Somebody Convince me to watch the office.

FlexAmerican Dynamite

I hear so many of my friends and people I know talk about this show and how it is so funny but i've seen promos for it and i've never watched it. So im asking somebody who is currently watching it or has seen at least most of the episodes and try to convince me to watch it. Any takers?
No. I have watched both the American and English version of the show and cannot get into it. I just have a hard time find the humor funny. Sure, I like dry humor but this show just isn't that funny. Neither versions of it are. I just think it is really not all that funny in general and trust me I heard the buzz about it too. It was a letdown. I watched it stoned, drunk and sober and yet to find anything special about it. The office to me is just another boring bland show with a decent cast with boring dull jokes. If that is your style of humor then the show is meant for you. Both versions of it. Even the English version is just as boring and it was suppose to be funnier than the American version. You can sometimes find the English version on Cartoon Network on late nights.
So if you dig boring somewhat crude humor then give the show a chance. If not then it isn’t meant for you either. Also I heard the Will Ferrell addition wasn’t as great as it was with Steve Carrel.
I watch it with my dad (Who bear in mind is a 60 Year old Russian immigrant, so as you can imagine he criticizes everything) And I thought that he would hate it because of its not so in your-face comedy, but he loved it. Its Papa Santo approved, Reason enough.
A lot of it is ironic comedy, that appeals to the up-and-coming generation a lot more than it does to generations past. If you can't stand subtle humor, or anti-humor as some like to call it, you're probably not going to be able to get into the Office. Or if you're like me, you'll watch it from the beginning and by the time you're into the second season you'll have adjusted and find it hilarious! I will warn you, the first season can be a bit rough. It's a direct re-make of the British first season, but it's only...six episodes long? So get through that and into the second season, which is the first full-length season and also the first time they get to write their own material and it really becomes their own product.

I like the American version - the British version is even more filled with ironic, subtle comedy. TOo much so for my taste. Anyways, enough warning. You're not dismantling a bomb here, just getting into a really awesome show. Look, if it weren't good enough to appeal to the masses, it wouldn't have lasted so long and done so well in the ratings while in a primetime slot. It is the single reason why Community is failing right now (rival time slot). But you probably don't care about those specifics either...

The Office is all about the characters. The setting is, an office. It's supposed to be based around the mundane, and it's basically about how these ridiculous characters make such a boring setting into a hilarious adventure. All the characters grow on you over time, and it gets to the point where some of the later season episodes get really emotional. My roommate and her sister actually both cried in the episode where two of the main characters got married.... Same with the pregnancy episode, and the birth episode. DOn't get me wrong, it's not cheesy or romantic about 99% of the time, it just has it's "moments" are really heart-felt if you've invested in the characters.

I love it. If you watch through some of it, and at LEAST make it through the second season and still don't like it, fine. It's not for EVERYONE (although it should be). Just give it a chance.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3640332 said:
A lot of it is ironic comedy, that appeals to the up-and-coming generation a lot more than it does to generations past. If you can't stand subtle humor, or anti-humor as some like to call it, you're probably not going to be able to get into the Office. Or if you're like me, you'll watch it from the beginning and by the time you're into the second season you'll have adjusted and find it hilarious! I will warn you, the first season can be a bit rough. It's a direct re-make of the British first season, but it's only...six episodes long? So get through that and into the second season, which is the first full-length season and also the first time they get to write their own material and it really becomes their own product.

I like the American version - the British version is even more filled with ironic, subtle comedy. TOo much so for my taste. Anyways, enough warning. You're not dismantling a bomb here, just getting into a really awesome show. Look, if it weren't good enough to appeal to the masses, it wouldn't have lasted so long and done so well in the ratings while in a primetime slot. It is the single reason why Community is failing right now (rival time slot). But you probably don't care about those specifics either...

The Office is all about the characters. The setting is, an office. It's supposed to be based around the mundane, and it's basically about how these ridiculous characters make such a boring setting into a hilarious adventure. All the characters grow on you over time, and it gets to the point where some of the later season episodes get really emotional. My roommate and her sister actually both cried in the episode where two of the main characters got married.... Same with the pregnancy episode, and the birth episode. DOn't get me wrong, it's not cheesy or romantic about 99% of the time, it just has it's "moments" are really heart-felt if you've invested in the characters.

I love it. If you watch through some of it, and at LEAST make it through the second season and still don't like it, fine. It's not for EVERYONE (although it should be). Just give it a chance.

This is the kind of explanation I was looking for. Don't be afraid to go into the specifics because I can also like to get into the details of television. Anyway this has also gotten me to try to wanna watch Community. To be honest I've have been alittle weary of NBC ever since the new season of SVU started because of the character change. Whitney was just terrible In my opinion and ever since I heard Chelsea handler Is getting her own show that pretty much my breaking point. Thanks green ranger.
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I used to love The Office both the US and British version but don't waste your time on the current seasons. My user name is actually from the show, so obviously I was a big fan but after Season 3 the show went downhill, and the last few seasons are pretty much unwatchable. I still watch them just because I always have but I rarely laugh at anything and the only reason I watch it is because I've watched it from day 1 and I'm stubborn and I keep hoping for it to turn back around but it never does.
I hear so many of my friends and people I know talk about this show and how it is so funny but i've seen promos for it and i've never watched it. So im asking somebody who is currently watching it or has seen at least most of the episodes and try to convince me to watch it. Any takers?

It is hilarious in how it tackles typical stereotypes of working in an office. Some people complain that it isn't as good now that Michael is gone, but Spader has done well in my opinion as the new boss. If you find any hilarity at all in office jokes, you will love this show. If you like randomness, you'll enjoy it. You do not have to have an office background to understand the humor though. It might seem stupid at first, but give it a try for at least two episodes. It took me two to see that it wasn't so dumb, so I watched a few more and by my 4th episode I was hooked. It's one of those shows that's funny BECAUSE of how stupid it is. Give it a try, worst case scenario you still dislike it after watching a few and can move on to another show. You might like it so I highly recomend you try watching some.
The Office is amazing, you have to atleast watch a few episodes. The First season of the US Version isn't all that great, its a short season kind of just leading you into it but from Season 2-7 theyre all imo hilarious. Seasons 2 and 3 are must watch youll be hooked after them. The current Season isn't bad but is nowhere near as good as the show once was.
I used to love The Office both the US and British version but don't waste your time on the current seasons. My user name is actually from the show, so obviously I was a big fan but after Season 3 the show went downhill, and the last few seasons are pretty much unwatchable. I still watch them just because I always have but I rarely laugh at anything and the only reason I watch it is because I've watched it from day 1 and I'm stubborn and I keep hoping for it to turn back around but it never does.

If you're just looking for stupid, mindless episodic comedy than yeah, the first three seasons are brilliant. But in no way are the last few seasons "unwatchable". I'd say last season was the worst, as they were quickly running out of storyline material having concluded every major angle they were working towards. But with Michael Scott leaving and
taking over, I actually think the show got better. It's a different kind of ridiculous comedy - much more subtle. Without Steve Carrell in the picture characters like Andy, Dwight, and Jim really had to step up and be the center of attention. I think it's worked perfectly... Contrary to popular (and by popular I mean this forum section) opinion, I really like the Robert California character. He's insane, but also hilarious. He represents those really awkward, intense moments that the other characters have to try and respond to. And he is 100x better in charge than previous Saber management...

Pam and Jim's wedding episodes, pregnancy episodes, and birth episode are some of the most heart-felt TV I've seen.
At one time this was my favorite show on TV. I've seen every episode at LEAST 3 times. I'll continue to watch the first 5 seasons over and over as I've done with Seinfield, Friends, Scrubs and a few others. However, I have to disagree with Killman (Heel Green Ranger), I think Robert California absolutely blows. I will concede that Jim, Dwight, Darryl and especially Andy have kept the show amusing and worth watching, but it'll never be the same without Michael Scott. Just his mannerisms alone can crack me up at the drop of a hat. I would certainly recommend giving this show a try if you're looking for something to watch. You'll easily be sucked in and the 2nd-5th seasons are absolutely hystarical. After you've watched a few episodes, I'd be very curious for you to post in this thread again and let us all know where you sit regarding it's comedic genius. Enjoy!
The only thing I dislike about the new season is Robert California, I cannot stand him but I do agree that guys like Jim, Dwight and Andy have really stepped up, now if Andy were to leave then I'd probably stop watching the show, that guy is hilarious. (Just remembered when he first joined the show, some of the best episodes I've seen)

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