Some People Are Idiots

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I've just had a call from a girl who works at my shop. She's told me about this bloke who's just given her some abuse because she scratched his car. She's pregnant so it wouldn't have happened to her under normal circumstances, she would have given him shit right back, and won. But anyway, he's given her shit because she scratched his card. Thing is though, dumb shit that he is, parked behind a door. Not only that, but a door with a big fucking sign saying FIRE EXIT. Now what do doors do? They open and they close. But when you open a fire exit from the outside they go one way, that is outwards. What sort of a dumb fuck parks outside of a door anyway, let alone one that only opens outwards?

The man is demanding that she pays for damaged to be fixed. She told him to come in tomorrow and I'll have a check for him. I can't wait.
I've been informed that he's small.

I've done it to somebodys car before. I told them to fuck off as well. But I still bought some paint and sprayed a big fuck off yellow arrow pointing at the Fire Exit sign.
That's all well and good now Jake. I mean, pointing out the big, hardly difficult to notice fluorescent sign after some poor, misinformed person has parked in front of it.

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