when the other said " Quit". There were no rounds, no stopping the bought for cuts. They fought until there was a winner.

Now a days it's all about marketing. As they try to establish "stars" they worry about preserving their marketability and they certainly don't want them hurt. It may be popular right now but if you grew up on the real stuff you'd see the difference.
To old for wrestling at 17? Are you serious?

I'm 22 years old and have been watching wrestling since around late '91/early '92. I've been awed by wrestling since I was 3 years old. So I've grown up with Hogan, Flair, Sting, Macho Man, Luger, Nash, Hall, Undertaker, Mick Foley, The Rock, Austin, Goldberg, Angle, Cena, Orton, Lesnar, and on and on. I've never actually thought to myself, "Hey, I think it's time I give this up because I'm to old and the product isn't as good as it used to be."

True, we don't get the cursing, the blood, the finger gestures, or the feel that anything and everything is possible, however, they do give us more quality in matches then they did during the famed 'Attitude Era'. You have to look at it as changing of the times. When the WWF/E was hot in the late 90's, that was a result of the times in America. We were a very liberal country. Now, we have become a very conservative country and the WWE, among other things, is very reflective of that.

When watching wrestling, you have to be able to suspend belief. Don't over analyze it. It's just entertainment.
wow...still name calling? lol try to grow up just a little.

yeah attack me...if i were you I'd have avoided commenting on how i pointed out your horrible examples too. as for the rest- its just childish rant by another internet tough guy who is angry because his weak points didnt hold weight.

austin, part of the youth movement? lol still cant get over how funny that was...

back on topc: i dont think you can get too old for wrestling. people in the business are older than me and they still love it. tastes just change. after probably 10 years of being a fan you will have seen everything so anything after might start to feel like its losing steam.

^^^and to The Boss above: thanks mate. my points were not hard to understand but for some like Hitman it makes them butt hurt for some reason.
wow...still name calling? lol try to grow up just a little.

yeah attack me...if i were you I'd have avoided commenting on how i pointed out your horrible examples too. as for the rest- its just childish rant by another internet tough guy who is angry because his weak points didnt hold weight.

austin, part of the youth movement? lol still cant get over how funny that was...

back on topc: i dont think you can get too old for wrestling. people in the business are older than me and they still love it. tastes just change. after probably 10 years of being a fan you will have seen everything so anything after might start to feel like its losing steam.

^^^and to The Boss above: thanks mate. my points were not hard to understand but for some like Hitman it makes them butt hurt for some reason.

Never knew having a difference of opinion was "being butt hurt". You have enlightened me to no end, Miyagi.

Fact is, you started your post ripping people, laughing at people, and not making any real point. Then, when somebody points out the flaws in your logic (of which there were many), you get "butt hurt" and go on a tangent, trying to be funny and intimidating.

Nice (not really) attempt but you failed miserably. The problem w/you is that you can't take constructive criticism when you absolutely show through your actions that you should. Seriously, it would only help you become an actual proficient poster.

Oh, who am I kidding. You're too far gone for anything to help at this point. :shrug: Bye bye, kiddie.

I re-iterate my point. You're not getting too old, your tastes are just starting to evolve. You might have other influences in your life and priorities are shifting around based on what's going on. No shame in that. You may even come back to it at some point. Just do what you like, and you'll be a happy camper.
I been watching wrestling since 1978, I remember watching wwf,awa,nwa,& uwa, In the 80's it was wwf, wccw, nwa, & awa, In the 90's it was WWF, wwc,wcw & cmll, And you guest it in the 2000's I'm still watching. I see it as entertainment just like every other sport only difference its script. I think every era I watch had it up's and down's but I do have great memories watching with my grandfather and now my son.
1. In 1978 I was just amaze of the fighting.
2. In the 80's it was the 1st Andre vs Hogan at Shea Stadium (1980),& when hogan beat the Iron sheik at MSG (84).
3. In the 90's Hogan Vs Warrior Mania 6 & NWO (96).
4. In the 2000's Rock vs Hogan, HBK vs Taker (1st) and Vince buying ECW & WCW.

Thanks man...I don't feel so damn old now. I've been watching since '88...and feel like a fuckin grandpa around here.
Never knew having a difference of opinion was "being butt hurt". You have enlightened me to no end, Miyagi.

Fact is, you started your post ripping people, laughing at people, and not making any real point. Then, when somebody points out the flaws in your logic (of which there were many), you get "butt hurt" and go on a tangent, trying to be funny and intimidating.

Nice (not really) attempt but you failed miserably. The problem w/you is that you can't take constructive criticism when you absolutely show through your actions that you should. Seriously, it would only help you become an actual proficient poster.

Oh, who am I kidding. You're too far gone for anything to help at this point. :shrug: Bye bye, kiddie.

I re-iterate my point. You're not getting too old, your tastes are just starting to evolve. You might have other influences in your life and priorities are shifting around based on what's going on. No shame in that. You may even come back to it at some point. Just do what you like, and you'll be a happy camper.

again, completely avoiding how wrong you were and how i pointed it out. your using words here but not saying anything.

i didnt laugh at anyone (i did laugh) and i explained it in the very next sentence which you obviously didnt read. secondly i didnt rip anyone, i dont think anyone used name calling until you came in with your first post. god im glad you posted this lol and not some pm...its good to have everyone read how wrong you are, how you started name calling and then tried to blame me for it lol or how you consider austin part of the 90's youth movement LOL...ill never get over that one.
again, completely avoiding how wrong you were and how i pointed it out. your using words here but not saying anything.

i didnt laugh at anyone (i did laugh) and i explained it in the very next sentence which you obviously didnt read. secondly i didnt rip anyone, i dont think anyone used name calling until you came in with your first post. god im glad you posted this lol and not some pm...its good to have everyone read how wrong you are, how you started name calling and then tried to blame me for it lol or how you consider austin part of the 90's youth movement LOL...ill never get over that one.

Wow, now, not only are you showing your true, troll colors you are making things up. Austin part of the 90's youth movement? :lmao: WTF? Nobody said anything about Austin and a 90's youth movement. You really are talking out of your ass now.

Sigh. Sadly, I can tell you will never have brains, or will never amount to anything on here. So I will continue on my merry way, making quality posts (see the pretty green?), and shaking my head and wonder how people like you could actually be bred and survive. I'd have been certain your parents would have chucked you out the car door first chance they got. Doesn't say much for them. That is all, so move on to the next person, troll guy.

OP: Again, never too old. Tastes change. They'll change again over the course of the years. You'll more than likely end up a fan again in the future. If there's one thing I've noticed as I move forward in life it's that some things you liked as a kid (and even things you didn't like at all) you can end up looking at in a different light when you get older. So don't worry too much about it, just have fun liking what you like and don't let anybody else dictate it.

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